IVF/ICSI Support Group


oh wow so early!
ummmmm.... I see.. dont worry... they should know what to do...

I dont think you will have to cancel this is only to surpress your existing hormons to be able to take over with injection hormons... so dont worry too much! If it is too high at the point of when we are doing the Gonal-f then yes... there might be other options..


Thank you. hope i can find the right fit for myself.


Maybe ask the nurse to test your blood whether are there any existences of HCG.
Hi ponytail!
I'm a regular reader of this forum but dun normally post here. Tot I'll say something today to set ur mind at ease.

I was tested E2 for 3x before I'm allow to proceed to stage 2.

Last Fri, my E2 level was 944 (D8 of Lucrin, D34 of my cycle. Yes, I hv very long cycle). I went back on Tues to test again, E2 110 (D12 of Lucrin, spotting already).

But my gynae still want to play safe, so ytday I went to 'donate' blood again (D12 of Lucrin, D2 of AF), and my reading went down to 29.

In a matter of less than a wk, my level went from 944 to 29. Today is my 1st day of stage 2...

Dun feel dishearten, ok? We must press on..
Hi Bliss,
my AF did not turn up for 2 months so doctor gave medicine to induce AF, should be able to start FET quite soon.

Hi Ros,
i also at kk with Dr Loh. Thanks for your prayers.
The first time when I have high E2, Doctor did a scan for me and found some "left over" cysts from the previous month. So I have to stop to take medication to clear the cysts. Not sure if every doctor will do that scan but I feel that it does help to clear doubts. However, when I start a second round of Lucrin, my E2 is high again. So I’m starting on this new protocol. Till today, I still do not know why my E2 is high. But I’m don’t care now bec I’m happily into stage 2. Hazeline is right, youor E2 may go down these 2 days. So don’t think too much, your doctor will decide to do what is right for you.
I’m with Dr E Chua from Thomson TLC. But my IVF centre is CARE paragon. All of my scans are done by my Doctor so far. I’m not sure if CARE allows hubby to view during OR/ER, but my doctor allow hubby to be with me during ET. Both TLC and CARE have got very nice and warm staffs. You can find more info on IVF and CARE: http://www.careivf.net/index2.htm
Went to CARE today for my cycle progress chart. I’m glad I have this chart with you so that I’ll know when I’m going to do what. If everything goes on smoothly, I’ll be having my ET at the end of the month. Anybody around that time? Than we can be cycle buddies.

While I’m at CARE, got a call from my Doctor’s clinic that my FSH result is out. My FSH is 7.5 on Day 2 of AF. I’m glad my FSH went down. My FSH was at 10 in Jan when I was doing SOIUI.
So latest instructions came from my Doctor to reduce my Gonal-F from 300iu to 225iu till she scan me again on Monday. This Gonal-F is tricky. Too low, may not get enough and good follicles. Too high, will be at risk of OHSS. So after discussion yesterday with my doctor, she’ll reduce the dosage from 300iu to 225iu if my FSH is ok and see how I response. If there is a need, than she’ll increase at Day5 of stimulations.
happyever - CARE allows your hubby to be in the room when you are doing ER... before i was knocked out... my hubby went into the room with me.. then, the nurses told my hubby to go do his thing.. and i was injected with GA.. i understand from my hubby that when i was under, after he was done contributing.. he was brought back in, and was in the presence of Dr PT when the retrieval was done.. they will show him the retrieval and eggs collected..
Hi Mel, Bliss, and all Graduate,

I just wnated to check if you experience any crampy feeling during 2ww? Is ur adbominal harden or it is only gradually harden after 2ww?

Thanks for your advise.
i only had slight cramps a few times during 2WW which was not very significant. As I told you before, basically I had no symptoms at all.
Are you feeling all those lately?
hopfully - for me, no crampy feelings.. but as i had a lot of gas.. i often have colic.. it is a little similiar to cramps.. sometimes mild, sometimes bad.. my abdominal area feels a little tight during 2ww.. probably bcos of gas..
hi Bliss & Mel

Thanks for your reply... Yes i have been feeling it on and off over these 2 days. Not very bad but you know it's there.

I m getting worried. So hard to stay positive. It seems so near yet so far. Haizzzzzz...... I just hope all will be well.

Thanks u mummies, take good care....
i am suspected of PCOS , this cycle i have been taking metformin before i start my superfact injections. I am at day 4 past ET and i'm still taking metformin.

((hugs)) so sorry to hear abt your results. Do u do accuputure? heard acc can speed up recovery rate.Maybe u wanna give it a try?

how's ur pregnancy getting on? is it baby girl or boy? keep us updated

good luck to all ladies in 2WW ..hopefully we all graduate this round.

My BT scheduled on next fri. Yes, i will try to stay positive. This 2ww is really the most tedious throughout the whole journey. We have come so far, i really do not want to disappoint my supportive HB.

