IVF/ICSI Support Group

Miss Hae, congratulations. I'm so happy for you.Eat and rest well. I'll continue to pray for you. How are you feeling now? By the way, do you remember how thick your uterine lining was before your ER? Mine was only 8.5mm. Maybe that's why mine failed.


When, I did my IUI, a blood test was done and no urine test and it wasn't after 17 days as in TFC but 14. The doctor then said that a blood test even if done earlier would be more accurate than a urine test taken at the same time. I can understand your anxiety. Why don't you call TFC to find out? I suspect that if you do a urine test now, it may not be accurate.
thank you everyone foe your well wishes. yes, i really need to rest well and will do better for this 2nd pregnancy.i die-die cannot be kan cheong this time round. as long as i can hear the baby/s heartbeat, i'm more than contented.

i pray for all of you too!

my test (day 14) is supposed to be on wednesday and today is only monday. the nurse just told me i'm pregnant and my hcg level is of a good range. maybe if you can call them up and ask if you can have the blood test earlier.i thought of you just now you know! i pray that you will get a positive result too!

the nurse told me just now but i couldn't remember. i was busy crying with relief! i only remember her saying it's of a good range. i am hoping for twins but if i have one, im happy too.

thanks dear. i am feeling fine, just sleepy and tired after the morning drama. i broke down in front of my MIL and aunty! but after that i was ok lah. now iam at my MIL's resting. my MIL is will accompanying me to the gynae's visit 2mrw. hmm, about uterine lining, i'm not sure too. i don't think i asked and they told me. i went ahead with the procedure without asking much.

don't worry ladies, your turns will come. i pray for each and everyone of you.

lfb, can email me the contact of the 'an tai' thingy? i'm a malay, will there be a problem to go through with it? i think should be ok right?
pretty lady,
Before every ET(either fresh or FET), I did TCM & Acu for better womb blood circulation and to thicken my uterine lining. But I was quite disappointed of the TCM result. My lining was always 7mm (lowest border line) before ET. So I was worry my lining was not good enough but Dr Loh said it was fine. Mayb that was why mine failed so many times. Luckily my thawn rate was quite high. I got 15 embroys. Still have 2 frozen embroys left after 4x ET (transfered 3 embroys each time).

Miss Hae,
Congrats...rest well and take good care.
miss hae,

good to noe dat there are oso malay ladies in here doing ivf...i dun see many. i tot i was alone...u really gave me hope.
Dear Miss Hae,

Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I will also continue my prayers and keep myself sane b4 the test. Still thinking of blood or urine test. Re an tai, as long as the TCm is a reputable doc, should be ok. I am seeing Ms Loh Kim Gek, a TCM from Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution, Thong Chai Building (T.C. Medical Institution) 50 Chin Swee Road #01-00, Singapore 169874, located @ Tiong Bahru
Phone : 67336905
Fax : 67333552
It's a free clinic, depending on donation. You can call and make appt before seeing her. Just tell her your history.
She did the an tai for my SIL and my sis too. There some TCM some sisters here are visiting. You can try them if you want. Rest well for these 9 months, and have good thoughts. I am sure this time is different! All the best!
Ms Hae,

Congrats!!! It is glad to hear positive news, at least give me more confidence to embark my 1st ivf journey. Rest well and have a smooth 9 mths
after brief discussion with hubby, we decided we will wait for Sat to do our HPT instead of the bllod test. Hubby thinks not good to put pressure and stress on me. I thought through and also think so. Luckily work will be hectic from Wed onwards. Hopefully we will be bless, just like Miss Hae. You also jai you! It's quite stressful but I believe God is with us! All the best!
Hi mala,
ya, I thought of calling, but then decided not too. I trusted God and will continue to do so. Will have positive thoughts and pray hard. Thanks.
i can understand your stress. dont worry, you can make it. Like you say, God is with you.

Im going for my transfer tomorrow.

i think i will have a jab on bum tomorrow right? is that jab painful?
will i still have consulation regarding the embryos before the transfer? or go straight for the transfer?
no more consultation. Just call them re embryo quality and quantity and they will inform you the date for ET. That's it! The injection is not painful, just a bit sore. After ET, you'll be ask to rest. That's all.

whooops!! i missed a day and here i am a little lost in the thread!

hi miss hae,
congratulations!!! i'm so happy for you! your good news is our good news! gives us all hope too! keep us informed if you're expecting multiples..

hi yaya,
no outlet.. for both times i went to their place in the west. cheaper that way. but a little inconvenient coz i live in the east.. but what's a little inconvenience for a baby right? hehe..
i'll pm you their contacts.

hi pretyy lady,
i'll pm you their contacts yeah? you can give either of them a call and make an appointment. personally i'd go for the 2nd lady.

