IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Maykel

Yah, my job is stressful... I read a lot on Dr Loh. Seems like he is a popular choice. Do you have to wait for long to see him?

Hi Babymaking, Merlenna, Imel,

thanks for sharing. I was thinking only scan after 7 days of puregon abit too late to increase dosage to increase eggs cos by the 7th day, number of eggs achieveable already fixed to that 7 days of initial dosage, can only try to increase size of whatever eggs available, like abit wasted.
Was thinking whether i can insist a scan around 3~4 days after puregon (like pvt clinics do), then at least can appeal to the doc on duty to increase my dosage if need be. Haiz...

Hi Felline, Maykel,

My job also quite stressful. And my boss is a career freak, told her what i might do already, and when i try to apply leave to do tests and all the prep work, it didnt go on well with her. I am kinda disappointed she is like that. After supporting her for so long, now when i need her support, seems so hard. Maybe she has her children easy so she wont understand, to her its still i should place my work first. Sianz ... the more she like that, the more i heck care, just want to take MCs as at when i need. Nvm if she is unhappy or affect my promotion, at this point, career can wait but my family plans cannot wait too long.
hey gals, i was searching internet to find more info abt the fertility treatment then happen to came across this forum... i wonder should we start seeking doc advise since we had tried for about 4 years and yet still can't get pregnant. not sure which hospital shld i start with, also worry we can't bear the cost and etc.. could anyone please advise?
Hi Ladies,
Back from the scan and *pheww* looks like I can still proceed to IVF. Today, they are able to scan about 10 eggs and 6 of them have size above 12mm. Seems like my body slowly begin to respond to puregon. The doc told us it is not advisable to go for IUI due to the number of eggs. He told us to continue with the puregon for another 2 days to further increase the size of the eggs. Looking forward for size 18 -20mm
On monday I will go for another scan and most probably on wednesday I will go for ER and friday for ET. At least one wall is down and there are still more walls to go thru. After ER, I will be worried again on how many eggs manage to be fertilized. No ending worries for us.

Think you can try to ask for earlier scan if you are unsure. Which centre are you going to do your IVF?

Hi Maykel,
Dr. Loh prescribe me 250IU, seems Im a slow respond to the puregon. Today they are able to detect 5 additional eggs. The doc explained that May be previously these eggs are of smaller size that it can't be detected or measured by u/s and now after 2 more days of puregon, the eggs size manage to increase. Another 2 more days of injection and hopefully by then the eggs size can increase to desirable sizes.

Stay positive......BFP BFP BFP!!!!!
Hi Peggy,
Welcome to the thread. If you have tried for 4 yrs and still no news, you may have to seek advice and to find out what's wrong. If you are worried about the cost, you may go for govt hospital. Most likely the doc will check your hormone level and fellopian tube. As for male side, the doc will ask your husband to do sperm analysis. From there the doc will decide what to be done.
Dear Peggy,

My gynae told me the norm to check for infertility prob is non-conceiving after 6mths of precise ovulation checking (eg thru ovulation detection kit or thru' BBT) and love-love on the 2 most fertile days of our cycles. The years of "trying" is irrelevant as you may not be doing the love-love at the right time, that is all. So if have been doing the right steps, then it is advisable to see gynae as what Imel recommended.

For me, I don't even ovulate so I seeked gynae's advice immediately after hb and me decided to start family.

Dear all,

I did check with my gynae's nurse why the big discrepancy for the puregon price. She says KKH orders in bulk and thru' long term contract with distributor directly so can offer cheaper price. She says the clinic is not making $ from selling me the puregon (don't know true anot!), it is just that since her clinic only have 4-6 cases of IVF monthly, so puregon orders are lesser so distributor charge them higher price. I checked around already, norm is around $380 to $400+ for private gynae practice.

