IVF/ICSI Support Group


yes..i remember i have those side effects when i had my puregon jabs last time.. i was even feeling rather emotional too... that's y i hate the puregon jab.. !! :p

Hi all
If have any of the following: retroverted uterus,Adenemyosis,PCOS,fibroids or Endometriosis-can the person under go IVF and conceive successfully? And is there any side effect for us in future after doing IVF?
hi sad,
not sure about the other conditions, but i had endo cysts, which were removed and i also have a retroverted uterus. now currently doing an IVF/ICSI cycle at KKH.
hello to all the new gals...thread moving so fast for me to catch up.

Don't worry. They specifically ask u to abstain from sex before ur HSG (not after) so that they can make sure that u r not pregnant when going thru the HSG.

Good that u r feeling better. Don't worry, I didn't have any symptoms until end of my 2ww. All the best. Rest well.
U're almost at the end of ur puregon stage. Ur ER/ET will be soon...then u can join the other sisters in their 2ww... Jia you! Oh, ask ur hubby to choose a soft spot when he jab, not one of the hardened areas.

tigg3r, stardiva,
how ur progest bld test?

test result only in pm.i woke up v uncomfortable today.from 8am till now, i've been having on, off abdominal cramps. v uncomfortable. at times i need to take deep breaths becos of the discomfort. v hard to sleep this 3 days. always wake up with tummyache. i hope it doesn't jeopardize anything. i try not to think too much liao.

then i realized i'm given pregnyl. it's not a progesterone! it's like hcg! how? progest test i also dun dare think already
I'm doing the jab myself as I know which are the hard and soft spot. I used Stardiva tip to ice the area i wanna jab to numb it. it worked. U should really try that out. BTW, do you know how many more days of Puregon you have to take ? I'm only at my D2. So far, i only have slight headache from the jab...
Yes, pregnyl is HCG jab, but it's ok. Will still help produce the progesterone that is being tested. Only thing is that pregnyl may cause OHSS symptoms as side effects, so i think that's why KKh has a cut-off and uses progest jabs instead for those who had > 15 retrieved.

thanks for your concern.. progesterone test was okay... no need to increase jab.. wheoww! Anyway, I understand the purpose of this prog test is for monitor lining thickness. It there any other indications? And any idea what's the benchmark for an ideal lining thickness? Sorry, to ask so much... hehe


It could be due to the pregynl that's giving u all the problems.. I remembered during the briefing that the nurse told me to monitor for any sign of discomfort after the 2nd or 3rd pregynal jab..if too unbearable must let them know... However, doc last min changed me to progesterone jab. On the brightside, it could be signs of implantation.. Stay positive... For me, no sign even more worrying.. kind of feeling hopeless now..


It's like that, I also have bloatedness during puregon, frequent pee trips and slight pain.. Reason being, the ovaries are producing more follicles and expanding, so ur bladder is being pressed, so u got to go pee more often..
hi everyone,
this morning i put ice in the jab area and i didnt even feel anything! thanks for this, really appreciate this!

tomorrow is my last day on the puregon jab, then fri going to kkh to scan and see if i need to continue with it. i'm hoping that my ovaries are producing enough to move on to ER...

thanks for sharing. yesterday i went out with a friend and i kept having to go pee. she doesn't know i'm doing IVF so was quite concerned, saying i should go see dr cos keep peeing, could be UTI... heh.

my progest test result went thru. need a final one on fri tt's it

but think i'm having ohss. having hard time breathing. feel like i need an oxygen tank!!! told the nurse but she says it's like tt cos i jus had the jab yesterday. ask me to drink more water.

Yes, this will be my third transfer (1 fresh, 1 FET). I'm doing acupuncture at Paragon Yu Yan Sang specialist TCM centre... with Dr Tang who is very nice. Also did Chiro for the first time yesterday- to re-align spine and nerve connections to the uterine area speciafically- apparently it can help improve nerve function and blood flow to the area.

