IVF/ICSI Support Group


I too think you tested too early. Wait for your test date and don't be unduly stressed. It's not good for your babies. God will help you. Take care.


dun think negatively now,so long as AF not reporting yet,there is still chance.Everyone here will be praying for u.Dun give up,talk to yr bbies,JIA YOU!
hi catzeye & babywee,
kinda expecting to continue lucrin for another week. the nurse at kkivf did explain that we may have to continue lucrin for more than 2 weeks. so i'm expecting to continue even aft my scan tomorrow. today's injection is a little painful than usual probably because i can't see the areas i've injected before coz i don't bruise anymore.. hmm.. now come to think of it, with bruises, i may have helped in injecting different areas each day.. sigh!

hi lfb,
don't fret about it.. just wait for a few more days and test again! rooting for you k?!
hmm, what's CD2/CD21?

personally, i think the treatment that i went through this year is rather ok. i started my Suprefact injection on 6th May, Gona f (150) and a lesser amount of Suprefact on 20th May. each cycle of injections last for exactly 14 days and thank god i didn't have side effects except for the forgetfullness and blurness. ER on 2nd June and ET on 5th june.

have u done ur ET already?

i am rooting for you and also for all ladies here.
miss hae,
so yours should be the long protocol. meaning you have the downregulation before stimulation. mine was short protocol. straight into the stimulation stage. it seems like there are more success using long protocol.

i have my ET done on tue. now in 2WW but will be going back for work on Monday. will have mild cramping when i wake up in the morning or when i lie down for long period of time. no sore breast. only fullness. no bloatness. in fact im not pinning hopes, im taking it very lightly. dont think i will succeed in the 1st try.
why the negativity? im sure you would want this to work so you should be positive about it.

about the long and short protocols, i think there are success cases in both ways. some take the short protocol like yourself but also do acupunture, or anything that can assist in ivf so it's just as long too. actually, it doesn't really matter. because at the end of it, long or short, all of us here have the same aim, that is to get pregnant and have a baby/s.

stay positive!

where are you? are you ok?
Dear ladies,
thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Hubby and I talked about it and we decided we will take things as they come. Will test again on Sunday, a day b4 my testing day. Thank you very much, really appreciate the thoughtfulness of all of you! Will be positive and continue to talk to my babies. Thanks.
Hi...everyone!! Care to share with me the contact of the malay massage lady pls...I'm on lucrin depot 11.25mg supposed to last for 3 months..After a week of injection I've got spotting and followed by AF..Now already 2 weeks and my spotting doesn't end...Anyone experience the same situation? Called KKIVF, but the nurse say its normal....Am feeling do depressed!!
hi all, now waiting for my scan n blood test at kk. Will pm d contacts when I get home later. Wonder wat's my outcome of the results. There is a crowd here waiting.
hi catzeye and merlenna,
yesterday went to kk to get the puregon and another bottle of lucrin. i did ask the nurse why do i need to take extra lucrin and she said that my doctor has reviewed my case and advised that i should take the extra doseage. anyway, i have started the puregon (150 units) last night and together with lucrin (10 units). i feel bloated after the injection..sigh..the next scanning will be on 26 jun and hopefully i can tahan the bloatedness until ER and ET.

hi ladies,
should i start taking the egg white now?
Hi ya, anyone using GonalF(pen like) now? How much dosage are you using? D2 of using GonalF, hope im using the right way! Pull up the top all the way and jab rite? Cos after that, i hv no idea if medicine went in or not leh...
Hi babywee, eh, u r injecting lucrin and puregon in the evening? Am injecting suprefact and GonalF in the mornings.
How long hv u been using Lucrin?Is puregon pen like? Did doc give u any scan b4 giving u the puregon? Cos mine did not scan nor check, juz 2nd day of menses,inject GonalF...Hmmm.
Hi Nita,

Me on Lucrin Depot too and already taken 2 x, 1 more to go. After 1st injection (day 3 of my menses), i do experience heavy spotting on day 9 and it lasts about 2-3 wks. Actually was not spoting, was like light menses but only in the day. I stopped after 2-3 wks and no menses since then. Why are you on Lucrin depot? Mine is becoz of my adenomyosis.
hi emma,
yes, i'm injecting both lucrin and puregon before i sleep. i started lucrin on 25 may and is using the puregon pen for injecting the pruegon. i have done my scanning and blood test on 9 jun and was told to go back to KK yesterday to get the puregon (there is no scanning done yesterday). btw, how much doseage of GonalF that u need to take?
Hi Feibb,
Why do u have to take 2x of lucrin depot? It means u go on the longer protocol? After 1st injection the appt will be 10 wks later right? I took mine on the 30th May 1st time and on the 8th August (10 weeks) I need to go for the blood test. I have been having spotting from day 7 of the injection until now. Do I have to take for 2nd time too? The injection is very expensive! You mean u still have to go for the 3rd time of Lucrin Depot? I have to take lucrin becoz of my adenomysis too..
Haizz... who are u seeing for this IVF and is this your 1st cycle?
Hi babywee

I guess we started the cycle at about the same time ya? I started on the 6th Jun and today is D2 of gonalF (150 units). Is this ur 1st cycle? it's my 1st. I was only told to do a scanning on the 23rd jun but not too sure if need blood test or not, so far I did 1 blood test, that was to check for hormone level b4 injecting suprefact.
hi doris,

yes, this is my 1st cycle. hmm..seems like everyone is going through different process. i got to know from some of the ladies in this forum that taking egg white can lessen the bloadedness feeling but not too sure if i should start now
btw, which doctor/clinic are you seeing?
hi miss hae,
thx.. hehe.. my blood test and scan went well. spoke to the nurse just now about the results.. and she said, 'very good, you can start the second stage next week.' so she told me to come back next sat morning to administer puregon on the spot and to continue lucrin as long as the doc said i should.

