IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Chua_family,
How's your bloatedness? Are you feeling better? When will be your bloodtest date?
Take care and have plenty of rest.

Congrats Merlenna! Hope to join you pretty soon.

thanks joie for sharing. i just came back from my scan with dr foong. think there are only 7 folicles that are of good size. likely my ER will be on thursday morning. i sure hope that the magic ten will happen again! :D

hi littlebee, on my day 5 scan, i am at day 7 of my cycle. today just checked with doc tat my lining is now at 9.2mm. dr foong is quite pleased with the blood test results, thou he is concern with the low number of folicles. will bring my result to dr zou later this evening. hope she can shed some lights to the report..
Hi Littlebee,
I am not feeling better,still so bloatedness until my stomach is hard when press.I dunno why my bloatedness so bad.Other then that,still have headache & vomit.I really hope all these dun affect my result.
Ladies, have you heard of the Great Eastern Assisted Reproduction Programme Insurance?

I am wondering if any of you have purchased it before and what does it exactly cover? The premiums are quite expensive so not sure if I should purchase it. Will appreciate your advice.
That's wonderful news.....hahaha....so happy to know you got positive. Congratulation!!!! Btw Marlenna are you doing a 2 day trf? And did you do accupuncture? If yes did you do acupuncture after the ET? Im still wondering whether it is save to have acupuncture after ET, cos my hubby doesn't really want me to move about. And I just bought Ensure Milk - chocolate, hahaha haven't try yet.

Hi Catzeye,
Yep, Im going for ER on wednesday. I will cya there. Today Im going for injection too. Are you doing at the subcut injection or muscular injection? Sigh...we are going to embark to 2ww preety soon....quite nervous.

Hi Chua family,
Is the medicine that the doc gave you help to ease bloatedness? Try not worry too much about the blood test. Have plenty of rest.
U'll be doing ER so soon? Thought will be on Fri or sat. Don't worry too much. Dr Zou told me that not to let things bother us at this moment, it will affect the egg quality. Dr Foong is a good doc, you are at good hands. I've seen him in the past & know few ppl were successfully promoted to mother under his care.

Good luck on your ER. Pls rest well. Hope to join u and the rest in 2ww soon.
hello band of sisters,
i'm new to the forum and hoping to get some answer to my quary.I am sporean citizen & i currently live in uk had 2 failed ICSI treatment in uk & am thinking of having my icsi treatment in spore. can anyone recommand me a specialist docotor and also the cost for the treatment.
Hi Catzeye,
Congrats on ur ER on Wednesday...U hv gone 1 step more to the next journey. As for myself, I'm seeing Dr Loh at KKIVF, I was on the 3mths lupron at 11.25mg to suppress my endo. Are u on it too before yor puregon? How many follicles do they manage to see in the scan this morning? I hope my womb is okay and my lining thinning so that I can start on puregon after my next appt on 07\08.

Congrats on ur pregnancy..!! Great to hear that!!
Hi, Congratulations to all!
It's really heartened to hear all the good news. They give me the support to go through the treatment. I have decided. I'll start IVF during my next cycle. Will be excited to carry twins too
Hi Nita,

I was on 3 months on lupron 2 years back but never thought in embarking in IVF then. Before Puregon I was put on lucrin 10units daily for 40 days. Manage to scan about 6 follicles only but one still have not grown to the right size hopefully by Wednesday it will bloom. I am also with Dr SF Loh. Yeah hope you will be able to embark to your 2nd stage soon.
Hi littlebee,

ya, i was caught off guard too. i am expecting to be this fri.. i think the folicles are of good size already bah.. so fast, i dun think i am tat prepared.. hahaha
Hi Imel,

There are no choice given to us so have to take the jab on the thigh. I was there around 8.25pm coz my hubby took time off to send me. Never expect the pain during the injection...luckily i never scream. Hehe...
Relax ok... wat time is ur ER. Guess yours will be after mine rite? See u at the rest area.

