IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Bebecraz08, don't feel so miserable abt it...I used to cry whenever i hear news on pp getting pregnant. at times, i do ask myself why it is so easy for others... and why i hv to take a longer and tougher path ... But now, I told myself... I will try whatever is available for me and stay positive. I guess this is a test to us and make us treasure what we will have finally.......
recommended to Dr Nair by my company doctor. Was told that he is good. Done my laparascopy under him. Very attentive doctor. But just wonder how is his skills in doing ivf. Would want to settle with a good doctor

all the best

Mala, tks for your best wishes...
wahaahaahaa.............. Oh my, oh my! This is so hilarious! Sorry, I am explain-less for my bllur action! Wahaaahaaahaaa....... My apologies!

Welcome. Actually, if you read the earlier posts of many of us, you will know you are not alone. Well, just that some of us will be put on more tests than others. It's tough, no doubt. We been through all the crying, lamenting, self-pity and so on. Just remember we have loving husband and wonderful life that God gives us. This journey is tough, but I am sure we are not forgotten by God. Take heart and be prepared for a interesting time ahead. Lots of down, but alot of ups too! Will pray for you! Take care!

thanks for assuring me. Ya la, me so silly, made YCK felt bad. Well, God rules and His decision will be what we look for. So now I tell myself don't think so much!
well, if he is recommended, don't worry too much. Since I only know Dr Cheng from TMC, I can't comment much abt others! All the best!
hi bebecraze,
that's the reason why we're all here. all of us understand the plight that we are going through. people like us, are not at all uncommon. its just that people who conceive naturally are more than people who requires more time like us. i used to go through such emotional turmoil each and every month after AF arrives asking why i am tested such and what i did wrong to deserve this. trust me, i really came down hard on myself. even hubby's words couldn't convince me otherwise.. not until i realize that feeling that way is unhealthy.

so thus, the change in attitude, acceptance to fate, realizing that its really up to divine will for us to be mothers. otherwise, tell yourself, don't forget, you and your husband are still a family. you still have a life together. its what you have now which is important to treasure.

i believe thinking positively helps to get me out of the depressing mode of trying to conceive. try it.. you never know.. you'd feel better..
anyway, its been a week since i start lucrin. waiting for AF to arrive for once! but so far no sign.. haiyah.. opposites happen at the wrong time!
Hi Merlenna,
we can be cycle buddies liao.I will be starting my lurin today,so scare now.
Anyway,need adv fm sisters here,do u still take TCM med while on jabings?
me too, feeling miserable. has alot of pregnant colleagues around me. 3 of them plus one that i just knew abt it during lunch today. so total of 4 pregnant ladies here. i feel happy for them but at the same time feel sad for myself. especially when 2 of them just got married in january and march this yr and now they already conceived. me married for 3.5 yrs, trying hard for 3 yrs still nothing.

in my 1st 2 yrs of trying, i will have tears whenever my menses arrived. in my 3rd yr, i am immune to it already. only till early this yr, me and hubby thought that instead of sitting there and wait, we should do something about it.

We went for our checkup in march this yr and embarked into IVF program. To be frank, i have no confidence at all.

Sorry for the long post.
Hi All,
Need your advice..I started to inject lucrin since 25 May and I got my AF on 5 Jun..how long more do I need to inject lucrin?
Hi Babywee,
r we surpose to take lurin for so many days?Have u went for the bloodtest & scan already?I was told to go on my 14th day of my lurin jab.Anyway,I only have a bottle of the lurin,do u know how many jab can it last for a bottle?
hi chua family2003,
yes, i went for my bloodtest and scan on 9 jun and was told that everything is ok. however, the nurse asked me to continue injecting lucrin and went back on 19 jun to buy the puregon. this is what i puzzled about, how come need to wait so long and need to inject lucrin so many times? i'm not sure how many jab can the bottle last but i believe it can lasts until my next apt on 19 jun :p
cheer up ok! i also felt nervous after reading yck's finding. but take heart ok!

for all of us, our journey in IVF seems similar with all the jabs and scan and blood tests that we have to take but the problems that we face while doing it, our progress, our failures, our reactions are all different.

so take heart, always keep positive and we must never give up.
feel the same here.