I had my day 10 scan this morning and lining starting to thinken up (8), and one dominant follicle (11) so far, so all looking good so far for the natural FET transfer. Next scan Fri and hopefully FET around 29th... Have you been doing natural or drug assisted?

Feeling a bit better, just trying to stay a little positive at the moment (but not getting my hopes up too much). Spoke to my dr about success for FET transfers and he still feels its about 20-25%+ per transfer... so around the natural conception rate per month.

Best of luck for the lead up to your FET...! Hopefully we'll be lucky together!

Do rest more and take good care of yourself. Leave all the housework to ur hubby lor till u are better.

I've been to Dr Zou on Monday. She gave me some med in powder form to drink. She says i can start my acu in Dec and continue till Feb. See my gynae yesterday also on whether to go for fresh or FET. My hubby and i decided to go for FET since we still have 3 embroyos left. Though there are chances that all 3 may not survive but we decide to take the chance. Because the hormones stimulation injections are not good from health perspective. We are gg back to Jakarta next week, hopefully i can return to Spore early Dec to start the acu.

Good luck to all those (ML, Shazzer, Alone and Hopes, Jadedmom) abt to go thru the 2WW and take really good care. Stay POSITIVE.
Prog test only tests level of prog which is needed to support the preg, i don't think can tell ur lining thickness unless u go for a scan. If ur lining no good they wouldn't have let u do ur ER.

Glad to hear that both ur and Stardiva's bld tests are ok, at least no need to incr dose. Now just relax.
Thanks Babywishing.

Wish you all the best for ur FET. I also agree that the hormone stimulation injections are bad for the body. As much as possible, if you do have embryos for FET, you should utilise them. Acu will be good for the body so are the chinese medicine. So you can take the next few months to tune ur body.

Are you still working? In Jakarta?

Did you do the daily Prog jabs or the once in 3 day - not so sure what is the name of the jab?
Do you know what is the difference and which is more painful?

Shazzer, I am going for my ET tomorrow. Waiting for you to join me soon. Hopes is yours in early Dec?

Littletwinstar, which day post ET are you now?
I had daily progest jabs since i had > 15 eggs. You can't get to choose as Dr will decide for u based on indiv case. I didn't have any side effect other than feeling tired if I recall correctly. I opted to have my jabs on my bum, not very painful and u get used to it aft the first few days.
hi all,
i am physically ok only feel vomit, dont know is it for gas or anything else. but mentally i am very very depressed last 19th nov i recieved very sad news. my close relative died.. my hubby's sister...i cant express my feelings last 2 days i cried a lot..my hubby is controling himself just for me..gals pls pray that i can save my baby embryos

My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Pls take good care of yourself. You late sister-in-law would want you to take care of yourself during this crucial period too. *hugs*

We are all here. Do come online to get your mind off when you need it.

all the best to yr ET! rem to relax as much as u can, heard it helps. also yr hubby can b in the room with u so not so stressed
m noe 7 days past ET. suffering ohss from the pregnyl jabs
only after the 3rd jab than so bad. they took out only 6 follicles so i no need daily pro jabs. tt one v painful. mine is like lucrin on tummy. today must start eating eggwhites 4 me

i'm so sorry, must b v tough on the both of u. but u must be strong ok. dun cry anymore. not gd for yr babies. must b positive ok. dun think too much now. must really rest n drink lots of water. try yr best to put things aside for awile no matter how tough. u'll pull thru!

All the very best of luck for your ET tomorrow! I will be thinking of you and let's hope this is the one!! Just relax and try not to worry...It would be nice to have some good news pre-Christmas heh?


Sorry to hear your news, condolences. Take care of yourself.
hi ML,

Thanks. :)

Ur FET will be around next week. So we will still be doing our 2 ww together. You stay cheerful and all the best to your FET too.

BTW, I also go to Dr Tang for acu at Paragon. She is a very gentle and nice lady. SO you take care and we all jia you together. Let's pray that both of us will have good news together, ok?
Sorry to hear the news..U must take care of yourself and be strong, ok!

