IVF/ICSI Support Group

hey nano,

long time no chat. ya, now i can really look 4ward to buying babywear

hubby say i getting paranoid so i stop ready pregnancy horror stories n start looking at baby pics cos now the features will be determined
in the end i still have to go clinic d next wk as tps is fully booked


its not insert through the rectum but the vaginal. dun insert wrongly leh.

i am feeling so terrible with my morning sickness. i vomitted 3 times already this morning...
helpme, for KKH, we were prescribed the cyclogest to be inserted through the rectum.. i also have been having nausea feeling but been forcing myself not to vomit. till last nite, i had to vomit, but only with gas and white bubble. then i gulped down hot water and went to sleep. Sip hot water, does it help? hope you feel better soon...

Yuli, dun worry. It is really very very easy, and it gets absorbed quickly...
littile twin,
thanks!!my time is passing so hard..my hubby has gone to my home twon for 8 days. my mother is staying with me...i am dying to know the result.i am trying to be positive but cant avoid the think of worse situation.
Twin Stars,
Ya the appt at TPS is usually packed and the waiting time is not short..unless u choose to go wk day non-peak hrs then dun have to wait so long. Maybe after the 1st visit, u tell the nurse to help u arrange 2nd appt at TPS if u wan.

I guess u r not the one who is paranoid...i remembered during my 1st trim i will read up the infos n stories on miscarriage...to remind myself to be careful...now everyday is a blessing if baby is growing well.

Abt baby pics..initially i thought of buying those cute baby posters fr bookshop but in the end never buy.
Stardiva and Ladies

Thanks for all your well-wishers...I'm taking it as easy as I can. Still praying hard for bb's smooth development and safe journey until delivery.


Thanks, although difficult it's all worthwhile! Looking forward for scan for bb heartbeat around christmas time would be my best gift for hubby and me. There'll be a lot more for me to learn from you sistas... Would definitely like to transfer to TPS..

Michelle, Helpme

Your nausea sound bad.. do take care! Guess I won't be spared either. Would candied ginger slice under the tongue be able to help?

I'm feeling so bloated these 2 days until I can't eat or drink much.

Pupi,Jade,Alone,Shazzer,ML and all in 2ww

Lots of babydust
to you! You can make it too!
yours insert into rectum?...my cyclogest is inserted into vagina.interesting.

i keep trying to burp to help but doesn't seem to. i keep the sour plum hoping it will help but end up vomitting the sour plum out.
helpme, michelle

i read somewhere that one shldn';t take too much ginger n those "kiam seng ti" while pregnant. try drinking warm ribena but not too sweet hor

sorry i miss yr msg jus now, was eating n computer went idle. chat with u soon
u still need to go kk? i no need already, only taking progesterone pills 2x a day

gd that u r not alone. my mom is here to take care of me too. need to keep it a secret from my bro n sil about my preg until past 1st trimester.

today i was searching the web for baby pics as i can;'t leave the hse yet cos i still can't walk prop. my undies r starting to get tight as i wear those small boyleg type n it presses against my bladder n i need to pee alot when i wear those. sigh, need to buy new ones but can't go out lei. hopefully my bloat gets better n i can start walking normally then i can go shopping

Btw, may I know which day we can do the HPT? I read somewhere that someone got a line when she tested D8PET. Could this be true?

Hopes, you are right. 2ww is damn difficult to pass. My mood will swing from positive one day to negative the other. I still have so many days I duno how to cope as well.

ANyway I don't have any HPTs at home so when I went for my jab just now, I bought 3 sticks. Did a dumb thing, peed on one and got a negative result lah. Although I know it is still early but was just so tempted. Today is D7PET I kind of know it is too early. But sigh you know lah...

Maybe it is good as well lah... in case I get a negative next week then I am more prepared...

Haiz.... and my rashes on my face is getting worse. Spreads to my chin. Miserable arh......
Oh Jade...
It's so early- D7PET don't worry too much about this.

I know it's hard through- you just have to put those 2 remaining HPT aside and not be tempted, but I also know what you mean about preparing yourself- my mind waivers from feeling positive and hopeful to v. negative...

Stay positive I'm sending outbabydust vibes to you!

