IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Maykel,
Im under Dr.SF Loh too. The side effect of puregon varies on each person. Mine, I had headache. Others like catzeye, had bloatedness. But anyway its bearable so dun you worry. My scan did not go well today. The dosage that Dr. Loh prescribed me is too low and Im quite a poor response too. Quite unexpected. So he suggested to abort the IVF and change to IUI for this cycle.

I called my hubby and told him about the scan. He made a call to Dr. Loh to ask for his opinion. Think I may have to abort this IVF program and change to IUI. Dr. Loh is quite surprise of my poor response to stimulation. He thought that since Im still young, he would give me lower dosage, same mistake as Prof SC Ng, but at least with Prof Ng its not too late to increase dosage since I always went for scan every 3-4 days. Dr. Loh said that due to my poor response he should have given me 400IU same dosage as you. He would like to see at least 10 eggs but then I only had 5 eggs provided that the u/s technician do it correctly. Have started to calm down now. May be its God's will and have to accept it. Saturday I will go for another scan. If not reaching 10, will just go for IUI instead.

Hi Marlenna,
Glad the spottings have nearly gone. What a relief. Dun you worry too much Marlenna and rest well. My scan did not go well today. May have to abort it and change to IUI. Dr. Loh prescribed too low dosage for me and its not his fault since he thought Im still young, Hehehehe Im young outside but old inside. Anyway 5 eggs not enuf he said, he wanted to see at least 10. So probably will just go for IUI. Who knows I will succeed.
hi merlenna,

glad that the spotting has almost gone. You take care and rest well and hope to hear a good news from you soon.

Hi Imel,

Nice meeting you just now. I was contemplating to say hi but after they called out your name then I just pull my guts to introduce myself. Do not despair...you are indeed young. Who knows miracles happen for both of us this Saturday. Anyway, we only need an egg to succeed into a pregnancy. For now all we need are prayers for it to happen...Hope you need not need to abort since you have gone to this far.

Dear all,

Since I am having a single ovary, I did not actually have too much hope to have too many eggs. The nurse previously did say that to have 5-6 eggs would be good enough. Today after the scan the doctor in-charge read out to me the size and number of eggs I have. Luckily I realised on time that they have done a slight mistake. The doctor told me I have only 4 eggs on my left and 1 egg on my right which I know i should not have since the ovary has been removed 2 years back. He then do the scan personally to check. Luckily he did it and found an additional eggs. All in all I have 6 but most likely 1 of it could be a cyst. Now my dosage has been increased to 600iu, will do the scan this Saturday.
To all,

Since this morning incident I wish to advise and share with all of you its good to know your medical records & history well enough before accepting the prescription or diagnose. So far I noticed I have to keep reminding every doctor & u/s technicians about my problems. They do not seems to highlight or even read through my previous medical records which I always think they would. I don't blame them cause I know they have thousands others in their records...
Hi Yin,

Don't worry, perhaps your body has been adjusted to the hormone medication thats why it is not that bloated. Different body has different reaction. Anyway mine has subside too since yesterday. And today after the scan I have to increase my dose to 600iu for another 2 days. Hope there will not be an adverse reaction.
Hi Grace,
Welcome here.Just hope the govt will have gd benefits to encourage people to have more children.All the best to u first.

Hi Merlenna,
Glad to hear that u r alright now.Fm what u describe,seem like u have high chance of postive result.Meanwhile,try to rest if u have time & dun overworked yrself.

Hi babydust2,
How r u now?

Hi Catzeye & yin & those in second stage,
all the best to u all.Wish all of your eggs will grows bigger & more.
Catzeye,saw a boy sitting at KKIVF,guess must be yr boy.I am there too for my bloodtest aft ET.Bring my boy there too but he is happily taking his mac breakfast w his daddy.

Hi mala,
most importantly is u dun give up,u will have your bb soon.That is what we want & that is the will power.

Hi Joan,
Yes,i am w Dr Loh at KKIVF.Comparing w others gynae,KK is still cheaper maybe in the sense that u no need to pay so many consulation cos most of the time is the nurse who assist u.So far,I spent abt $1K+ to $2K.

Hi Maykel,
Welcome!Understand how u feel,cos many of us also face the same problem w countless people asking.All the best to u.

Hi Imel,
dun worry,think Dr Loh will know what is best for u.Maybe u will success in IUI.Hope yr eggs will speed up these few days.Jia You!