1st year, keep counting the months. then i tell myself, never mind lah, only 1 yr. after that 2 yrs.

after that finally go to nuh and started the iui which doesn't work as i keep ovulating on the wrong side. told my husband might as well just ivf instead of doing iui many times.

u must have confidence that you can do it. if you don't feel it, it can't keep you going.

all of us here will support each other as we understand the pain that we have to go through so you better JIA YOH and stay positive!
Miss Hae,

don't worry, I think too much myself! Hee hee.

Today evening, hubby came back, told me he wanted to watch Hulk alone. I pestered him until he got no choice but to bring me along! Just came back. Not bad, very exciting.

I have some discharge lately, something like ovulation. This is common when I am having AF the following week. Just tell myself not to be too worried and be calm. Anyway, have told God when we want and been praying very hard. He will decide.
Dear babywee,
I think you better call KKIVF again. I heard from my TMC that one of her patient actually injected extra lucrin and it was too late for her to do ER eventually. She waited another month to do so. Poor girl, jab so many times for no reason.
i wanted to watch the hulk with my husband just now but decided not to. i'm feeling rather sad as he is going to taiwan tomorrow.

how to hug him and NOT cry when my MIL is following? aiyoh.

feel very sad.

anyway, if you want to destress yourself by getting a good tingling massage with your husband, or for the rest of the sisters, visit the Kampung Fish Theraphy.

i went just now with my husband and we had a good 30mins of laughter when the fishes nibble on our feet. you'll be laughing all the way and you'll leave with a good feeling.

bringing my parents there this sunday for the father's day treat!
stupid boardband! Typed a long mail then gone. Ok, tired liao, won't re-type everything.

don't worry, I ok already! See open long ago! Life goes on and we just have to live it to the fullest, with all our means! God is good enough to provide me with life! I have to be contended.

Miss Hae,
don't be so sad, he will be back in no time. You should think how happy he will be when you tell him you are pregnant! So think positively!
hi yaya,
yeah, since we start lucrin jab on day 21 of the last menses, one week after your lucrin jabs, you should get your menses. coz it will now reach 28 days. *taps fingers* i'm still waiting!!

hi chua_family,
hehe, yay another cycle buddy. although i've actually gone through 7 days. hehe.. but what the heck, let's hold hands and sail thru this cycle together!

oh btw, the lucrin injections are supposed to be taken for the first 14 days, then we must go back to clinic to do blood test and scan. this is to check if our hormones are suppressed and our lining thinned. if need to, we will continue the lucrin jabs after the scan still. according to the nurse, the whole bottle can actually last abt 28 jabs.

hi babywee,
i think the extra lucrin jabs is to continue suppressing the hormones while we also jab puregon to stimulate follicle growth. i assume, kkivf really take control of your cycle.
hi miss hae,
i know it must be hard. i agree with lfb, just think positively, isn't it nice to greet him with wonderful news when he comes back.. keep looking at the brighter side. you don't want to be too stressed. in your own words, be positive! we're here for company, see?!
merlenna & lfb,


that's why must log in daily!

im trying to be positive with regards to this ivf thing lah but to be positive about him not around, a bit hard lo.

but like or don't like, must die-die try! haha!
hi ladies, i will be starting my cycle soon. Im really glad to find this forum and been learning a lot from all of you .... JIA YOU JIA YOU
Hi dear all brave mtb

I was here abt two years ago, trying for 4 years+ with TCM, acu, laprocopy, changing gynae after gynae, tried 3 times iui, finally got to do ivf.

Got 1 miscarrige in 2005 and after not manage to conceive naturally again. Spending over 20k + to do the laprocopy with a "famous" doctor, but end up the return is the empty hand.

A lots of tears, sweat, arguement, dissapointment on my ttc road and finally... finally now I am a mother of 6 months old boy.

Just share with my experience, IVF is to help us to conceive, but most importantly is manage to maintain the pregnancy, I think as for us need to do IVF, must be extra caution. I got spotting during my first 5 weeks (just like my 1st pregnancy), with Dr Tan Seow Bouy from Thong Chai help to "an tai" and (with the help with Dr Sf Loh), I manage to keep my baby and my baby was born at 3.4 kg, very healthy and good weight.