Thanks very much for your well-wishes.. Honestly, I'm also feeling a little paranoid .. worried that embie will stop growing after converting to oral progesterone.. my last progesterone blood test during my daily jab was just marginal pass.. My first scan will be 3 weeks away.. Feels like another 2ww..
D14 will be ideal to use HPT. Don't test too early and make urself sad for nothing. Babydust to you!

You can try those panties that are below the belly. I bought a few from Marks & Spencer, quite pretty ones at 3 for $30. Choose those where the waistband is very elastic and not too tight. They had some boyleg and bikini styles.

It's ok, just ask them to switch u over to TPS when they book ur second visit. You shldn't need to give them a reason.
Congrats! That is so wonderful! All the pain and worry has been finally paid off....Kinda of give us hope too!! It's such a great relief for us who are going thru now, that the success rate is high!! SO, never give up, huh? have a smooth 9 month ahead.....

Just hang on there....remember it's a worth it! can't wait to join you.

Dont worry too much. I have a positive feeling for you. will be praying hard for you.....am sure everything will turn out fine.

all the best on your ET. take it easy and sleep early the day before....Just relax, it will all be over before you know it.

As for me, I just did my ER today. Was really nervous at first. but then, as soon as i was given the anesthetic, i just knock-off. By the time, i woke up, i was already in a room. Just had some slight discomfort down there. But i still have that very bloated feeling and sometimes cramping. Good news is that i had 24 eggs retrieved...phew. Now, have to wait for the eggs to be fertilized. my estrogen level is very high. if the embryos are of good quality, doc may opt to transfer on day 5, blastocyct. otherwise, i might i have to freeze all and wait for the next cycle to do the transfer. am now keeping my finger cross, hopefully can do the transfer this month. can imagine the agony of waiting another cycle after all the pain and suffering....will need your prayers!
Wow, 24 eggs retrieved! That's great! Normal to have some cramping and bleeding on ER day. Shld get better trmw. Why do u need to wait till next cycle to tsfr? Is it bcos they r worried abt u getting ohss? All the best! Hope all ur eggs will be fertilised and will be of gd grades!
Hi ladies,
I was admitted to kkh yesterday, cos was having high fever and vomitting when i went for the pregnyl jab at the 24 hrs clinic. dr wanted to monitor an also make sure my fever goes down. thankfully, was discharged today... now no more fever but still fell abit nauseous. sigh...tomorrow is only my ER... and praying that I can go through it without any drama...

Alone, hope you can do transfer this month also!

Jade, take care, and think positive, k?

Tigg3r, congrats and take it easy...

i can't even go out to buy anything yet. can't wait to get better so i can go out
can i ask did they do a second beta test for u the last time? they never call me to do second test lei. i jus hope my babies r growing well

wah so envious. i only had 6 follicles. u stand a gd chance. btw, u can actually ask yr dr if he can do a 2 day transfer. that means u put 1 in on day 2 n the other on day 5 so in a way u don't waste the cycle. blastocyst has higher chance but not all embies can grow to that stage.

don't worry, fever is becos of the pregnyl. in fact yr body has to remain a high to sustain pregnancy as long as it's less than 38degrees. drink lots of water k.
all the best tom

I am feeling worse as it goes today. Overstretched myself when I tried to lift some containers. Felt some pain around my tummy area.

I dun feel any soreness in my breasts but cramps are back. Sigh... felt so miserable...cried to my hb just now.

Going back to work on Monday. Sorry today is a miserable day for me....and my face is starting to itch and becomes flaky.

I hope I will feel better tomorrow.
i would suggest not to overstretch yourself or carry anything too heavy during 2ww. Also don't do heavy housework like mopping and ironing. Just rest for these few days before u go back to work. Don't worry too much ok? Maybe take some warm drinks to ease ur cramps. Just tell yourself that it's the hormones making you moody. Take care!

take it easy on yourself. now jus rest, don't stress out n u can put a warm compress on yr tummy to soothe it. try to relax yr mind ok n no more carrying heavy stuffs hor. during my 2ww, i carried my heavy laptop n felt strained too then i quickly rest n rub my tummy

i think i'll ask for a sec beta on tues when i'm at kk jus to ease my mind
Twin stars,
Ya like wat Petals said, try to wear those panties below the tummy..more comfy. Reg the BHCG test..if i remember correctly, last time the nurse said if yrs is below ard 230 or 250 then they will ask for retest.

