IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Jade

So sorry to hear the news. like u ,i have been thru 3 SO-IUIs , 1 fresh IVF, i frozen cycle and miscarriage.Now i am preparing myself for the next fresh cycle. I am not giving up yet, so i believe u should not. Take a good long break to recharge and we'll see u back in this forum when u r ready.

little twin star
wow 4kg of water is alot. The other time mine was onli 3kg and i nearly died. Its so unbearable. Hope now u have recovered from OHSS and have a smooth pregnancy

wei wei
please please be extra careful.Time is really crucial now especially u are carrying triplets....Can't wait to see pic of ur little triplets..:p

My frozen cycle ended up in a chemical pregnancy and i'm now preparing for a new fresh cycle, going for Jan Transfer.Hope to see u in MTB thread soon.

i will keep you in my prayers

hi ladies
had my first checkup yesterday and doc discovered twins. however, still uncertain whether one will survive as its tiny. but its amazing to see the 2 heartbeats.
Congrats!! Twins sometimes grows at slightly diff rates. How many weeks are you now? Could be still early and harder to measure accurately when they are so small. What are their sizes?

as of today i lost 6kg of water! i'm back to pre ivf weight but my tummy still look like a balloon!

congrats!!!!!!!!welcome to the twins mummy club
is yrs going to b identical or unidentical twins? i mean 2 sacs with 2 heartbeats or 1 sac with 2 heartbeats?
Hi again girls,
I have gone back to work and dont have much time on the computer these days... SO nice to read about all the develpments.

Pupi, Stardiva and Mrs Teng,
CONGRAAAATS !! So happy to hear that after all your apprehensions and worrying, you have all had success. It's very reassuring for me. You all will be a few months when I do my FET in Feb. Please dont leave the site ok, and if you do come back and jia-you me in feb!

Sorry to hear about the outcome. Hope your Jan cycle will be successful. Are you with KK ? Has your body recovered ? Mine is still doing funny things like crazy menses and my emotions are still a bit all over the place.
All the best for FET.
Dear Jade,
Oh dear. I'm sorry to hear about the BNF. How early are you from the date given though?
I understand what its like. I also have had many failed cycles- 3 IUI, 3 SO-IUI and 1 IVF. Infact the IVF cycle produced a positive test and we were so happy for one day and the next day I started bleeding- on my wedding anniversary! Then it was a spiral down to finaly having op to remove an ectopic.
Please dont give up hope. You are not alone , there are many of us out there with many failed cycles. I also went through a few weeks of thinking it was all over, but now I am more hopeful.
Do you have any frozen ones left? Maybe we could do FET together in a few months. Please take some time off this TTC if you need to. But don't give up. Slowly, I pray you will find the courage and will to do this again.
hi all. i did my Hcg blood test today, i was preggy but the level was low.
anyone in the same shoe before? i could not find any thread with regards to Hcg level here. Is there anything i can eat to boost up the level. i'm feeling ....
Hi Ladies,

Congratulations on all your success... I'm so happy for all of you and it have given me lots of hopes...

I have been TTC to 5 years now, but still nothing. I have tubal factor infertility. Doc told me to try naturally for 6 mths after my laproscopic surgery before proceeding with IVF. Now that my 6 mths are up, I am still with no baby. My husband is not supportive of me going thru with the IVF. But I really wanna do this.... How can I have his support, its difficult if I have to go thru this alone. My appointment with Dr Loh, will begin this 26/12/07 and I dont wish to postponed it anymore.
hi babydust,

nice to hear from u again. start taking care of yr body to prepare yrself for feb. take regular healthy meals, it does help to get yr mense on tract. it can take 1 or 2 mense cycle 4 it to straighten up. in the meantime enjoy yrself n indulge in some x'mas cheers

same, mine 2 sacs but too early to hear heartbeat. next thurs going dr to try to c the heartbeat. really hope 4 "long fong tai"
we got chance since 2 sacs

wat's yr hcg reading? n that reading is how many days past transfer? right now must stay positive n happy to boost up the level
i suggest u n hubby go and listen to your doctor first. let your doc explain to your hubby what is the procedure and so on and maybe your hubby will change his mind.

i am certainly hoping for 1 boy n girl as well.: )
lenny - ttc is very emotional process. i tried for almost a decade already. i can tell u ivf is also not an easy path. the road is long. but i wish you all the best. *baby dust*

congrats !!
hope u get ur Long Fong Tai!!

hug me..

