IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hopfully - Just rest well okay. HAve proper meals and make sure you dont do hard work. I am keeping everyone who are in the 2WW in my prayers. I know how torturous this 2 long wait can be. The uncertainty can be a real killer. Although I have not done IVF before but since I started trying for a baby, every month the 2WW is unberable.

Sue - I have been reading your posts. You have provided alot of information for me. It helps truly.

Lina - I notice that there are quite a number of us here who are with KKIVF.

To all who have gone through IVF - Just a question for everyone who has undergone the procedure, what happens if the DR is not around during the ER and ET? Has anyone undergone the same situation. I would really like my Dr to do it and not some junior DR.

fellaine - You are also in KKIVF? That is nice to know. I was at the clinic today. The nurse told me about the clining being close too in the last week of November so no cycle for me in November. I will start on my Lucrin injection in my next cycle Day21.

By the way we can do the Lucrin injection our own right? Coz once again it falls during the one week closure.
Dear Lina, Bless, Babyhopes, happyever
for your well wishes. I feel quite ok today, a day after ER.

Just to update all of you, Prof retrieved 26 follicles, of which 12 have eggs. Out of 12 eggs, 10 are matured. Lab called me today and said that 6 eggs are fertilised. Will know the grade of the embryos tomorrow. I'll do ET on Mon and will be offically in 2ww.

You a teacher too?? I took NPL in July and Nov and utilised HL of 60 days for the months of Aug and Sept. If everything works out, I will take HL, Don't want to take NPL. It's a big hole in the pocket lah.
Mystyy - Yup I am a teacher. Hubby told me to take HL too. He asked me to decide which one more important - Work or Starting a family. Like duh... what a question right? But I have some reservations coz I just ask for transfer. Will get my new school in mid november. Was just wondering how the principal and teachers there will take it. My current school so not pro family u know. My fren just gave birth in September. Then October end of year exam right, she still have to mark the exam scripts. Thats why I am leaving.

Did your principal ask why you take the HL? Do we have to tell them the reason? I plan to take HL at least during the 2WW and if the cycle is successful, maybe until my 8-10 weeks... I am thinking a little bit far. maybe should take a day at a time.
Grace BB - Good luck for your ET on Monday. The number of fertilised eggs look good right? I will keep you in my prayers. May God Bless you and keep you in his warm comfort. Take care ok. Rest well during the 2 WW.

tintedsky - Positive thoughts okay. People say our body will react to how our brain feel and think. SO think positive and I believe your body will react positively too... We are all behind you.
Hi fellaine..u were saying that kkivf will be closed in nov for one week?..when??..i was not informed..will i be affected?..im on stage 2 todae..was there earlier but nurse did not say anyting...

Aniway ladies who have gone thru stage 2..were there any side effects of puregon?..nurse did menton may get bloatedness n sum discomfort. by the way i can start taking the egg white with milk now rite???
Hope & Faith - Can I answer the question on behalf of fellaine... Hehehe... I was there too today. Nurse say I cant do the cycle in November coz they will be close in the last week of November starting from 24th Nov to 30th Nov. I believe it will not affect you thats why the nurse never say anything about it. If you are now in Stage 2 - it will take about 10 - 16 days right. That means somewhere in mid Nov u should be doing ER right?

As for me it will affect my ER and ET (if on short antoganist cycle). So now I will be on the long protocol.
Comfort, Congratulations!!!! I m so happy for you! Please take care now with little one/ones inside you. How long did you extend ur MC? For my case, i dun think i can extend wor. The person covering me seems so overworked and i felt so pai seh already. But it is really gd to extend and rest more. Btw, who is ur doc? Jia you, do update us when you had your 1st scan.

Ros, thanks for your encouragement. Heeeheee, yes, positive thoughts are very important. I will remain as POSITIVE as I can and hopefully i can get back BFP next week. Yes, it's good to take 1 things at a time. For my case, I actually did those Tube (HSG i think) test and HB SA in Feb, dili deli till Sep then I started my whole cycle. Dun worry, mayb your BB wanted to choose his/her birth month. Heeheee

GraceBB, Jia you for ur ET. Welcoming you into 2ww on Mon. : )

Fellaine, I heard of this, extending lucrin, as Doc is on leave from other hospital too. I think this is their standard way to "prolong" the cycle and wait for the doc or lab to be opened before proceeding to 2nd stage. I think some of the patient choose to delay 1 more mth so as not to be affect. As for the effect on body n the outcome ultimately, i m not too sure.