Thanks Bliss
sue, happyevery - yay ! the clinic said i can start stage 2 tomorrow! tonight i go down to 20 suprefact, tomoro start gonal F with suprefact. when they called i was actually preparing for bad news like having to wait etc, but luckily its good news. yay, 1 hurdle cleared!
I will pray hard for u. Hope to hear your good news next fri.

thanks so much for showing concern. I am in my 8w2d today, still in early stage so dont know the gender of baby yet.
My morning sickness is still as bad, feeling nausea and bloated everyday. And the unusual feeling of hungry feels like gastric pain ever since pregnant.
I must say that I am lucky to have appetite to take plain porridge everyday. This is the only food that I am able to take, I cant take any meat or fish, just some vege. As for fruits or drinks or juices, all taste weird and will bring nausea up. The bitterness on tongue and increased saliva can be quite disturbing.
Anyway, I will wait patiently for the better.

You must rest and eat well this 2WW. Hope to hear you get BFP soon. Pray hard for you.
glad to hear that!
jia you!

your BT is real soon, really hope to hear good news from you!
Will pray for you.

jia you! Hope everything will be smooth for you this time.
hi bliss

i did a hpt 10 minutes ago and it turned up positive. but now i dont know what to make out of the positive because i did a pregnyl booster shot of 1000 units just 2 days ago. I am so so so so so going crazy now. Please pray for me.
I asked the doc to test for autoimmune in kk itself.

where did u get dhea from? Your baby's pic in the blog is very cute, her prayers for a sibling will definitely be answered
Hi tintedsky,

wow!! it sounds great! :D
Btw, how long will the amount of pregnyl stay in the body? If it is safe that it should be out of your body by now, then you should really go ahead and feel very very happy(but not crazy. heehee!)!

I will pray hard for you!

thank you. I am feel much better. i have been doing accu and taking TCM religiously before embarking this cycle. As compared to last time the only improvement I did see are all my follicles are growing well and evenly at the same rate. So the senseh and I thought I will have more this time. I think it come as a shock to me.


It is good that your doc did a regular blood test on your FSH. I did only 1 blood test for FSH which is during my 1st cycle. And when I went for a checkup during 2ww he has the cheek to tell me that it might be my ovarian problem when no blood test is done during my 2nd cycle. What make him so sure? I can even answer him, yes I guess so too. I should have tell him off “how you know when u didn’t even do a blood test for me?” Grief makes me slow I guess.

I think I will quarrel with him when I see him next week.


I went to your blog and I understand that u took wheat grass tablet and DHEA, may I know what brand did you purchase? Reading ur blog make me feel more comforting and courage to move on. Indeed this IVF journey is a marathon that take more than just physical, emotional and financially. I must not be put down now, still more to come and I was thinking if I am defeated now, I am giving up the opportunities to become a mum.
hi ac
i got my dhea from overseas.

hi bliss
i am so going nuts because the the pregnyl may still be in my system. I knew i shouldn't test so early, but i am so weak when it comes to pee stick. I will continue hpt for the next few days to see if it disappears, if it does, means i will be sinking my head and be wallowing in self pity for a while, if it doesnt... means my long awaited BFP has arrived!

pls send me tons tons tons of baby dust!! CATCH CATCH CATCH....

hugs! i am so glad my blog comforts you in anyway. We are all fellow troopers in this baby quest! Lets push on and pray hard.
lots and lots of baby dust to you!!
Stay calm, ok? Seeing you going crazy like that makes me so excited and anxious leh!

Yes, you will get BFP BFP all the way!
Tell your embies to sit tight and stick to you all the way. Aiyo, I am excited for you.
jia you! Positive all the way. Should be BFP la. Positive! Positive!

thanks for your cheering! Hope to graduate soon and join u all at MTB forum.
so hubby can go in during ER right. Think i read somewhere before, r u the one who told me? CARE staff will cheer for u before u start ur ER/ET. So cute.

dont be upset. Think sometime Doctors won't do so many test bec they dont want to waste ur vit M($$). You can request to do if you want. Dont be sad ok, go take some food n fruits that will built up your boby. I heard Vit E is useful for better eggs quality. Can ask ur Doc.

good news for u.So we'll be quite close in our cycle.lets cheer for each other, Jia you!
Bliss & Lina, thanks for the encouragement and prayers.
I will stay Positive.

Tintedsky & Mystyy, jiayou ok??? Good New is coming very soon.

Akachan, Comfort and BlessBB. i remembered your BT is today.... Update us ok?

Ponytail, sue & happy, may u all have a smooth journey ahead too.
It is normal to feel like tat during 2ww. U r welcome to share with us. Good luck to you next fri. Meanwhile, just eat n rest. Read tat white button mushroom is high in iron. Maybe can take some this period of time.
Congradulations few more steps to go!

