IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear ladies,
may I ask when embbies are being thaw, what's their survival rate? Does the grade makes a difference?

Merlenna n Doris, thanks for the tips. I realised that it is really impt to be quick with the injection - just dun think too much and jab.

I am just wondering if your doctor advised if you should avoid any types of food/drinks which I should avoid during the course of IVF. Nurse just reminded me to cut down on caffeine.
Are any ladies trying accupunture/Chinese medicine together with the IVF process? I discontinued my chinese medicine once I started on IVF. Not sure if having accupunture will increase the chances.

Ladies, Thanks for helping me with all the questions.
hi catzeye,
mentor?? no lah! i think the other ladies here are more experienced than me. hehe, just learning as i get along. nonetheless, i'll share with you whatever i can share..

hi miss hae,
err.. wic blog? my ttc one is private coz only open to selected few. the main one is not using this nick. hehe..

hi joie,
as far as i know we can eat anything. i guess what we can do, is to take things in moderation. should be fine. maybe someone else has other advice about this..
miss hae,
yup i am doing it at KKH wif Dr SF Loh. Yeah since i roughly know the reason why I shd continue I juz take thgs slowly.
dr sf loh is a very good doctor. my prayers are with you for your cycle.

ya, i know.it's ur main blog.somehow i just stumbled upon ur nick at one of the disgusting forum that you put in ur blog. dunno if it's the same person!

i think it's best to cut down on caffeine too.don't take too much, just in moderation will do best.
hi lfb,
jia you for your FET.
i have read from somewhere on the net that the survival rate in general is 60%. but of cos higher grade will have higher survival rate.

i have already started to read on FET last few days; to prepare myself in case i fail this cycle since i dont pin high hopes as i feel that its not easy to strike the 1st time.

i will be going back to work tomorrow finally. so bored at home.

you still need to go down to the clinic for your test tmr?

cost wise for FET, i think there will be a difference whether it is a controlled or natural cycle. i have already plan if this cycle failed, i will go for the natural. conttolled cycle involves too many days of injections.
Don't be discouraged, actually the success of 1st IVF depends on several reasons, one of it is age. I am sure being younger, you are of better chance. Just don't think too much. You must have positive thoughts and be hopeful. All the best!

By the way, what is natural and what is controlled cycle? I am not sure when I will do my FET, as I wonder how long a period of rest is expected after the failure. Will consult Dr Cheng and my Chinese Doc. I am not testing today as my AF reported yesterday's afternoon. So I will give them a call and inform them. Will check when is Dr Cheng available for consultation. I will probably go down one of the Sat. Hubby not free on other days.
hi lfb,
you're very strong. i think your reaction to the whole thing is very objective. continue to be positive k, even though i can imagine it must be really hard on you. i don't know if i can be as strong as you if it was me. take care of yourself yeah?
Hi Merlenna,

Which stage of IVF are you in right now? Just went to see gyane and was prescribed with contraceptive pills for a period of 21 days. He say that is to ensure that ovaries have enought rest before stimulation.

I think u r very brave. Is this your first cylce of IVF?
Hi Lfb

So sorry to hear the news but pls don't be discouraged. I will continue to pray for you.

If I can recall from memory, my FET cycle involved Lucrin injections to prevent the menses from coming. The injections were for more than 3 weeks and are self-injectable. The only drawback is that they are quite painful.But I found the FET cycle less stressful than a fresh cycle because there is no egg retrieval and you don't have to worry about how many follicles you have and so on.

The only hitch is when it comes to the thawing of the embryos. I remember having 7 embryos but when it came to the thawing, only 3 survived. Some heartening news though! Rebecca, the nurse told me that TFC has a higher success rate with FET cycles than with fresh cycles. (I did conceive from my FET cycle by the way). If I am not wrong, the survival rate of the embryos depend on their quality.

On my last visit, Dr Cheng told me that in a fresh cycle he will concentrate more on the eggs whereas in a FET he has to concentrate more on the womb. The womb lining plays a great part. In my FET, this pill called progynova was given which was continued right through to the 2WW. I feel that a lot more was done in the FET rather than in a fresh cycle but unfortunately I have only 2 frozen embryos and can't risk a FET this time.

If you can afford it, try not to use your Medisave this time. I did not use my Medisave for my FET cycle. The total cost was less than $5000. If I'm not wrong, I paid about $3000 plus only and this included assisted hatching which was needed in my case. So it may cost less for you. The injections are so much cheaper than the Gonal -f.

