IVF/ICSI Support Group

Maybe u can try tcm and acu before ur FET? Just let the sinseh know the reason for miscarriage, and they shld be able to help strengthen u accordingly. Don't give up, ok?

Shazzer, Alone,
You're both almost reaching ur ER...must think positive and happy thoughts. I'm sure the docs will know how to maximise ur mature follicles. Jia you!

Alone, jiayou! Wow..your follicles are abt the same size that is good news. :) Your lining seems good too. Don't worry too much. You will be fine.
hi all,

not so gd news, i've been hospitalized yest morn for ohss
i insisted on talkin to dr loh before my last pregnyl jab. thank God i did cos dr loh say lucky i never take the last jab or die. i was in severve pain n breathless n can't walk prob. was on drips n my urine is getting lesser cos fluid is accumulating in my pelvic n tummy but not enough to drain yet. tummy is not so painful but still have alot of gases n gastric n have been vomitting air. i need to b in the hospital till i'm stabalized.....n tt's at least another few more days!!!

dunno wat else to say
Good thing you checked with Dr Loh first, if not, the pregnyl jab will worsen it. Most of the time I will check with Dr if I find that the ivf nurses give me std answers. We know our own body best. Are u at the end of ur 2ww yet? Could be a gd sign... Take care. Try to drink more water if u can. At least they will monitor u closely in kkh.
hi Little Twin Stars,

Hope you are feeeling better today.

I think I saw you yesterday at the KK IVF. I can tell that you are in great pain and was struggling even to walk.

I was the one who told your hb that Dr Loh was in the room because I overheard him asking the nurse for Dr Loh and the nurse told him that Dr Loh was involved in the procedure. I saw that you were in great pain and would really need to seek Dr Loh's advice.

Look on bright side, at least when you are hospitalised you will be monitored closely and would be in good hands.

Jia you!!! 1 more week to go and you can put all these behind you!!!
hi petaS,

I'm really in agony. seeing my tummy bloat by the day n my weight increasing as well n not to mention the great discomfort
.moreover this won,t go away so fast
i'm only 10dpet. too early to tell. now my tummy bloat until i look 5-6mths preg!! i really hope all these will mount up to something
hi jade,

oh so that was u. thanks for telling my hubby cos the nurses were reluctant to let me see dr loh at first n one of then even ask me to go downstairs to the 24hr clinic.
everyone was looking at me, i must have looked very bad. i was in no mood man. the pain has subsided but not my tummy n yes...........i'm still walking like liang po po!
really hope all these will b over soon
Since u r in hospital now, when u sleep, may be more comfy if u adjust the bed headrest at a slight incline, so that u r not totally flat and ur head is slightly higher. Then u won't feel like ur bloatedness is pushing up ur throat. Can they drain the fluid for u?

i don't know y they r not draining any fluid out of me. bedrest i can also do at home except my urine flow is v bad. drink alot but it;s not coming out much.es w/o the drips, the urine will b even lesser. tt's my main concern. the bloat i can handle at home, but this i can't. will find a chance to ask dr if i get to c them again. they gave me a student nurse for the progesterone jab yest. it hurts like mad even till now. i requested no more student nurse. she was so uncertain she kept looking at a senior standing beside her to checkk if it's ok n it took so long n the staff nurse intervened..crazy!!!!!!! no more of that, i;m already suffering
hi stardiva..

I had a similar experience as yours too when i did my first fresh cycle... my OHSS also quite bad.. super bloated and cannot stand straight at all..

Hope the bloatedness will go off soon.. pls continue to come in to update us on ur condition.

Take care ya!!


I also had a miscarriage back in June this yr at abt 6 wks .. and I'm doing my FET this December
I am currently going thru TCM treatment such as acupunture and Chinese medicine to strengten the womb. Did u try any of these since ur last miscarriage?

Hope god will be kinder to us this time round..

All the Best for ur FET !! Jia you!!
stardiva, sorry to hear that. I went through exactly what you went through in Aug 07. Continue to drink lots of water and have lots of rest. The last time I bought a soft pregnancy pillow that helped me sleep better at nite when i was warded, cos of the bloated tummy and also hospital pillow very uncomfortable.