Today is my first scan aft my ET & is my 7th of my 2WW.I am still very bloated,is so uncomfortable.I have bought the ensure milk but dun dare to make,very scare it has very milky taste.Now tend to look for soupy food,salad but not rice.It will make me very bloated & is pain when walking.Really hope is will goes off soon.
Hi Chua Family,

Yes indeed thats him...busy playing with PSP that when I enter for my 2nd scan he thought I have left him there. He even went to the nurse counter saying that his mummy is gone. Lucky, never cry. Heheee...
Hi Catzeye,
Nice to meet you too. Just now when I was sitting down, Im not sure whether you are the one coz you only mention of bringing your son but never mention bringing your husband. Catzeye, most likely I will just abort the IVF program. Feeling no point of only be able to retrieve 5 and plus the process of ER and ET is tedious and expensive. May as well I abort it and go for IUI instead. At least I still can make use of the injections process and go for IUI, so my effort is not totally wasted.
Sigh...had told Dr. Loh about the problem that I encountered with previous doc, seems he didn't take notice of that. I may look young outside, but old inside. Anyway, though Dr. Loh do mention before that the chances of us getting success with IUI is low due to my partial block tube and my husband low morphology, still we never really try the IUI. Well at this moment I will just concentrate on IUI.
Hi Chua family2003

Thanks for your encouragement. All the best to you too.

Hi Merlenna

Hang in there! I have a good feeling that yours will turn out positive.

Hi Imel

It's good that you are positive. All the best to you.
Hi Chua family,
Thanks for your comfort. Im ok now and already accepting it. Dr. Loh mentioned that the egg cannot increase in number, can only increase in size for this 2 days. Im ok with IUI, since I never really try IUI before. Im still having positive thoughts that may be with IUI I will success. Good luck with your scan, and jia you!!
Hi Imel,

Since you mention this I will have the same problem as you too since I have only 5 eggs too. Anyway after retrieving maybe 1 or to will be of a good size then I am not sure if others i could use for FET. The sizes are kindda small too ranging from 7 - 11. Whereas the 15 they suspect could be a cyst. I have been trying to email Dr Loh about my concerns past few days but he does not seems to reply. Earlier on I saw him but he was in a rush so did not have a chance to raise my concern. I just email him again hope today he will reply.
HI all,
Just to let you all know, it's a defininte neagtive. Did my blood test today. Will be stopping my meds now and maybe retry in September.
All the best to those in 2ww now. Hope better luck for you all.
good to know that your spotting stopped. don't worry too much k! i had spotting too, somemore when it's near my menses date so i die2 thought my menses coming but luckily it's just old blood from the embryos.

i'm looking forward to any new additional incentives by the gov too! so all must continue to jia yoh ya!

i just went for my scan, now i'm at 9weeks. all 3 babies are growing nicely and i can see the heads too! very happy and excited. hope to see more in 2wks time and it'd be end of my 1st tri so i can put on weight. i've lost 2kg due to the poor appetite and all.
Hi babydust

Hugz! Don't lose hope. Continue to be positive.

Hi Miss Hae

So glad to know that you are doing well.Take care!
hi babydust,
dont give up and be positive..jia you

hi merlenna,
good luck for your bloodtest tmr.
Dear all

Being advised by doc to go for IVF. Can anyone advise me on the process and also the number of days I need to go on MC?
Thanks Chua family for your wishes.

hi catzeye,
Like you, my left ovary is damaged. So to hv one egg from it is very good already. Tat's y my doc is only expected 4-5 eggs even thou at 400iu. i will hv a scan tom and see how many eggs i will have and if i need to increase my dosage. just curious, how much is kk charging you for puregon? is the price standardised?

Hi imel, i have gone thru the same situation. my previous attempt was also changed to iui due to poor response. thou my FSH is normal, abt 4-5, my body just do not response to the drug at all. dun worry, you might even strike multiples with 5 eggs for iui.

hi babydust,
Hugz! dont give up..
Hi Yin,
I think should be a standard price for medication right? I bought mine ard $205 for the 300iu. Today my dose was increased to 600iu. It seems that I have a little bit more pulling pain every now and then hope by Saturday the responds will be a positive one.
Hi Babydust2,
dun despair,so long u still have the determination,u will success.Take care of yrself to prepare for your next try.

Hi Ms hae,
Great to hear that u & your darlings r all well.So happy for u.Is very exciting each time u go for your scan,they grow so fast & that the only way to see them.Just enjoy yr pregnancy now.

Hi catzeye,
I should have read yr post yesterday night,if not I will say hi to u.

Hi Imel,
just give it a try first.Just relaxed & dun think too much.
Chua Family,
Hehe...we sure bump into each other again. I will be going for another scan this Saturday. Next time you see me say hi ok...
Miss Hae,

Wow...its good to hear your babies are doing great. Its always an event to look forward for..When the time to see the gender will be more fulfiling... I think it will be good if I can lose weight like you before putting on again.
Hi babydust2
Dun lose hope...Have a good rest b4 ur next treatment.

