IVF/ICSI Support Group

lol... dunno whether i can handle or not. but after starting IVF, i guess a lot of things beyond our control. So just whack first then think how later.. :p didn't expect to get the job either.

really hope that can have twins... don't want to go thru this again.

as with you mom, i guess you should let her know since you are thinking abt it. I guess it will be good to get her support and care during that period of time.

As for me, i only told my mom when she asked. and sort of a mistake for me cause my mom is a big mouth. haiz.. long story...
yes twins will be great ;) are u putting 2 or 3 embroys? I am putting 3 cause of my age. hm..u are right Guess i need the support instead of saying lies like i am not going to her place for dinner as i am busy. Haiz...so many things to consider...
I dun intend to tell my mum initially also cos I am afraid tat she will gv me unnecssary stress by asking constantly, bt somehow I decided to tel her halfway cos over wat happen at my family.....
If u need yr mum's help & she will not gv u any stress, I feel tat u can tel her...bt if it is the other way round, betta not cos u will feel kan cheong or scared she will be disappointed if not successful.....This is my opinion nia, dun take it to heart!
babylow, I have not started on the IVF journey yet. Went for my councelling in Feb just didnt start cause going for a short holiday next week. doc said to do it when we come back. I was told I will be on Menogon. Its like Puregon. and also she wants me to do alternate days of Growth hormones...
Its estimated 7-8k but was told to prepare 4k in cash just incase. $$ is very tight at the moment so praying all works out well... MSFamily alot more but she was on Gonal F. Its more expensive. Menogon is cheaper but now Im worried if it will produce good qaulity eggs! Ohh well will just leave it to God.
I have not doen an TCM or Acc. Wanted to but changed my mind, too much $$ spent already.

When u go for counceling it shld be Sister Diana who councel u. she is nice. they will go thru with the cost with u also so at the end of the counceling u will know what u might have to pay.

I hope we can be cycle buddies. Was told that will be about 2weeks of injections of Menogon & Growth homemones n monitor the follices and than do ER & ET. than the 2WW begins of waiting to see if ur preggy........ They will give 2 weeks Hospitalisation Leace once ur do ur ER.
Let me know when u decide to do yours.. 5th May estimate only for me.. I thought of going to see Dr Yu on that day and see if can start injecting.
Let Jia Yo togetther! hehehehehhe..

Most of them are with KK or TMC.
Im still torn to tell my mum n family........ I only told my mum & sis when I was going thru PIO. n it was painful when both cycles didnt work and they kept asking how is everything. So when I told them my menses came I know they were sad for me..... I cried after I spoke to them on the ph... I know its not only me who wants a baby I know my family would love to see me have a child too as I go crazy over babies.... Its gets harder everyday... Life is so hard....

So Im torn in telling my mum as I dont want to have to share my disappointment if things dont happen well for me...... Im such a cry baby!!!!
i'm putting 3 if i can get 3. they are thawing all the embies. and since i have no history of twins, they suggested 3. so hopefully i get twins. my hubby say if triplets,i can forget abt working liaoz...

ya. can understand abt all the lying. very tiring. I'm sure your mom will be a great help and source of support. Jia you!!! btw, when you starting your jabs?
yes i understand what u mean that sometimes being mum they will like call u daily and see if u have eaten well or slept well. and this may cause some stress to us indirectly. and if failed, she will be disappointed and feel sad with us....haiz...why so difficult?
Nicole G,
If we go for the counselling, does it mean we hv to sign the consent form & pay up for the registration fee already?
Cos I still tinking to go for counselling first, then decide on a date to do in case I can go for it anytime...
nicole, nancy
guess my mom a bit more bo chap.. she will only ask me like once in a few mths which is good.. but she can be rather tactless at times. she blurted it out in front of some relatives that day... so... haiz... i guess if you are worried that your mom keep asking, just tell her not to ask you.. cause it causes you stress. you will tell her if successful or not. if never say anything, then just don't say anything and life goes on as normal. I'm sure they will understand
yes, sometime cry if u talk to ur mum on the phone over such things. The eyes feel like tearing and hearts ache. My sister got married later than me and my first nephew is now 10 months old.