Dear all,
I wanna ask a silly question. The number of follicles are equivalent to the number of eggs izzit?
Hi Catzeye,
Hahaha you are much better than me. I screamed. Plus my hubby press the wound area so hard that it prolong my pain. Want to scold him but can't coz still in pain. Had my injection bewteen buttock and thigh. My ER appointment is at 7.30, how about you?

And yes usually the number of follicles = number of eggs. Follicle is just the enlargement of the egg ovum. But then there are cases that inside the follicle, there's no egg at at all.
Hi Imel,

I will be after you then, mine is at 8am... I can feel the pinch still right now when i move around. Right now i just hope that all my follicles have good quality eggs...
hi all,
thanks for all your well wishes! its very heart-warming to share my joy with all of you! i was once there too.. the monthly anguish of not striking the jackpot, the decision to embark on this journey, the 2 months of poking myself with hormones, the pain after ER and the seemingly endless 2ww.

at the moment, the bloating hasn't subside even though i wish it did b4 i knew i was expecting. but now, want to bloat, bloat lah.. haha.. my colleagues has been superb.. very encouraging and i really felt special coz they kept telling me to go slow, move slow.. everyone was really sweet. my family's been excited.. planning for the arrival has started pretty much right away.. now, i have to tell them to slow down! haha..

but it has all paid off. and the immense amount of gratitude that i feel is indescribable. thanks again for all your support..

hi catzeye,
thanks, i pray you achieve your goal soon! its only a few more laps to go..

hi chua_family,
haiyah, i think ah, sometimes we're too pre-occupied lah. didn't realize things happen until they happen. hehe..

hi imel,
2 day trf (transfer)? not sure what that means. but no i didn't take any TCM, i didn't do any acupuncture. coz this is my first IVF try, and i haven't put that as option yet. haha, go drink the milk.. i'm practically gulping down my every morning coz of rushing to go to work.. haha..
hi catzeye,
just read your question.. the number of follicles doesn't equal your eggs. coz sometimes a follicle may grow but there may be empty i.e, no eggs. so let's hope yours is all occupied with big healthy eggs..
Hi Dhurga,

You can either go for government or private doc. If you opt for kkh, it will be less expensive. Maybe some of the ladies here can you help you out.
For private doc, i am seeing Prof SC ng at Gleneagles at the moment. Cost will be about 14-16k (6k we can claim from medisave).
Hi all

Read somewhere that we can check out the success rate for IVF in MOH website. I went there but could not find. Can someone provide me with the direct link?
Thank you.
Hi Everyone,

I did my first try of IVF with Dr Loh. After 2WW, did get positive results of being pregnant. But 2 weeks later, had brown followed by red discharge. Then found that didn't make it.

How long would I need to rest before trying for the next ivf? I have 2 frozen eggs.
Hi Merlenna

Congratulations! I knew you'll make it. Do take care and rest well. How are you feeling now?

Just wanted to check, other than bloating, did you have any other symptoms during the 2WW? All the best to you.
Hi catzeye & Imel,
all the best to yr ER tomolo & rest well to prepare yr ET on Friday ok.Remember to update us yr process.I am sure u all can make it.

Hi Merlenna,
can feel the excitment in u & yr family.Take care & have a smooth preggy ahead.Do let us know of yr first scan.

Hi all,
I just come back fm KKIVF.My bloatedness is very bad so had a bloodtest done.Doc wanted me to admit cos they say I am having OHSS.However,I choose to come home to rest but have to go back for another bloodtest again tomolo.If things not turing gd,I will have to admit by tomolo liao.I really hope my embyros will stay strong in me.Meanwhile,I have to drink so much as possible but problem is I cannot even store so much in my stomach.Pray hard I will be better tomolo
Hi Chua Family,

I am sorry to hear about your condition. Do rest well & have you tried taking the ENSURE milk? Stay positive and if the doctor were to admit you just go ahead at least the doctors & nurses are there to give you the necessary treatment. Thanks for the wishes...
chua family, i had OHSS during my last round of IVF. my waist bloated to 36 inches (normal 24 inches)and i was 11kg heavier than normal in just a week! it was very bad as i can't even sleep at night.
Try drinking ginger water, H2O, protein drink. Protein drink will keep the bloating down. Being bloated is a good sign as it might mean high HCG in your body. The bloating gets worst if you are pregnant. The bloating should get better after your blood test.
hope it helps. Good luck!
Hi Merlenna,
CONGRATS !! Am so pleased you got good news. If i may be so bold, please try to take some timeout to rest and let the pregnancy stabilise for a few weeks. Or at least , walk very slowly and avoid bumpy bumpy bus rides .
BTW, may I ask... did you do any "Urut" before IVF? My MIL wants me to do that before the next try...
Take care and I wish you the Best.

