IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hey Emma,

Yeah, i am with Prof Ng for ivf. Btw, we only pay for the hormones at the initial stages? any other charges? Thanks!

hi grace,
i did my ivf with pc wong too, at nuh. what i can share with you about pc wong is he is a fuss free, fast doctor. if you have questions for him, get them ready before you meet him. other than that, i like him because he is straight-forward and is very helpful and kind to me.

about the self injecting, actually, the injections are not that painful. just don't inject on the same area. the CHR nurses are very friendly and helpful too.

if you need any more info on ivf with nuh, let me know. will be glad to share and help.
Hi GB,
I dunno much the success rate with PC Wong. If you are not comfy with him, you can try other doc. I use SF Loh. The most importantly you must have confident and comfortable with the doc.
Yes IVF process is a tedious thing plus its not a 100% guarantee. I will be lying if I said Im not worry, though this my 2nd try. But I believe our effort will bear fruit. After the injection, my tummy abit bigger but not so much bloated. But then the condition varies, some feel very much bloated. My breast abit tender but I have headache. My headache is better now after I ate panadol and slept without aircon. GB, I wish you all the best with whatever decision you make.
Hi babywee
I'm about 41/2 wks preggie now. So far, bloated tummy and eat alot, other than that no other symptom yet. Are you on any injections like preluton and pregnyl? Cos I hv to go twice a wk for preluton (on the butt,painful)and twice home inject of pregnyl.

Hi bakaholic
I was given 2 bottles of suprefact to jab every morning until the 12th day, I was given Gonalf (1 pen cost about $1100 )for self jab together with suprefact.I had to buy additional GonalF pen(but of half of the medicine)despite having the lowest unit like 150ui. As I see prof Ng everytime I went for blood test, scanning etc, so I had to pay for the consulation fees,blood tests fee ( about 5 or 6 blood tests),scanning fees etc. But Prof NG is very patient and will call me/hubby if my hormone tests are of higher or lower range, answer any questions that we have etc. When do u intend to start?
Hi babywee
I feel tired by 7pm and in the afternoons (mayb im not working and restless at home). I don't have habit of taking naps but a few time, I just dozed off...
Sad to say, am down with a flu and bad cough. Went to see a GP yday,hope my flu will go away soooooon. Dun wanna fall sick at this time

Are you still working now? Must take it easy and dun overstress ya.
hi emma,
i had my last pregnyl injection on 11 jul and now only need to take the hormone tablet and folic acid. ya..im working but always feel very restless in the office. dont know how to make myself awake especially after lunch
you really have to take good care of yourself. it is not good to fall sick at this time. drink a lot of water and have plenty of rest, ok?
HI all,
I had some spotting yesterday and so now have been strictly RIB as much as i can. Lie down so much also get backache... It is now D14 post ET and I am anxiously waiting for thursday. Hope no more blood other wise i will lose all hope.
Still having the left and right pulling / stretching feelings.
Also, I am still taking my American Ginseng tablets. should i stop?
Hi catzeye,
I think my husband still feel that after ET should just go back home and rest rather than going for accupunture, though the physicians told us its ok. Let me ask Dr. Loh first.
I do not encounter any bloatedness, dunno whether it is normal for me since most of the ladies here do encounter bloatedness. My side effect from puregon only headache, breast tenderness and occasional sore ovaries. Just worried that Im not responding well to the puregon. As for your bloatedness, I remember one of the ladies here do mention of taking egg white.
Hi babydust2,
Dun worry, it is probably nothing. Just rest well and dun stress up. May be its just implantation bleeding. You are still pregnant till proven otherwise.
Hi babydust did u ask ur doc if u can take the ginseng?? Its best to ask Doc b4 taking any herbs. Dont worry could be implantation bleeding. All the best n baby dust to all of u..
Hi Babydust2,
Fm what I know,amercian ginseng is 'liang',which is not so gd for our womb.Maybe u should stop taking or consult TCM sinseh if u can.
Have u call yr gynae to chk abt your spotting?Maybe u can bring forward yr test date early.What worry is maybe u r pregnant but maybe not so stable.Anyway,rest well.
Hi Babydust,
I remember RH physicians Dr.Jin told me that during my 2ww wait, I have to eat lots of chicken broth. Im not allowed to drink cold drinks, soft drink, green bean and barley. And dun eat "liang" type of fruits (such as watermelon, pineapple), and thank goodness durian is ok. Take care and rest well.
Hi Babydust,