Hope you stay comfortable as much as possible and be positive. if it stays bloated, it is a good sign, so hang in there.. take care.
hi little twin stars,

No you don't looked bad, don't worry. You only looked like you are in great pain and i felt very bad for you. I overheard the nurse who keep insisting that you go to the 24 hr clinic. I happened to be sitting outside there for quite a while and saw Dr Loh went into the room with a couple about 15 min ago. That was why I told your hb that Dr Loh was inside the room so that he can catch hold of him when he comes out, more so cos you looked like you are in great pain.

I hope you feel better today. Don't worry, it should become better soon.
hi hopes, michelle,

thanks, i'm on drips so i feel full all the time n couldn't stomach much food. they r cutting down my drips to try to let my body adjust n hope my kidney n bladder will function properly. my hubby brot my home pillow for me so more comfy
my wrist is sore from the drips
m taking it one day at a time. the nurses were very helpful n attentive so it helped alot.

really thank you, cos if not i'll waste even more time at the 24hr clinic n more time in pain. n i don;t know if i can even make it there. i can't even walk liaO

will keep u guys posted

is the urine cateter painful? after that did u feel better? i can urine, jus little. one nurse keep asking me to put the cateter when the dr say it's ok since i can still pee. i v scared lei. already in pain n they want me to do this. how did u go thru? i was admitted on fri mon n still no greenlight to leave cos tummy still v bloated. any advise?
Hang in there, my dear. Hopefully it will ease a little when ur prev pregnyl jab starts to wear off n ur hormone level drops a little. It won't totally go away so soon, but u shldn't get any worse. Be strong n they will take care of u in kkh. If bored, there's a second-hd bkstore downstairs where u can rent bks.
hi Little twin stars,

I had hte urine cateter put in before. But on both occasions I was already on local anathesia. So I cannot really remember how it felt.

But I do remember how it feels when they take it out. It was not exactly very painful but it does hurt a little. And depending on how long the urine cateter was put inside. You can end up feeling sore below because of the cateter.

Personally, I am quite scared of it. If Dr said you can still pee and you don't need that, then skip it. But if it is necessary, I guess you just have to go ahead.

Hope you are feeling better today. The Pregnyl jab should slowly wear off. :)
hi petals n jade,

thanks for the encouragement. petals i still can barely walk so going downstairs is out
since i got admitted,i've gained like close to 1kg everyday. scary right. 3am this morn i was in so much gastric pain tt even biscuits won't do n the nurse had to give me gastric meds.i was close to tears yet the tears jus won't flow...tt dehydrated hor.today dr loh came in n say i can b discharge tom liao. m happy yet scared cos of pee n i can't b home alone at the moment cos i'm having difficulty walking n getting up, n i still don't feel well
dr loh's going to do a urine n blood test b4 he discharge me.

really hope it's gd news. the nurses has been very encouraging. they say most people who were admitted for this prob is becos of pregnancy in the end. i don't feel anything except i'm still super bloated n my last pregnyl jab is on 20.still no where near wearing off yet.

btw, the progesterone jab on the thigh hurts like hell. i wonder how u guys take it man.
Look on the bright side, if u r still feeling bloated in a few days, cld be a +ve sign. Just think that this is the worst it's going to get...will improve from here. The progesterone didn't hurt for me, so i guess it's the nurse's skill. Ask for a more experienced one. Oh, u can get hubby to push u arnd in wheelchair if u want some chg of scenery n r not on the drip, no need to walk. All the best for u bld test! Babydust to u!
hi Little Twin Stars,

I think the weight gained is probably due to the water retention. It should go off in time.

I agree with Petals. It seems that so far it has been very challenging for you. So it will only get better from this point of time.

I have good feelings abt your test tomorrow as I have heard and read that if you showed symptoms like bloatedness and etc then you have a higher chance of testing positive.

My first pregnyl jab given to me for ovulation was on the thigh and it was painful! Subsequently the progesterone jabs are fine. I agree with Petals that it really depends on who jab you. :)

Haiz...as for myself I am a bit worried. Anyone knows if you are supposed to have spotting due to implantations? If you don't does it mean that there is no implantations? I did have brown discharge yesterday and the day before but I am not sure if it is due to dried blood from the ER.

