IVF/ICSI Support Group


<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS !!</font></font>

All ur hard work and suffering has been paid off by this fabulous news!!

Continue to take good care of urself ya!! Also,
wish u a Super smooth 9 mths ahead!!


Our FET dates very close..
Mine is tentatively on Next Monday, if everything goes on on schedule for me..we'll be going thru the 2WW together
hi all,

thanks....it's really surreal to see those congrats cos most of the time it's me congratulating others

the progesterone jabs r making my thigh hurt alot. i can't go toilet or sit or get up w/o help. my legs feel tranquilized!

yes, the pregnyl makes the tummy bloat. for my case it escalated due to pregnancy.

dr zou called me today n ask me to do urine test today then i told her wat happened n she was elated. when we put down the phone, i heard her screaming for joy to her hubby. she very cute n caring

next will b u! it seems we need to go thru the bitter before we taste the sweet. take care!
Shazzer, I did take my HCG jab at the 24 hr clinic at KK. It was given on the thigh. It was not as painful as I expected. Still bearable. the area around it and your thigh might feel sore after the jab. I presume you are driving the auto car, if so, you might want to do the jab on your left thigh since you will be using your right leg for the accelerator.

Actually a lot of it depends on the person giving the jab. Today I had my progesterone jab on my left thigh. It really aches today. In fact progesterone jabs tend to create a lump under the skin. It will go off after a day or 2. And it generally aches quite a lot!

Pupi, all the best and lots of baby dust to u for your blood test!!!! Hope to hear good news from you soon.

Petals were you on Progesterone jabs or pregnyl? Were you very bloated throughout?

Little twin star, when did you start feeling really bloated? Btw, you are only 12DPET today right? Quite fast to already know you are pregnant and the reading is already 200+. Maybe you have twins or triplets! :)

i started feeling very bloated n having cramps 7dpet after my 3rd jab. today 13dpet. ya fast . dr loh say i dun need to go back on fri for another blood test. now i still have on off cramps n gastric pain n lots.........i mean lots of gases!!!!!!! need time for this ohss to wear off.

finally they took me off the drips
but my thigh hurts until i'm immobile. i need help doing anything. hope the jabs wear off soon so i can "walk" again

Yes, we will be very close for the FET! How are you feeling before this one? Feeling positive? Have you been doing acu too? It will be good to support eachother over the next 2 weeks... This week feels like a huge lead up- I'm going for acu, and Chiro almost every day, taking supplements, baby asprin, scans and blood tests... I feel like a walking pharmacy!!! Hopefully it may help though... after all this the 2ww feels very boring!


I'm in the same position as you with the test date- mine will be Sat 15 Dec and I have a wedding that afternoon for a good friend of mine which is back in Sydney... in some ways it will be good to be home and amongst friends, but I'm really hoping it's good news or could be a little tough... oh well, I'll just have to put on a brave face!

Girls, I may have done something a bit silly, but since I was ovulating today we 'did it' last night- I thought after so many failed transfers it couldn't hurt, and in case we get only one or none of our emby's unfreeze on the day at least we still have a chance! Probably stupid, but did it anyway..!!


Woww! Big Congrats to you!!! you must be extremely delighted despite all those what you have gone thru... All those hard work and suffering did paid off ....

My blood test will be this Thurs, and I'm not excited about it bcos there wasn't much signs and also that missing line from the HPT really dampened my mood for these few days. Feel like my AF reporting soon!

Anyway, all the best! Take good care...

Pupi and Jade

All the best! Stay positive!
Cos blood tests are more sensitive and can detect HCG earlier than HPT, so that's why Stardiva could test so early. I was on the daily prog jabs during 2ww, and I signed the consent form to have it done on my bum instead. Not painful at all most of the time, except twice when the nurse chose a hardened spot and I almost jumped. No sypmtoms at the beginning of 2ww, but I was only slightly bloated (still bearable) and was more tired actually towards the end of 2ww. Hee... actually I've been tired until now and always need my naps.

When did u do ur HPT? Maybe still too early? Don't worry too much ok? All the best for ur blood test! Babydust to you too!