Hi Miss Hae
Time flies,u r already in ur 9 wks preggie. It must be so excited each time u go for ur scan,isn't it? I'm looking forward for my 1st scan in 4th Aug..

Hi Nicole G and Grace Bey
Am also looking forward for more baby incentives from the gov. since they want more birth rate from us...hehe

Hi Merlenna
It's really good to see that you have positive thinking. U will get a positive result, dun worry. Good luck,ya!

Hi Imel
Maybe that's a sign that u might just get lucky with just IUI? All the best.

Hi Chua Family
Soon ur 2ww will be over,stay positive,ya!

Hi babywee
Nx week is ur 1st scan,ya? Excited? Mine a wk later than urs,now also looking forward till that day. Will see if Im really expecting twin or not..
Hi babywee
Tried to send u a msg but u dun accept PM :p
Anyway,wanna let u know of a forum that u might be interested to go ...
hi gals

wow, this thread sure move so fast, difficult to keep track on who is at which stage at this point in time.

my concentration is shot to bits...it's now 8dpt (8 days past transfer)..chua family...u're just a day after me right - why do you need to go back for scan?

is it too early to test?

i found this daily chart of embroyo growth , thought it's useful to share.

2 Day embroyo at transfer time (4 cell):

1dpt (day past transfer) - Embryo is growing and developing
2dpt - Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt - Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt - Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt - Implantation begins as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt - Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt - Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
8dpt - Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt - More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt - More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt - HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

Most Hpt strips can detect as low at 25 miu of HCG hormones

As for blood test, one can test as soon as as 8dpt as it's more sensitive than HPTs.

As long as HCG levels double every 2 days, the pregnancy is a viable one.
I'll try to look around for the Ensure milk. Does it taste good? The milk taste strong? I can't take milk with strong taste. The only milk I can take is HL.
Hi Babydust,
Continue trying. Your try in Sept will be subsidised
Yeah? Just wait for goodies from the govt.

Dear all,
Btw, how long must one wait before going for a second attempt?
Hi littlebee,
dun worri there is no milk taste. It comes in choc, vanilla and strawberry. The choc taste like milkshake if u put it in shaker and mix with cold water. I tried vanilla, personally it taste better than HL. Taste more like ice cream. Serve best cold.
it's best to rest for about 1-3 months, let your body heal and rest properly before embarking again on IVF. i was advised to do so but i only went on my 2nd attempt in april. there was a gap of about 6months.

you'll be excited for your 1st scan too! i think every scan also i'll be excited. haha!

i actually don't intend to lose weight. it's just that since i don't have any morning sickness or any form of reaction towards the twice weekly jab, i'm down with poor appetite and sudden smells cause nausea. but my gynae says it's normal to lose weight in the 1st tri.

ensure milk is nice. nicer than egg whites.
i like the strawberry.
oh my god, the thread is moving so fast!! my pc down at home and in one day, i'm scrolling so much! hahaha..

hi imel,
yeah spotting comes and goes. so far its been light brown and pinkish. just stains my pantyliner.. but still, nurse told me take it easy. since i'm teaching, don't stand.. instead must sit.. so i sit on the table in class.. at least taller than the kids still ah.. hehe.. and told me to refrain from too much walking.. had to control myself there, coz in the past i'm the sort who walks alot.. haha.. have faith, there imel, hopefully, you'd still get to go on with a process that helps your body..

hi catzeye,
not totally gone. comes and goes. sometimes there, sometimes gone.. hehe.. like chipsmore cookies.. haha.. ok, bad analogy!

hi chua_family, mala, emma,
thanks for the positive vibes. i hope so too..3 more days of progesterone jab. all jabs end this sunday! yay!

hi miss hae,
yeah, you're right! my spotting started sometime around AF should begin! phew! you gave me a sense of relief. 14 days after ET right? hehe..aww, i love you scan stories. gives me encouragement. so fast already 9 week? must be so fun right seeing them?

hi babywee,
my bloodtest not today. its on monday the 28th. hehe.. so good luck to me then!

hi babydust,
so sorry to hear that. rest yourself now. you can begin after you get that good amount of recuperation and recovery.. don't lose faith k?

hi babymaking,
looking at the chart you put out, actually, i should be able to test. hehe.. but, resist, i must! hehe.. shall wait til monday..