hi catzeye,
i'm malay too! and since we're in the same cycle together..kudos to us! i'm on day 10 of lucrin now.. anyway, my period was late for 2 days. hubby was kinda panicky asking why it isn't here yet coz i'm clockwork. i told him to relax, it'll come. and yeah, its here. after 2 days late. i dunno abt the lucrin thou.. mine's always in the fridge.. kinda have a routine when i inject in the morning..maybe u can call kkivf and ask?
merlenna, babywee, zeenawong, littlebee, xinyu,
thanks for your well wishes! i wish all of you success too ya!

this would be my 2nd time doing ivf. the first time was successful but had a missed marriage that's why i'm trying for the second time. don't give up hope!

the 'an tai' thing consist of what? is it chinese medication? thanks for giving me the number.

all the best for your ivf journey and have confidence ok?

i'm seeing pcwong from nuh. i don't know why i went to him. pure luck i guess but i am confortable with his straight-to-the-point kind of consultation. for both ivf, i merely went along withe the process and he makes me feel comfortable. and also, the injections - suprefact and gona-f were all rather easy to inject on my tummy. maybe cos i have too thick fats!

i just went to nuh just now to meet him and was in a daze when he shook my hands to congratulate me. i'll have to come for twice weekly jabs which either my MIL or mum will accompany me and i'm to have 2 more weeks of rest. housework also cannot do.i hope i can jalan a bit in the afternoon after resting in the morning. he also said that i cannot have any chinese medicine/jamu but i thought of making bird nest on my own. do you ladies know how to do it? do share with me pls. and i'll only know if it's 1, 2 or 3 this upcoming scan on 30th june, a day after my birthday!
hi miss hae,
congrats & enjoy a smooth 9 months ahead!!

hi xinyu,
hey what a coincidence... i too had the same number of frozen embroyos stored as you'd. but guess only when the thawing process happen will the lab knows how will my embies' thawing rate be. thanks for sharing....
Hip Hip Horray...
Congrats Ms Hae,so happy for u.Have a smooth preggy.

Feeling excited for u now,gd luck,hope u can share yr gd news w us too.

Hi sisters here,
chk w u,do u feel very sleepy & tired when on lurin jabs & also abit bloated already?Can I start to take egg white now or later?
Dear Miss Hae,
re an tai, it is just Chinese medicine afetr consultation. Your doc mentioned no Chinese Medicine, so I think you should ask him first b4 you look for one.

As for the bird nest, I usually soak it for half a day, wash and clean all the impurities, put it into a double boiler, add in 2 bowls of water and a handful of rock sugar, and double boil for 3 hours.

thanks. I will do self test this Sat, decided to forgo the blood test. I am praying real hard for good news too! Will share when I tested.
hi chuafamily,
a bit bloated perhaps.. hehe.. but then again, i've put exercising on hold. sleepy and tired not so.. just hungry.. but then again, i'm always hungry.. hehe..

ok, realize not helping here.. any others??
thank you again to all! yes, we jia yoh together!

im also terribly excited for you! do let us know the good news k!
about the bird nest, if we want to make it, how much should we buy? the ones that they sell 6 in a box, is it good or not good? must double boil is it? cannot just boil and add the sugar?

i think the gona-f wil make you feel more bloated. when i was on suprefact, i was normal but very forgetful and blur like sotong. like always in a daze. the gona f makes my tummy bloated like nobody's business but thanks to egg white and ensure milk, my tummy now is flat.
Dear Miss Hae,
there are different quality when coming to birdnest. For someone who hasn't bought birdnest b4, I suggest you get a friend who knows how to choose. I bought some from Indonesia, cos my SIL's family are Indonesian and her mum knows how to choose. My MIL will buy from her usual shop and she knows how to see the quality. I suggest you buy off shelves kind, like Brand's or New Moon, respectable brand. As for double boil, it's to keep the nutrient of birdnest. If not crockpot also can. My MIL cooks hers in a crockpot. She is a ardent fan of birdnest and cooks often for the family.
I am also very excited. But I try to calm myself down too. Will not be too hopeful as I don't want to be too disappointed. Will try to stay calm and pray hard. Have to trust God! Thanks!
Dear Miss Hae,
do you have AF-coming-feeling b4 your test? I am having that and now I dunno whether to do a blood test or not.
Dear ladies,
I am contemplating to test on Thursday or Friday, when my testing date should be Sunday. Do you think it can be accurate? I know this could be anxiety feeling but I guess no one is spared when she is in 2WW. Sigh!
Ms Hae & LFB

I was told by the shoplady where i bought the birdnest that it is not advisable to consume birdnest during the 1st trimester. No good for growing embryo. Not sure how true it is. But heard the same from my mum and some old aunties...