What time r u at Dr Zous place?? Is it around 2pm+ when u leftI was at Dr Zous place at that timeI had a failed IVF in Oct, will be starting a fresh cycle in Feb/Mar next yr

To all in the 2ww,
Good luck to you all, rest well n stay postive!

hope u will be in time to join our 2WW too

the more the merrier..


Sorry to hear abt the bad news, my deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Pls take good care or urself..
tigg3r, pupi, petals

the 2ww is really torturing me. not jus the time but the discomfort/ last nt i ate some natural yogurt cos i wanna balance my body after anti biotics cos i tend to react after a.b. i woke up at 4am in excruciating pain. waves of abdominal cramp. OMG! hubby tried to call kk24hr clinic but the nurses r not there to ans us if i could take painkillers. i tot it was ohhs, then i rem the yogurt n drank warm water n ate some plain biscuits to fill my tummy n i was better.

morn, drank cream of mushroom soup n the pain came back, sigh. never ending lei. really feel v stretched during this 2ww.
R u bloated? maybe u shld refrain from taking anything that might cause gas, like cabbage and beans. Are u also usually lactose intolerant? Cos maybe u shld avoid the yogurt and cream of mushroom soup which may contain milk/cream, and seems to be upsetting ur tummy? Drink lots of water and maybe go for a slow walk to help ur tummy digest. Take smaller, more freq meals.

If really very bloated until unbearable, better go down to the 24-hr clinic straightaway. I don't think painkillers like panadol can help bloatedness.
Little Twin Stars, hang in there. You are close to the end of this long journey and will see the light soon. Surely you can do it. If you still feel the cramp, maybe you would like to put a hot water bag over the stomach area.

I just finished my ET this morning. Managed to get 8 fertilised embryo. Had my first dosage of progesterone jab on the thigh as well. I had 4 grade 4 and 4 grade 3.

Petals, Twinstar did both of u put 3 embryoes in?

i called the nurse. she told me to avoid alot of food including milk base cos she say i might have ibs. ask me to drink lots of water. actually i asked if i can skip my last pregnyl jab tom for fear tt my tummy might explode, but can't lei.
btw, i scared i have fungal infection due to antibiotics dosage, cos my body is sensitive to it.
aiyo, i really dun knnow how to describe my 2ww!

i put in 3, 4cell embies on a day 2 transfer. how many u put in? oh, yrs is progesterone not pregnyl jab? pregynyl has one of the worst side effects 4 me

m hanging in there, hoping tt it will b worth it
hi Little Twin Stars,

The interesting thing was my initial scan showed 12 follicles. On the ER day, they managed to retrieve 15 eggs. I figured some of these might be smaller eggs that has just started to grow.

Also, originally, the scan showed 6 possible, max 7 follicles but I guess maybe there is 1 missed out. In the end there was 8 embryos.

So I put in 3 grade 4 embryos today. Because I had 15 eggs retrieved now they are putting me on daily progesterone.

Pls hang in there because you will be able to make it. You see Dr Zou too right? 6 out of 6 means ur results is really good u know. :)
Maybe u can drop a note to Dr to tell him ur exact symptoms and see if it's possible to switch to prog jabs instead if really unbearable. Take care!

tt's great. yr chance is high
from now on, u must rest well n eat healthy food ok. drink lots of water too. plain is best. yes, i think the acu with dr zou did help


i'm feeling alot better after some warm water parade. the nurse thinks i'm ok to take the last jab cos i'm not vomiting or having diarrhea n also not having probs peeing so she say np to go ahead. hope by tom, i will b heaps better. i will try to go early to c if i can get to talk to dr loh

I'm not working. My hubby is working in Jakarta. We relocated there in this Jan. Which means i have to move back to singapore for a couple of months to start the acu first. Gonna be separated with my hubby.