I hope to be able to go to second stage soon too.. my blood test will be on Monday...... keep my fingers crossed......
sue - i pray for you that your e2 goes down and can go to stage 2 smoothly too
thanks for keeping my spirits up when i was down...

ladies - i finally told my boss and colleagues that i'm going on HL. phew. they took it quite well (or so it seems) cos i promised to work from home and dont overload them...

you know though...... Im kind of scared.. to go to stage 2... more different worries... side effects of gonal-f... I hope my back will hold up.....for the growing eggs...

before that... I just woke up from a nap.. and have a headache and.. soar throat.....uggggggg trying to get rid of it by drinking hot honey lemon tea... dont want to take medication....

my goodness.... you are going to be working from home?.......ummm you are a hard working woman! I admire you

You are very brave in doing the HPT. I really wanted to do it, but DH refused to buy the kit for me, since I am stuck at home.

I asked him again today to buy me one, he refused. Coz err last time I kind of blamed him for being so positive that the first round will work and this time round, he take it easy and keeps to himself. Aiyoh I just wish he comes home with it later today.

You know my soreness has gone down, yesterday's bloatedness is almost gone and been having tummyache I dunno if it's cramp coz I never had AF cramps before. I say tummyache coz after that I had to visit the loo lah. Anyway, the wind is kind of building up in my tummy. Been farting a lot!

When is your BT to be taken?

I am going crazy too...I want to do HPT, DH refused how??? I just want to know to prepare myself whatever the result is. I think should be safe for me to do on Sunday and Monday. Coz my last jab was during the FET itself on 10 Oct. How ah?????
Congrats ponytail on going to stage 2!!..sue dnt worry u'll soon be on stage 2 same with us. Today i went to kk for my stage 2 puregon. iasked the nurse wht was my Estragen level..she said its good 50 n my lining was shedding good 3m..so i asked her why did i not start on puregon earlier why wait till fri..she told me cos my af came on 9/10 and it was just 3 days so she said they wanted me to clear my af then start on puregon therefore Fri was best cos i clear alrdy..so i kinda felt relaxed...

today at kk hubby jab the puregon for me..was scared cos the pen was very big..but actually the needle size is the same as the lucrin needle..ahha..not painful at all n one good thing is no need to check whether got bubbles!!!...my next scan will be next fri. my dose of puregon is 200 units..
Anyone knows how to cure wind/gas during 2ww? Been having bad bouts of it. Could hear the gas quite loud from tummy area. I haven't been missing my meals though. It's getting unbearable with me farting every abt half and hr.
Dear ladies

I'm supposed to start my Lucrin injections on 5 Nov for 2 wks. But received a call from KKIVF today saying that I have to extend my Lucrin to 3 wks as the lab will be closed for a wk. Anyone knows if I were to extend 1 wk, will the success rate be affected or will there be any other effects on my body?
Hi Mystyy,

I have some of those HCG strips bought from bulk purchase. If you want, i can send to u. So you do not need to go out yet can do the test. Heehee, think ur HB will faint if he knows. Let me know if you want me to send.

Is your bloatedness very bad? Actually the best way is to let the gas out naturally. You can try to eat those fried ginger with sesame oil, those kind for confinement lady. It will help you to reduce the gas by making them "consolidate" n come out together.

Msytyy, yes this is getting abit crazy, But let just hang in there n remain POSITIVE.
Let's jia you together with Tindedsky.
Hi everybody!

My BT showed POSITIVE! So happy when it is confirmed. Actually i kind of expected as my OHSS came back. It's a gd sign though but gotten to suffer from it. Extended my MC for good rest.

My beta is 800 plus iu/l. May i know what does this mean?

Akachan & Blessbb,
How about yours? Im sure also BFP right?

Babydust to all.....
Thank you Pleasance,

In that case, I think I should also take. Can I know which hospital you are with and what is your dosage of metformin?

That's so sweet of you! Think will just have to respect DH's wishes this time round, though deep inside I really wanted to do it. Thank you for your kind offer, ya!

My bloatedness is not that bad like after ER-type. Its just that when I drank water, felt full and pee-ed a lot. But bloatedness has gone down now.

Congratulations! Ur wait is finally over! Hope to join you soon!

Mystyy - Yes, let's the past be history. Let us think about the future. It is best we have happy thoughts during this time. 5IUIs??? My goodness!!! Imagine the money. For me after 2 IUIs with pte, I told hubby, we cant keep spending this kind of money for something that is not so certain. So we took a break and here we are now.

I havent started my IVF cycle yet. Went for my first appointment to discuss procedure with Dr today. I wanted to make full use of my 2 months school holiday but then after much discussion and calculation I can't do it in this cycle as I have had unprotected sex with Hubby a few days earlier. Next cycle (November) also out as KKIVF says that my ET might fall during the week that they are close for a week (24th - 30th November). So today I had some ultrasound scan done, blood test for HIV, Hepatitis etc.

Was told to call the Digital Imaging section on my 1st day of next cycle for a saline x-ray, day 2 or 3 to go to KKIVF for blood test (test hormones)...

So many things. I guess I will take one thing at a time. When Dr says I might not be able to do until perhaps next year ( all bcoz Dr is on leave during my ER and ET), I was so upset that I cried. It does help to cry I guess.