Hope yr fever is gone. All the best for yr ER today!

I also got the same no. of eggs retrieved last time. All the best for yr ET, hope you will have alot of gd quality eggs!!
Hi ladies,
Had my ER today, and they managed to retrieve 16 eggs! Thank god also, I felt fine through-out, and even not so nauseous now. Thank you for all your well-wishes! ET is on Monday... (fingers & toes crossed!).

Jade, please try not to exert yourself...yes, all this mood swings def due the hormones...1 day, its ok, the next day its horrible... all part of this procedure, right? dun worry, anytime you feel like venting, can do here also, we're all in this together, so we know how you feel. take care, ya?
I jus came back from my 1st scan. Can see 1 sac, around 5.8mm. As dr is going away, next appt is 4 wk later! In between cannot see baby growth..

petals, nano, i was not given the pink booklet that i see preg ppl carry. They din ask me to do urine test or anything. I asked the cashier, she jus say i m still considered under gynae and not OB but next visit will change. Is that the case for you? My fts will be in 6 wk in the tps.
You seeing doc at TPS right? I was given the pink bklet after my 1st visit. They told me to bring it for nx visit onwards. Fr my 1st visit till now, have to do urine test n blood pressure test during every visits.
Congrats on ur singleton! Yah, luckily nano told me she went for urine test during her 1st visit, cos the counter girl didn't ask me to go for it when i registered for my 1st visit. When i asked her whether i shld do my urine test b4 or aft my consultn, she then asked me if i was preggy. At that pt, she prepared my pink booklet then sent me for urine test, b4 my consultn.

wow, that's a gd amount of eggs
all the best to yr et !


congrats! r u with dr loh? think he's going for long leave. i also scared no one to monitor progress how. no stand by dr to help monitor progress? think next wk u shld b able to hear the heartbeat
i', so tempted to get a standby gynae in case dr loh too busy. hee ks i know
Tigg3r ,

hope we will graduate one after another with you soon..


for the cyclogest inserts, according to my experience, is only difficult for the first 1 or 2... after that, it is a breeze ..hehe...

When is ur FET? Maybe our 2WW will overlap each other.


All the best for your FET tomorrow!! Mine is Monday !!
Can't wait.. :p


Congrats on ur harvest!!
Have a good ET ya!!


You must remember not to strain urself. Anything potentially risky, pls dun do.. pls rest as much as possible..
Petals, i did the same thing u told me to, i told them m here for preg. At first they insisted i go to another place to scan cos it stated on the form. I told then dr loh will do for me. So they ask me to wait and see wat tests dr ordered for me. After that i went straight to see dr and after that took the medicine and left. Thats where i asked the cashier if i should get the booklet and she say maybe next time. So confused.

stardiva, dr loh told me to call dr sadhana during his absence if there is anything. If not, i will see him in 4 wk. So long hor...

ya, very long wait. heard only in tps than can keep scan pics but clinic d cannot that's y i wanted to change to tps partly becos we dun need to q for meds at pharmacy too. today i have a drop in temperature. for several wks my temps were between 37.1 to 37.6. but today it's 36.5......aiyo i very worried. drop in temps means mense coming right? how come i will have such a big drop, but i don't have cramps or spotting la. jus worried as temps supposed to b elevated n stay elevated during preg right?
My temp is bwtn 36.4 - 37deg, depending on my surroundings too. Early in 1st tri, i got hot flushes, then it'll be almost 37deg for me. Now, my temp more consistent once body has adjusted. Anyway, you could have been having fever during ur ohss, that's why so high earlier? Did u measure ur basal temp when u TTC prev? As long as your temp now is still higher than your usual body temp b4 preg, shld be ok.

maybe that girl not very experienced. I also had that scan form which I passed to the counter girl, didn't even need to explain to her anything and she prepared my pink book when i told her i was a preggy patient. Never mind, just remind them the next time. The pink bk is just an appmt bklet with more space for their comments.