YC Noi

Yes. I was there. I left at abt 2.15pm. Are u the one carrying a backpack? Wearing specs?
Little Twins

You take care of yourself- not long to go, drink lots of water and hang in there!


Congratulations on your 3 embies- you have a great chance! I was reading that FET success per transfer can be around 33% with three embies, so stay positive! Hopefully I'll be joining you on the wait next week with 3 as well! Feeling more positive too and thanks for your thoughtful posts! Sending out lots of good luck to you!


Wow....u surely got a lot of good eggs fertilised. What's the dosage of your Puregon? How many days are you on puregon? Today will be my D4...will be going for scan tomorrow. Scared there is not enuf follicles.

I know it's still a long way to go before my ER but I just want to find out about the jabs after ER. Am I correct to say that if we have > 15 follicles, we will be given progestrone jab. And if it is < 15, pregynyl jab will be given? Any diff between the two drugs? both to be taken everyday?

How's your scan? When is your ER ?

hope you feeling better now. hang in there....
hi girls,

Thanks for all the well wishes. :)

Babywishing, hopefully the girls at this forum can provide you some comfort while being away from ur hb.

Twin stars, take care and monitor yourself. If not well, pls do not hesitate to see the doc.

ML, hey 33% is still a very good chance! I will wait for u to join me next week. Jia you!!! :)

Alone, I was on 200 units of puregon and I was only on 9 days of puregon in total. I had my first scan after 7 days of puregon. After which, doctor decided to continue only for 2 more days and then inject me with the Pregynyl jab the following day.

I guess my issue was that my follicles/eggs were not of a similar size. It helps if they are of roughly the same size because then you will not waste any. For my case, some follicles scanned on the 7th day are only 7-7.5mm. The bigger ones are already measuring 14-15.5mm. In order not to lose those bigger ones, they only put me on 2 more days of puregon to grow them to about 18-19mm.

By doing so, the smaller follicles probably will not be able to catch up in size and in the end will be discarded. So these are probably among the 7 eggs that didn't make the fertilisation.

Dr Loh mentioned that the ideal size of the egg should be around 18mm and ideally should be lesser than 20mm. I think this varies from dr to dr. My previous gynae - Prof Chen from Glen E, stimulated my follicles till they are about 20 - 23mm each during my SO-IUI cycle.

As for the lining, I hear from Dr Zou that the most ideal lining for implantation is 11-13mm. When I was at my 7th day of scan, my lining was around 9mm only. I was hoping that at my ET day - which is today and 6 days after the scan,it would grow by at least 2mm to reach 11mm. Then it would seem ideal.

As for the jabs, yes, generally if you retrieve 15 eggs or more, you will be put on IM Progesterone. I have heard of some cases where ladies with slightly less than 15 eggs retrieved are also put on IM progesterone. For those will slightly lesser eggs retrieved, they will be put on Pregynyl.

I spoke to the nurse and they mentioned that Pregynyl has a higher chance of inducing OHSS symptoms. So they want to play it safe for those with more eggs retrieved.

Progesterone jabs are taken every day, either on thigh or on butt (but you need to sign conscent form - because there is a tiny weeny possibility that the jab might hit some nerve on your butt that can cause paralysis). For the pregynyl jabs, I think it is once every 3 days if I am not wrong.

Sorry blabber so much. Hope you find this useful. Jiayou and I will wait for you to join me for the 2ww! :)

Thanks!! It was really informative and have helped me to understand the whole process better. Am really blur of what is going on actually.

Did you managed to find out what is your lining on the day of transfer? Cant get for my ER day...my stomach feel bloated and sometimes I have cramps. Wonder if that is normal ?
hi Alone,

Don't worry. I was also blur. Had to ask numerous questions and read the forum to find out more info. The sisters here really helped a lot.

Didn't manage to find the lining. Only did u/s scan. No V scan. Dr only said lining is ok.