Thanks. I hope it was too early for the test when I did it... just got to wait for the blood test... will keep u updated...
Twin Stars,
Congrats!! My greetings abit late but very happy for you! We were talking abt buying baby's clothes last time, now u can do start buying soon!

Thanks. :)

All the best for your blood test. We can only pray for our dream to come true. And I hope yours will be fullfilled this coming Thursday.

Let's keep the spirits up!
Petals, Nano. Little Twin Stars,

I recalled the nurse told me that the implantation is on the Day 7 or Day 8 of the embryo cycle or about 5 or 6 days after transfer. IS your understanding the same?

Also do you feel a pulling feeling in the lower tummy during this period?
Hi Jade

From the reading I've done and asking my Obst etc they've said day 6 of the embryo development they hatch and implant... so if you had three day embies then 3 days after that... or that's what I've been told.... I'll check though because this is on my mind too for next week... are you still getting cramping and brown disc?
Hi Jade

Yes, I've just read that day 5 of development is Blastocyst, Day 6 Hatching, and implantation from day 6 onwards... so if you had 3 day embies put back this would be about 3 days after that...
hi ML,

No brown discharge but I have this pulling pain today. Nurse was telling me yesterday that teh implantation should be today or tomorrow. I was not sure if the pulling pain is due to the implantation.

All the best for ur FET transfer this sat. :) Then we can be in the 2ww together. :) Are you working or will u be on leave?
Hi Jade

I have been having pains in my right lower tummy. I asked Dr Loh and this was his reply
" It coud be ligament strain. There are 3 pairs of suspensor ligaments around the uterus. When the womb enlarges in pregnanc, the ligaments are stretched, causing pain. There is usuall uneven stretching, causing one sided instead 2 sided pain."

Hi Tigg3r,

good to hear from you again. Keep the faith ok?

Love jo
Hi Jade,
If i remember correctly, implantation shd be ard day 5 or 6 after ET. I dun think i have pulling feeling..think i can't feel anything at tat time. Try not to walk too much during these few days. If u have any concern, maybe can email Dr Loh?
As u can see, implantation isn't any specific day but a span of a few days. I guess just rest well during ur 1st wk of 2ww.

I do get this pulling feeling at either sides nearer to the hipbone so i knew it wasn't the uterus but was the ligaments stretching. Not very painful like cramps, but more like a stitch. I get it occasionally.

Thanks! will try to take it easy these 2 days..In fact, I'm hoping that Thursday will never arrive... wondering how am I going to deal with the result...


Thanks for the encouragements..

Yes, I did feel the pulling pain on both sides of my lower abd.. more on the left side.. Even now, I feel it ocassionally.. In a way, I treat the pain as a reminder for me to be extra careful during this 2ww.. I'm rather careless about my movements so I almost forgot that I've to be 'slow, slow, slow' on every move..
Hi Jade

Thanks! Yes, will be good to get to Saturday- I'm just praying that my embies thaw OK... will probably do 3 if I can. Last time we thawed 3 but only 2 were ok to transfer.... Unfortunately I have to work next week- have to spend the week in Taiwan... so will rest and take it easy Sat/ Sun then Monday flight...

Hopefully your pulling is implantation! Thinking of you and hopefully this will be the one!
HOPES!! all the best ok?

Dear all, you must must relax. I remember during my FET, I try to relax alot, it has raining somemore .. that make me very sleepy. after FET, although we were told to rest in bed, the tendency is to tense our body so much that we dont dare to move. I didnt do that, I just rested like I am sleeping. bought a book to read too. so you girls do your best ok???
Joanna, are you also in your 2ww now? When is your blood test?

ML, all the best for Saturday. Hope that you will get to put 3 in! Hopes same to you as well, all the best and let this attempt be IT for both of you!

Anyone working during the 2ww? I am wondering if I should start work on Thursday? UHm....
HI Jadedmom,
I'm actually driving manual, so would need my left leg leh... but if its just a little sore, I guess its ok.

I was at my worst today, the whole day headache, nausea, no appetite, which led to gastric, feverish, and with a weird bitter taste in my mouth.. and I haven't even done ER yet... sigh... trying to be postive.

Alone, how are you? Got your ER date already?
hi Shazzer, I am fine after the shot, sore but still bearable. Wow.. I salute you. I salute anyone who drives a manual car. I cannot handle manual cars for nuts.

