IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ya really admire baby. For me havent go ivf really cry baby. Failed natural cycle i cried, failed iui i also cried. My hb used to see me crying. Sometimes when watch tv programme abt infertilty i will also weep. But i must learn to cope with the pos or neg of ivf since deciding to embark on it..........
I know exactly how you feel, and why you feel that way. Sumtimes words cannot describe how we feel also. I can imagine how sian u must be feeling when u see your boss' daughter all the time. I'm only chatting online with that friend of mine. But i have not seen her since she announced her pregnancy. And truthfully, i have no intention to see her also. Like seeing her pregnant state will upset me leh. My hubby said ... nvr mind lah, our turn will come soon, we doing ivf soon. But ivf also no guarantees leh ... or maybe i'm just being pessimistic.

Some ple say ... we should try to be happy for others. Shouldn't be jealous of think -vely all the time. It's bad karma. But can't help it!!!!

Sigh ...
Tnt, oic. I believe fresh cycle embro will be of better qualities. Gdluck......

Since u working in ICU, will taking 2 weeks HL is problem?
Glad to know that your hubby is your source of strngth for now. That is very very important. I hope my hubby won't say stupid things to me if that ever happened in my case. Else I'll skin him alive. hahaha!

I didn't try IUI, but every failed cycle I also cry. Cried until siao. But the last time I cried over failed natural cycle must have been a good 8mths ago. The most recent was 2mths ago, when that friend of mine told me "privilege" news that she's pregnant. That one really struck a chord with me and I cried for 2 days non-stop till my hubby had to take urgent leave and flew out to see me. Heh ...
sierra79, only ppl who is walking this path understands our feeling. My hb say exactly wat ur hb had said. But man r still man, no matter how caring they r they r still not as sensitive. I m also not gtg out with frds who is pregnant or have kids already coz i dun wan to add any burden to myself.
Its juz human nature to feel jealous of others when u wanted sometime so badly but others juz get them as easy as ABC! Feel so sian 2day like having mood swing....
Btw r u still seeing Dr zou?
Does u still remember venusmaria from the other thread?
Sierra79, nothing wrong to have this kind of reaction. Cos I believe it is normal for us who have tried for so long. Not being jealous but just feel upset for ourselves, while at the same time, we still feel happy for them. We are afterall humans who hope for good news for ourselves too.

Lyn, yes, having a supportive hubby is very impt. Finally my mense cramp is not so painful after my hubby made a cup of hot milo for me.
sierra79, u really can cry man. I cried one day i already cant face to world coz puffy eyes, feeling breathless and tired and will sleep like a pig after that. I normally feel better after then and Hb will say the worst i still have him......
Lyn, I have my weak points too. I am actually a cry baby too. Just that I have got myself well-prepared for the worst since few days ago, so didn't breakdown when my AF reported. Weep a little when my hubby gave me a big hug just now. He did a great job in cheering me up, so my mood is pretty good despite the bad news.

Cheer up gals.. let's continue to jia you together!
Sierra79, haha.. you are so funny... We all have great hubby who go through ups and downs with us through this baby journey.

Lyn, your hubby is right. You are blessed with a good hubby

tnt, I am worried over the HL for my next cycle. Think my boss will sack me!
Hoooo... just came back from Dr Loh and Zou's appt today! Was a pretty hectic day for me cause have to rush up and down.

Now I'm officially starting my IVF in May! Although it's only a month earlier than expected but still happy! Praying very hard that my AF will report on time in May

Went to Dr Zou's clinic and did acupuncture. Heng not pain cause I was really scared at first. First time doing acupuncture. She's a nice doctor who is very attentive, but kinda expensive if taking herbs and acupuncture together. Today Hubby and I did Acupuncture and were prescribed with herbs - total costs: $141. Dr Zou wants me to go acupuncture twice every week plus herbs, that is really very siong
Hahaha! Ya, I can really cry one. My hubby always joke, whenever i start crying, i'll start sobbing so badly that I can't even talk, or everything will come out gibberish :p

Your hubby so thoughtful and nice. Lucky you
I hope my hubby will do the same for me too when it's my turn
he's so excited that it's already April and we'll be starting soon. Well actually not so soon also lah ... still must wait till mth end to start one. But I hope he'll be my pillar of strength when i need it most.
Hi Lyn,

Actually my previous pregnancy ended at 8wks with a D&C surgery due to no baby development. Now trying to regulate my menses and build up my body.