Hello... OHSS.. hmmm. uncomfortable and horrible to take egg whites and drink water , but I think it means will be positive !! are you i second week of 2ww now? All the best !
hi bakaholic,
i started drinking the milk one glass per day.. after ER. coz that was when the bloating really started.. although i did bloat in the last 2 days of puregon. it was highly recommended coz i don't like the idea of eating egg whites. and honestly speaking, i didn't even take one egg white through out.. i really relied on the milk..

hi mala,
thanks!! ;) hehe i'm feeling ok, so far like normal, just that i can't hide my tummy anymore no matter how loose my tops are.. it looks as though i'm a few months along.. hehe.. but heck, i don't really care now lah obviously.. i'm just more tired and sleepy in the evenings.. i'm all energetic while at work.. u know lah, when teaching, kids keep you on your toes, cannot be lax one minute at all.. but once i come back, i literally go flat on my couch.. hehe..

during my 2ww, the symptoms are like AF symptoms. i do feel tuggings in the tummy.. cramps especially during bed time, headache towards the end, a little nausea, other than that, nothing significant, really..

hi chua_family,
oh dear, i'm so sorry you had to go thru OHSS. i hope you feel better soon k? my scan is scheduled to be when i'm in my 6th week. 19/8.. then i will know confirm if its singleton or twins.

hi babydust,
thanks so much, my dear for your kind advice. yes, i will try as much as i can not to exert myself. lucky my bus rides to work are only short trips (3 bus stops away!) so, its not that bad.. no i didn't do any urut coz i had this idea that it wasn't me with the problem. considering i had 27 eggs produced, that is prove enough.. so even before ivf, i had lost faith in doing it for ttc.. but i will go and get urut during my pregnancy (based on my mum's insistence.. hehe)no choice lah!! in the meantime, you rest well too! and continue to strive for that dream in september..

hi all,
i had to use the free time i had to go kk to get the medication they told me to get.. its actually a bunch of hormone pills to stabilise the pregnancy. i got the results of my beta test.. and the amount of hcg i have in my system is 1776.9 iu/l. based on the fact that min level is 25iu/l.. heh, i like the number! no wonder got chance for twins.. hehe..
take care and take lots of protein rich food, beside egg whites and milk take fish & chicken too. Hope you'll get better soon
Hi catzeye,
I made a cup already but before even I can drink,I already puke out.Dunno why.Haha,maybe we may meet tomolo over there.If u see someone w very big stomach,that is me.Good Luck to u tomolo.

Hi babywee,
thanks.U take care too.Enjoy yr pregnancy.

Hi wanbb,
thanks so much for sharing yr experience w me.Did u get a postive at that time?I also have problem sleeping,cannot even lie straight on my stomach,is so painful is like something blocking up to my chest.No wonder I was thinking why I balloned so much,plus I am already very big size.

Hi Imel,
thanks.U too must jia you.

Hi babydust2,
today is my 12th days aft ET.I realised that my bloatedness get worsen each time I had my pregnl jab.Glad that u r ok now & getting ready for the next try.

Hi Ms hae,
thank.How r u getting now,tummy getting bigger w triplets?

Hi Merlenna,
based on yr hcg test,it high chance of twins.Try not to stand so much during teaching.
Hi hi ladies, wow, the thread is moving so fast that I can barely catch up haha....

Hi Catzeye and Imel,
All the best to both of you for your ER, have a good rest after that

Hi Imel,
I think the acupuncture relies alot on the skills of the dr too. I'm going to give it another shot this thur, if still feel terrible then i'll stop. Initially my dr wants me to do on alternate days, but i decided on 2x/wk only.
Hi Sunny Jessie,
Ya man, i totally understand wat you mean, but just remember your goal now, and that is to have a baby!
Once you focus on this, work and bosses gotta queue behind haha....so you really leaving your job already?