You might want to consider to visit her when you are conceive, Thong Chai is a charity organisation, every visit with med is free, I will always made the donation. Dr Tan is a good doctor and what she wants is just our baby photo at the end of the day...!!!
But got to remind you the med is very very bitter...

Jia Yu, jia Yu to all in this thread, you will be a proud mummy one day !!!
hi koala,
woah, reading ur story jus gives us hope. Congrats on ur bundle of joy. We hope to get our own soon. Thx for sharing ur success story.
Zeena/ buddlerball
Sorry to take so long to reply. Has been busy with life trying to get over the whole failure. Went to Dr Zou last week to start tiao-ing my body.
As for the agent, i went thru a service centre to help me with the HSR form before referring me to the agent. U can contact Tanjong Pagar Family service centre at 62706711 to check on the details. The process with depend on how long u willing to wait.
I'm still preparing the HSR form. So will take quite sometimes before i can show u my baby.

Pretyy lady,
I cant wait too long for the baby cos my parents are old and i don wan to be regretted again. I lost my both in-laws within 1yr and regretted not having a baby earlier. Now i don want my parent leave before they got a chance to see my child. My hubby and myself really love kids. We don might it not our flesh and blood. We just want to give our love to those who doesnt have it.
Yes, I understand how u feel...I also trying v v hard now to hv a child soon cos my in laws also v old le....Dun wan to be regretful again cos my dad is gone recently without seeing his grandchild....Sigh! Will try IVF early next year if TCM no results...
If all these still dun work, I dun mind adoption too...
Can someone recommend a good TCM near Clementi/Bt Batok area? Planning to start tcm before starting the cycle in mid July/Aug. Hope it is not too late to start seeing a tcm.
dear blesswbb,
i understand the anxiety & regrets felt in your situation. guess i would also do similar. anyway after reading koala's post, we should all be persistence in all our situations.
let's keep one another focus & be motivated.

hi mala,
my 1st ivf cycle has failed end of last month. resting & re-conditioning my body (around 2-3 months time) before next FET. m thankful my next cycle is almost free from needles (since it'll be just embroyo thaw & transfer) & mostly on medic.
just wonder if there're anyone (esp the silent readers) had natural FET (of multiple tries) & are proud moms/parents of healthy babies now?? m sure your stories will motivate the rest....
Sorry to hear abt your dad.

Babycole/pretty lady
I just heard that massage will improve the chance to getting pregnant...wonder you ladies ever tried that??
I just tried it today...amazing that this malay massage lady can know that my right ovary is abit swollen. Maybe u ladies can give it a try.
Looks like i been trying all ways to hv a higher chance...hopefully it will help.
hi blesswbb,
i've heard of massage too..and i've tried two different masseuses during my ttc in the past year also. heh, no difference so far.. the second lady even gave me this concoction that i was supposed to take with raw egg yolks 3 days straight. nope! that didn't work too.. i guess it really depends on individual. and yeah, i'm the sort who tries everything also! hehe..

since mine is unexplained infertility, i've made the conclusion that my problem is probably in the scientific aspect thus the journey through ivf. heh..
Hi All,

Thanks for all your concerns. Actually, I have accepted the fact that everyone is different....some have it easy while pple like us have to struggle for it. However, it still hurts to see so many of friends got pregnant so easily while myself.....sigh....

Anyway, I wish everyone here will get pregnant soonest....and have a wonderful motherhood in the future. I am now waiting for AF to come b4 starting on contraceptives.
Is the massage expensive? Hmm...I dun mind giving a try cos I like massages....
They come to our place to do it?
Any contact? Mind giving me? TIA!
thanks blesswbb.... m only aware that malay massage helps in regaining pre-pregnancy figure but not as what u'd shared.
anyway no harm heading for it if it really helps. wonder if you mind sharing where & who u head for it??
hi babychloe n pretyy lady,
true, many people i knw would definitely go for masssage throughout pregnancy and after giving birth somewhat to get rid of the extra 'wind' in the body. and it also helps with the alignment of the womb.. i've had a friend who's baby was too low during pregnancy that once after the massage, the baby was adjusted to its supposed position.. sounds painful or scary isn't it? but it seems these massage ladies have a way with their hands to kind of 'coax' the area they massage.

i went for these massages on recommendation of others. the massage ladies usually do the whole body thing and then pay special attention on adjusting the 'height' of the womb.. the idea is to ease in conception.. to me, its just much better than those spas we go to coz its much, much cheaper ($35-$50) per session and it feels great!
hi merlenna, do they have a outlet? would you please share the contact for this maassage... im interested. Thanks !
Hi ladies...