I have been having stomach cramps since my ER day. It continued right through to yesterday. It was worst on Friday night - day after ET. Now there is still some mild cramps which will become worse if I walk around more. My stomach is bloated but not throughout the day. Last night was not good so I was not eating well.

Anyone experienced gaining weight during puregon stage and later lose weight during the 2ww?

m still on drips so don't think can wheelchair me.todays' progesterone jab didn't hurt
except thigh v v sore n i can't bend properly. thank God it's the wkend so hubby can take care of me.


signs of bloat is gd but my bloat is becos of ohss n there r many "burst cases" becos of ohss that's y i'm still on my guard but there's nothing i can do except hope all these discomfort will go away soon. don't know how long i can tahan.

how many days past et r u?
hi jade,

then i'm not too sure if the spotting is from er or implantation lei. i only spot on the day of er so i'm not too sure, sorry

today i'm given ensure milk to help with the bloat. haven drank yet, hope it helps. i try to wallk about as much as i can no matter how tough so as to keep myself mobile.

u stay positive too
we can make it!
little twin star,

Thanks for giving us ur update even thou u are not feeling that well.

How many days of MC were u given to rest at home?

Take this opportunity to rest as much as possible, hope the discomfort and bloatedness will go away asap ya..!

When I had my OHSS last time..I used a hot water bag (not too hot thou) to place it at my tummy to sooth the pain. Also , i used "ru yi" oil..(u noe.. those baby or children used it when they have bloated tummy or tummy ache?) , it does help a little. You might wanna give it a try ?

Lots of babydust to u too !!
Stay positive is the way to go gal !! jia you jia you!!
the urine catheter is not painful, jus stay relax, the whole process is very fast. It is jus a little uncomfortable cos you cannot walk around, and I was practically bed ridden for 3 days.. anyway, if you are tested positive, the bloat will stay for at least another 2-3 weeks.. so hang in there.. take care..

i'm not working so i didn't ask 4 mc. the nurses were fantastic, one of them was like counseling me n asking me to b positive as it will help me recover faster. after i took a bath n walk around in my room i was feeling much better.
before i was hospitalized, i used that tummy oil as well. i find that walking around helps to release water


i gan jiong about the test..........hoping my pain will be rewarded. m praying very hard. m sure God will make everything beautiful in it's time. if u r spotting, don't walk too much ok. rest more

thinking of poking that thing in freaks me out so i keep forcing myself to urine no matter how little. that's y no matter how uncomfortable, i force myslf to walk to ease tension.

thank you all for listening to my nonsense during my stay in the hospital. really hope i can be released tom
hi Little Twin Stars,

Will keep you in my prayers. Just 1 more day to go! wooo hooooo. I really hope you get a BFP tomorrow. That will lift the spirits of all on the thread.

On my end, been a little dejected and not consistent with my faith - I have to admit. I have been trying to conceive - on and off after my first child since 2004. Kept getting disappointment one after another. By far the IVF is the single most major attempt on my end since 2004. No excuses on my part - I think I have been a bad girl. :-(

Anyway I am trying to do some holiday plans in case my attempt fails this time. I remembered one quote from Koala (whom she got it from someone else) - if I get it , it is a bonus. If I dun, then no change to my existing lifestyle.
I will try to remember this by heart.

BTW, for water retention, if you are lying down, you can prop up your legs. Put your feet on a pillow, that way it can help to relieve water retention as well.

Wondering how are the other girls doing? Pupi? Shazzer?
Hi everyone,
MY ER is sheduled for this Friday! After increasing the Puregon dosage, my follies are growing along nicely and are around the same size, so I'm quite relieved.. Just 1 more day of Puregon (tomorrow) and then HCG trigger on Wed night.

Stardiva, hope you're feeling better today. I read that OHSS is a good sign though, so hang in there.

How are you spending your 2WW? Hope you're resting well...

you should be going for ER soon also, I think?
Hi everyone

Just catching up on all your news over the last few days...