You are on puregon and it is stimulating the growth of your follicles so it is normal. Just watch the bloatedness. If it is too severe, it could be OHSS. Just be careful and monitor yourself.
tigger, pupi,

how r u guys coping? i've never been so uncomfortable my whole life! tom's my last pregnyl jab n my tummy is still so bloated n having constant gastric pain despite taking small frequent meals. heard ohss can last 1-2wks....i dunno how i'm going to make it thru man.

pupi, u feeling better?

tigger, no symptoms now doesn't mean anything. pls do not give up yet. alot of pp don't feel any symptoms n preg. me....wat if all these i'm going thru is for nothing, then v "sway" right
hello ladies

I had done IVF this year in Feb but had a miscarriage in August when I was in my 20 weeks. I hope to go for a 2nd try now doing the thawing process. Is it a good time to do thaw now? Shoud rest more?? I'm also a PCO but after the miscarriage, the menses seems to be returning to "normal". (had 1 each month)

Anyone can advise me on the thawing procedure (what injection,or medicine to take, frequency to visit hospital etc), cost and what symptoms to watch out for (OHSS etc) Anyway, I had only 3 frozen embyros. Do you ladies think my chance is high??
Hi hangong,
Welcome. Did u have a mini confinement first to replenish? Anyway, which hospital and Dr are u seeing? Did ur Dr give u a timing when u can do your FET?

Some FETs don't have any meds or jabs, just scan every few days until ur ovulation, then schedule for FET date. Others may give u meds to thicken lining, etc. Depends on what ur doc recommends for u. Unlikely to have OHSS cos you won't be having puregon jabs, so will be quite relaxed and painless. Just to let u know, if u have 3 frozen left, sometimes not all will survive the thawing process. So just discuss with Dr and hubby what you will do if only 1 or 2 thaws successfully.
Little twin star,

Think on the bright side. Seems that anyone who is bloated will have a higher chance of conceiving. I heard this from the nurses as well as Dr Zou.

Just hang in there and pray hard that you will be rewarded with a positive pregnancy results. Hopefully since the pregnyl test is the last jab, the bloatedness will be slightly better by today.

I would hope that I will get bloatedness next week too. :)
Hi ladies,
Did my scan today, and am a bit upset, follicles not responding well, its Day 7 of 400 iu of Puregon jab, and the biggest are only 9.5 and 11 mm. Dr increased the dosage to 600 iu and continue jab for 3 more days, going back to scan again on Monday. Somehow, I'm starting to feel negative about this...my Puregon dosage is quite high, yet follicles still not growing... I'm trying hard to be positive and hoping that the they will grow...

Dun despair. One of my follicles that was 12mm did manage to catch up in growth after 2 more days of puregon and did manage to fertilise. So stay positive.

Anyway, the stimulation part can be from 10 to 16 days. So you still have time.
Hi Petals Boom

I did have a confinement done...I'm with KKH.Doc din said when to do. She told me to rest (for how long??? dun know)and wrote a letter and told me to go to IVF center when i'm ready to do. She also suggested artificial thaw for me cos i din have any regular period so she feels that it's hard to catch my ovulution. Anyway, Im glad to know abt FET from u..it's very useful...we had decided that even only 1 embyro survive, we will still try...
Oh god, pls dun be cruel to me again the 2nd time...

Hi all,

Just came back from scanning...The doc told me i have about 20 follicles or more!! Today is only my D5 scan. All about the same size, ranging from 8mm to 13mm. My lining is about 8mm too. HOpe my follicles wont mature too fast...Doc say it's not good if the follicles mature too fast and must have at least 8 days of puregon to get good quality...

I guess now i have the case of quantity vs quality. Am hoping that the the no. of follicles wont jeopardise the quality.I recall reading the earlier threads that the quality of the eggs might not be that good due to too many eggs.

Will be going back next Tues for next scan to determine the ER. cant believe i have reach this far..

dont worry too much. try to relax. It's quality that counts, not quantity..am praying for you. never give up.