Bliss, Mel, Lina, Happy, Msytyy: I m feeling better already. Thanks for the comforting words and assuranace. Do take care.
tintedsky - dun think too much... I've just read your recent entry on blog... Just wait a little while before trying the hpt.... I've had similiar experience with different hpts.. The lighter and darker lines does not necessary mean anything.. You are in my thoughts... Lots of baby dust and good thoughts your way...
Tinedsky, Your entries touched me alot!. I really admired your courage. How abt testing on Mon or Tue? Jia you and remain Positive.
BlesswBB, HUGZZZ!!! Take good care of ur body now. Who knows, You might be able to get your little one naturally after all these? Jia you, jia you.... Remember, We are always here for you.
Anyone here know whether KK practice short protocol?
I intend to go for fresh cycle again next yr. Wonder can i opt for a short instead of long protocol.
Give a pat on your shoulder you did wonderfully through this IVF... the next one you will be more experienced and know the protocols! a big big hug to you!!

Congradulations!! wow really good numbers!!! yes yes yes! next step is the 2WW. Take good care of your body now and prepare for the ET!

Im still in the learning process trying to understand what my body is going through so that my mind can follow too...... but still much to learn...

think positive!! Look at all the work you have been doing for this!!! Its the mentality!!!

this morning my pounding headache is gone... and did the injection.. having light headedness... like floating.. I guess if I kind of think it feels good then its kind of like.. being high on something......hahahahaha
Two more days to go till my blood test to proceed to stage 2....

a little
for all of us!
Hi Comfort,
congrats, so happy for you, do take care.

Hi BlesswBB,
Hugs...do rest well now and try again.

Hi bliss, comfort and all graduates,
Just a suggestion, do listen to classical music often, there's a radio channel on classical tunes. It helps to calm bb down. Your mood will affect bb directly.

A big hug for you. I know what it feels coz I've been through that before. Please take good care of yourself before you start your next cycle. The key to success which I strongly believe is perserverance and never give up hope. Take care, ya!

Such Ps exists almost every corner of the earth and it was a good choice you made to move on. That's what I did too, though my ex P was nothing like that, I just don't like the way he handles things.

I transferred to my new school in Jan 07. And I told my P from the very beginning that at times, I need to go for medical appointments coz mostly my aptmts are in the pm when I am in that session. I dunno, for me, it's better for me to tell what's going on than keeping it. Morever, have to think too, we are new transfer-ins and if we keep going on HL/MC, it doesn't reflect well. The P is rather understanding, but ever since I changed to pte hospital mid this year and decided to start on IVF, I told her too. I was pretty much reluctant to take NPL, so what I did was I break it up. Since the moment we take HL, we have 60 days to use for HL/MC. So I made use of that. Actually I was rather thick-skinnned everytime I have to call up the school each month just to tell them I am extending my HL/NPL. But so far, they have taken it well. Coz I have been frank with them that there might be a need for me to take longer leave. I was more confident in telling the P abt IVF, coz there's another colleague who is also doing it and is already preggie now.

So when are you planning to start on your IVF? Maybe you want to test the water first at your new sch to see how he/she is like. Or gather some info from others. Coz starting it in the new year, will have lots of staffing implications for the school. But nevertheless, don't let that be a stumbling block for you.

A big hug to you too. I know how it feels too. Meanwhile, take this break before you start next cycle to do the things you set out to do. Like improving health, curling your hair, wine, begin an exercise regime.. etc

Just dont give up... ok?
Happy for you! You must take good care. Your beta is 800 at which day post tranfer? My beta was 866.3 at 15dpt, which was said to be very good. I think yours is very good too.

pls dont be disheartened. Be strong and positive, I am sure you will succeed the next time round. The symptoms might also be caused by the progesterone taken during 2WW. I got all the symptoms too during my 2WW of last failed iui, but still negative. I guess symptoms are not that important.
Please take good care and never give up. You will be blessed with your little ones sooner or later. Hugz...

glad that you are feeling better. Hang in there! Good luck.

thanks for the suggestion.

My nausea was really bad throughout the whole day yesterday. I really cant tahan the heavy nausea last night and took one pill to curb vomitting(prescribed by my doc but was told to take if got vomitting.) and finally had a good sleep last night. But I wasnt vomitting, but really cant stand the nausea, not sure I should take the medicine or not. :p
Blesswbb - A big hug for you. Sorry to hear the news. But don't worry okay. I am sure God has his plans for you. I was told by someone before... God answers your prayers in 3 ways:

(1) He says YES and give what you want straightaway.

(2) He says NO and give you something better.

(3) He says WAIT and give you the best at his own time.

I know many of us here has been waiting but I have faith that our time will come soon.

Stay strong. Remember you always have us around ok. Let your body rest well before you move on.

KK do have the short antoganist cycle. But when I asked for it, my Dr didnt really recommend it. She said compared to the long one, the short one doesnt have as high a success rate. how true I am not sure. I guess it depends on individual. She asked me to take the 6- 8 weeks long protocol. Hope that helps.
i have to think positive ! think positive ! think positive!