Little Twin stars- you hang in there- I really hope you get some good news for everything you've been through over the last few days.

Jade- Hang in there too... I know what it's like to be trying for a long time and keep getting disappointment after disappointment- you wonder what you've done to deserve it! Try not to worry too much about the spotting and cramping, but make sure you're speaking with the clinic to put your mind at rest- I have heard of some people having implantation spotting around day 3 after transfer... and some cramping, but then I also got some cramping lat time and they gave me another projesterone shot to calm everything down... take care!

For me, I've had a really stressful weekend trying to track my LH surge for the next FET. My system seems really screwed up after all the drugs and while I used to always ovulate on day 13 last time, now I'm day 15 today and only a faint line on the test.

I went into the clinic in a bit of a panic this morning and they scanned me and took a blood test. Lining is good (11), and my follicle is 20mm so must be about to burst anytime! I'm really hoping this ovulation happens as last month I think the fact they used the jab as a trigger for the FET made the timing a bit off.

So if it's today then I suppost my next FET will be Thursday or Friday this week!

hi everyone,

turns out i'm having ohss is because I'M PREGNANT!!!!!

it's so early but my hcg level is 213. they tested this morning n dr loh came in to give me the goodnews.
i can only b discharged earliest next week as i'm still having gastric n bloat n gaining 1kg everyday so need monitoring.
it paid off! m sooooooooo happy, this is the time i'm pregnant! i was almost in tears
cos i can't believe it

thank you all for supporting me.....now is how to get rid of the bloat. very uncomfortable

babydust to everyone!
sorry maybe can discharge tom if got pp take care of me at home.

the rest of u, don't give up. hang in there no matter how tough

jade, thistle, pupi, alone, shazzer...next will b u guys
jia you.
o kept talking to my babies everyday n i pray daily too

Just read abt ur ordeal for the past few days, then u send out the great news. Congrats!
Wish u a smooth 9 months and take good care of yourself. All the pains and suffering has paid off.

Congrats! Told u the bloating was a gd sign...hee hee. You must be smiling the whole time. In a couple of wks the bloat problem shld improve gradually. So happy for u!
congrats stardiva

i am still having my bloatedness...its not painful but its just so bloated that i cant fit into any of my clothes

im looking forward to my gynae visit next week.

i have been vomitting on and off as well and i think i vomit the medicine i took this morning....
stardiva, CONGrats!!! Bloatedness will stay for a while.. like helpme, i am still bloated and i have to wear my loose clothes... but it is bearable, so you should feel better soon... Really happy for you...
helpme, you have been vomitting? hope they are manageable. I have no other symptoms except that i sneeze a lot and will tend to wake up at 5am in the morning, sneezing.. feel like cutting my nose off!!

Will be going for scanning tomorrow to decide when is the ER day. Most likely either Friday or Sat. If on Friday, both of us will be on the same day!! Am rather anxious about actually...having sleepness nite oredi!! How are feeling now?

Congrats! All your tears and pain has been worthwhile and rewarded !! Rest more and have a smooth 9 months ahead.

Hopefully, we can get some luck from you..
ey Little Twin Stars,

Congrats!!! Happy for you! Told you I had great vibes abt your test today. I told my hb after I saw you at KK IVF that you looked so poor thing and I hope your efforts will pay off. And it did!!! Congrats and thanks for bringing us this pc of good news.

Sian lah, had arguments with my hb as well. This period is just not a good time for any serious discussion.

The antibiotics is terrible, giving me gastric problems. Made me puke out my gastric juices last night man!

Sigh as for me, not much symptoms leh apart from some slight cramping. Sigh...if still no sign by the end of this week... I think can kiss this cycle goodbye!

ML , good that your ET is on Friday, that means you can join me on the 2ww soon. Very boring to be journeying alone. Seems that I am the only one left here on 2ww. Not sure how Pupi is now.

