IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ML,
Thanks.Sorry huh,can u enlighten me what is blastocyst stage?

Hi Kym,
the web is so informatives.But read on the overweight problem will decrease the % of preggy,I so sian liao.Haiz...
Overweight does not neccessary will decrease the chances of preggy, I hv saw so many overweight ladies out there getting preggy...personally I dun feel that is a plm...
blastocyst is where the egg has reached around 70-100 cells. This is the stage before it becomes an embryo. it will start around Day 5 after fertilization. If i don't remember wrongly, got better chance like that because the egg will hatch once transfered into the body and implant.

Basically it is higher chance as you will already know that the egg has attain a closer step to becoming an embryo.

Anyway, you can take a look at how the eggs suppose to look like at each stage -->
Dear ladies,
can I ask for opinion, esp to those who went through 2WW. I calculated the time of my 2WW and realised that during that period, I booked a chalet for my family. If I am not wrong, it should be on the second week of my 2WW. Now, is it safe or advisable to go? I mean, bbq, walking around and so on. Is 1 day ok, minimum walking and no bbq, just rest outside of the chalet? Didn't want to make my parents worried and also try not to be a spoilt spot. What do you reckon? Thanks
wow, 11 eggs fertilised! Well done! Good for you! Just relax and wait for your ET. Hoping all the best for you!
How come you going KK for Pregnyl jab? Tired of jabbing yourself? Last jab will be this Sun. Nurse say it might be due to infection or my undies did not wash properly. Had my 'mei mei' washed with Latacid, feeling better now. Nervous? So so lor. After knowing the no. of eggs collected and fertilised, i wasn't very optimistic about the result. Just hope i will blessed. What about you?

That nurse seems to be new. I never see her before. She did my blood test.
Hi all,
Thank you for all ur encouragement.. I am really fortunate to be in this thread.. It keeps me going everyday and i am more confident and positive as the days pass by.. I really wanna have this baby(s).. Have waited for almost 7 years already..
well done cuteangel!

chua_family, i initially saw the overweight ones then noticed the accupuncture. not very promising seeing the case study they did leh

tdy had some cramp, bought 白凤丸 from 余仁生 and had black chicken soup. hope can recover body soon and can start exercising to loose some weight
7 years!!
i ttc 2 years i buaytahan liao..

cute, i was told by the embroylogist that womb is the best incubator for the egg leh, how come yrs told u let it grow first better?
you mentioned after ET 4 jabs every three days? You mean the nurse will poke us at 4 different spots at our belly at the same time? One injection a day already cannot take it.. how 4 jabs at one go?
Like ML mentioned, he hopes that the egg reaches the blastocyst stage and then the chances that the egg will be implanted will be higher.. I heard about 40% chance.. i am really hoping for that...Ya imagine, I waited 7 years before really decided to do IVF. so now, is my only chance..

Dont be jealous.. I still do not know the grade yet and its still too early to say.. You are in your 2WWks rite? Take care.. I am so excited for you!!
i salute you. Can tahan 7 years. I try for almost 3 yrs i already very sianz liaoz.

i think they will monitor first. if the eggs are ok and good quality and there are many eggs, they will let it grow outside first. If not so good, then they will transfer earlier. That was what I was told lah... For me. i got very little eggs so they will transfer in before it reaches the blastocyst stage, just in case they can't make it outside.
Oh ok..that is better.. anyway, do you feel like the pregnyl jab is the most prickly one among all the jabs? I could even feel the drug being inserted in when I took it 36 hrs before the ER..
For me OK for lucrin, puregon and pregnyl, no diff. maybe all needles for these are small.
Oh, talking about the jab before ER is the most horrible one. Me too! Can feel the drug inserted.
that's why,.. now that i think of it, i shuld have started earlier.. but then again, i think i am more prepared now.. mentally and physically. I worked out for about 2 years and build up my health.. think its important..

If you want to lose weight, you can try to run on the threadmill at least 3 times a week. I did that and even signed up for aerobics classes.. Seeing my weight drop by the month spurs me on..
for me. the pregnyl is the worst leh... And i still salute you. you really did do a lot of prep before the IVF. All the best to you! Hope you get your babies soon.

okie. bye gals! have a good weekend!
I made appt at 2pm for acu with Dr Tan. But din manage to go cos was at KK. Left KK ard 3plus and was late for the appt so din go.
Pretty lady,
I was at KK in the afternoon. Got my 1st jab there. The nurse was very experience. She told me not to pitch my tummy to hard cos it will hv bruises. I'm on 400unit. What abt u? Puregon jab quite painful.
Initially the nurse told me tat it's better to go back to the clinic for the jab cos they can monitor....
I'm oso felt the same way as u... not tat optimistic...