My mum was elated when sis was pregnant but when she broke the good news to me she also afraid i will be upset then. Of course i was very happy for my sis as she can let my family have a first grandchild -- nephew is such a joy. My dad even comes back early daily just to play with him.
Babychloe, I didnt have to pay any registration fees. Ya u can go for councelling and than tell them u will let them know when ur ready to start say in 2months time or so. Have u seen Dr Yu??
I wish I could have started in feb as I really wanted a Dec baby. as in have a baby for Xmas. hehehe.. But was told to start after my trip. so thought better listen as I read in other websites than some ladies MC when they went on a holiday after testing positive. But all this is individual bodies la.. I just didnt want to take the risk as spend so much $$ plsu dont want to mad at myself if anything happen after getting preggy. Ahyah I just want healthy baby la.... thats all weather Dec Jan Feb mar april, just a baby to hold and love!
Babychloe how are u??? Its so confusing with babylow and babychloe. hehehehehe.. After I type I thought I type wrongly than I went in to see again. heheheheheheh..
oh, so some relatives knew abt this? Hope they are not the big mouth type. My pills will end 3rd may. Nurse said menses may come in 4-7 days after that. So maybe start jab 9 May.

Maybe we get to meet at TFC in May. Hee....
oic. ya ya.. hopefully have chance.
would love to meet you. I'm going to see dr cheng on sat. then i will have a clearer idea of what's ahead.

dunno lah... no choice liao loh.. the damage is done. haiz...
The nurse said she pple afraid of mutiples put in one embryo. Put after going thru all these jabs and $$ put in one, chances even lower. To me, put in 3 , pregnant first then see how. If triplets like pinky then discuss further lor...anyway they are all ur flesh and blood ;)
Dun worry too much abt the relatives. U just do ur best. will pray for u
I just went to this temple at bukit gombak near to driving centre. There is this guan yin carrying a baby there. Heard many pple go there to pray for child. so i went there for some " emotional support "

I will go again this time with HB. The flowers were sold out then so will go away with flowers.
Dear Vanilla,
i am so touched that i am in your thought... i am fine and it's just that things don't happen the way i plan... i was very lost initially, throwing my temper at my poor hubby, but now i see this procedure in different light... i believe, the Greatest has plan for me and after talking to my mum and with lot of love and support from my loviest hubby, i decided to go ahead with it... i want and need to be strong... i read from other thread and came to know your little are doing well... i am so proud of him/her...

Dear Nicole,
I love to be your cycle buddy and achieve our dreams together... Just wonder if SGH has puregon... Gonal-F is EX!!! Heheh, I want a baby as early as possible... Jia you...
Nicole G,
I wif KKIVF, not Dr Yu...keke
I did went for a briefing at KKIVF, bt not the official one, got some knowledge abt the costs, & more or less know the process thru this forum...
Will go c Dr Loh next week & c how...cos need to bring marriage cert once confirm doing...
I also went to "Zhulin temple" at Bukit Gombak often...They say bring a lotus flower along...Different colours if u wan a boy or gal, bt I forgotten the color code le...The whole temple are guanyin status...I also like to go there for emotional support.
yes that one. glad that i am not alone. u know what is the name of the flower to buy in chinese? is it 'lian hua'? For me, boy or girl not important just healthy okay. The friend that told me got already 3 girls went there to pray for boy and she got one..... all naturally conceived. Lucky lady but she married very young lor
yap. totally agree. get pregnant first then say. will sure find a way to handle it. Will just learn along the way. Like i said previously, on this IVF journey, you just come to accept that life is just beyond your control. so just think abt it when it happens. Thanks for help me pray. will pray for you too.
although haven't been religious recently.. :p

not too bothered abt the relatives part. but i think one of them is just plain low EQ. she knows abt it and yet she keeps telling me every time i see her how cute her grandson is. sigh... just one ear in one ear out loh...
hi nancy,
I'm having daily jab at TFC, every morning around 8.30am. i dunno which timing is good, it just suit me so i can go office after tt. I super scare off injection, so i went there everyday, close my eyes n let the nurse do the jabbing. although the jab is not tt painful but mentally still afraid of it.

it will be good if your mum can look after u, cook for u when u r in ur 2ww. for my case, my mum too bz looking after sis bb, no time for me so i didn't tell her abt tis ivf thing. i oso dun1 her to worried for me.
do you have the exact address of the temple? will like to go and pray also. okie okie.. last time i got go to the temple near Zion road to pray to the zhu sheng niang niang.
hi BabyLow...rem this is a journey that God creates for u personally for u to walk closer to Him in faith and in trust. He will be there for u in all types of road conditions, high mountains, muddy valleys...just lean on Him for strength! Will continue to keep u in my prayers...

thanks for ur thots on my little one...I will "speak" to u on the other forum? See ya
Yes, is "Lian Hua"....I went there pray for quite some time le, bt no result leh...mabbe ,ust go thru IVF then succeed ba...The guanyin is "SOng Zi Guanyin"...