I think you should see the gyane straight away. Dont wait. They will know whats best for you. And in the meantime, think you should stop eatg the ginseng. Pls take care.
Hi Catzeye and Grace,

May I know what is short protocol? Does it mean you skip the oral contraceptive pills period and just directly start on Puregon and Lucrin? Hmm, 400mg daily for both of u, I wonder y my gynae says she will start me on only 150mg leh?
Oops, sorry read wrongly, it is Catzeye and Yin who are on short protocol and not Grace.

Sorry Grace!

Have you decide to go ahead on IVF? maybe we can become cycle buddies as becos up to now in this thread, some ladies are already in their 2ww or are finishing up their fertility injections and are waiting for ER and ET days! I am on D8 of my 21 days of oral contraceptive pills before starting on my injection.
Hi ladies,

went for a blood test today after 10 days on Lucrin. Was given the green light to move to stage 2 tmr. I'll be starting my Puregon @ 200IU tmr. As I'm a PCOS, will go for a scan this Sunday to make sure I'm not over stimulate. Hope i don't need to be on Puregon for too long...very costly

When do we need to start taking egg whites?

Catzeye, does the milk help in reducing your bloadtedness? Think i better go get the ensure milk. I'm very prone to bloadtedness

Anyone in the same cycle as me?
Hi all,
I'm really v happy to have found this thread.
Sometimes, its difficult to share with family members and pp who don't have to go thru' all these. Glad that I'm not alone in this.

Ms Hae,
Hey, you're with PC Wong too. Yes, he's fuss free. I like it. Plus don't have to wait too long.

RuRu Cat,
I haven't started. I was advised to wait till Sept, cos govt announcing incentives soon. So, earliest to start shld be sept.

Why do we need to take egg whites? Raw or cooked?
Hi RuRu Cat,
I am not on short protocol... Am on long protocol. I had completed my stage 1 jab on lucrin only. And now I am on stage 2 where I have to take both lucrin & puregon.Don't worry about not having cycle buddy, as you go along there bound to have newcomer on the thread which will be alongside with you. Anyway, I was a bit behind I am suppose to be in my 2WW now but due to the lucrin extention I am still in stage 2. Anyway best of luck...

Hi Littlebee,

Wow 10 days on lucrin only. Your body respond well indeed. I have to take 42 days before I got the green light. Anyway, the ENSURE milk does help a lot and it taste more yummy then egg white.
hi all,
Ensure milk do help.. very nice.. high content in protein summore.. i drink it eversince I did my ET.

anyway, tomorrow is end of 2ww (sort of!) for me. 14 days past ET. and i'm starting work also. but if you're wondering if i'm testing, no, i'm not. just wanna wait til testing date.. so far, i still have headache, but i'm handling it..
hi grace,
they say egg white helps with the bloating. according the nurse at kkivf, she said just eat about 2 cooked egg white on alternate days.. it'll help.

hi littlebee,
congrats on moving on to stage 2. i wish you healthy follicles so that u don't have to continue to extend ur puregon..

hi babydust,
just hang in there.. i'm sure its nothing. but just take care and have more rest yah?
Hi catzeye,

good to know that i am not alone this cycle! :D

Ya, today i gave myself my 2nd shot. my goodness.. 400iu puregon is no joke. the stringe just dun push in smoothly. so the needle is stuck in my tummy moving about as i try to move the dial of the puregon pen.

do u hv the same problem? my tummy is now full of holes and today is only the 2nd day.
Hi littlebee,

i just started my puregon yesterday so we can be cycle buddies too.