hi littlebee,
the Ensure milk is good. it doesn't taste too much of the milk. I love HL milk too. don't worry, i think you can take it. just dilute it if you don't like it to be too thick. its very tasty. i agree with catzeye and miss hae, it taste like ice cream! hehe.. yummm.. i love the chocolate!
eh, miss hae n catzeye,

i think ah, we should get some commission or incentive from Ensure you know.. haha promoting their product for free! hahahaha..
hi emma,
yes, my scanning is next tue..excited + worried..i have activiated the pm function and you may want to send me the link

hi merlenna,
ohh ok
good luck and keep us posted of the result.
ya, your case might just be like mine! i got spotting around day 10 and tested positive for pregnancy through blood test on day 12 so ya, keep out for a positive sign! a few more days to go. and yes, lessen the walking and sit down more when you have spotting.

ya, should give us commission! lol! i just lurve the strawberry flavour. my husband too!

an update from this morning scan, i manage to hv 8 folicle.. not too bad as I am hoping to have atleast 5
.. 3 actually from my left (damaged due to endo) ovary! praise the Lord!

womb lining is 5.8 at the moment.. any idea what's the ideal?

hi catzeye, your 300iu was from 1 box rite? actually it is enough for 400iu. $205 is very cheap. my doc charge me pretty steep. it cost me $415 each box and this is still excluding the 7% gst. i wonder if he can give me the prescription for me to buy from KK pharm..
Hi Emma,
both of us r looking forward to 4th Aug.It also my test date.U take care & have a smooth preggy ok.

Hi Babymaking,
thanks for sharing the growth chart,is really very useful.Sorry,I type wrongly,is bloodtest.It for my HCG jabs,whether I need to increase my doseage or remain.I still left 1 day of jabbing.Nurse told me cos of this jab HPT is not accurate so I am not testing.How r u,any symptoms?I am still very bloated,even walking it still painful.Dunno is it becos of my excess fat make it even more bloated.

Hi Grace,
I had 21 days of Lurin before starting on stage 2.However the lurin still have to continue even if u r on stage 2.

Hi Ms Hae,
dun worry,u will gain back in yr 2rd tri.That is when yr appetite will back to normal or even increase.I have the same symptoms as u when I had my no 1,cannot stand certain smell eg:anything have green tea smell,frying smell,perfurm & my morning sickness is terrible.
Yet I gain abt 16kg when I give birth at 36 wks.Just eat whatever yr bb wish to eat.

Hi Merlenna,
dun overwork,take it easy,rest as much as u can ok.Really hope u can bring us postive result.

Hi Yin,
wow,is double of what KK is charging.Which gynae r u seeing?I thought the price should be the same unless is different drugs.
Hi Yin,

Which day of injection are u in? Based on my previous SO-IUI failed attempts, the ideal womb lining thickness just before IUI is 8-10mm. Yours at 5.8mm doesn't mean anything bad if you are still in your early injection stage.

For me, my SO-IUI gynae says I have AA-grade of womb lining (11mm before IUI) but CC-grade of eggs (I have PCOS so follicles grow so inconsistently and slowly), that is why I am turning to my 1st round of IVF.

May I know how much did your gynae instruct u to inject? Yah, my gynae charge $400 for 1 box of Puregon also. Are you experiencing any bloatedness like the other ladies due to the injection or have any other symptoms? I am still in my oral contraceptive stage, starting injection on 3rd Aug so keen to be mentally prepared. Please share your experience so far, thanks!
Hi Fellaine
Welcome on board! Which doctor are you seeing? Some centres use the short protocol like TFC where I am attached to. Others like KK use the longer protocol.

In TFC, the short protocol involves a month of contraceptive pills. Once they are stopped, you;ll be given injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. Once the follicles have reached the ideal size, the eggs are retrieved and then 2-5 days later the fertilised embryos are transferred to your womb. There are some jabs in between.

An MC is usually given on the egg retrieval day and on embryo transfer day. It would be good if you rest for two weeks after ET.

All the best to you and I'm sure everyone here will support you and each other all the way.
Hi ladies

Puregon in KK is around $200 plus for a dial of about 400 iu ? Serious? How come such a big diff from other clinics leh?

Been following the birthrate articles and comments lately, seems like alot of focus on something to be given to fathers and more attractive childcare benefits but nothing geared towards ART leh. Hope the garment can give something in this area, even if only lift the bar and allow more usage from medisave also will help defray the costs alot and medisave is afterall not garment's own money.
Hi ruru_cat,

i am now at day 8. I start my daily jabs slightly late coz it happens on sat evening. so now i am hving 400iu for 5 days (including today) already. this is my second attempt as the 1st try, i do not response well to the drugs. so this time round, my doc push for 400 iu.. which is very expensive!

i experienced some bloatedness in day 1, but subsequently taper off which makes me quite worried. but this morning scan assure me that there is enough folicle to proceed.

hi chua_family, ya.. the difference is shocking ya.. base on my dosage, my doc is telling to expect 4000 on puregon. i can actually save 2000 if i get it from kk pharm. tat's alot of $$! btw, i am with lc foong at gleneagles.
Ladies, can i also ask ...