Hi, Imel,

Now I read about your case, it reminds me of my 2nd SO-IUI. The gynae was able to detect 2 eggs during the 2nd scan and they disappeared during the 3rd scan and I was scared to death! They appear again during the 4th scan after gynae increase the puregon dosage. Glad you are able to finish the IVF procedure as planned!
hi imel,
its wonderful that you can progress with ivf! that's gd news. glad that you can move on.. your body is probably adapting to the puregon now..

hi peggy,
according to the normal timing during ttc, by one year if you don't conceive yet, it will help to go through tests to check with your system or ur husband's whether everything is working fine. it will help to make a decision on what steps to take next.
Hi Yin,
I paid $400 for a box of 300iu Puregon too. Like you, I only experienced slight bloatedness on day 1 of my Puregon, had no symptons on day 2 onwards. I'm nw @ day 4, tomorrow I'll go for a scan. I'm quite worried on my response to the drug. And I was asked to used 200iu.

RuRu Cat,
My clinic does a lot of IVF cases, so I think the medication is standard price for private clinics. Could it be govt subsidised for KK?

Wow, u were only given 150iu but yet able to produce 27 eggs? How you did that?
Take things easy & think positive. Hope you tested BFP...that'll be a booster shot for me to go on...another success case

Hi Imel,
Glad to know that you'll continue your cycle. Jia you!!
Hi all,
I hv to continue my last stage of puregon till monday. Doctor told me since i had 6 eggs he wants it all to bloom well before retrieval. Most likely i will do my ER on wednesday too.

it seems that we will be counting down together. See you on monday. Lets pray for all our eggs to grow...
After a detailed explation i finally understood why i have to take a higher dose and also respond quite slow to the medications. Doctor told me that based on my previous operations (2 ops within 6 mths lapse)the adhesions has became severe. My ovary has been stuck to my intestines and the positioning is too far behind. So all in all the dosage does not depends on age but also our medical history.
Hi ladies,
My bloatedness is getting worse,I cannot even walk straight,can be bent abit forward then will not feel the pain.The bloatedness is already up to my chest,is so uncomfortable.Called up the nurse,she told me to see the the doc at the 24 hr woman clinic,but he just prescribe 2 med for me,did not even feel how is my bloatedness is.I also feel like vomitting.Lucky tomolo is my last HCG jab,hope it will not worsen my discomfort.Have a nice wkend everyone
hi chuafamily

start taking high protein stuff like ensure milk or boiled egg whites (only the whites)at least 2 a day, that will help to ease the bloatedness.

avoid foods that cause bloatedness like cabbage, beans etc.

drink diluted ginger water, that will also help. or sip a little carbonated water like 100 plus will help to burp and ease the bloated feeling.

hope that helps.
hi littlebee,
hehe, yeah i too dunno how come. but as far as i know, i don't have any problems with ovulation, my menses is clockwork xcept that i have one suspected blocked tube. so i guess, system is working just fine so no need high dosage of puregon and i reacted extremely well to it. heh.. but after ER, that's when i found out that my egg and hub sperm can't fertilize naturally.. so like i suspected, our problem is probably scientific and unexplained in terms of infertility.. but i'm staying positive. eagerly waiting til monday..

hi catzeye,
glad to know you're going ahead with ER soon. don't worry, those eggs will continue to grow..

hi chua_family,
so sorry to hear of your bloatedness. drink more fluids yeah? and rest well k? i hope you feel better soon..
Hi all... I've started the long protocol of lurin since 31 May. I will be going for my blood test and u\s on the 07\08. Hv anyone took long protocol of lurin before (10 weeks)? This is due of my endo and also I left with only 1 right ovary. I'm so worry that I will have less eggs..I really want this IVF to work. Any malay ladies out there who doing this cycle in the 1st stage now? How long will we have to take puregon before ER? Anyone out here who have only 1 ovary but manage to have at least 8-10 eggs?
Hi Catzeye,
My cycle buddy, we are side by side. I cya tomoro. Hope everything is going on smoothly. Grow eggs growwwwww!!!!
hi Nita,
your case seems alike with catzeye. she's on the second stage now on puregon, maybe can talk to her and find out more.