so i'm glad coz i expected to continue lucrin alone for another week. and to start puregon with lucrin after that.

eh, how u you know i'm online ah? hehe..
hi littlebee,
i can't pm you as your pm function is perhaps not turned on. maybe you can pm me and i reply?

hi joie,
i wasn't prescribed lupron but i guess its functions the same with lucrin? correct me if i'm wrong. but so far with lucrin, i don't have any side effects. nurse warned of headaches. said can take ONLY panadols. but so far i'm ok.

hi babywee,
oh bloating comes during puregon stage?! oh dear.. must think of ways to hide it while at work. will raise too many qns from people.. time to stock up on babydoll tops! haha..
Hi ladies,
Those who are interest in massage u can contact Yati at 97803442.
Jus for info, she will try to push your womb to the correct place. Abit painful. i feel better after the massage mayb you ladies can give it a try and experience it yourselves.
I feel heaty after taking Dr Zou medicine too but still not so bad like yours. Try taking lots of water.
The HSR form is for foreign babies. U need to fill up this report to get approval from MCYS before the whole adoption process can be proceed. Btw, if you interested in China babies u can contact Touch adoption service centre waiting time abt 2yrs. I think the cost is abt 15k to 20k.
Pretyy Lady
So have you come up with the date to start FET? I may have to delay til next yr liao....very sian. Just don want to stress my hubby financially. I will also give up on the adoption.
Thanks merlenna.
I am starting on the 1st set of injections (suprefact).
Anyone who is suffering from bruises from the injections? How can I inject correctly to prevent these bruises?
hi joie,
during my first two attempt, i had bruises after my injections.. the second one was bad coz i realized i moved the area that i was holding on to during the injection. so the trick here is probably not to move at all.. take normal breaths, insert straight in, hold of 5 secs after pushing the syringe then pull straight out. since then, no bruise at all. try it, hope you don't suffer the bruises after this..
hi ladies,
I am back from the hols.. wow so much to catch up! Miss hae, Congrats!! so happy for you..

hang in there! bring us good news ok?
How are u? Actually to try again next year is also good for you so tt u can make use of this period to "tiao" yr body...ok?
Who noes u might hv one naturally....Jia You and lotsa of babydust!
Hi babywee,
My gynae is Prof. ng sc at Gleneagles. How do you feel after injecting the puregon? I feel restless after GonalF and not too sure if it's the effect from it..sigh.

Hi Joie
I got a few bruises initially as well after injecting suprefact, was told that I probably hit the vessels. Now, I'll squeeze my fats and jab in slowly(still squeezing my fats
)and gently take out the syring... Try applying ice pack before and after jab,might ease the pain and bruise..:p

Hi Blesswbb
Thanks for the info ya. Have you tried taking egg whites as well,fried the whites or? Hmm, I have high cholesterol,so not too sure if I should


Good Luck to you and will pray for ya.
Hi Blesswbb

Am also seeing Dr Zou from AMK. But I don't like the taste of powder,therfore, didn't take it. Did you check with Dr Zou about the heatiness? Do u go on wkdays or wkends?
Dear all,
thanks. Will pray hard too. I am banging on AF not arriving yet. Thanks for the blessings and prayers!
Dear ladies,
thank you for praying for me. Just tested and it's confirmed negative. I am fine at the moment. Think I am not in shock nor sad as I prepared this journey with the possible results in mind. I guess I will just have to wait for Nov to try again. Will take the time to rest and recuperate.
now that I have to do again, what's next? Is it just ET only? Is the process known as FET? Do you know how much is it for this process then? Thanks.
I took raw egg whites after ET. Mix them with milo so wont taste that raw. I also take them fried. If egg white is too raw for u try taking more fish. But not all fish can be taken. Some fish contain mercury avoid that.
I visit Dr Zou during weekdays. Only go once a week. I think the heatiness is also due to sleeping late and eating too much chilli stuff. I even took Linzhi for certain days to improve blood circulation. U must be thinkg i very kaisu right?? No choice lah....trying all ways to improve chances in pregnancy....
I feeling better liao. Ya lor....who know really can get pregnant naturally...

So when do u intend to start your IVF?
Feeling funny lately around my tummy. Very worry donno is it my cyst coming back. Any idea what is the side effect of IVF?
Will be going to see Dr Loh next week to hv it check. If my cyst comes back, will have to delay the FET again. Sianz....
I pretty worried about myself too. I have got cyst too, but surprisingly Dr Loh allow me to go through IVF without asking me to take any med or removing it. I tink before the IVF procedure during the scan, Dr found a 3cm cyst. Anyway I have to extend my lucrin jab for another 2 weeks.Perhaps its due to the lining and cyst.
Like I expected it earlier that you will go ahead with stage 2 earlier then me...The next round I guess I have u as my mentor...heheee
Actually I intends to do so when I am more settled down wif my own emotions after my dad's death.
Currently trying on TCM and c hw, if no news by year end, will do it early 2009.
Hopefully there are miracles...
U too, I will pray for all the ladies here....
Cysts actually will keep coming back and its v common among women...
I hv a fren whom has cysts too...after laser off, it comes back a few mths later...she has been taking TCM now and the last I heard is it has shrunk by a lot...perhaps u can try on TCM?

pls don't be discouraged. i will always pray for you. do keep in touch pls.

i think i read ur blog before.i think lah, not sure if really it's the correct person.wish you all the best in your cycle!

thanks dear. how was your holiday?

are you doing ivf at kk? my friend also doing the same and had to extend her lucrin as she is having endo.

to the rest,pls don't give up.