Also, the nurses mentioned that at least 2 months rest is needed before going on the next cycle. After my first failed cycle, Dr Cheng said that as long as one is physically and mentally ready, one can start even the following month, but I would advise you to rest first before embarking on the next cycle. Sometimes, the nurses give better advice than doctors.

Lfb, I hope I have enlightened you somewhat from my long- windedness. Pls continue to have faith. Eat and rest well! Take care


Hi Doris,

I will get tired easily and feel sleepy at 9+ at night since I started the injections. And, I tend to feel hungry and have put on some weight..sigh..my clothes are getting tight
Last night I had a bad injection. After pulling out the needle, blood came out and I got brusies. Getting more and more stress up when taking the injections nowaday.
Dear Merlennna and bebecraze,

thanks. I am not brave lah, just that I have prepared myself for whatever that will happen. This is inevitable as IVF is not the sure way.
I will con't be eat and rest well. Started work today. Spoke to my boss. He told me to do anytime I am prepared. No need to wory about the leave and other matters. My other 2 female bosses also ask me quick quick do, don't wait already. SO I am bless with good bosses and colleagues, shouldn't really complain.

thanks for the detailed explanation. I know slightly more now. Will be able to talk to Dr Cheng with some prior knowledge now. I am also afraid of the thawing process, will have to pray hard then. As for cost, spoke to hubby, decided to pay cash for this FET. I will definitely rest well before I start. Thanks very much!

Why do u choose to pay cash rather than using CPF? Dr Cheng told me that the cost ranges from 8K to 12K per cycle. How much did ur cycle cost?
hi bebecraze08,
i'm in my week 3 of lucrin injections. will start puregon this sat. ouh, you haven't begin the injections yet? nvm, rest well and take care of yourself yeah?

hi babywee,
your description of the injection sounds like my 2nd day of injection. i did get a terrible bruise that day. there was also blood after i took the syringe out. but i knew it was bad bcoz i moved the area around the syringe. for now, i have finished the whole box of syringes (14) and using the one in the plastic bag (10).. those 2nd batch of syringes less sharp lah.. dunno why.. need a little more force to jab in. i have no side effects just that i get a little nauseous once in awhile..
LFB, continue to stay strong and get ready for FET. It is important to have a understanding boss and colleagues when you go through such a demanding process.

After much thought, I decided to take a career break so that I start IVF without the additional work stress. My previous job with a demanding boss and the daily night conferences till 10/11pm did not help to manage my stress levels.
Hi bebecraze08

I think a fresh cycle costs much more than a FET cycle. I only paid $3000 plus for my FET cycle in TFC. Is this your first cycle? All the best to you! Next month, I go on the contraceptive pills before going on the injections in August.

Hi Miss Hae

How are you feeling now? Has morning sickness hit you yet? I just wanted to check with you since our case is similar. I read that you have to go for injections every two days. Do you think that your doctor is taking more precautions with you in view of your previous miscarriage?

In my previous FET cycle where I conceived, I didn't go for injections every two days even though I had a previous miscarriage. I don't know! I keep asking myself, what if? Rest well Miss Hae and I will continue to pray for you and all the ladies here.
Hi Merlenna & Mala,

This is my first cycle. I havent started on injections yet. Doctor put me on contraceptive pills for 21 days. Then when AF comes have to call them and start on injections. Hence injections will prob begin at the end of Jul and Aug would be transfer i think. Do you have to go for counselling session first before IVF? The nurse told me that i have to go for counselling session b4 injection starts.
Hi Lfb,

Sorry to hear tat...Do take good care...

I also didnt success in my 1st fresh ivf. I got pregnant in my FET which is 1 yr later . During tat time,i took TCM recommended by TFC.( quite expensive, i paid + $280 for 1 mth supply of pills ) I have no choice liao. Just pray tat my last 4 embryo will survive.

I have permission fm Dr cheng tat i can still take the TCM during my ET n 2WW ..So, i really dun knw it is becoz of the TCM or drill a hole in my embryo or more hormones pill or resting throughout the 2ww help..I have aldy done my best laio.. If success or not, no regret .

I oni left w 4 embryo , 3 survive thrawing.. So, i put in 3.. Got pregnant w triplets then downgrade to twin nw..