Sometimes the HCG will suddenly go up one.. dun worry ya..? just keep monitoring..
are u going for another blood test again?
hi ladies,

Didnt have a good day today. This morning when i woke up, i saw some brown stain in my undies. was kinda shocked. I called the nurse and she told me to monitor the situation. it could be bleeding from implantation. am beginning to feel so worried. i dont have any symptoms apart from that. my stomach dont feel that bloated anymore since ER. I wonder if that is good sign?

Any sisters out there experience some spotting? i really freaked out. keep going to the toilet to check out. but the spotting stopped this afternoon. am praying hard...
hi ladies,

THanks for the consoling words.

I am getting better. Just in a dilemma. HOw do you know if it is God's will that I am not to have another child?

Many factors pointed to me not being able to succeed. My mom just told me abt the divine lot that she asked from the temple a few days ago. A fengshui master ever commented on that as well that I will have no babies luck these few years.

I have been praying to the Lord for his blessings and I didn't let any of these affect me. But so far all my attempts fail. So I am really asking myself is this really God's will for me? How would I know? Sigh... I am confused and I don't know what should I do next and when I should draw a line.

How many day past ET are u in now?

You need to monitor very closely.

You must have plenty of Bed Rest. If spotting persists (touch wood), quicky go down to ur hospitals' 24HRs Emergency clinic to get ur jab to stablise the pregnancy.


It very much depends on ur faith already.

For me, I have this Astrologer (shi fu)that I visit every yr to update my fortune reading & forcast. I won't say he is 100% accurate but I feel he is at least 80% there.

So, for the last few years, TTC was my main issue and I checked with him on every visit, whether I will have my own babies in my life or not. He said very confidently that I will have beautiful children.

Based on his assurance, I think I will keep trying and trying...

So, if u have a fengshui master to advise as well, why not check with him when is the best time to try for ur case?
lets cross our fingers together

pregnancy hcg starts from 25...yrs is 125, it's still a definite positive. sometimes hormones need time to build up to increase. rem not to feel negative, yr bb will feel it. lay hands on yr tummy n speak to yr embies to grow properly, pray for God's protection over yr bb n tell yr bb to continue to grow n when he or she is borned u will reward yr bb....give them some prep talk. i did to mine. will keep u in my prayers. stay positive!

it could really b implantation cos its too early 4 u to spot. stay positive ok,implantation is a very gd sign es when it's brown n last only 1 day. jiayou!

for me i dun allow my fate to b on words, but i fight n pray for my miracle if that is really what i wan,it takes time 4 miracles to b accomplished. i choose to believe God is custom making 4 me that's y need so much time, there is a time n season 4 everythingm u jus have for pray 4 God's timing n seek Him 4 yrself. God will speak to u
If you want to embark on IVF, i feel it's very impt to have ur husband's support, cos it's not easy to cope alone emotionally during the long process. Talk it out with ur hubby and ask him abt his concerns. See if you can get him to understand ur needs too. Hubby's actual role in the process may be small (just provide the soldiers), but he needs to be there for you if u both agree to go ahead with ivf. You can prepare him a little first, and still go for ur apppmt to ask any questions u both have. Maybe when he meets Dr Loh, he will be reassured. Just a note, sometimes when Dr Loh is swamped with patients, he may appear a little distracted but he's still a v gd doctor.

Maybe you can opt for a 2nd blood test, then you can be assured when you see the HCG level doubling every 1-2 days. All the best! http://www.americanpregnancy.org/duringpregnancy/hcglevels.html

Please rest. Gd to hear the brown spotting has stopped. If you continue to have spotting symptoms, better call the ivf centre or email doc with ur concerns.

