IVF/ICSI Support Group

ya. better. but dunno why like that. was wondering if it's the jabs or something else. will call Dr Cheng to check.

Maybe i should call the nurse to check later, i am thinking this might be the side effect of anti-biotics. Cos they kill both good and bad bateria.
Blood test done, everything good.
Do you have to take pain killer as and when the is cramp? Hang on there, goinging to end of 2ww.
Call them soon. U take care
weekends u can rest.......hugs
ohhh... hmm thanks everyone.. how much do u pay per session? based on 6 mths.. we will start ivf in ..... oct/nov... when do i start to see her? too early now? shucks i really hope i will be ok doing accupuncture! oh i am working... so i will have to go during evenings...
Ha.. ha.. should be lah. The nurse ask my hubby to come at 12pm to pick me. But i was out at 11.20am. He was shopping at Bugis, so waited for him for quite sometime. Nurse say if never see him, i cannot leave. Wonder what will happen if i 'escape'...haaa
lol..... huh? should be? i saw her waiting for quite sometime and then later nurse bring her to one of consultation room to rest.
Aiyah, should have say 'hi' to you.
ohh i see... hmm.. then maybe 3 mths then i will go... dun want to spend too much.. erm just called them up... they advise to bring hubby down also... do all yr husbands go down and take medication as well?
Hi Ladies - best of luck to those on 2ww and same to those who on the way to ER , have lots of good eggs ...

Zeena - Pls take good care and Jia you for you
Just came back from 2nd scan, Dr says i'm having a little too much follicles, might have risk in OHSS. hai...
waited till neck long long for ET, now might have to freeze all embroys.
i counted 16 folicles on the left n 14 on the right. Dr says any nos. >25 will have risk in OHSS.
oink oink
i can try.

can understand how you feel. was the same for me previously. but dr cheng is on the cautious side, he doesn't want to risk you getting OHSS and being pregnant at the same time. Anyway, personally, for me, after freezing the embies and having 2 mths of waiting was not that bad. Gave me a welcome break from ttcing.
Thanks ML,
to paste excell file , should used /table{ }
How about words file ? and if the paste immages ?
Pls help ?
me sort stupid in this IT thing...hee hee
ML - Thanks,
Me missing for almost 2 weeks , trying to set up a website in multiply, learning through hard way..and some time from my daughter ha ha ...
ML, waiting another 2 more mths means more $$ more jab more medication n of cos a longer neck. i was thinking if the risk is not tt high, i would wish to go ahead with the ET. each side 10+ follicles also not much mah.
Itchy sometimes might due to panties didn't wash properly... maybe u can check with the nurse, any rashes?
Take care....

Oink Oink, Babychole
jia you okie! Have a talk to Dr Cheng and see what he say. Because OHSS can be life-threatening and might require hospitalisation if serious. So do check with him.

Kym, oink oink,
no prob.
Dear Kym,

my session is always 8pm. We live very near, just a street away, so we will go at the time suitable for her. She told me she has many patients who goes after work and Sat/Sun. So we try to cooperate. She will want to give them priority as some stays quite far and tired from work.
wah! you very xing leh. I'm too lazy to do website. :p
will go and see when I'm home. no access to multiply at work!!!
ML - Me bo liao at home ma, so just try to get myself occupied la ... try to learn and catch up with the young lei, if not will be able to communicate with my girl liao"

Lunch time , enjoy your meal ...
lfb i used to stay at blk 538 leh.. but now abit further at hougang but quite near to dr zou also lah. as i have the benefit to knock off at 5pm so i can make it at 5.30pm to avoid the crowd. this monday dun need poke poke cos she want to see me first. maybe the next visit on will do poke poke liao
Hi ML,
Can u add me to the list too.I am w Dr SF Loh at KK.No start day yet,waiting for M to come now.

Hi BabyChole,
the clinic u mention is it call Healthline.I used to stay ard there.

Hi Zeena & Budderball,
JIA YOU!Date is getting nearer,waiting to hear gd news fm u.
oh u are taking BCP like me. For me, i feel that i get a little trouble getting to sleep at night and besides having sore breasts i am okay. Abt when is ur FET? Maybe we will be 2wwing abt the same time........

finish the BCP liao. now on lucrin. Dunno when's the FET yet.

can see you are enjoying the clipart!
hi ML,
appreciate your assistance to update that m now in puregon stage. thanks!!

hi zeena & budderball,
pls give yourselves a pat on shoulder! we all noe that the 2ww is a very difficult period, & so far... both of u are still managing just fine. have more rests whenever you can. JIA YOU JIA YOU!!

hi blesswbb,
not sure if we met again in the waiting area at KKHIVF centre this morning.... anyway, the nurse who happened to be attending to me is a little not "steady" leh, esp when she was demo-ing steps to jab puregon.
did u take the jab then?? i didn't cos she said there may be discomforts after it & i was to return to work in afternoon. oh no... it looks like the pen-like injection gadget may cause more pain!
Pretyy lady
tis morning u oso went there,... i'm oso there for my last jab... which nurse u're referring to?
not so discomfort after the jab..
hi zeena,
m not sure what's her name but budderball guessed correctly.
oh... mind if i ask what is the purpose of your last jab ?? praying hard for both u & budderball on hitting jackpot!
Pretyy lady
Jia you!!!
Puregon jab is slightly painful than lucrin but I've good tips oso tot by gals out there, u can put ice pad on the area where u wanna jab so that itz bit numb and when jab won't feel tat pitchy at all.. very effective way.. u can try...
Pretyy lady

After ET, u'll have 4 jabs every 3 days (Pregynl jab) to control thicken the lining so tat embryo will stick well on the womb...
Please don't be discouraged.. I know how you feel..I will pray for u that all get fertilised.. Good luck on Sat.. keep us posted ok?

Hi all,
Dr called me today and said that 11 eggs fertilised..he said that the implant date not confirmed yet.. waiting to see if the embryos can grow well.. earliest Sun.. latest Tues, but personally i hope its Tues.. the nurse said that the chances would be higher then.. Pray for me, ok?

that's good if they can transfer on tues. it will be the blastocyst stage. Good good. got higher chance then!!!