Our road to getting a baby of our own is really tough, but I hope that one day our hard work will pay off. May all the ladies here be blessed with our own babies.
Welcum to the world of TCM herbs and acupuncture. Wah ... Dr Zou must really be getting good business for all the recommendations from all the ladies in this forum man. Oh! You manage to get May slot ah?? Lucky you! *grin*
hi baby
stay positive and rest well..we will be there one day very soon..;)

to the rest of 2ww gals
BFP to all..
Hehe Sierra, thank you!
I think one of our forum lady was there when I ended my acupuncture. If see a pui lady in checked yellow dress, that's me!

I thinking if my hubby should continue to take the herbs cause he was saying the herbs for him are very expensive. $56 for a week means, per day about $11. So if both of us take herbs + 2 times of acupuncture, it will add up to $800 a month leh. Sigh, how ah?
*hugz*hugz*, Sorry to hear abt ur news. i admire you taking this positively... ur hubby n mine are v supportive... my hubby took 2 weeks leave to be with me after my m/c to look after me... we Jia You together okie!!!

be positive okie. CRIB for u now. guai okie.
Hi Yong Wei,

I was too busy with work and didn't come in here. You have seen Dr Zou yesterday? How was it? I will see her next week together with hubby before he flies off. At least he can take the chinese herbs while he is away for 1mth and i can tiao li my body in Singapore with herbs and accupucture.

Hi Libby,
Thank you very much for sharing. Really really hope that i can tiao yang my body and get ready for baby soon.

Hi Baby,
Don't be discourage. Stay strong. I went through last week what u r going through now. I've got a strong feeling 2 days before the blood test that it seems like it was unsuccessful. I've also prempt my hubby. True enough, it was a failure. i cried too and was feeling very sad. Have to try to search my direction again as I've pinned all my hope on having babies and even planned to resign from my job if i strike....but the ladies here are very encouraging. My new direction is to tiao li my body and try IVF again.
Hope that you will feel better & recharge your body and try again. Don't give up. Take care.
If the issue (i'm avoiding using the word problem here.. heh) is with your hubby, then he should definitely go, even if it's expensive. But if it's more of you, then maybe get your hubby to go like only 2x/mth? But for you have to go religisouly lah.

My hubby seeing Dr Tan at Clementi. But Dr Tan doesn't give him much medication to drink. Only this packet of herbs that he need to drink once a week, and a bottle of tablets to eat daily. can last him almost a mth. So normally for one session of acu + 1 herb drink... would cost him not more than $40. He goes once a week. He ahs to ... cos our issue lies with him ...
the ivf stages...
3 jul 08 - cd01
4 jul 08 - cd02 - blood tests (HIVx2,Antibodiesx2,Hep Bx1,HBS AGx1)
4 jul till 24 jul 08 - microgynon 30 (21 tablets aka Birth Control Pills)
18 jul till 12 aug 08 - lucrin jab 10 units (some spotting during lucrin jabs)
31 jul - E2 blood test

af came on 1 aug 08

2 aug till 11 aug 08 - puregon 200 units daily
12 aug 08, 9pm - pregnyl 10,000 units
13 aug 08 - no lucrin & puregon, NIL by mouth after 2230hrs
14 aug 08 - ER (16 eggs)
15 aug 08 - only plain water after 2330hrs
16 aug 08 - ET (3 embies transferred, balance 3 embies frozen). we were shown a short video of how the embryos were extracted and placed into the womb - interesting. we were then given a foto of the 3 li'l babies and a letter of the details of ER & ET. have to insert 2 x utrogestan 100 vaginally for 17 days, 3 times a day

21 aug 08 (7 dpo) - progesterone blood test + abdominal ultrasound scan
23 aug 08 - mild spotting
2 sep 08 (19 dpo) - hcg blood test (+ve, 914.7)
Thanks for the detailed breakdown! It helps. You did yours with KKH too? You're due soon from the dates I see above then?
Hi Ladies,

I've posted here yesterday that I'm starting my IVF journey this mth but just now Nurse Sarah from KKIVF called to say that my FSH level is very high @ 20.6

Hubby n I supposed to go down KK next thu to sign consent form but now instead of signing consent form, she scheduled us to see Dr Loh.