Its beside Bukit Batok driving centre...U can see the temple, cos there is a BIG golden Guanyin & u can actually spot it when u pass by...
The temple is called ZHULIN temple. Just next to the gombak driving centre. U cant miss it, can see the big guan yin from far. Bukit gombak is next to bukit batok. IF u taking train take to gomabk station, then walk abt 10 mins to driving centre direction along the MRT track. Can ask pple there, only one driving centre there.

if u are driving, the street is butik batok west ave 5. Bring a lotus flower. One stalk will do. There is a store there but sometimes flower run out or not nice. So better bring ur own. Got small carpark right inside. The guan yin carrying the child is inside the temple up the stairs.
Thanks Babychloe and Nancy!
lol.. will go and try anything.
I went to pray at the Bencoolen street temple everyday when I was doing SO-IUI. also got no result. haiz... now can just pray and hope!
So u still go to work after the jab. Any side effects for u? I am worried i may need to rest at home during jab if serious side effect. My job needs me to travel from place to place daily.
The nurses said if sunday and no one in the lab they will arrange to have it down at the 24 hr clinic downstairs right? Me afraid of jabs too. HB worse, if ask him to do he will likely shoot the $$$ into the air.... thanks
Just pray for some emotional support. Most of it depends on luck as all the action takes place in the lab, just pray for good fertilized eggs and growing cells
don't worry abt the jabs. should have minimal side effects. anyway, the clinic downstairs will charge around $10 plus per jab.
U also go for daily jabs or brave to DIY. Tell u a secret. Guess a little stress over this IVF and busy with appt and acu, no retail therapy for some time. Yesterday i bought 5 pairs of shoes in one shot from same shop. Haha.. blame it on the pills side effects haha...lucky hubby out stationed, so now the boxes are neatly stacked in shoe cabinet!! haha
ha ha...I DIY most of the time. very troublesome to go down daily leh...
wah! five pairs of shoes? i hope you were using his money. lol!
Wow. so brave !!
I am lucky that TMC short drive from where i stay so will have them jab for me. Personal stuffs we use our own $$ so no chance hee...
ha ha.. no choice... i don't drive... troublesome for DH to drive me. lol.. i bo chap leh.. i spend his money when i feel like it... ha ha...
So lucky
I got no chance. He pays some bills i pay some. So no chance to attack his $$$ he only pays for all when we go holiday
we dun have joint acc......
ML, ya i'll probably be there at around 8.30 oso. look out for skinny long hair me.

nancy, last sunday Rebecca was there to jab for me, she got a case. but this sunday dunno have to go clinic jab anot. I dun ve side effect from GonalF, just feeling abit bloated after Dr increase my dosage ytd.

Anyone knows whether is it normal to have EWCM after GonalF jab? Its my D7 of GonalF n i'm having EWCM, like gg to ovulate soon.
okie okie. me long hair. maroon specs.
ya ya.. will have lots of EWCM. cause a lot of folicles producing hormones at the same time. anyway, you on centroide right? will prevent the ovulation.
what is EWCM? so lucky no side effects except bloatness. Hope u still can take it. Ladies, u know if stress during this jab period will affect egg growth? HB says i should rest at home also during jabs but if jabs also rest then 2ww also stay home, i may just go crazy !!... as long i keep myself stress free like there is such a thing, i can still work while jab right?
ha ha.. make senses for me lah.. since he earns a lot more than me. so he pays for everything in the house except food. and i just use his card loh when i feel like bullying him. :p

Hi ML & Nancy

I never think too much abt putting 3 embies or wat..or also never think if triplets hw to handle.. hahha ? Nw, i dun even dare to thk too much ..

During my FET , coz i oni have 4 frozen embies so Dr LC cheng jus say when 1 embies knock-off then he will put in 3 embies either D3 - D5 transfer. I also did the Asisting Hatching, AH ( poke 1 hole in the embies's shell )

During the 1st IVF,also a D3 transfer, i didnt do AH . During the 1st IVF , i still go to work during the 2ww . Although tested +ve , but oni biology pregnant ( didnt attach well to the lining )

So, this round , FET , also a D3 transfer . i thk staying at home during 2ww maybe do help me..or is Asisting Hatching tat help ?

Last time when i go to bencoolen temple, i go n ask for chiam n the answer was NO.. So sad, i repeat n ask again.. And the answer was NO again... So, nowadays, i oni tell the Guangyin tat i m doing IVF so hope that everything smooth .. hahah..

Let all jia you together..Sincerely praying that everyone's wishes will come true