you are lucky to need only 200iu. my 5 days medication has already cost me $2600+, still need another 5-7 days.. nearly had heart attack there and then :p
Hi Yin,
You are with which hospital? I am with Dr SF Loh KKH. Today is my day 6 of the puregon, yeah at times i do have difficulty pushing the dial. So far i do not see any redness or holes but bloatedness occur around day 1. It starts a little mild then day 3 its very bloated so I have started drinking milk to ease the bloatedness.
Hi Emma,

I am starting on 1 Aug. so you are doing jabs on mornings? Do we have option to do it at night? Mornings are rather chaotic for me so i would rather do it at night as I am more relaxed.

So the overall injections till ER is about a month?
Hi All,
Thanks so much for all the advice. I had emailed my gynae adn he chatted with me online yesterday adn said its ok, just rest.
Have also stopped the ginseng as TCM said stop if any bleeding. Bleeding had stopped and was very little, but this morning we did the urine test and it was negative. So am not very hopeful for tmorrow's blood test.
I did everything right this time, did not go out, minimal walking about and ate the right things, still cannot. Dont know what to do differently next time. This is my 3rd time - 1 ivf and 2nd FET and many iui before.... starting to lose hope....
I am dreading the test tomorrow now.
Hi Babydust,
Dun be despair. Just wait for the blood test tom and in the meantime try not to think about it.

Hi Merleena,
Glad that u never try testg. Its the best to leave it to the doctors/nurse to test. Wish you best of luck.
I hope you don't give up hope. I know its devastating to have to face another failure. I just hope you will keep on trying. Meanwhile, try not think too much and wait for the blood test tomorrow. We are all here to give you moral support.
hi babydust,
guess what, i had spotting yesterday night too. when i wanted to get ready for bed, went to toilet and see brown stains. then when i wiped, there's a light red patch. now, i'm worried. i'm checking myself every now and then. this morning its just faint.. this happened like you, 14 days after ET.

as much as i can i still don't wanna test. i hope the bleeding stops. i'm gonna ask the nurse later when i get my progesterone jab.

you hang in there yeah? have faith and wait for the blood test. don't give up yet!
Hi bakaholic
Mayb Im not working, that's y he asked me to jab in the mornings. It's roughly abt a month of jabs till ER. All the best and have faith.

Hi babydust2 and merlenna
Think positively! Hang in there.
Hi all

I'm currently on birth control pills and would be starting the Gonal-F injections after August 9, I think. This is going to be my 4th ivf, yes, 4th!(2 fresh cycles so far and 1 FET and 5 IUI's and 2 miscarriages). This time I'm going in with no expectations. Maybe, it'll be easier for me to handle the outcome.Whatever, it is, I really dread the 2WW.

To all those out there who are currently on the 2WW, hang in there and do not give up hope.

Hi Merlenna and babydust2

Do not despair. The nurse told me once that a lot of ivf patients spot before the pregnancy test and most often the outcome is that they are pregnant.

So take care of yourselves and don't panic.
Menses is here again..... No luck this round again. Very kay sim. Gota change gynae liao.

Thanks Chua_Family.. But u have ur IVF done with Dr SF Loh of KKH? Does he charge more for IVF package or consultation fee, and etc. than other gynaes elsewhere.
Hello ladies,
I' pretty new to the thread and I am in the lucrin stage now...we finally get the courage to start ivf after an ectopic and 1 miscarriage. Keeping my fingers cross now....I saw the encouragement you gave each other and i find it heartwarming, hope i can be part of the thread too

Hi Littlebee,
you had mentioned you had a scan after 10 days lucrin and started puregon the next day after ur results, that's pretty fast. Was wondering why mine is different, cos i went kkh after 16 days of lucrin on 21/07 and was told that result is good, but oni need to start the puregon on sat, any idea why? I thot it is within 1-2days after the bld test right?
Hi RuRu Cat and Merleena,
i totally understand wat you gals meant about having friends with kids..i've been married 4 yrs plus, so guess the numbers of times i had been asked abt having children! But of cos i dun go and 'explain' to every1 that i was pregnant but had ectopic and miscarriage right? How to tell all these to every1 you meet...

so now wat i do is to steer clear of pple whom i knew would keep asking and i have oso stopped attending baby full mth of pple i'm not close with...i think it is a way that i try to cope...we must be strong ok?
Hi babywee
Am feeling better after few days confined at home. Do u get any preggie symptoms yet? Not much for me.