Have a good rest before your ER. I was quite lucky for my ER cos my GA doc was the tall big indian guy who did quite a good job. Not much pain. :) Hope all of you girls have a smooth ER.

Agree with u on the Manual Car "gong fu".. haha..i also lost touch with how to drive manually already.! :p

Btw..i think u should rest for at least a wk first after ET before u start working

For me..i hope to get two wks hospitalisation leave..hope Dr Loh will grant me that

Mmmm I drove myelf home after the last ET and while I rested for the weekend, I was back at work on Monday... this time I get on a flight to Taiwan on Monday... just not a possibility for me to take the time off... I think as long as you take it easy and relax... my friend had one day off for the ET and went back to work the next day, and it worked first time! I think everyone is different, I'm just hoping 2 days rest and taking it easy will be enough!

Jade, when is your test day?
hi Shazzer,

Sorry for not being able to reply earlier. Has been rather busy at work lately. Trying to clear as much as possible before i go on long leave....
Am planning to take a whole week off after the ET.

Went for a scan on Tues and confirmed that my ER will be tomorrow!! It's earlier than expected as my follie is growing big...abt 18-24. I have also not been feeling good...For the past few days, I feel very bloated and sometimes it hurts when i walk (my stomach look like 3 mths pregnant!) I also get cramp / gastric at night...I have never been so uncomftable in my life. sigh, I have not even done my ET yet. hopefully, it will not be anything worst...am really scared of getting OHSS now due to the no. of eggs i have

I went for the HCG jab at a 24 hr clinic yesterday. Not tat painful as it was injected on my bum...

When is your ER? This Friday? Will you be taking leave after ET? All the best to you and try to relax (although i myself very kan cheong now)...

ML, good luck and lot's of baby dust to you too....

Well done on all your eggs! That has to give you a great chance having so many, and they are all a good size!

Best of luck tomorrow, I know it's hard, but try to relax and not worry too much- it's ever very quickly and afterwards you will be a little sore, but then once you've recovered you do feel a bit better and not so bloated!
Alone, good luck for ur ER tomorrow.

Tigg3r, lots of baby dust to u tomorrow as well. :)

ML my test day is next Saturday. Long way still right? Still have to psyche myself for the wedding cos my entire family is attending. If i miss it, my absence will be very obvious. :-(

Sigh I am allergic to the antibiotics given and now my entire forehead and parts of my cheeks are filled with litle white heads with pus inside. Disgusting!!! Nurse said best not to take Zyrtec which I usually will take to fight off allergies. I have this problem - I am allergic to most antibiotics and I will get this outbreak on my face. SO now I am bearing with my UGLY face....haizzzzzz
hi all,

i'm finally discharged from hospital. still having constant gastric pain every 3hrs if i don't eat
everyday i've been nwaking up in the middle of the night with bad gastric cramps that i need meds ......last night was worst i vomited out the milo n crackers i ate to stop my pain. tummy still very bloated and can;t stand straight still. read that ohss that leads to pregnancy doesn't go away so fast.

petals, nano
when i wanted to have my consultation at tps instead of clinic d, they ask us for reasons n in fact the app will b 1day later if at tps. mayb too many pp go there liao. i know it's silly but i'm scared of the app. dunno can see sac or not, dunno got heartbeat or not, dunno babies growing well or not becos of all the gastric meds i took. must pray to fight all these tots

my app is 5dec...next wk, so fast? i tot first app is during 6wks?

Yes..my FET is scheduled on next wk..

but i'm down with flu now...damn it..
hope it doesn't affect my FET..arghh...
Hopes, dun worry. I had flu on my day of et and i was sneezing non stop in the 3 days that followed. I use steam from hot water and also hot towel to curb the sneezing. It helped a little. Also, i used the heat pak to keep my tummy warm. I still do it now at night cos i think it helps make me feel better with the bloated tummy.

to all going for er, et and fet, all the best and stay relax!

Can anyone share your experience? In case you have normal sex during the month, is it recommended to start with IVF cycle during the 3rd week of the month? Thank you.

Thanks for your encouragements. It must have been very terrible to have those allergies but pls hang in there ok!