anyone malay doing stage one right now, i'm not sure, catzeye is in stage 2, i'm ending my 2ww, pregnancy test on monday and miss hae is already expecting triplets. heh, so any malay ladies out there, haven't declare yet, let us know! hehe..
I also suffer from endo. Long protocol on lucrin will not affect the eggs. Lucrin is to stablise your womb and to get ready for the next stage. I took puregon for 9days at 400IUI. Only 8eggs at the right size. But 4 fertilise. So don worry it all depends on your body.
Dear all,
Good luck and all the best for those in their 2ww. I have decided to go ahead my FET this Sept instead as my previous plan was Oct. Hope to join you gals in the 2ww soon.
Hi ladies,
went for my scan this morning. I'm on my 5th day of Puregon. Doc told me I have total of 22 follicles growing now, average are in size 8-9mm, 5-6 around 10mm. Expect my ER date to be either 1st or 2nd Aug. To confirm on Wednesday.

From now, I should start eating more high protein food.
Hi Fellaine,
Dun realy have to wait long, you can just call kkh appt line and make appt to see him, usually they would be able to give appt in a few wks time. After tat i see the kkivf nurses most of the time, they are really nice and helpful

Hi Momo Bear,
Yeah,actually my work itself is manageable, the stress comes from the management, cos i always have to see their mood. But i try not to stress myself with their nonsense, i oso dun care, if i feel that i need to take mc, i'll just take. Anway, worse come to worse, i am prepared to resign and concentrate on my baby planning cos i totally agree that family comes 1st and oso cos i had worked too hard the past few yrs, now its time to think of my family.

By the way, which hospital are you doing ur ivf? I just started stage 2 (puregon) got very bad bloatedness
My puregon is $411 for 600iu.

Hi Chua family,
i started my puregon yest and from day 1 i had the bloatedness up to the chest just like you. I feel so terrible and oso got nausea today. Think we need to rest and not over-exert now.

Imel, so glad that you could continue with the ivf, all the best okie?

Hi Imel and Catzeye,
Wish both of you the best for your scan tomorrow.
I'm oso having 250 iu, may i know total how many days of puregon did you gals had? I'm suppose to go for Day 7 scan only on next sat.

Hi ladies,
Did anyone combine treatment with acupuncture now? I'm having puregon and my tcm dr told me it will help in better blood circulation. So i had my 2nd acupuncture yest and now my back is sore with bruises, imagine in front bloated and behind pain until i can't sleep....any idea if it helps? Otherwise i'm thinking of not going cos its bad enough to have to jab twice daily and on top of that, acupuncture...
Hi Littlbee,
Think you have a healthy amt of eggs now, so happy for you. But do you feel any discomfort at this stage? Eg bloated or nausea?

Any idea wats the desired follicle size? All the best to you for your ER, take care

i'm in my 2nd day of puregon, day 7 then go scan, was told by kkivf that the expected ER shld be 5th or 6th aug so our dates are pretty near
Hi Nita,
Welcome to the thread. We are in the same boat dear... I am currently in stage 2(puregon+lucrin). I was on a long protocol too and had to take about 40 days of lucrin before proceeding to my current stage. Now I am in stage 2 and it seems I am taking the maximum dosage of 600iu compare to other ladies. I have the same problem like you, Endo and have only my left ovary. I began with 400iu and had 6 follicles but the doctor wants to boost it to the right size since my quantity were little thus my dose was increased to 600iu since the last 4 days. Tomorrow might be my last scan before ER, I am praying hard that everything will turn out as plan. FYI, I am on my day 11 of puregon. I am also a Malay...if you wanna ask anything you can post it here since we are having almost similar case too.
Hi Merlenna,

Wat time you going tomorrow? I am going for my scan in the morning...hoping to bump into you. Hope to hear positive news from you. Who knows what you experiencing is similar to Miss Hae. Best of Luck ya.