Whatever my outcome is.. I just want to tell you all that I feel very blessed to have your company, support and encouraging words.

A huge bear hug for you. My BT is just a few days before yours. I just read your blog and you really have much perserverance and endurance to go through a couple of cycles. Let's be positive, positive, positive! BFPs all the way!
DEAR Blessbb...hugs to you...stay strong and positive. Wat Ros said abt god answering our paryers in 3 ways i find it very true. I am sure God has his own plans for all of us in many diffrent ways. Though at times it is hard to swallow..but remember never give up hope and always have faith...
Ros..yah maybe the nurse did not say anything to me cos i may not be affected...hopefully i wont be affected. Are u starting ur cycle onli next year?..Who is ur Dr?
Tintedsky - I read your entry in your blog. So touching. I am so encouraged by your strength. I wasnt as strong when I failed my IUI the last time. I feel as if you are my Role Model. I believe, you will get what you want when you have Faith in him. My prayers and well wishes are with you. Please update your results soon okay.

By the way, I have also set up a site to record my journey to motherhood but I have been skipping alot.. I always stop writing everytime I met with a failure or obstacles. I will try to be more frequent now that I am gonna start in my new cycle.

My site: http://icequeen-firsttimemum.blogspot.com/
Hi bliss,
would doc have pills to curb nausea? not sure if this medication will have effect if you continue to take when not vomitting.
Mystyy - In my current school, actually they are not so particular about taking leave and all, very understanding actually. So many are on HL for one reason or another. Perhaps bcoz it is a Catholic school. I decided to move on bcoz of the middle management. Many of us had a clash with the Heads. next year, 8 has asked for transfer and 2 resigning. Can you imagine that?

I am actually trying to not take HL after the cycle. I do not want the school to have a poor impression that is why I am trying to do the cycle in December. After much counting, I realise my ER and ET could fall during the 3rd week of december and my Blood Test for pregnancy could fall on 2nd January (first day of school).
I feel this is a feasible solution for me and the school. I am just crossing my fingers and praying.

By the way when is your BT? BFP for you all the way................
Hope & Faith - My Dr at KK is Dr Sadhana. Very nice lady. Very patient with me and my questions. She also explains alot of things in detail. Very accomodating too...

I will start my first Lucrin shot in late November (21 days of my cycle). So we will see how it goes from there. I am praying for the best. You should be moving on to your Stage 2 by then right? All the best to you dear.

Who is your Dr by the way?
Becos of my recurrent OHSS, the doc extended another 7 days MC for me. Im under SF Loh. Are you also under him? Do stay positive, i believe that you will also succeed. Who kws that ur bb/s are already in u?

I read ur blog. I admire ur courage. It make me realised Mothers r really great. Ur bb is cute too.

Sorry to hear that. Be positive. Most importantly is to take well care of ur body.

My beta is 864, also at 15dpt. May i kw what does beta means?

How r you? Didn't c u logging in for sometime. We miss you here

Babydust to all
i'm taking 850mg of metformin.This is also my 1st cycle taking it.

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S !! Take care and rest well. ur beta looks quite high,chances of multiples.*wink* really hope to join u soon.

+ve +ve !! u will make it !!

ur nausea seems bad..r u carrying multiples as well?

Sorry to hear that. ((hugs))

when is ur BT? good luck !!
yes, the medicine is prescribed by Doc Sadhana. She told me to take if I vomit. I will not take it anymore unless so bad like yesterday that I nearly threw out.

the beta shows the hCG level in our body which is produced during the first trimester of pregnancy to help the baby to develop. The beta figures will double every 2 to 3 days and will start to decrease after 1st trimester when the placenta takes over the job of taking care of the fetus. There is a possibility of twins or multiples if the beta is very high at early stage. But this is not for sure too. I remember Mel got a very high beta of 900 plus for her BT and she is having twins and maybe triplets!

Good luck to you. When will your first scan be?

I am having a singleton. Yes, my nausea has been terrible, and sad to say that it has become worse as days go by. Really pray that I can get thru all these very soon.
Tomorrow is my 31st birthday, but I am unable to have any celebration. Well, wanted to go out at noon today but I felt so nausea, weak and giddy that I had to rest in bed for the whole afternoon. I must say my tongue is as bitter as a bitter gourd. Hahaha! My poor husband has been busy whole day to buy ingredients to cook lunch and dinner for me. I am so touched that he has been doing all the cookings everyday even after a long tiring day at work. I couldnt take any outside food and can only take plain porridge. I think I lost a bit of weight.

I keep telling my baby to grow well and allow mummy to eat well and sleep well.
bliss Tan - Hi there...Maybe I am a bit late but here's wishing you CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy. Please take care of yourself. I believe the nausea and giddyness will go away once you reach the later stage of the pregnancy. Pls rest well...