So sad! Think I cant star IVF this mth ardy... wanted to start ASAP. very impatient n cannot wait ardy!!

Any ladies here have the same problem as me with high FSH and diminishing egg reserve??
Hi ladies,
I spent 1 hr reading thru the thread.. and i feel alot for what you gals have posted. i became very demoralised..

baby, sorry for the bad news, but please take care of your body to prepare for your FET. i believed you will suceed. what time will u be in kkh tmr? i will be there in the morning as well.

chris, hang on there, this could be a sign to BPF..meanwhile just take care of yourself.

tnt, felt so upset for u, its already not easy to get preg with ivf, yet you have to accept another setback.. pray that miracle will turn out for u..
i can ustand your anxiety and wanting to start ivf asap. Like me too. But best that now you found out your FSH level is high, to consult Dr Loh 1st and see what he says. No use going through ivf only to fail just cos we can't wait. Best to get your health in god shape 1st before you start ya.

I'm not sure if there's any medicationt hat can bring down your FSH level. I'm sure there is. And from what the ladies here have posted, exercise helps too in lowering your FSH.
Hi serene,

dont mind i ask how old are you? becos 20.6 is really very high. there is cap level for FSH for IVF. The higher the FSH, the lower chance for IVF.
So happy for you! Must be such a good feeling ... awaiting the arrival of the long awaited baby...

btw ... you wrote .. 7 dpo ... 19dpo ... what does "dpo" stand for? Were you also with KKH?
Hi Richard,
Will consult Dr Zou next week before my hubby flies off. Perhaps he can take the herbs while he's in overseas and I will concentrate with my accuputure and taking herbs here to tiao li my body.
I've done my IVF in Raffles Hospital. I've also decided to switch to Dr Loh from KKH for 2nd IVF once Dr Zou gives the green light.
Hi sunflower,

I'm not that old but FSH is very high... just passed my 33rd birthday. My FSH has been fluctuating since yr 2006. Have been doing BT to monitor it. Sadly, there's no medications to lower FSH. But I'm very surprise as my FSH has kept hovering ard 12-16 the last 2 yrs. Then suddenly just as I'm abt to start IVF, it shot up to 20.6 I also dunno how?? At a lost now. Anybody has the same problem as me or I'm the only one with high FSH here??
Orangey, tnt.. Dr Zou is so ex ah.. My hubby feel that my lining is good, progesterone level is good also. So he feel like implanation failed might not be due to my womb being weak. He wanted to visit Dr Loh to hear what he say about the failed cycle, then plan our next step. But he mentioned if I wanted to see TCM, he has no objection.

Tany, my hubby worked from home and took leaves to take care of me during my 2ww. He totally don't let me do any housework when he is around and fully take care of my needs, including my meals, prepare milk for me every night, etc. Too bad, his hard work didn't get paid-off..
Yup, let jia you together!

Nesnes, mentally I am already prepared for frozen cycle. But physically, I think my body is not ready
Will rest for a few months 1st. I am very okay leh but need to start work next week liao.. so low morale.. haha..

Serene, your FSH is very high. Be patient as with FSH being so high, it is better to hear what Dr Loh say 1st. You also wish to strike for this cycle right? So be patient and see if Dr Loh can give you some medication/advise to reduce the FSH level. Or see TCM might help to reduce FSH. Mine is 10.5 or 10.8, is already high and resulted in low amt of eggs retrieved. So better to hold on to IVF first.

Sunflower, itjabi I also don't know what time I will reach kkh tomorrow for BT leh. No hurry to go liao, so thinking will have a good sleep tonight then will go when I automatically wake up tomorrow morning ;p But if I were to be there at 9am.. you all can easily spot me.. the most skinny one there and I smile and laugh alot. Cos my hubby always talk nonsenses to me that make me laugh while waiting for my turn.. if you spot me, give me a smile and I will definitely smile back yah

Sunflower, don't be demoralised!!! Our failures is to encourage you gals to be strong. But there are success cases here to boost up the confidence as well!!! Don't feel sad over the failed cases but look at the bright side through the success cases here. And be one of the success cases here to spread the joy and baby dusts around
Thanks for your advice, baby!