'Jia Yoh' to both of us tomorrow.

Hi Maykel,

Today marks my day 11 on puregon. I hope tomorrow scan my follicles has grown to the best size. Some ladies here may stop their puregon on day 7. So best of luck to you Maykel...
12dpt - feeling crampy - that's not good news right? ..negative HPT this morning

5 more looooonng days to Beta HCG at KKH...

really not sure i can take another disapppointment ...after 8 cycles.
Hi Maykel,
Where did you go for your acu? I also experienced bruises on my tummy at my initial stage of acu, but now I'm ok and actually enjoying the session. According to my TCM (dr Zou)eating red bean & nuts will help minimize the bruise (easier blood clot). You may want to asked your TCM to use low current during acu.

I think the ideal follicle size should be ard 17-19mm. You can check with the sisters here.

Anyone can advise?
Hi Catzeye,
Thanks for your reply, I hope the best for your scan 2morrow.. Hope your follicles has grown to the right sizes. Can I check with u, for puregon do u hv to take it everyday or every alternate days and how much do u hv to pay for 400iu and also the 600iu? When u go for your scan before u start ur atage 2, did the lining of womb thinning and did the lucrin really suppress the endo? How much hv u paid for 11 days of (lucrin+puregon) so far? Sorry to ask, just need to prepare myself... Do u have any bad side effect from 11 days of puregon? Good luck for 2morrow! Keep me inform!
Hi Maykel,
Asked the team doc on desired follicle size. He said above 16 - 20mm, will be good enuf. Today will be my 11 days of puregon and 28 days of lucrin. I started my accupuncture on monday at RH and like you I have bruises on my stomach and my legs. Hahaha I thot accupuncture I won't feel any pain. Didn't really enjoy it on my 1st session due to my headache too. But the 2nd time, I feel better and begin to relax.

Wow...congratulation, you have 22 follicles in just 5 days of puregon. What's your dosage?

All the best of luck tomorrow, your 2ww finally over.
Hi nita,
we have to take the puregon everyday. Can i check with you if you did your ivf at kkh? If yes the puregon price depends on dose. For me i have spent about $3200 for my puregon due to the high dosage and extended duration. Can i ask if now u are on 10units lucrin or are you taking the 3months lupron to control your endo...
hi catzeye,
i'm going to the clinic between 7.30 - 8.00am. Coz i have to rush back to school after giving my blood. hehe.. hope to see you there too!

hi imel,
thanks.. yeah its finally over.

hi all,
well, the journey is almost over.. 2ww done. tomorrow, at 1pm i'll know the results. btw, i did something probably very silly. i think i left my final dosage of progesterone at the ivf clinic. the nurse who did it for me, didn't return the last vial and i totally forgot about it. so today i didn't get my jab. i hope it doesn't affect much since its the last day. i'd have some explaining to do to the nurse tomorrow.

wish me luck!
Hi sunflower,

sorry for MIA over the weekend. my 1st attempt doc started me with 250iu progress to 300 iu. but tis is aborted as only 2 eggs are of good size. it was ended in an iui.

for this time round, from the start i was given 400iu. i had a scan and blood test last fri at day 5 which shld be satisfactory as i was to continue for 400iu for 3 more days. gog for another scan tis afternoon. but till now.. still no bloatedness.. maybe my body is really immune to puregon.

Hi littlebee, i am also with dr zou. did she ask u to go for daily sccuputure before the ER? i hv to visit her this whole week. my ER is also expected to be tis fri or sat.
Hi Imel
My Puregon dose is 200IU. Manage to have 22 follicles because I have PCO (Polycystic Ovarian), Puregon only helps to grow the follicles to bigger size.
Will need to take Puregon for another day. Was told not to jab on Wed, will be going for a blood test & scan on Wednesday.