Just got to take your meal at a shorter interval, instead of 3 hrs, why not try 2 and half hours before the pain comes.. Hope that you'll feel better soon...


All the best for your ER.. remember the rest as much as you can.. Drink lots of water...


I did not know what got into my mind when I went for my progesterone jab this morning. I actually requested for an early blood test.. and guess what I've got a BFP... Bhcg at 587. This is unbelievable!! Just want to thank all of you for the constant encouragements, concerns and support.. Babydust to all!

congrats!!!!! see must be positive
yr beta higher than mine summo. our group suffered one of the worst side effects n God is rewarding our sufferings, yeah!
will u be going tps or clinic d? we can start exchanging info liao
Congrats!! All worth it now right?
Rest well and have a smooth 9 mths! So happy for both u and stardiva.

If u want to switch to TPS permanently, just let them or the appmt hotline know and they will reschedule ur appmt. Anyway, Dr Loh is only at TPS on certain days, so prob that's why it will be a diff day when u switch. And he prob wants to see u next wk as a follow-up to ur hospitalisation. Think he's going on leave in Dec soon, but not sure exactly when.

Congrats!!! So happy for you. You graduated as well!!! :)

Now it will be Pupi's turn. I hope she graduates as well. Pls pass some babydust to Pupi and the rest of us!!! We need it badly!!!

CONGRATS!!!! That's fabulous news! You were so worried but now it's all been worth it! Well done.

I'm so happy for you and Stardiva! It gives the rest of us hope!

Jade, Hopes hopefully we will get some good news soon too as an early Christmas present!

Jade- the two week wait is soooo long isn't it and you just wonder what's going on in there! I'll be joing you soon!

Hopes- is your FET Monday? All the very best of luck!

Mine is Saturday and started on the Crinone last night, Utrogesterone on Friday. I'm having my last acupuncture on Friday too.

Can I ask- did anyone do acupuncture straight after the ET? Like an hour after? I've been reading it can't do any harm, and it is lying down and relaxing- anyone have any advice? I didn't do it last time but considering doing it this time....
Last time when i did acu with Dr Zou, she mentioned that her acu is usually before ET. Usually after ET she won't do acu to disturb the womb.
Hi - to all the ladies who've done FET, can I please ask what your experience is like after the Day 10 scan? How many ultrasounds/urine tests etc before the day of ET?

My day 10 scan is on 6 Dec and was told instead of progesterone jabs, we have to use some insert through the rectum during the 2ww?! that sounds horrifying! haha! Can share your experience?
dear mrs teng
congrats!!wish you a safe nine months.
i am witing for my blood test. the schedule date is so far.... what to do. i did my last pregnyl jab at 24th nov...the nurse is telling i cant do blood test so early..pls pray for me, jademom and all the ladies here as well.
Tigg3r, Congrats Congrats!!

Yuli, as my cycle is normally long, i started Day 10 scan and went back on alternate days until D15, then back daily for urine test to detect LH surge, which happened for my on D17. During the 2ww, they will prescribe the cyclogest which is to insert through the rectum, at first i also thought it was very horrifying, BUT it is actually very easy, painless, and you dun feel absolutely anything! so no worries...
Congrats! I believe this is the best Christmas present for you...enjoy yr nine mths!

Twin Star,
I dun think u need any reason to switch to TPS, just tell them you prefer to see Dr there. Last time, before my 1st visit i also wonder whether doc can see the sac etc...i guess quite normal to have such thoughts. Dun worry too much, just go for the appt.

babydust to u!
think u can do a urine test this sat or sun. the hcg will b out of yr system. don't worry u've done your best. the result will b ++++++++

alone, shazzer
all the best to yr et. i pray that u guys will have good quality follicles with fantastic fertilization rates. take good care of yrselves n take it easy for this 2w

jade, hopes, ml
babydust to u guys too

Hi Yuli

After day 10 scan I had day 12 scan, then urine tests at home to detect LH surge around day 14, but this time it was so difficult to detect so did a couple of blood tests to detect, then after that Pregnyl shot.

I think I'm lucky girls 'cause I just have to do crinone vaginal pessaries and tablets each day... but maybe as Michelle says it's not so bad...