I am a silent reader here. Let me share with you my journey of ttc.
Got 1 miscarriage four year ago and after that trying for 2+ yrs but not manage to get pregnant. Visit numberless of doctors, tried TCM, acu, 1x SOIUI, 1xfresh IVF, 3xFET..Finally got pregnant on 3rd FET. Now my baby is 6mths old.
TTC journey is full of tears and dissapointment, how sad can be not having a child in arms when u so desperately want one. But I am glad that I din give up. My dream finally come true. She has brought me happiness that I never knew I could feel...

Jia Yu ladies...
Yr never give up spirit definitely adds on to our confidence....
Its not easy to hv a baby of our own especially ppl like us whom got plm conceiving....
We will jia you, thanks for sharing!
Can give us contact for the massage? Sound interesting...

I oso went to Dr Zou last wk to do accup, hehe... 1st x doing so nervous...

Wat's HSR form for? Itz for local Baby? What are the thing we need to do? How much need to pay?
Would like to ask after taking the powder frm Dr Zou did u feel ur body heaty? After I took it, I felt cramp at stomach like heaty feeling and always felt stomachache like wanna go P.s and pimples pop out...not sure anyone have the same feeling as mine....
hi merlenna,
what u'd shared sounded interesting. care to share the masseuses' contacts u may have?? thanks.

hi xinyu,
thanks for sharing your success story. m hoping i can strike jackpot like you did in my next cycle (i.e 1st FET after a failed fresh cycle IVF recently). wonder what are the stuff u did while resting in between your 2nd & 3rd FET??
hi ladies.

lfb, how are you? hope you had fun for your father's day chalet.

just want to share with you guys.

i had very little spotting on saturday (the day my husband left) followed by sunday. i was feeling very anxious and worried cos today i;m supposed to have my menses. despite worrying, i went out with best friend yesterday to relieve the tension.

this morning, i still have little spotting and after inserting the crinone gell, i saw some dark brown and a bit of blood. since last saturday also the same, dark brown but no blood only this morning so i panicked.

was in tears when i called the nurse. she asked me to come for a blood test. it was supposed to be wednesday but because of the spotting, we had it just now.

the waiting time for the result of the blood test was painful. i kept praying and praying till i fell asleep at the lounge.

the nurse then called and said that i am pregnant.

i couldn't have been more relieved and cried all the way as i was so worried. my mil and aunt came all the way to comfort and fetch me.

i just had an injection just now and tomorrow i will see my gyane.

pls pray that my pregnancy will go on smoothly and baby dust to all!

lfb and those in 2WW, JIA YOH!!
hi ladies...do you experience late period while on lucrin or scanty period. mine was a little late. hope to get reply real soon.

just sharing wif all the gals, massage is oso like TCM it may work on sum and may not to others. But no harm trying. Since i am a malay myself i have never find it helpful even doing it almost every month last year when i was atively ttc on au naturale. But gals dun get disheartened it we can pay for IVF why not try the massage which cost so much lesser and it also help us to relax and regulate our blood.
Dear Miss Hae,

wow! Congrats! That's really great news! I am so happy for you! Take care for now and don't be so active for a moment. If you want, you may want to see TCM for an tai, as I mentioned. Anyway, do it when you are comfortable with it! Gal, I am so happy for you! Well done! Will pray very hard for a safe 9 months and for my own result!

Dear Miss Hae and ladies,
just to ask. I did my ET on the 5th, and my urine test is on the 22nd. Can I ask why so long? Cos Miss Hae did it on the same day as me and she can be tested. Does that mean blood test can be earlier and urine test must be later? I am confused.