I paid abt $ 4000 if i m not mistaken. During my pregnant, i went weekly for hormone jab and twice jabs when i have some blood spotting on week 5 .

Nw, i m 17 weeks . I m happy tat ivf can help me to be a mother one day. Knowing tat the process of IVF is tough n stressful and we are all brave mothers to be soon.. So never give up hope.

Baby dust to all . God will answer our prayer and bless each and everyone with healthy and happy babies one day.
Hi gals,

Had blood test today and D5 of gonalF and was told my E2 is about 2900.. and need to reduce the gonalF from 150 to about 100..mmm, anyone knows wat is the normal level of E2 and wat's urs when went for blood tested?
Dear bebecraze,
eh cos I think for FET, it's cheaper. Moreover just in case..... Anyway, will have to wait for Dr Cheng to see me then I decide with hubby. My last cycle costed me $12000. Thanks.

Pinky panther,
thanks for the advice. I also think first round is abit difficult, esp I am in mid 30s already. Just spoke to the nurse and I will probably do in Oct. My Chinese doc also suggest to rest.

yes, bosses are impt! My bosses told me don't wait, just do it when I am ready again. My big boss even offered to accompany hubby and I for a short hoilday b4 I start again. Then my female boss asked me out for dinner tonight. Touched! God is good to provide me with such wonderful bosses. Will still remember I am very bless, with people around me(esp those in this forum) thinking of me constantly.
thanks dear! im fine, doing well at the moment. no morning sickness yet but am often plagued with breathlessness and have difficulty sleeping. appetite is so-so. i think i ate more before i got pregnant. my breasts feels very sensitive and all. other than that, i feel my stomach is rather big. same like how i was bloated before. the spotting has totally stopped.

i am still going up and about, walking around when i have the chance and resting when i need to catch my breath. my mum and in laws have been very helpful with the housework.

oh, im not going for every 2 day jab. its twice a week jab. just had a jab just now. last year it was a water/oil jab but this time, just the oil. cheaper and less painful.

hmm, about precautions, not really because i did ask him that. what are the things that i can do to prevent a missed miscarrige from happening again. he said that there is nothing we can do to prevent it except to be alert on what i am eating, have ample rest, that's all. now he is only giving me the duphaston and the nurse said just now ill have to take it and the injections twice weekly so i'm ok with that.

i try not to think too much about it and worry if history is going to repeat itself. now im keeping myself occupied with other things and not worry like last year. last year i was too emotional and paranoid. this time, i am more relaxed.i hope to see the sac/s and heartbeat/s in weeks to come.

how are you btw? r u starting another cycle?
Hi all lovely ladies...

I'm new in this forum and also very desperate in getting pregnant. Seeing Dr. Cheng at the moment... been trying hard for 3yrs w/o any success rate. Did try IUI with clomid but failed. Though, clomid did a wonderful job but the IUI still fail. am thinking of having my tube checked but dunno the cost. Can anyone tell me the laparascopy cost @ TFC?? Have anyone done that?? What is the procedure like?
Miss Hae

I'm so glad that you are doing well.Thanks for the information. I always tell my friends that I will enjoy going through morning sickness and all the symptoms that come with pregnancy just to have a baby. I think it will be worth it.

I will be starting on the contraceptive pills next month and I think the injections will start in August. All the best to you. I will continue to pray for you.
hi bebecraze08,
yes, nurse said that the counselling has to be done first before you start your injection. the signing of the consent form also. so try to get that done early to avoid missing your start date for the injections. i almost didn't get it in time too coz was too busy to go down to kk. but luckily there was a slot for me..

today is not such a good day for me. been feeling extremely tired. and sleepy. even now trying to stay awake. hubby said maybe the injections are just taking a toll on me coz school starts and its back to work for me. sigh! will probably have an early night but that would mean i will miss watching prison break and fav hunk on tv.. hehe..
hi everyone,

not been coming in for a while cos i don have e courage to accept my ivf failure though i was mentally prepared.

can i check what shd i do if ivf failure is caused by poor sperm quality? i had 13 follicles retrieved during ER but only mg to transfer 1 embryo. not sure what to do now.. would appreciate your advice. thks.

hi lfb,

sorry to hear abt e failure. u r really strong. it has beem almost 2 wks fr my ivf failure and i still am very lost and discouraged..
Dear Miss Hae,
glad to know you are well. Must be careful, and try to be happy. This will be good I am sure.