When i went for my wk6+ scan, my twins were 6mm and 7mm. It seemed like a big diff to me then, but when I looked at the scan printout, the calculated EDD stated was only diff by one day. Don't worry, just go for ur next scan, your smaller twin may catch up then.

Hee, so you are back to your slim self now...wow, 6kg of water...you must feel so much lighter now.
I think since ours ivf, if we have twins, most likely will be fraternal.
hopes - ya i going for another blood test on monday.
the nurse hope it hit 250 else every other day need to do blood test.

twin - glad that all is well. God bless you. i really like the way u talked to your babies. Thanks for the idea else i really dunno what to say to my embies. *hugz*

Petals - thanks for the website. i read before already. But i guess nothing is more personal and assuring then talking to you girls here.

Alone - pls call up the ivf center and ask them for advise. Hope all is well. every woman's experience is different so don't think too much.
hi i m new here, can anybody tell me what is the protocol for FET and during the wait for FET is there anything we can do to help chances. TIA
hi Gladys,

Bascially for FET, it is simplier and less complicated than Fresh Cycle.

Once you decided to go for FET, doc will prescribe you with some medication to condition your womb lining. Your uterus lining has to be in a certain optimum thickness in order to perform the FET, so that the embryos will stick on to your uterus lining.

Usually within this period, you will have to go to the hopsital to do some V-scan to check on the lining thickness. If I'm not wrong, optimum thickness should be around 8mm to 15mm. (gals, pls correct me if I'm wrong..:p)

One ur womb lining is ready, Doc will schedule a date to do your FET. Just like fresh cycle, you can opt to put in 1-3 embryos.

On they day of the FET, the embryoist will thaw ur frozen embryos. There is always a risk that the embryos might not survive the thawing process. Once the embryos are thawed, your doc will perform a minor procedure to transfer the embryos to your womb (just like fresh cycle).

The rest will be the same... go for ur 2WW and progesterone jabs/inserts daily and bloodtest 14-17 days thereafter
Hi Stardiva, Tigg3r, Petals

Thank you gals
My hcg level is still very high = 26000+
Doctor suspect it could be a ectopic preggy, need to do bloodtest and u/s again nxt Monday.
Gals, pls pray for me.

Dn't give up,I understand how you feel.Take a break and try again when you are ready. For me this is my 3rd fresh IVF cycle.
Oh, I thought ectopic preg results in low HCG, rather than high. It seems like urs is doubling quite well. If I recall (my memory's quite bad now), one of the sisters here also had very high HCG levels initially, but her preg is still ok. Maybe it could be a multiple preg for you, might contribute to higher HCG. Hope u will see ur sacs on Monday! Take care, dear.
i'm hardly slim la...only slim when i got married, then all those fertility meds n jabs made me gain 10kg thru the years! guess wat....i'm loosing more weight. as of today i lost 6.5kg! my mom puts me on a strict healthy diet until i lost so much in a wk! yest, i pain pian 3 times! sigh. she inisist that it is gd 4 me cos she c my tummy so big becos of the ohss so she cooks special diet 4 me. i must say it worked.my tummy's back to normal size, jus alittle bloated.can't wait 4 2nd tri to eat anything i want!

continue talking to yr embies n pray 4 them aloud when u lay hands on yr tummy. all the best to yr blood test on mon

do u have spotting or sharp pain on either lower abs or shoulder pain etc? if not still stand a chance of a valid preg, all the best to yr scan on mon

i don't know what my mom feed me......i jus weigh myself...i lost 7kg liao! aiyo...is it safe? it's like loosing 1kg a day!
as long as u r eating enough nutritional stuff and not throwing it up, shld be ok. Guess cos u had ohss, so that caused most of ur weight gain earlier. Once ur tummy gets less bloated and more comfy, u shld be able to enjoy and eat what u want.