Hi Yin,
I do not have much bloatedness too, like u only felt it on day 1. My tummy is now round & big, like 3 mths preggy
, but do not feel uncomfortable. I called Dr Zou after my scan yesterday, she asked me to go alternate day is fine...Hmm don't know y it is not daily.I'll ask her tmr when I'm there for acu

What is your womb lining? Hope everything goes smoothly for us. Jia you!!

Only felt bloated on day 1 of Puregon, nothing much after that. only thing is tummy is getting bigger..do not know if it is because of the follicles growth or I'm putting weight. Actually, have been in high spirit since day 1 of Puregon. I think it helps to improve my mood.

Do update us on ur bllodtest results.
Hi, Maykel, Momo bear

I too agreed with your comments on work & bosses. It is easy for them to say that they are supportive when you share with them on your pursuit for IVF, but when it comes to work they will still have the same expectation. In fact, things got worse when I decided to leave the job. They just write off your contribution & hack care what you need to go through with all those needles & emotion turmoil. Very disappointing.

Hi, Babymaking

I understand how you feel. I too have a failed cycle just this month. It really takes a lot of strength to press on. But stay positive, as what other sister in this thread said, you chance is still there unless prove otherwise. So Jia You!
Hi littlebee,

ya, my tummy is also round, so i tot i might hv put on weight. heard tat the hormones we are putting in our body will cause weight gain.

on day 5, my lining is at 5.8mm.. when feedback to dr zou, she seems to think it is still alrite.. how's urs?

pray that everything will be smooth sailing! jia you! jia you!
Hi gals, i'm new to this forum.
I have PCOS and am starting my first SO-IUI cycle with KKIVF. Juz wondering if anyone has experience with SO-IUI in KKIVF and has anything to share. The whole process sounds so intimidating and I hope I can get some advice to mentally prepare myself. Thks!
My lining was 6.4mm on my 5 day scan. Dr Zou also said quite alrite. Which day of your menses cycle you did your 5D scan? Mine was at day 8.
hello everyone!

I'm new to the forum. Been in the TTC process for years on n off. Would seriously consider IVF if still no success by end of this year. Can anyone recommend gynae? the one I go to at Tow Yung is nice and attentive but not too encouraging for IVF and she doesn't seem experienced enuff. It's her husband who's unfortunately in UK now who's the expert in fertility.
hi all,
i've received the call from the clinic just now at 11.30. was in class but my very kind HOD stood in my class while i took the call.

its a positive! i'm confirm pregnant.. with a high chance that its twins. hehe.. my turn to have my dream come true!
Hi merlenna,
nice meeting you. Too bad you were in a rush. Hope to hear the good news soon.

Hi imel,
Finally i will be going for my ER this wednesday. Tonight i will go down for my pregnyl jab. Guess will see you again on wednesday right?
Yin and Imel
Don't worry if you don't feel bloated. I took 13 days of Puregon @ 300IU and was reacting quite slowly to Puregon.

Yin, initially Dr Foong was concerned that I did not produce as many follicles as he expected. During the occyte recovery, we had 11 follicles and out of that, we had 10 good eggs which were all good for fertilisation, so he was very pleased with the puregon reaction.
I have just started on my 2 ww.

Merlenna, congrats on your good news on the twins!
Hi merlenna,
Am happy for you. Like what i always say u are most likely to strike coz you have a smooth sailing. Sprinkle your baby dust to me...have a smooth 9 months ahead. And do take care of yourself.
Hi Merlenna,
wow,so great.Congrats to u!When will u be going back for yr scan again?Haha,i also,yesterday when I want o jab my last pregnyl,i realised that the nurse forget to put in one of the needle.In the end rush down to 24hr clinic just to jab.U know what,I have to pay $57 just for the service.Scolding my hb why so lazy,dun want to drive me to KK.Lucky really last jab liao.

Hi Catzeye,
All the best to yr ER on wed.Take Care.
