IVF/ICSI Support Group

michelletan and help me,
congrats to u. have a safe nine months.

little twin , mrs teng and other sis
i have done my ER yesterday. whole day i was in hospital.i came home at night. 7 eggs were retrived.i really face horrible day yester day.
vomit 2 time and felt very bad amdomin pain. even passing urine time also felt pain. at 6 o clock dr pc wong came and visit me. i had my food only after 6. whole day i was without any food. and suffering from gastric.at 6:30 they give me iv drip.
sat day will be my embryo replacement. dr suggested me to put 2 embryo.
tomorrow i will go to dr zou's clinic for my last accu.
in my office on 13th i was so busy that i could not go to dr zous place for my accu b4 ER.

however, i wish u all the best for ur 2ww. hope to join u soon.


my fever has gone down, however the gastric pain still persist... thanks for your concerned.. taking small meal every 2 hours just to surpress the gastric juice.. but the root of the problem still not eliminated... just dun hope it get any worser..

In the meantime, you do take care... Stay positive...


It really sound bad dear...similarly I've faced the same problem like u did.. extremely lower abd pain, pain during pee and gastric pain. However, mine wasn't as bad as yours and I hope it's controlable and diminishes as time flies.

Do take good care and drink lots of water...
hi pupi,

finally c u online. r u feeling better? sounds like u didn't have it easy either. hope u r better now n well rested. i also had a hard time passing urine n was awoken with ab pain n a bursting bladder early in the morn but jus can;t pass out the urine. after drinking warm cranberry juice, i'm much better now. u must try to drink as much water as possible. it helps. take care ok. all the best to yr et on sat!

congrats once again. it'll be great to have twins

so far urine is back to normal. occasional ab ache. nose still alittle stuffy so asking hubby to get vicks for me

I dunno yet leh..still waiting for my menses to come.. I'm expecting it to come these few days.

I haven't get my schedule yet but i think mine should be early or mid Dec.
petals & ML,

thanks for sharing. reading all your posts do help! will not be able to embark on the journey immed even if i have decided cos of work. prob can only begin in apr.


so u just completed your 1st ivf? thanks for your sharing. at least i know im not alone. so r u oso under dr sf loh?
No prob. It's a big decision, so just take ur time to think abt it. All the best! Maybe u will strike in the meantime. ;)

Take care. Hope ur ET goes well!
HI Tigg3r, How are you feeling? Better? take this time to pamper yourself. Be strong ok?

Michelle: I was also very worried to have twins. I mean it sounds fun and nice. But having had one baby before, I know how stressful things can be. Moreover, I would like to breastfeed as long as possible. For my older boy, I breastfed till he was 3. BTW, my HCG level was 1168 at D17. hence doc thought twins. But now we are quite sure it is 1.

Hi everyone: Just went for my scan on Monday. 1 very strong fetus growing. I am happy and thankful. Doc Loh says things look more stable now. But he still wants to see me in 2 weeks' time to be certain.

I think i might not go for the Downs' test. Whether positive or otherwise, DH and I agree we will keep the baby, so no point going through the test just to find out.

All the best to sis who are

Glad to hear that your bb is doing well...

Thanks for your concern... I'm doing much better today, but can't be too certain until after consuming today's dose of antibiotics..

On top of this, yesterday's mild haze has been giving me prob now.. I'm beginning to cough quite a bit and having slight difficulties in breathing... think my asthma coming back... my lung is my good sensor for haze...faster den NEA's haze alert...haha... a little and I'll know..
tigg3r, remember to take antibiotics with food, never with empty stomach. and also dun take with milk within 2 hours. These will cause vomit and gastric pain...
MTBs, what do i expect on my next visit to Dr Loh? he will do the scan for me on that day or jus to see him and collect medicine? need to do any more tests that day? my appointment is scheduled on 30 Nov. Thanks.
Hi Michelle
I was still with Clinic D then. Had to go for vaginal scan at another room (AMD?) before going back to clinic D to see doc loh with scanned pics.

He will then analyse the situation and advice on way forward.

After that appt, I transferred to the private suite for next appt (which was on Monday). In TPS, Dr Loh does the scan.