seems like i have one thing after another..........my morning sickess has jus started
first was jus nausea but nothing come out, later i started throwing up the ribina i drank. y so soon ms

i don't care about my mom's diet liao. i smell already wanna vomit so i sent hubby out to buy chicken chop 4 me. will try to c if i can stomach it
hi littletwin,
i am fine..next 14 is my scan..i forgot to ask doctor now i am how many weeks...i also feel nausa but i think this is for my gastric.

now a days i dont sit on pc that much..i have taken leave upto 16th dec.most of the time i sleep.

what do you do to pass time. are you going out?

glad to hear u r well. my next scan is on the 13dec. dr also never say how many wks i am. initially i'm sleepy in the afternoons. now i hardly sleep that much cos very uncomfortable with the gases n frequent toilet trips. also got digestion prob. i prayed hard tt i will not have ms but now that it has started, i have to pray that it will not be severe
how to go out. m jus recovering from ohss then ms came. so i'm stuck to my room with the tv n laptop....mom n mil has been nagging about my laptop use but i'm just so bored. my friends just tot i'm very sick, they do not know i'm preg so i refused their visitations. how do u spent yr time?
hi ladies, its 5dpet for me. and after 5 days of cooped up at home (apart from going to kkh for jabs), i finally went out shopping... then now feeling abit worried cos i read that 5dpet is when implantation takes place. walked quite a bit today s'more. other then sore bbs and hungry all the time (but this could just be my greed!), i don't have any other symptoms... sigh... i envy you gals who've succeded... i'm still trying to be positive... ...

hopes and ml, how are you gals doing?

alone, hope your spotting has stopped...
hi shazzer,

I also walked alot and kind of stressed up for the 1st 3 days after my FET due to some issues at home. Only last two days then I managed to rest a bit.

I also dun have much symptoms except sore boobs and tummy area a bit tight. Also feel warm sometimes. Think quite similar to urs. Hope we can all succeed.
Hi, I think it's quite dependant on your religion. I personally, believe that God helps those who help themselves and this is our struggle that we need to go through to achieve what we want in life. Everyone has their struggles at some point in their life and maybe this is ours. So I think of that and keep remaining positive and not giving up. I hope you will find your answer.
How many weeks or daysPET are you now? I had an ectopic but my hcg level was quite low adn didn't double very well though it rose steadily. even one week+ after day17 was still only 3000. So maybe yours is twins and hopefully in the uterus but maybe too early to see. Dr Loh told me if less than 5-6weeks may be very hard to see. All the best!
Hee, actually Dr Loh did say using laptop is ok....I guess as long as we don't put on our tummy, just put it beside you on the bed and don't use for long periods of time. Abt food, I just alternate betwn eating what I want and home-cooked food. Becos I get hungry every few hours, I will also make sure i have some healthy snacks that i actually enjoy. Esp since u have MS, maybe u just eat whatever u want that doesn't trigger that feeling.

i don;t get hungry easily, my app is jus small portions of 3 meals a day. i tend to get nausea 2hrs after food. i'm also afraid of drinking too much water for fear i'll throw it up. so far i only drink half hr b4 or after food to help ms taught by a friend. pp usually tend to b sleepy in first tri but i'm the oppo, want to sleep but find it hard to sleep cos of the discomfort. i jus have to take it eazy n one day at a time
Hi everyone

Sorry, I haven't been able to log on from home but have been following everything until I came into work to reply...

Firstly Jade- my dear, I am soo soo sorry and I think your message has been echoing how I've been feeling over the last few days... Just wondering whether it's ever meant to happen, despite everything I've been doing, whether it's gods will or not, how much more to take, where to draw the line etc. I've been wondering whether my son is destined to be an only child... My heart goes out to you. These are not easy things to think about. I think the right decision will come to you, but I know for myself, and thinking a lot about it over the weekend, that I am still willing to fight. We have both been pregnant naturally- we can do it! They say what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger and to an extent I think it applies here- we just have to find the strength to go on, and I believe you won't give up either... just take some time to grieve, then come back when you're ready.