You husband so sweet to cook and look after you. This is the time for you to be pampered. I am sure he doesn't mind as long as you and your baby are doing well...

Sorry I have not read your previous post. How many weeks along are you?
good evening ladies~~

Met up with my husbands cousine who used to practics in England and now in Jakarta... he is a gyanea...

For the first time.. I was able to get straight answers to what I had questions about... ha... it is nice to know some facts...

I now know that the blood test chart with the "range" part was for all women in general... and not only my "range" hahaha so... as Hazeline says... there is no telling to how many eggs I will be getting after penetration...

Yet, he did also tell me.. since we are under supression drugs.. at the beginning our lining is thin.. so the AF should be late or dont come until going to the next stage... he told me I should ask what effects it will have for the next step.

Also, he refrased the risk that I am taking by doing IVF.. at my age.. the success rate or pregnancy is 15% yet.. it is excluding the live birth rate.. and that 85% will fail.. and just have the reality in mind...

oh also asked about the side effect that I am having right now... said its normal........but its getting worse... thank goodness its only 2 more days with this doseage.
Dear Ros,
Thanks for sharing your blog, just to encourage you: I've got a friend who just had a baby boy after 8 years of trying. I'm sure you don't have to wait that long. Anything is possible if you don't give up! Having children is every woman's rights. We will be happy mothers of children.
comfort - congrats ! hope can join you soon

today i just started my stage 2. i thought gonal F is quite easy, but i forgot how it should be done and the needle looked a bit faulty. i panicked. called up the nurses to find out how, cos i only 1 pen. if pen spoilt means very jia luk. but nurse told me dont panic, and pen was actually working ok. so i tried again and it worked. heng..... phew!

sue, happyever, hopeful, hopefaith, comfort - can i ask you what happens if AF is not here? my AF not here and will it affect the eggs or lining or anything? yesterday the nurse told me quite common to either have AF or not during IVF. but just want to be sure cos so many of you ladies have your AF... a bit worried...
Hi Grace BB,

Thanks for letting me know about your friend. Appreciate it very much. Among all my friends who have been married, I am currently the only one without kids yet. Been trying for 4 years, since we first got married. Really wanted to have faith but sometimes it is just so difficult. I am praying it will happen this time around.

Sharing my blog is my way of perhaps getting all ladies who are currently undergoing same procedure together. Perhaps we can share experience and encourage each other.

You please take care of yourself okay.

Welcome on board!
I am presently in my 8w3d.
Yes, I really pray hard that my MS will soon disappear. Actually feeling bad nausea all the time even i am typing now. Sigh...
All the best to you! I am sure your wish will be granted soon.
I had been ttc for 3 years and finally waited for this pregnancy. I am thankful now. I was very disheartened and depressed over the past 3 years too. Those days were difficult, I never forget. So now, no matter how bad my MS is, I will tell myself to endure and bear with it.
I will pray for you too! Jia you!
Bliss Tan,

I hope to come on board your 'train' - MTB train. I believe for us ladies who has been trying for so long, all the difficulties that comes along with the pregnancy that we have been wanting is nothing compared to the torture of the wait.

I guess all of us who have gone through that long lonely road will know how difficult it has been. The roller coaster journey, the ups and downs, we will surely not forget.

Thanks for your prayers but I am not starting my IVF/ICSI cycle this month. have to wait for next month. But it's okay. Must be patient!!!
Dear Ladies,
Thanks for the hugs....really need all the comfort from you ladies. Cried after knowing the result and told myself not to give up. But i'm so afraid of the waiting and disappointment again. I do not know how long more to wait to hv my dream to come true.
Anyone here went thru FET before? How long must i wait for my AF to come? I've stop progestrone since yesterday but my AF still not here.

thanks for the info.
read your blog. May I ask who is the Dr Chen you were seeing? My previous gynae was Dr Chen Chern Yi in Punggol. And my ivf doc and present gynae is also Dr Sadhana.

Please stay positive and hopeful. I feel for you. Your strong will and drive to have your baby will definitely be answered by God. It is a matter of time. All the best and good luck!
Bliss tan,

My Dr who did my IUI was Dr Chen Chern Yi. very nice doctor who understands my need. However, she doesn't do IVF procedure. That was why I am currently with Dr Sadhana in KK.

Does that mean you stay in Punggol too? If it is true, then it is so nice to know I have someone who has gone through what I went through living so nearby.

I am trying to stay positive. But after seeing AF coming in every single month, I began to have my doubts. Especially when you keep reading about teenagers who are not married getting pregnant with ease then either go for abortion or dump it in the rubbish chute. Sad but this is how our world is coming to...

This month no pressure as I am just letting nature take its course. Will start IVF cycle next month onwards...


Sorry to hear about the news, you have tried your best. pls take care and take a break and go for a short trip even. And prepare yourself for your gift that will be coming soon. Jia you!