Hi Marlenna,
can you PM me the contact for the massage lady too? tks!
try to relax! i also feel anxious for you.

initially during the start of 2WW, i had some breasts soreness. only that but dissapeared a few days later. funny thing was, i did't have any bloatedness, my tummy is flat (i even lost a bit of weight), no backaches or anything. my menses is supposed to come on the 16th that's why when i had spotting on saturday, i was totally in shock the whole day. i was preparing myself to see blood at my liner but there wasn't any. same goes for sunday. then i told myself that i am confirmed having my menses on monday but luckily it's just spotting. no bleeding at all whatsoever.

i think if u really want, u do on saturday, like ur original plan. i have always thought of doing my test earlier but i know it can backfire if the result is not what i want and i will be doubly stressed.
hi anyone encounter blood clots while on lucrin. I felt something gushed out while i was lying, rushed to the toiet and found quite a big piece of clot. Never seen tis before though...Anyway, to those gals who has gone through stage 1 do the doctor do a transvaginal scan or abdominal scan on day 14 of lucrin.
Miss Hae,
ya, think I am in distress as I wanted this to worked so much! My last menses was on the 20th May, so I should only test on the 19th or 20th June, to be sure. I don't have much bloatedness and sore breasts only happened earlier stage of 2WW. I hope that since our symptons are the same, so will the result. Will pray real hard! How trying this is! Thanks for talking to me, very anxious and lost at the moment!
yes, don't worry! our results will be the same but u must stop being so stressed! will pray for you too! if ur just having spotting, don't worry too ok? it might be some old blood from the embryos-that's what my nurse told me lah. try to be calm and do some things that can take ur mind off so you can relax.
Miss Hae,
yes, I know. It's just so difficult not to think about it. Luckily tomorrow I am starting work, going to have meeting from 830 to 1230, hopefully my mind will be occupied. If I am at home, I will sure make endless trip to toilet to check! Anyway, thanks. Will be confident with God and again, pray hard! Thanks!
Hi all, I'm new here. Just started my 1st IVF processed on 30th May and now on Lucrin Depot 11.25mg. It supposed to last for 3months per injection. My spottings comes a week after the injection and follows by my AF. Can anyone please give me the contact for the malay massage? Introduce any good TCM? I'm seeing Dr SF Loh from KKIVF.
Saw ur previous thread tat you've only see Dr Zou for accup. would like to ask, did you only mentioned to her you only wan accup? How abt medicine, did she insist better to consume her medicine cos I've took her medicine, find that the "bu" medicine like don't suit me, after I took it, felt nauses, stomach & "zi kong" got on and off cramp pain, pimples pop out on my hands, face, body.. very uncomfortable... urine like reduce and abit constipation...
Maybe I'm the weak one among all the ladies here...sigh...
Tot of seeing my previous TCM doc @ Sim Ming Rd and only do accup with Dr Zou... but afraid she's not tat happy if I told her the medicine don't suit me...
Hi Zeena,
I only let her do acu, cos I have my own TCM. When I told her, I thought she not happy. But actually I think she ok. Maybe because we went there twice a week, husband and wife, spent at least $100/week. We live very near her, so she always ask us to go earlier or later, to suit others. We never complaint. She was ok with me after that. Maybe you tell her that her medicine too harsh for you, can gve you something less heaty. My TCM will adjust accordingly for me. Hope these help.
Has anyone in here got to take additional week or more of lucrin before starting on Puregon? Today i had my 1st scan & blood test. I was looking forward for stage 2 but to my dissapointment I have to continue lucrin till 1 Jul and do another scan & blood test to confirm again. I guess my endo is very stubborn, thus resulting me to take more dose of lucrin.
Will be starting on my IVF journey this week. Will the 1st set of injections be Lupron?
Not sure if any of you experienced any side effects of daily injection... care to share so I can be mentally prepared.
Hi Catzeye,
I have the same experience as you. I have started the lucrin on 25 may and done the scanning + bloodtest on 9 jun. The nurse has asked me to start the puregon on 19 jun. I will ask them tmr the reason why there is a need for me to take more doseage of lucrin. Will keep you posted
Hi ladies,
couldn't resist the temptation and did a HPT. I am suppose to have my urine test next monday. The result is negative. Sad. Anyway, is this the time to do the test? Am I too early? For ladies who are pregnant, do you get AF coming feelings before your test? Now I am very worried.
Hi lfb

During the 2ww in my 2nd ivf cycle, i experienced very bad cramps after ET and it got worse in the 2nd week. I think u might have tested a bit early and the hcg level may not be high enough to be detected by the HPT. Wait for a few more days be4 u test again. At this moment, don't worry too much. Keep talking to your embies. Btw when is ur bloodtest?
Dear yck,
ya, but keep having this irritating Af coming feeling. Praying real hard. Thanks.

TMC don't do blood test, they only do urine test on Monday. I am really praying hard that time is a factor. Hubby was really disappointed and sad too. Just cannot take the negative. Will continue to pray! Thanks.
don't be discouraged. i think you tested too early. why not u just wait for monday? don't despair ok. u never know until monday so stay positive! we are all here rooting for you!