Thanks for the advice.. yeap I'll been very careful about taking dairy product 2 hrs prior-to or after antibiotics...
I switched to TPS and Dr Loh did the 1st scan for me there, so didn't need to go to AMC. When u register, u will need to tell the counter that u r preggie, they will first send u to do the routine tests (urine - don't go toilet b4 ur appmt, BP, height, weight) in another room before ur consultation. In TPS, medicines will be dispensed over the cashier counter when u pay, so no need to go to pharmacy at all. More convenient and nicer ambience, but u pay a few dollars more for consultation.
Thanks. I am with TPS so I dun need to go AMC altho the form said so. Did you do a tummy scan? does it mean i have to fill my bladder again after urine test?
Dr Loh did a tummy scan for me. Quite surprised that he could see and also measure babies using tummy scan at only 6wks+. I know some other gals got a v-scan instead. Quite exciting when u see how many sacs...the moment of truth...
Yeah, for tummy scan, I think you can get better pics if ur bladder is full. So usually I'll go for urine test, then drink another 2-3 cups of water while waiting for my consultn.

Oh yah, u can get the free hardcover baby journal & cd from most of the library branches, for MTBs. Thanks to Nano, else I wouldn't have known abt this promo.
just go to the cust svc desk. Nano said she must show ic, but when i went, they didn't even check my ic n just ask me to fill in a form. Just bring in case.
thanks petal,

will prob take this time to build up our bodies before we decide. In the meantime,will do more research on ivf and come here to seek more advice from all of u = p

hope to hear more good news from all of u here too..

Got my menses on thurs morning where i'm supposed to have my blood test. At least i was mentally prepared already. Very sad but still have to brace myself and face the reality.
Going for fresh cycle/FET in Feb/Mar (depending on doc's advise. seeing him nest week)
Decide to try acupuncture and chinese med before going for the next try. Anyone knows how long before should i start the preparation before i go for my 2nd IVF?

Sorry to hear abt the menses thingy..

Dun be sad.. i think it's part and parcel of what we have to go thru.

Do try TCM and acupuncture for at least 3 mths before ur next IVF/FET

Do you wanna try Dr Zou from AMK for acupuncture? She's quite good and charges are quite reasonable.

i finally have my FET date today.. early december tentatively.. hope that i can really make it this time.. it's my 3rd try already...
Sorry to hear that. Were u asked to go for ur blood test anyway to confirm whether or not preggy? Cos sometimes could be bleeding during pregnancy. In any case, do try acu/tcm b4 ur FET to 'bu'. I did acu twice wkly for roughly 7-8 wks before my ER. Take care.

Jia you for ur FET! This time u did acu and tcm, i'm sure your chances will improve. Think positive, ok? Babydust to you!
thanks Petals..

at least now i have the schedule.. i noe when and what to do.. otherwise like so lost like that..

anyone doing fresh or frozen embryo transfer around early dec too?
hi viviself,

sorry about it. the sad thing about ivf is that it is not 100% guarantee. although i wished it is. however, dun worry, very fast it will be yr next cycle. jus like michelle, 2nd cycle bingo. she stayed positive thoughout so u can make it ok. take care n eat alot of pu after yr mense

congrats, at least u have a date to look forward now n this time u r fully prepared with chinese meds n acu. sure can want, jian you!

i think i saw u at clinic D when i was on my way for my jab this morn around 11am. i looked at u n try to smile but u dun seem to rec me. oh well, hope things r well with u

it is normal to have constipation at this time is it? i 2 full days never pian pian liao. dun dare drink prune juice cos the last time i LS a few times after that. ate papaya yest but still no sign of bowel movement
i dun feel uncomfortably bloated now. in fact quite managable. only bloat badly after drinks. i asked the nurse, she say it's ok, dun need to feel bloated all the time....only towards the end. i also have slight cough occasionally. u had it too during yr 2ww? the nurse say tt it will not affect implantation at all. hubby say i was very paranoid this morn when i cough.hehe
hi pupi,

Good to see you last night. Hope that everything went well today for you. :) All the best during the 2ww.

I was quite disappointed yesterday when I went f0r my scan. I had only 12 follicles. And out of the 12, only 6 have a chance to get to the right size. Maybe even lesser. I felt quite frustrated because I kept thinking if I had been put on a higher dosage, I might have more follicles. My current dosage is only 200 IU.

If I assume that all 6 can be retrieved and no empty sacs - which is already a very optimistic approach, I can only have a max of 6 for fertilisation. And not all might turn up as good grade embryos. SIgh the nurse even tell me I can come back again and be on a higher dosage say 400 IU!!!

Suddenly I felt all my efforts for the past 1 month is going down the drain. Sigh...I have been feeling so lousy since yesterday. And I cannot imagine what if I dun even have any fertilised embryos to transfer.