Guess I can't do anything except wait to se Dr Loh next Thu.

Till today I still cant figure out why my FSH level so high... nearing to menopause liao...

Anybody knows what contributes to high FSH and other that acuputure, any other ways to bring it down?? Really need advice here. Thanks in advance!!
Wah lau Baby, im supposed to console and encourage u leh, now become u the one encouraging me... okok, tmr i spot u and smile to u, then u noe who i am ..

ya agreed with baby, think you accessed by Dr Loh and see wat he recommend..maybe its just that cycle u have high FSH? you probably need to do the hormone test again to see if its consistent? I went for tcm, got lower my FSH abit..but its abit lar..not alot, but at least still got lowered.. u might want to try tcm?
I'm really sorry to hear this.. I'm also very disappointed, as I really feel that you will BFP.. esp your symptom seem similar to Bee. Glad that you are still positive and looking forward to start FET. End up, you still have to console us. Do consider go Dr Zou's to tiao your body and hope it helps. Your hb is really very nice, to support you all the way, I'm sure you will succeed next time round.
We will catch up more on Sun. Meantime, continue to rest well.

Would you like to check with Dr Zou if can give you "an tai" med? She told me few cases similar and she manage to save the baby. Do give it a try, if there's still a chance.

When you start on your lucrin, AF will report in between, before you start puregon.

How was your scan? Soon able to start trying?
Serene, I also wanted to know if there are ways to reduce FSH level. Cos I hope to reduce so that I can have low puregon dosage for my future fresh cycle. A lady told me TCM can help to reduce a little. You may want to consider TCM.
Hi Serene,

Check if you have alot hair in your belly button area or anus ? my tcm told me if have very high testerone and FSH, should have alot hair in these areas.He said more male hormones are presence..
Dr Zou mention she's able to help lower FSH by doing accu and med.. After review with Dr Loh, you may want to see her, just hear what she say first. Don't lose faith yet.
6 month ago, my FSH was 8.7, this month was 6.9. Maybe less stress and exercise help, as I have quit my job to fully concentrate on this.
Wow libby, thats a great improvement..
1 yr ago, mine was 8.8, 3 mths ago, it was 7.9

i guessed i need to exercise too...

quite dissappointed as i can only rely on 1 follicle, the rest are not growing. if this is an empty one, then its even a letdown. However, the doctor issue me a 2nd disspointment, telling me that i have low chance for this cycle as my hb sperm is super low.. even if i opt for iui, they are not doing it becos the sperm count might not meet the cap. tmr need to scan again before they judge if they shld trigger the HCG shot.
Sunflower, haha.. I don't want you all to feel discourage lah. Ok will look out for you yah if I go early tomorrow..
Sierra, actually both of us have problems.
I got PCOD (not pcos) so it hinders my ovulation plus irregular menses. Irregular menses now kinda okay liao every 28-30 days will come menses but I still worry though.

Dr Loh did says the main problem is more of sperm issue. If sperm count is okay, we don't have to go through IVF. I can take clomid to induce ovulation and then strike naturally provided hubby sperm count and motility is normal.

So far, his sperm count got increase by a tiny bit comparing to his prev records but still not good enough to strike naturally. Sigh.. so bo pian think it is better to boost chances even though it will cost us a lot. :p
Yup tnt, maybe you can consider to pay Dr Zou a visit and hear what she say for your case. Maybe HCG will increase after her an tai herbs. Discuss with your mom and hubby. If they agree to give Dr Zou a try, then don't delay anymore.
Last time my FSH was 8.9, so inject Gonal F 450 think for 12 days, retrieved 12 follicles, but only 7 fertilise. The grades are quite good too. So I think for your case, maybe dosage not enough? Will you give it a shot to try since already gone so far?

Sunflower, are you doing puregon injection? How come only 1 follicle growing well from 2 ovaries? Increase dosage of puregon should be able to make the rest of the follicles grow better leh. Good luck for your scan tomorrow.