my temperature seems to fluctuate. when i measured again, it's 37 degrees. sometimes i feel hot, sometimes i feel cold. think my body is still trying to adjust.my ohss seems more controled. some days gd some days bad. i think the bad days is because of the doubling hcg the babies r giving out. like tigg3r, i guess becos we r ivf mummies, we tend to b more careful n paranoid over every single thing cos this pregnancy is so precious to us

btw, my mom woke me up last night because i was having nightmare n she could hear me from the other room. then she asked my hubby to monitor my breathing. think i freaked her out. my legs r also starting to feel cold like they can cramp anytime. so many funny things hor. thanks for listening though
Just monitor, as long as no fever, shld be ok. I also have more vivid and funny dreams since getting preggy, where i'm running or being chased. Sometimes wake up forgetting i'm preggy cos i feel very tired, as if i've run a marathon. Hee...
I dun monitor my temp, scared to have 1 more parameter to worry about. hee....

Needle, how was your visit ytday? I din get to see you there, maybe cos queue was short ytday, manage to see dr on the dot..

All doing ET and FET soon, good luck.
Hopes ... when is your FET? good luck.. me very tired now.. but still working like mad. baby is putting alot weight on my pelvis that I cant walk properly.

to all girls here... jiayou! in the beginning. I felt that I was so poor thing, going thr all the injections, etc, the ER, the FET, then followed by a 3 weeks of progesterone jab ... but once I knew I was carrying a little one.. all the pain all gone...
you girls must be positive
hi deerdeer!!

My FET is tomorrow!! Thanks for ur encouragement!

Baby gaining weight is a good sign..
just bear with it for a few more mths and it will all be worth it!! jia you!!
Alone and Shazzer

Well done on your huge number of eggs and best of luck for your ET!!


All the very best of luck for your ET today! Hope this is the one for you!


Hope you're feeling better today- take it easy OK!

For me, Saturday went fairly smoothly- thawed 3 embies, but only 2 were good for transfer. Dr said transfer went very easily and both went in the first time, so hopefully this is a good sign. I'm really praying that this time it works and they stick around- might sound a little crazy but trying to imagine them sticking, and embedding- I figure anything that helps!

The only thing that worried me is that they had both lost a cell in the thawing- think one had lost 2 cells (they were both 8 cell embies to start with). Emryologist said not a problem, so hope she's right.... off to Taiwan tonight, so away from the clinic for a few days...
dear all,
this morning i have done my blood test. my Allah blessed me. the result is positive. bhcg is is not that high...pls pray for me...thank you all for your support. my dearest hubby is not beside me now.he is in my country...from tomorrow i will go for MC again.

Congrats on your positive results... dun worry the bhcg will double in every 2-3 days.. Take good care and have lots of rest..


Just found out that I may be having vaginal infection.. kind of worried.. what to do? If gynae provide insertions, would it be ok to use?
hey pupi,

congrats! keep being positive and take good care of yourself
like what i said, our batch suffered the most n all 3 of us made it! i'm so happy
here's to a smooth 9 mths for us!
btw, start looking at some cute baby pics ok!

hope, all the best!

how r u?
hi ladies,
Just had my ET today. 16 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilised, transferred 3 today. Now, daily progesterone jab, had my 1st time today, which I thought was not bad at all... maybe was becos I was expecting it to be really painful.

Alone, how are you, have you done your ET yet?

Jade, hope you're feeling better, now i'm officially joining you in the very long 2ww... more like 2 1/2ww...

ML, take it easy in Taiwan yah?

Pupi, congratulations and rest well!

Stardiva, how are you feeling? better i hope.

Hopes, good luck on your FET!
hi pupi

i have been feeling pretty terrible due to my MS. I was like vomitting every hour...i went to my GP today and got some medication today to stop the vomitting and hopefully it will help

Hi Michel,
I was looking out for u last fri but couldn't spot u. How was your scan? Baby growing well?
The last consultation was quite rush. Thought i was able to see baby's gender, but doc Loh still not sure.
Pray hard for u. Take care of yourself ok? you'll make it!!
To all newly promoted MTB, bear with the discomfort, things will get better soon.
Good luck all, especially to those in 2WW.