Sorry, been feeling so down...

haha! I was so blur this morning.. felt rather sick this morning.. almost throw up.. so didn't notice when u walked passed me.. When i noticed it was you it was kind of too late to call out to you. Furthermore, I was just in a rush to go home and my hubby was waiting outside so can't let him wait too long.. sorry about it.
Hi Michel,
Finally you are back, been wondering where have u been.
I read about your good news just now and quickly called my DH. We both are truly happy for u. After all these, u have finally made it. Our babies will be born in the same year.
U really have to take good care of yourself especially 1st trimester. (As if i did heehee!)And do listen to Doc Loh from now or he's going to start complaining about you like the last time.(Juz kidding!)
You seeing doc Loh on 30th Nov ? what time is your appointment? I'm seeing him at 3.30pm on that day too.
To all the new MTB, congratulations.
Mrs Teng,
About your bloatedness, I also have OHSS during 2WW. Was quite unbearable too. I even put on 4 kg due to the water retention and black-out a few times at night.when i see doc loh on day 12 post ET, he congratulated me even without examining my condition. So be positive.
I'll pray hard for you. Give us good news.
Hmm...I didn't really have constipation during 2ww. Usually I'll try to eat more fruit and fibre (wholemeal bread, cereal). Also drink more water. Better don't take any laxative now.

Please don't get too down...must think happy thoughts now and look ahead. You may have more than the scanned no. when it's the date of ur ER as some of the other may catch up in size. Anyway, quality more impt than qty... Don't worry ok?

i tot i rec wrong person tt's y i dun dare to wave at u, jus in case. so it's really u
the nurse never tell me if my balance 3 embryos made it to b freezed lei

i avoided fruits cos i got a weak tummy. guess i better eat some from today. i drink alot of water already still no sign of bowel movement

pupi, how did yr et go?

anyone of u had slight cough during 2ww and still turn up pregnant? anyone with constipation during 2ww?

Thanks for the encouragement. I had a good cry and think i have grieved enough. Life still goes on. I remember calling my hubby and told him that no matter how busy he is next year, he die die must take two weeks off to accompany me.
When my hubby called his Dad and break the news yesterday, my FIL gave him a lecture. Hahahah....

Hopes, u have Dr Zou number?

Stardiva, i had constipation during the 2WW. I drink alot alot of water and eat lots of fruits. I drink milk also. And somehow, it works for me. I also avoid taking those "heaty stuffs" ie.biscuits. Prune juice only occassionally because it gives me diarhoea at times.
Good luck and take good care of yourself. Will pray for u.

It's really a blessing to test postive even after you had suffered so much during your 2ww... How I wished I could be like you ....I'll perservere and be positive.. Thanks for your encouragements.


I'm also having a little constipation prob.. prune juice didn't quite help (maybe it's becos I took too little).. I drank lots of water and eat lots of veggie. I'll take fybogel an hour prior to dinner time...
hi ,

Petals, thanks for listening and for your encouragement. It helps to have a listening ear during this period.

ANyway, I am trying to put those bad thoughts aside. After all, I guess it is not within my control. I will see what the results are on Tue. Anyone doing ER this coming week?

Babywishing, here is Dr Zou's number: 6456 0833
She is at Blk 505 AMK Ave 8. Directly opposite Anderson Secondary school and Nanyang Poly.

Like what Hopes say, do TCM and Acu for 3 months. Feb/Mar seem a good time for u to start ur 2nd fresh cycle since it is a gd 3 months away. The acu and TCM will improve your lining and the blood circulation. Through better blood circulation, the lining's quality will improve and will aid in implantation.

I was at Dr Zou's clinic 2 nights ago and she was explaining to me that if the blood circulation is good, it will help the embryo to develop after it has implant. In some cases, even though the embryo implants, it might not develop. With good lining and good circulation - the lining will have more Ӫ and this will help the embryo to develop.

Are you planning for a holiday this dec? I have heard stories of couples succeeding naturally after failed IVF attempts. Some said that cos the body is more relaxed and yet the hormones injected might make you slightly more fertile. Not sure if it is true but no harm trying. :)

Hopes you have been so hardworking with ur TCM and acu. I am sure it will help with your FET. :)
Needle!! was wondering where have you been too? are you still working non-stop like the last time? slow down... you should be in your 2nd trimester rite? My appointment is at 1445, i will most definitely see you there... we'll catch up..

Hopes, finally you can do FET in Dec. Stay positive and this round you will make it. How many frozen you still have? All the best...

viviself... dun lose heart. Continue to be positive and do something different which will make you feel more confident. For my case, I decided to try ACU and i did not regret it becuase after going through it, I felt much more confident, and Dr Zou is very comforting. Cheer Up.. we will be here supporting you when the next time comes...