I am not strong, just see open. I know I don't decide, God is. So I just pray hard. Re poor sperm quality, my hubby's improved leaps and bounds after TCM and multi vit and fruits. He took Mega man and Ginseng pills from GNC. He ate alot of mango and strawberry 2 months b4 my IVF. He quit coffee and cold drinks and food. We totally changed our diet. Even the embryologist was amazed. You can try if you want.
hi lfb,
oh, your tips for increasing sperm count is very useful.. although i'm already in the midst of ivf, its not too late to start right? i should hassle for hubby to go find some mango and strawberry today! hehe..
Hi Merleena,
Will the injections caused tireness?

Your hubby is so corporative. My hubby doesnt like to take pills...he is worried of being overdose with the vitamin pills. Tho' nurse asked him to take immuvital (ginseng), he is not willing to take it. I am so worried that his sperm quality may affect the chance of conceiving. I am quite frustrated with hubby
Dear All,

I really need your advice regarding tube checking. Dr. Cheng said if my tube is blocked then i'll hv to do ivf. If not, then will do SO+IUI for 2 cycles before ivf. Can someone pls. give me your advice???
Hi Moulin

I am currently with Dr Cheng. Did he suggest a laproscopy? I had mine done about 3 years ago but it was not with Dr Cheng. Though my tubes are not blocked, I had a few fibriods.

My laproscopy was a painless procedure under general anaesthesia. It involved an overnigh stay in the hospital. Its not as costly as ivf. I think I paid less than $4000. It may have gone up now.

By the way, I too had 2 cycles of iui done with Dr Cheng. They failed so that's why I resorted to ivf.

Don't worry Moulin. My husband's cousin had a blocked tube which was detected in the laproscopy. She went on to do ivf and is now a mother of a baby boy. If I were you and if my tubes are not blocked and if age is on my side, I think I will still do an iui first before the big ivf. An iui is so much cheaper and less stressful.

Are you doing TCM? Take care and all the best to you.
hi rejoice - did ur doc did ICSI? That will help as the sperm will be directly injected into the egg. Another way to help is dong cong cao (or cordecyps). Can buy from TCM shops (reputed ones better) grind into powder and then mix with warm water every morning for ur hubby (half a teaspoon). No caffeine, no western medicine 2 hours in btw the intake of it. He must drink lots of water cos it cld be heaty to some pple.

Hi Moulin - it is usual to check for block tubes as it is the cause of 20% of infertility. The easiest way is to do a HSG - where dye is pump into the tubes..if the dye flows then tubes are not blocked. But there is a slight disadvt of HSG is that sometimes ur body will go in spasm and the tubes might appear blocked when it is not. If the results are not good, then u might be recommended to go a Lap to see better if the tubes are really blocked. A HSG costs abt $300++ (excld costs like Xray room) while a lap is a surgery so it costs alot more ($7000++).

I did HSG and found it blocked and then proceed to do a lap. A good thing abt lap is that the gynae can do a clean up (fiberiods etc) and see if really got other "concerns" .... the only way to have a baby for pple with blocked tubes is IVF (which is started initially for blocked tubes reason).
Hi Mala & Vanilla,

Thanks for your great advice. I've done the IUI before but not with Dr Cheng and it has failed. Dr Cheng said my body react very good to clomid and my husband's sperm quality are good too. he's suprise why we still couldn't get pregnant so he's asking me to check my tube (either HSG or Laproscopy). I'm a bit scared. Dr Cheng did say if my tube is not blocked then he suggest me to do Super Ovulation + IUI.

I dont really concentrate on real TCM but i do take some supplements from E.Excel. Have you heard about it? They use chinese herbs too.

To be frank, i'm 29 so, many people told me not to worried. but i'm married for 5yrs and been trying for 3yrs with no successful results. i'm quite devastated when i found out that my newly weds sis in law got pregnant.

Anyway, I thank God that i found this forum and from this forum i got the chance to know u gals. Thank u so much!!!!
No worries Moulin, better to check the tubes. Can try HSG cos it is just a simple procedure.

For me i ovulate rather well, just not regular (bet 28-32 days), am on clomid and ok too, Hubby also ok... Technically doc said 3 course of clomid is max..wanted me to try natural for a few more mths... but I gan cheong and tested the tubes and found this "structural" problem.