Hi Littlebee,
I'm doing my acu at eu yan sang at paragon, under dr zhong xi min. Like i told Imel, I will try again 1 more time, if still pain then i'll stop. Oh ok, thanks for your advise, will try to eat more red bean & nuts
By the way, you mentioned current for acu, you mean as in the needle being attached to a machine? But mine nvr use current leh.
By the way, I got 3 bruises for the 1st 3 days of puregon, i find it a bit painful when jabbing in. Haha...let's hope your bigger tummy is due to follicles and not otherwise. Actually me oso in good mood when i start puregon even thou its painful for me. I think it is cos of the excitement of going to the 2nd stage and seeing the ER date gets nearer, you think so?

Hi Merleena,
Congrats to you, do take good care.
chua family, my girl is already 1 year old. But I can nv forget OHSS... It is worst than the 100 over injections from my previous IVF and pregnancy. Just hang in there. The bigger you bloat, the higher your HCG. I skip my 3rd HCG jab cos of OHSS but still continue to 'grow'. I guess you are PCOS,just like me. I took only 125cc puregon but still got OHSS.
I bought my protein drink from GNC. I feel so much better each time after drinking and I had 3 cups a day to help with the bloating.
currently doing FET and I'm in my 2ww now. I'm glad i have some frozen embryos. Can't imagine having OHSS again. Worst than hell!
chua family,
i'm doing fine and well. just had a scan last night as i was having constipation problems and had some pulling pains the whole day. got worried so went to the nearest gynae and the babies are doing fine. wriggling and all in their comfortable places. makes me happy. now i have to up my intake on fruits!

sorry to hear about your ohss but i hope you get a positive soon ya!
I went to my scan this morning..my doc is worried that I might get OHSS. He mentioned that there is more than usual fluid in my ovaries...sign of mild OHSS. Make me 'kan cheong' after hearing what he said.
Once I reached home, I gulped in 2 egg whites & a glass of Ensure milk straight away.
I'll have my trigger shot later tonite or shld be early tmr morning @ 1am. I'll be given albumin (protein) drips during the ER to minimise OHSS. Did you get that during your ER?

All the best to your ER tmr. Rest well

Catzeye, Imel
How's your ER? Rest well..Jia you!!!
Hi everyone,
Had my ER done this morning. Surprisingly, I didn't feel much painful at my vagina area which I had experienced before with my 1st IVF. I still have abit of discomfort at lower abdomen and felt bloated, but its not that bad. I managed to get a good sleep after the ER, due to the sedation....feel really recharge now. The doc retrieved 15 eggs. Quite happy and just hope all can be fertilized with good quality. Will come back on friday to c the development. Hope can make it to ET.

Hi Catzeye,
How are you? Try to call you by your nickname, since I dunno your real name. Hehehe....but no reply, so I guess you are still quite drowsy.

Thanks for your support. Hope you can join me soon.

Hi Maykel,
You are rite, acupuncture depends on the skill. Just now at the ER, the nurse saw my big bruise on my leg and ask whether I fell down. hahaha...I said its acupuncture. Im going for another one tomoro.
Hi all,
Had my ER done tis morning. The whole procedure went pretty fast. The doctor manage to get 4 eggs. I was pretty dissapointed
in the beginning. But the nurse assured me 4 is ok for a single ovary like mine. So right now i just hope all 4 will be fertilised by friday, now all depends on hubby soldiers to do their part.

Hi imel,
wow! 15 thats a lot huh. Pretty amazing by the amount keep changing. If i were you i will be just as happy. Congrats! Hope all of them will be fertilised. Guess the accupunture does work huh. You called my nick just now? Guess i slept...its ok i will meet you on friday again and mine will be at 730am. Jia yoh!
Hey Emma,

My first jab starts on Fri. Getting a bit anxious on jabbing myself. I even had a nightmare the other day about ivf..haha..
Gotto tell myself to take things easy from now on...