Jade, dun feel so demoralised. Stardiva also got 6 extracted and all 6 fertilised! Ximi only had 1 fertilised and ET with 1 and she succeeded! Its not the final stage yet and we dunno how your body will react after these few days... hang in there and accept whatever results.. you will be fine.
viviself, if you dun mind the price, try to take cordyceps 2 weeks prior to your next ET. I think cordyceps is really good. It costs around $200.

Petals, nano, needle: do you gals take any special supplement once you tested +ve? I only take the duphaston and Folic which is prescribed by KK. Anything else I should be taking?

Thanks. Will try and fix appointment with Dr Zou. MY hubby and i already booked tickets to go South Africa in mid dec to celebrate Christmas with his mum but looks like we may have to cancel it. Because i wan to start the ACU in dec. My hubby also can save his leave for our second attempt.
U also dun lose heart. All u need is only one to be fertilised and u strike liao. So dun worry so much. Hang on there.

Thanks for the comforting words. I definitely feel much better after these few days with my family support and of course all the sisters here gg thru the same thing. Thanks alot.

What is cordyceps in mandarin? Is it Dong Chong Cao?
Good morning! Abt the supplements, I was also on duphaston and folic acid at the beginning. Dr Loh started me on Obimin prenatal multivit and calcium tablets towards the end of 1st trimester. I think some others only start taking the additional supplements in 2nd tri. But i think the multivits make me a little nauseous...very slightly, but i notice this feeling only started when i started on these new tablets. hmm, me suddenly thinking of laksa now...
viviself, ya cordyceps is Dong Cong Cao. Dr Zou will mix it with ginseng and you take one small spoonful every morning.

Petals, thanks. So i guess now is still early for me to start taking supplements...
Hi ladies,

last nt, i felt nauseous, this morn i was awoken cos my tummy felt uncomfortable. maybe becos i haven poo for 3 full days n today is the start of the forth day. last nt i drank v diluted prune juice but still doesn't help. think i'll follow tigger's method n get hubby to buy fibrogel later. implantation shld b happening soon............

the last i ask, coedeceps price has jumped alot. now it's around $350!!!

i had 11 follicles in the scan, i can understand how u feel cos when i woke up n asked the nurse how many did they get....she told me only 6. my heart sank yet i knew i had to be positive for my 6 embryo's sake. so i kept praying that all 6 will b fertilized n it did
so dun worry, u have done yr best, no pt being negative. it doesn't help. i'm actually a negative person by nature but for this ivf i forced myself to b positive n speak positive.
cheer up. things will b fine

all the best to yr et!
hi everyone, am relatively new here...1stly, congrats to everyone who've succeeded!
i'm on my 3rd day of pureogn jab, anyone else who's just started out as well?
Hi Littletwin, Mrs Teng.
i hv done my et on sat, everything was smooth. after coming hm i am lying or sitting most of the time. are u doing normal walking? today is my 2nd day. my blood test is 3rd dec. what abt u ?

hi jade, pls dont be upset. u need only a good one...when is ur er ER?
yah man! haha. i can't eat whatever i want now lei,hee

u feeling better? first 2 days i didn't walk much cos of bloated tummy. 3rd day i can walk down the stairs to eat at the kitchen but i try not to walk too fast. jus dun overdo it. although mrs teng's er n et the same day as me, her progesterone blood test is tom while mine is mon. her blood test is on 29, while mine is 30th..we also dunno y
u take care ok


Wah! so envious that you can take laksa.. yum yum.. I can't take now leh.. scared the coconut milk will produce more gas for me... Yesterday hor, I took a sip of my hubby's coke... wah! shiok man! the feel of the gas stinking my tongue after so long ...
I acutally have to take hot drink (not extremely hot type) otherwise I will cough or feel asthmatic... haizz..

How are you doing? Me still manageable..because I'm alone at home, that makes me walk more den required.. no one to help me lor...


Glad to hear that you are doing fine... Remember to continue with drinking lots of water... Rest while you can... as for me no choice but to get up to cook for my lunch.. it's too far for me to walk out to buy...

As what stardiva have mentioned, my blood test is a day earlier according to the schedule they gave me.. maybe I should ask them if it's the right one.. hehehe....


Welcome! feel free to ask the seniors if you have doubts.. some of them may be able to provide useful tips.. In the meantime, take care and all the best!