Usually from start of puregon jabs to 1st scan, its how many days? KKH is 7 days but i feel thats kinda too long and bit late to increase dosage after 7 days. I thot will be better scan earlier so that if need increase dosage can do so earlier. Am i wrong in understanding?

It's SOP for KKH. usually what KKH do is convvert the cycle to SO-IUI if there are too little follicle growth. KKH has a low tolerance (abt 10%) for cancellation rate per cycle...so far this SOP has worked for them.

i guess if you can bring this up to your gynae if you are really worried, and see what he/she has to say?
hi miss hae,
woah your spotting is so much earlier?! and you got your results so fast. hehe.. i'm on day 15 now aft ET. haha.. still waiting.. i hope i'll be as lucky as you..

hi chua_family,
yeah i hope i get to bring some gd news. wish me luck!..

hi momo bear,
i'm not sure why the protocol is 7 days. but normally i think aft 7 days if they increase dosage it'd probably be only for 2 to 3 days.. i'm not sure if i'm right.. but i guess, looking at the way you responded to lucrin will give a sense of picture to the doctors to see how much is your dosafe...

as for me i was under 150iu of puregon. for 7 days, then scan and then 3 more days. even then, i got a mild OHSS and reacted badly after ER. still got nightmare thinking about it..
chua family,

oh ic, thks for the clear up, wa wondering if i miss any instructions to go back for scan. as this is my third cycle, i kinda "switch off" the instructions, then momentarily 'panick' when i hear/read something 'new' / different from previous cycles :p

*9dpt report*
still feeling bloated with tender boobs - kinda differnt from previous cycles- so fingers crossed*
Oh ya.
This thread is getting so long. Sometimes I don't know who's who.

Mine is Zero stage cos I haven't started. Can someone who is familiar with everyone do a stage-scale?
Eg: Stage 0 (haven't started): Grace
Stage 1 (On 21 days Lurin):
Hi Mala

I went to Raffles Hospital. Was thinking of starting jabs in Oct so that I can have rest during the December holidays... My "boss" tends to walk around to check on us when we are at work cos she doesn't like us to sit down...
Has anyone gone to Raffles Hospital for IVF treatment and any idea if it is better to choose KKH or any hospital will do?
Hi Imel,
What dosage did Dr Loh gave for your puregon? i'm going to start mine 2mr, dun know wat dose yet, will know only 2mr. Pls be strong and we hope for the best.

Hi Merleena,
Please take care and don't over-exert yourself ok? Pray hard for a positive

Hi Chua family,
Thank your encouragement and all the best for your scan on 4th Aug

Hi all ladies,
i'm starting puregon 2mr, very excited at the progression and looking forward to complete the whole process.
I'm also doing acupuncture 2x a week now, it is supposed to assist in ivf. Let's pray for babydust to all of us *muackz*
Hi ladies,
Thank you for your concerns and encouragements. Im still quite positve. Tomorrow will be my final scan to decide what to be done, whether can go for IVF or just do the IUI. Watever the outcome is, Im ready to face it.

Hi momobear,
Yes, KKH does the scanning 7 days after the jab. And yes I agree with you that its abit too late to do anything by then. But then, not all women respond poorly to the stimulation. Last time in pvt clinic, they did my blood test and scan about 3-4 days after the 1st jab. So the doc actually monitor it quite closely.

Hi Fellaine,
Is your job is very stressful? If so you must talk to your boss and ensure that he/she is supportive of your procedure. Cos my job was also very stressful and i had talked to my boss and ensure his support b4 i start ivf. So now i am starting stage 2 2mr.
I think the bosses must be understanding. Cos i've been taking alot of timeoff and mc lately due to the side effects of lucrin (gets tired easily and frequent headache). I can feel that my boss may be unhappy cos of my mc but i dun care, i just focus on my procedure now cos my family is my priority now

Anyway, we must know our priorities and be firm.

i'm doing with dr SFLoh at kkh, i heard that his success rate quite high. Anyway, its gd that you do some research and asking around b4 you chose a dr. Most impt you must be confortable with the dr and check their success rates too. I've been to see another dr at Mt E b4 i decide on Dr Loh, cos he was strongly recommended to me by my gynae.