I haven't had the best weekend. A lot of cramping on and off- not really strong, but just feels a little like menses cramping, and I was terribly moody from the moment I woke up yesterday- angry one minute, tears the next. I got the cramping last cycle at the same time (about 7 days after transfer) and the last cycle of course failed... I was really distressed yesterday- took another progesterone tablet and it calmed down. Feeling OK today, tummy feels tight, but no cramping.

I go on holidays Thursday night, so have agreed with the clinic to do a blood test just before I go and they will text me this Friday with the result. My proper blood test date isn't until Saturday, but I have a wedding that day and don't want to be crying under my sunglasses like I've done so many times before!

Alone- good to hear your spotting has stopped! Could be Implantation- you are the same test day as me!

Shazzer and Hopes- I'm really sending you good vibes too!
Hi Gladys

My clinic says 20-25% each FET transfer (which is about the same for natural conception each mth). The more you put in the higher the percentage though, so 3 can give you a chance of up to 33%...
hi ML, Jade..

Being an only child is really not a very bad thing if ur kiddos can open up themselves to others easily.

I am also an only child and I dun feel at all lonely as I have many many good friends and I know my parents dote on me bcoz I am their only seed...hehe..

I did ask myself how come I dun have any siblings when I was younger but as I attended sch and get to know more friends.. whether having siblings or not doesn't really matter after some time
Just dun give ur child too much pressure in his/her studies.. and ur child will definately grow up happy even without any siblings..

but then again..this is only my personal opinion .. others might think differently
hi shazzer,

do not worry about about the fact that you've walked alot. After my ET i also walked a lot and even mop floor go short shopping trip. as long as you do not feel excessive strain it sould be ok.

a friend of mine went mountain climbing etc and came back preggy though she bought along her sanitary pad. so i guess if it's yours it will be yours. Don't worry. by the way stay positive. i am also hungry all the time!!! Every one experience is different so don't think too much.

petal n twins,
my Hcg level rise alreay. Praise God! No more blood test. Yeah! Now i am waiting for the scan after christimas. i am wondering how many days preggy am i now?

Thanks so much for your note. Yeah, I know in my heart that it will be OK if it's just my son, but having had a sister, someone to grow up with, I've never considered I will only have one. My son is very outgoing and I know that he will have lots of friends. I think I'm possibly being selfish. I think Boys typically get married and have more to do with the wife's side of the family, so I worry about that!!! I don't want to be a lonely old lady with no family around me!!!!
thnx hopes, michelle & ML for answering my qn re FET some time back. I've been going back for scans but the egg follicle hasn't been growing much even tho I'm day 14 past menses already. Dr said this may be a non-ovulatory cycle n may need to drop this cycle and try next month. I asked for another scan this Thurs (day 17) in case I may be ovulating very late this month. Hoping, praying....;-)

Gladys - I'm with KKH. Unlike Hopes,I didn't get any meds to grow my lining. I've only been going for scans every other day since day 10 post menses to track follicle growth. M told that, by the time, the follicle grows to be abt 14mm, then KKH will test for LH surge using the ovulation kit. When LH surge is detected then they'll thaw the embbies n trsfer. Like Hopes says, then it's the inserts and the super long 2ww wait....
Ladies, been reading some of the posts regarding walking alot etc after ET. When the books/clinic say to bed rest, does it mean lie flat on bed and do nothing else except for going to the toilet and for meals? For the ones who've succeeded - wat did you do during the 1st wk after ET? Thx!
Hi Yuli

I don't know abut others, definitely best to take it easy, as so much is invested in this, but when you think about it, how many women get pregnant, go out, party, do strenuous excercise etc and then find out they're pregnant! For me, my first pregnancy was natural (so a bit different!), but I did nothing differently... was going out, having at least a couple of glasses of wine each night, really stressed out at work, eating poorly... oh how things have changes this time around!!! At lest taking it a little easy you have nothing to regret!

I'll be interested in what the others have to say!

Yuli- how big is your follicle at day 14?

Can't remember exactly, but think day 10 I was was about 10, day 12 15.5, then day 14 about 19?

They say sometimes you can skip a cycle which is very frustrating! Hang in there!