Shazzer and Alone, so I will wait for both of you to join me ya in the 2ww? :)
thanks everyone

i was so excited...quickly post n spread the gd news to u guys. m still not feeling well. burps n gases n constant gastric. can't wait to c the baby sag n hear the heartbeat.
i keep telling myself must be positive n speak as if i'm pregnant n talk to my embies everyday hoping that they r there.

petals, yr intuition so powerful

actually i was teary eye when dr told me the news n soon all the nurses knows n were congratulating me. but they r worried 4 me cos i still look so bloated n can't walk prop.
jade, must b positive...but let yr hubby know it's yr hormones talking that's y. i also slam down phone with hubby last wk ,hee

michelle, helpme,
dunno when the uncomfortable bloat will go away. i need to stay away from friends cos my tummy looks like 5mts! 40inches now!! yesterday i almost need oxygen tank cos i'm like a bloat fish now

dearest friends....if i'm slow in replying is becos my mom has confiscated my laPtop

to all the 2wwers.................BABYDUST!!!!!!!!
Little Twin Stars,

Rest well and take care of ur babies! :) Take good care of urself.

The rest of the sisters on this thread will perservere on!
i started vomitting last week. its not a good feeling. if i ate something, i wld vomit out everything else its just water.

u shld go buy and test. i even took a pic of the positive sign on the test kit...hahahaha

i have not tell anyone of my pregancy yet so everytime go IL's place and they ask me drink herbal soup, i pass everything to hubby...hahaha
think i will only break the news after next week's visit to gynae
Yah, for now, just wear comfy loose clothes. You can borrow ur hubby's clothes first, i know not very glam but at least until u feel well enough to go out to buy. You can also buy those comfy yoga pants with a foldover waistband that you can fold down below ur belly (saw cheap ones at carrefour 1-2mths ago, and more exp ones at Spring Maternity). I know what u mean abt the HPT, I was also tempted to do it again once it was confirmed +ve, cos I only got a faint line when I tested on my HPT b4 my blood test. Wanted to see a solid line too.

All those hormones will make us more temperamental. Must let ur hubby know so he is pre-warned. I remember also blowing up at my hubby at some very small issue that normally I wouldn't care abt.
When's ur preg blood test?

Long way to go. Will be on the 8th of Dec. So far away right?

I think D14PET can test already. I am not on pregnyl jab so maybe can test earlier.

Sigh I have a relative's wedding to attend on the 8th. Not sure if I have the mood. Sigh....
Hmm...yeah, how come so long ah? That's almost 2 wks more... D14PET can use ur HPT already. Hee, we also just as excited to hear ur gd news. Maybe u shld opt out of the wedding dinner, cos if good news, u may want to go out with ur hubby to celebrate alone instead.
Lots of babydust to u too!
Hi Alone,
That's great! I'm also quite anxious about it. First worry if follie not growing. Now, scared if none of the follies got egg inside, and then if got, worry about getting fertilise or not. I know, must take 1 step at a time, be positive, don't think too much... but haiz... i always tell my hb- "hope for the best, but be preapred for the worst". btw, are you at kkivf too?

Hi Jade,
Yes, can't wait to join in 2ww also. about the antibiotics, remember to take after food, and if you're taking any dairy products, must wait 2 hrs later then take the meds. that's what the pharmacist told me today when i went to pick it up. also, want to check with you whether you did your hcg jab at kk 24 hrs clinic? is it painful and would i be able to drive home after?
Little Twin Stars

CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! This is fabulous news!!! Take care- see it was worth it!!!

Wow there's been some wonderful news on this thread lately! There's a lot of luck floating around at the moment

I'm also feeling very positive at the moment- finally got my LH surge today and went for the HCG shot, so my FET transfer is going to be Saturday (great so I can put my feet up Saturday and Sunday before I go to Taiwan for the week with work!!!!)


hi little twin,
congrats to you!!wish u safe nine months.
you were facing so bad time last one week. now god has blessed u .
i am ok now. passed a very bad time. my mother has come already to support us.
i am also feeling very bloatedness. is it for pregnyls jab?last 24th was my last jab.i want to do hpt on 30th but my clinic nurses told to do 1st dec or 2nd dec. i dont know y they r telling me to do later.i will do my blood test on 3rd dec.

jade mom,
dont worry just pray to god.