Sorry my mistake it's 1 jab every 3 days

Wow.. u have so many eggs, so good... all the best for ur ET...
For me i find tat Pregnyl is worst effect, can't "ta han"...
I don't understand why I'm experiencing the great pain during these 2ww.. it's like torturing me to hell... esp in the middle of the nite, cramp increase and perspire alot.... Sigh!
We experienced different side effect during 2ww. Yours is cramp whereas mine in on and off bloated stomach. Thought bloated stomach is getting better, who knows today back to wrost again.

u started ur 1st puregon jab today? the nurse jabbed for u? am a bit fearful of the jabs too. im having mine prob next week..

i heard can rub ice on the area u wanna jab. can help allieviate the pain. u may want to try that at home..
yes, i start puregon today. Did it myself with the nurse there to coach me. She's very nice make me kind of relax during the jab. The pain actually comes later after the jab. But is bearable. Wish you all the best. Jia you!

Think you got the wrong person. I stil in puregon stage haven't gone thru ER yet.
Pretty lady,
Went to ask nurse abt the spotting thing. She say is normal. This is bcos the lucrin is taking effect.
After the puregon jab, my stomach is bloated. And is very bloated. How abt you?
I asked the nurse today abt when to taking egg whites, she told me normally take after the ER if have OHSS. But some ladies here start taking it from the start of puregon. So i also wonder when is actually the right time.
hi blesswbb & budderball,
not sure it's gd or bad... my dosage of puregon prescrbed was only 200 units. didn't take the jab while at KKHIVF cos i returned to work in afternoon & had to attend an event in evening. in fact i took both my lucrin & puregon (i.e 1st jab) only after reaching home & taking shower. mmm... may i ask if we could store the pen with cartridge (but without needle) in fridge till jab next day?

hi blesswbb,
it has been <hr since i took the puregon jab... had yet experienced bloatedness. let's see whether i experienced any later on in morning. how many hours later does does your stomach start feeling bloated?? anyway, hopefully the condition is not affecting ur sleep.
hi zeena,
guess will follow your suggested method (rubbing ice on jab area) in order to reduce pain. my 1st puregon jab had made me bleeded a little for 1st time... thankfully there wasn't much pain

hi rejoice,
which day of lucrin are u on now?? mense came &amp; done your scan while on lucrin??
thks cute and ML, i think my egg no good so has to transfer early and also didn't make it

ya intend to go on exercise regime once my body is ready for it. decided to take hydroxycut again. before wedding i took that and loose quite a bit. it helps the body to burn faster when u exercise. of cos while taking that cannot try for baby yet lah.
hi ladies,
I am quite saddened today when the embrologist called to say that now left with only 8 fertilised eggs instead of 11. Dr said that the eggs will be monitored and hopefully they can continue to become good and healthy cells so that the ET can still be done on Tues.. I am trying to stay positive and really hoping for the blastocyst stage..
Hi Pretty lady,
not to worry abt only taking 200units, i have asked the nurse why i was given 400units. She said 1 of the reason is due to my cyst and went thru the ops to get rid of it so part of the tissue has been taken away. secondly, my age is also 1 of the reason.
The bloatness comes later after 2hrs. Try drink warm water feel better after dat.
Thanks for your encouraging words.. you were right.. I must have faith in them. I will continue to pray that they are in good grades. thanks again..
hi cuteangel,
have faith in your little ones &amp; stay positive... 8 fertilised eggs are pretty gd. we only need 1 strong &amp; quality egg to be satisfied....isn't it?? &amp; how many are u intending to be transferred??
hi blesswbb,
i see.... m more at ease now. actually what's more impt is these dosages given has to enable our follicles &amp; eggs to grow.

well... i also had feeling of bloatedness when i work up this morning. breasts feels tender....but m trying not to let the condition affect my mood too much.
Dun worry, m sure the 8 little ones wil cont to grow...Must hv faith, will pray for u...

Went to c Dr Tan &amp; had my 1st acu....I was not nervous at all &amp; in fact I enjoyed it....I feel like slping inside...
My hubs did not do it as he had not hv his dinner yet...Will do it next week...
U shd go try try, Dr Tan is really a nice doc...
pretty lady/babychole,
Thanks.. the dr said that he will only put two. I dont why not three though.. I heard that usu is 3 rite? Anyway, I will just go with his advice..
