IVF/ICSI Support Group

rosypink: Be strong.. Have faith in god n believe that it will happen to u.. Juz a matter of time k.. We r here to support u so dun hestite to moan with us. *huggz*
cactus: congrats on ur twins..
Hi, I just did something silly. I met a preggy colleague at the corridor. I rush up and naturally put my hand on her tummy asking how many months, blar blar blar.... When we go separate way, I immediately rub my tummy with that hand. Haaaaaa..... Cannot imagine I can do such a thing just to get a BFP.. haaaaa
Hi Orangey ,

I am not having PCOS .. but i am getting too much symptoms and cannot really take it liao..

Will KKIVF abort my process ? Won't right ? Sianz
Hi Develyn, I thot OHSS occur after ER or ET. Hmmm... never knew it will occur during Puregon.

It only happen to me after ET. While I was taking my evening shower on the day of ET, I was begining to feel a bit giddy. Sudden;t, I have no appetite for my dinner and went to lie down on bed immediately.

Merlioning began non-stop and we have to call CARE immediately. Admitted the next morning but I couldn't even force myself to sit up. Once I get up, I feel the world is spinning and I will vomit again. The distant from home to CARE was like years. This happen for consecutive 2 days until I was able to walk by myself.

Tummy is of cos bloated like 3 months preggy lah.
Hi Fresh ,

I dun mind to merlion.. but i am getting breathing difficulties and chest pain.. and nausea... too much come at a time.. quite
worried.. dunno should call KK or not man ..
or just lun until tomorrow.. but i have asthmas base.. that's the biggest problem man...
That Li jiawei is pregnant! Wow lau all of us here so desperate to have one yet ppl say have then have liao. Where is the fairness in this world!!!!
hi lyn

new to this thread.. saw ur post..
yah!! she is pregnant!! she just tot of it then got preg already is it..

kelly chan also preg mah..
Maybe what you are experiencing is the side effects of Puregon. Do you want to call the nurses for assistance? I am not entire sure if OHSS can occure during puregon stage but I think it is good to tell the nurses and doctor should you really feel very uncomfortable.
Hi meow, kelly chen is preggy thru ivf and she married like 3 or 4mths ago but this li jiawei only married last sat. Anyway, no offence, china ppl is capability of doing anything. Btw i dun have good impression of Li jiawei.......
Btw, KKIVF will only abort your cycle if OHSS is very severe cause it might risk your life.

-Mild symptoms include abdominal bloating and feeling of fullness, nausea, diarrhea, and slight weight gain.

- Moderate symptoms include excessive weight gain (weight gain of greater than 2 pounds per day), increased abdominal girth, vomiting, diarrhea, darker urine and less in amount, excessive thirst, and skin and/or hair feeling dry (in addition to mild symptoms).

- Severe symptoms are fullness/bloating above the waist, shortness of breath, urination significantly darker or has ceased, calf and chest pains, marked abdominal bloating or distention, and lower abdominal pains (in addition to mild and moderate symptoms).
my dearest sisters,
I'm still hungry. Prof not here to visit, i cant start my food!
Understand i got 4 eggs only.
Wat else should i ask prof later?
How many matured? how many fertilised? Wat grade, is it?

Btw, anything to take note after my ER? can i take soft shell crab after i discharged today?
Hi meow, ya i born in 1978. Old liao hor, sigh..... I waited from 28 till now, almost 3 years liao! Very frustrated liao. Me gtg for first ivf attempt in june. U born in which year?
Gloria Jeans,
Be positive. It is not the amount that counts but the quality. So 4 is great. May be you can ask how many follicles you had (since not all follicles have eggs) and whether the ER was smooth. I think you have to wait for tomorrow to know about fertilization and grade. May be you can ask whether you should do ICSI? What is your HB's sperm quality? ISCI may give a higher fertilization rate.
Hi orangey and meow, this is wat i read from chinese nite papers and bliss also say so leh. SO shild be true bah........ I think gigi lai also but not confirmed jzu my guessing
hey Lyn

we are of the same age.. i also tried for coming 2 yrs liao..

then will start my 1st ivf in june.. wah.. what a coincidence!

u going to KKH ar? me going to NUH one..

gigi lai also preg meh?
u very updated w such news leh
hi everyone,
I thought she got married in SG before going to china for another 2nd ceremony? Or you mean shotgun ah?
tis time the side effects seem quite bad... means you have many eggs if not will not be so uncomfortable right?
Meow, hm....... kapoh lor.

Ji jas, long time hvnt heard from u. u in sg?
I dun know Li jiawei got ceremony in sg, anyway who cares.........hehehe
Hi Orangey ,

I will lun.. decided that i will lun till tomorrow.. Lun Lun Lun...

Hi Jas ,

Yupz.. i feel that too.. cos the symptoms are really very extremely different.. I am very bloated.. nausea.. etc.. I really hope all are big and good follicles lor.. Pray hard.. i will try to endure another jab tonight.. hope after the result comes out tomorrow , i can decide if i can lower down dosage or so..

Hi Gloriajean ,

Thanks for the blessing.. we are waiting to hear from you on the smooth ET ..
tai tai? i wished..

i am working lah.. but then luckily they nvr block this website.. so i can still post msgs..

so meanwhile u taking any medicine to 'tiao' ur body for the procedure?

we did TCM for 6 mths.. wah.. damn expensive!
especially EYS.. each visit at least $200 ! i stopped liao..
Meow, i m on mc 2day and at home now. I m c-ing dr zou for 4mths now, mthly also need abt 200ppls for one person, dr zou say my HB sperm still ok so no need to see. I had been to EYS b4, very very ex
MC tdy ar.. no wonder..
flu? fever? later they dun let u go back office cos got to quarantined.. hehehe

dr zou is from which clinic?
so u think it's better to tiao the body w TCM before ivf?

my HB sperm quality not so good.. so he also need to see..

as for me.. went for HSG.. then one tube is blocked.
Zaza, thnks. U r so caring.

Meow, i m down with diarrohea, nauseous and fever. Juz 3 weeks ago mc for sore eyes now mc again scared boss not happy
lyn - dun b too worried about what your boss think as the impt thing is to be in gd health
No one wants to be sick but when it happen then it can't be stop ... u juz have a gd rest n concentrate of recovering
Hi Lyn ,

Okie okie.. hope u are well bah.. i am really xin gu now.. waiting for another half an hour to go home ... if today still cannot lun , i will go down 24hrs at KK liao..