Good to start everything younger cos IVF is also age related... success rate is best below 30.
Hi Mala,

By the way, u said you have done 2 cycles of IUI with Dr Cheng rite? May i know whether u take clomid or injection?
hi bebecraze08,
i dunno if its really because of the injections that i am tired. coz when i did it for the 1st 2 weeks, i was on a break from work.. school holidays so no stress.. and now that i'm back, 2 days is enough to increase that level of stress. so i dunno if its work or the injections but i'm definitely more tired and sleepy now..

hi yaya,
what i know is that icsi is required only when there is low sperm quality or the egg wall is too thick to be naturally penetrated. so the lab will do icsi to assist in the fertilization process. so i don't think icsi is applicable to all ivf cases. it really depends.
Hi Moulin

I'm glad that I could be of some help. My two attempts of IUI with Dr Cheng were done with injections. My previous two IUI's with another doctor were done with Clomid and my third attempt (in which I conceived) with this same doctor was done with injections. My response to Clomid was not good unlike yours. My response was so much better with the injections.

I haven't heard about the E-Excel which you have been taking. Why don't you try acupuncture as well? I've heard the nurse at TFC telling the patients to to go for acupuncture. In fact one of the nurses strongly encouraged me to continue with acupuncture though I dread the sessions.

Anyway, Moulin, you are young and I'm sure that it is is just a matter of time before you conceive. Take care!
Hi Merlenna

Are you a teacher by the way? If so, I wonder how you are able to cope with the stress especially since you are currently doing ivf? I used to be a teacher in a secondary school but I resigned. I hope to rejoin the profession soon but not right now because I'm worried that the principal would not be sympathetic to my taking leave or time-off to see the doctor.

Is this your first cycle? You seem to be very optimistic and that is very good. Do not over stress yourself and try and rest when you can. All the best to you!
Hi gals,
sorry. MIA. Been busy. Just checking. Any of you have spotting after IVF? I am waiting for my first AF after failed IVF and have been having intermittent spotting which has now turned into fresh red blood. wonder if that is AF. How do I tell? It has only been 3 weeks since my last AF. haiz... confused.

Thanks in advance

I am having a similar problem. After my failed IVF, my period came and ended on 16 June. Yesterday I started spotting. I called TFC because I was rather alarmed that right after my last period ended,within a week another seems to be on the way. The nurse explained that sometimes after a failed ivf, some women will spot after their period is over. It is normal and she said to just let it come.

I'm still not very convinced but I'll wait and see.
same here. my period came and ended around 10 June. Can understand the spotting. But now it has turn to red blood. need to use pad but not as much as the normal flow. erm... confused and rather irritated by it.
hi mala,
yup, i'm in the business of moulding minds. hehe.. i think i try not to think about work so much when i'm home and when i'm at work, i don't think abt stuff outside work. so i keep my stress at bay. my P and colleagues has been supportive and encourage my efforts to TTC. they have been opting me out of duties that are coming up this term.. all because of my 'medical reasons'. so far so good lah.. i'm actually looking forward to my 2 weeks HL, not to get that bed rest thingy but more to get away from work totally.. hehe..

yes this is my first cycle.. actually i'm like lfb.. its all in the hands of God. this IVF is just a means of ttc. its not a guarantee. so i'm not banking in all my hopes to get a positive. if i don't then there must be reason for not conceiving now. i will be disappointed no doubt but life goes on, see. but i don't wish to lead a life depressed just because of infertility. thinking like this helps me to cope with the negative results later..

plus, hehe.. hubby promised a long vacation at the end of the year if we don't succeed. and that is enough to get me going at the moment..

Ya, I agree with you that life goes on especially after I've had two fresh cycles and a FET and an upcoming fresh cycle.

I'm keeping an open mind about this upcoming fresh cycle - don't know whether it'll be my last . But I think I've come to a point where I'm even toying with the idea of adoption if all else fails.

It's heartening to know that you have a supportive staff. Take care!
Hi Mala,

Are you currently working? i have tot of resigning to concentrate on baby making but i think doing that will add even more stress. IVF is already very expensive and results are not guaranteed hence I just hang on to my current job which does not pay much.

Hi All,
Are you all taking hospitalisation leave for IVF or are you all using your own annual leave?

hi bebecraze08,

i took annual leave. 3 days + sat + sun and return to work on the following monday. for me, i think i will be feel stressful to stay at home for 2 weeks. i will be super bored and go crazy. i prefer to work to keep myself occupied.