Hi Maykel
Stay positive and all the best for ur IVF journey ya.
hi emma,
hmm..sometime still feel cramps and now feeling aching at the right side of my butt. not sure if this also consider preggie symptoms
Hi Grace, What are the incentives the Govt offering? Was it in the papers?? Can update me pls. Many thanks.

To all dont despair.. be positive and hang in there oks... babydust to all of u.
nicole and ms hae,
do you have alot of clear watery discharge? i have quite alot and feel irritated by it. panty liner soak fast too.
Dear babydust and Merleena,
I hope all will turn out well. Dont worry too much. I succeeded only after 3 fresh cycles. Take things a step at a time. We are with you.
Hi Catzeye

I feel a lit bit bloated today. Tried looking for Ensure milk at shop&save and prime supermarket, but could not find. Where do you get yours? Is it a milk powder or fresh milk?

Hi Yin

Gald that I have a cycle buddy

My doc started me with low dosage cos worry that I'll get OHSS. If I din react well, he will increase the dosage.

Hi Maykel

yeah, I start Puregon after 10 days on Lucrin. Not sure what is the protocol @ KKIVF, maybe you can check with the sisters here. I'm doing my cycle @ Mt E.

Hi all
anyone of you experience longer AF when on Lucrin?
Hi Littlebee,
When I was on lucrin my AF is longer, took about 8 days for my AF to clear. Usually it takes about 5 days. Think lucrin help to clear the blood clots. Im doing my cycle at KK and currently on 250IU puregon . Tomoro is my u/s. Hope everything went smoothly.

Marlenna and babydust,
Hope everything will turn allrite. Stay positive always.
Hi Emma,
Thanks for your encouragement

Hi Littlebee,
anyway i did not experienced longer AF, its my usual, around 4 days only.

Hi Imel,
May I know which dr are you seeing in KKH? I'm seeing Dr SF Loh and starting puregon this sat. Are the side effects of puregon worse than lucrin?
Wish you all the best tomorrow!
Hi Nicole,
It should be announced soon. National Day Rally. Part of the plan to have people to make more babies for Singapore. Definitely good news! Along with it will come the baby package etc. So, our babies born next year will enjoy the full benefits! I hope they have extra benefits for twins, cos IVF has higher twins preg rates.
Hi littlebee,
i bought mine from sheng shiong. Its much cheaper compared to other supermarkets. Its in powder form. Tomorrow i will be going down for my scan. Hope everything will turns out fine.
Hi imel,
wish both of us luck for tomorrow's scan. Say hi to me if u see a malay lady with a boy...
will bring my son along.
hi mala, babywee, maykel, combi, imel,
thanks for your encouragements. my spottings has been light. so far its back to clear.. sometimes there, sometimes not. but i did ask the nurse, and she said its ok, nothing to worry about. hmm.. i sure hope so..

hi littlebee,
i bought my Ensure milk as Giant Tampines. its powder form and if i'm not wrong there's 3 flavours.

hi all,
i'm starting to lose appetite nowadays. can't finish my food. feeling tired and sleepy by the time evening comes. i think perhaps its because i've started work. i had to force myself to drink my ensure milk and finish it this morning. i know its all confusing symptoms but don't worry, i'm not thinking too much into it.

Hi catzeye,

i am with Dr LC Foong at Gleneagles. i too have slight bloatedness occur around day 1. now at day 4 surprisingly it has subside. so abit worried that my body is not reacting well with the medication like last time. hopefully i am make it to ER.
