IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello Joe
Welcome to the forum. Congrats. Hope ur wife have a smooth 9 mths ahead

Dear Mel,
Thanks for the well wishes. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Hope that there'll be a growing follicle. Trying not to feel too anxious about the whole thing. If this mth can't do natural FET, then next mth will have to take medication.

Anyone knows what medi will doc give for FET?
hi develyn,
2nd time can use only $5k from medisave... for me, not much medisave so intend to pay cash.... no choice lor...and for me even more $$ cause hubby needs jabs... oh well.... best of luck for yr next try !!
juju - yeah, my hubby also dun wanna go.. but i dun really care.. when i found out the price, i informed him, he gave me a look and said.. 'thanks for informing me, regardless of what i say, i know you will be going behind my back...' hee... how right is he.. i dun mind going with you, only thing is, i am only in wk 22, and i think i have not hit the range that NUH requires.. and also, by the time i am in NUH's range, you might be nearing out of NUH's range liao lor...
Hi Ellsa ,

I have succeed with st attempt of IVF and pregnant for 6 weeks but have a mis-abortion which is something like miscarriage in early stage of pregnancy.

Hi Jas ,

I used my hubby medisave instead.. u may check your hubby balance too... if not , then really have to pay cash le.. The jabs for hubby should be expensive bah... u must jia you too.. Best of luck for your next try too ! I am gtg to start my gym program today which i will go alternate day and take salad at night. Meanwhile, we also decided to go see Dr Zou after my ms stops...

Hi Gals ,

Any idea how are the charges of Dr Zou / AMK ?
Hi Joe,
try the teh tarik at the private suite, taste ok. But only you can drink, your wife cannot drink. Pregnant moms should avoid caffeine drinks.

hi juju,
counting down to your EDD. Think you will be the first MTB here to post your baby pic. Can't wait to see it.

hi jas,
Like develyn mention, use hubby's medisave first. Not sure if can combine both hubby and wife medisave? i intend to earn, save and spend on ivf for next few years. I will still put my target at maximum of 10 ivf tries.

Hi develyn,
Dr Zou accupuncture charge at $25 per person (around 40 mins, 20 mins in front and 20 mins on the back). Medication is $40 per person for 5 days powder pack herbs. No GST on this charge.
Hi Ladies,

I'm New here.
I have been trying for 3 yrs but still can't get pregnant, I'm coming 33 in this was kinda worried.
So i was thinking of trying IVF but i have no idea how to start.
Which hospital is better?
How much will it cost?
Need advise badly..... Thanks!
my hubby medisave not much also... but we did save up for ivf so not so bad.... yah i will be trying to lose some weight and go for tcm again... this time with hubby..
Hi babydreamzy,

i pm u just mins ago,

not sure if on lucrin menses still come, but mine feel like its going to come anytime.
Hi develyn,

Sorry to hear about that, if im not wrong ur seeing doh loh? did he explain y?

Anyway all the best on ur second try. but i tot the nurse explain to me that for 2nd try only cos 1.5K if u still have ur eggs freeze and u wond have to re-do stage1.
Hi Mrs Choo,
welcome to the thread. You can consult a gynae first, maybe can try other methods before ivf.

Hi Joe,
regarding the excess weight issue. After delivery, your wife will cut down naturally by breastfeeding. Malay massage during confinement can also help to reduce weight and waist back to pre-pregnancy. I found malay massage more useful in my case, went back to original weight within 2 months. Meanwhile during her pregnancy, she can attend the antenatal class at kk. Now they have some fitness program for pregnant moms as well.
Hi Ellsa ,

I have to re-do everything as i do not have any freezing during my 1st attempt. That's why it consider as a new cycle. If u have freezing embryo , u can use it to do FET , only 1.5k only. :D
Hi Lina ,

You are right ! Work hard and get more $$ .. even baby needs money for better life too.
Dr Zou seems to charge very very reasonable..
Ok, ONZ ... i will go to her.. really got to save up liao.. Btw, u can try to do ur IVF while earning.. why do u target 10 attempts & which gynae are u currently with ? Just concern

Hi Jas ,

Then bo pian .. since u have saving then is ok mahz.. i should be gtg for the second one in march/april.. u see u wanna join mah... haha .. still got "chio" one de... u see how bahz.. i need to see Dr Zou first.. i am kind of draggy now..

Hi Mrs Choo ,

It really depends on your budget.. If u are budget free , go to Gleneagle or Thomson.. if u have budget then go to KK.. from there , u can find a gynae.. try to find gynae who are all well verse in infertility so that they can give u more options.. If u really scare that time is running out , IVF is not a bad choice. But who knows u will be lucky to get preggy with even clomid / SO-IUI..etc.. u have to just take one step which is go and check out good gynae and start from there.. :D
Hi Lina/Grace,

We consult a gynae at Thomson medical before, hubby went for sperm count and it's low.
I went for a few checks on myself as well... my fallopian tube there's no blockage and
i took clomid pills before as well.... but still.... sigh... my menses are regular but
i'm not sure wanna am i fertile enough.
I used ovluation strip to test but sometimes the lines are not visible enough..
How can i check whether am i fertile enough?
hi develyn,
from this forum, i heard someone mention before that her friend tried 7 times before final success. As i am a goal person, need to set target for things i do. So i base on calculation, if every year each one of us could probably only try 2-3 times (fresh or frozen cycle), by 10 tries, i would be over the age limit to try. So i cap the maximum try at 10 times. If still failure then will give up. Hubby thinks i am crazy to try so many times. But i told him that i will live to regret at old age if i don't try.

Hi Mrs Choo,
Then would be good that you consult an ivf gynae and see if further test required.
Hi Gals:

I bought AnMUM for my wife this morning, one thing she said that after drinking it it seems to be more filling and she is less hungry. So is it one day can only drink 1 cup? One more thing she is also taking folate acid so will she have folate acid overdose?
May I know what I should do or buy now? I believe maternity clothings and baby accesories are too early.Or wait for week 6 scan.
Hi Mrs Choo,
Your situation seems almost like mine
My tests all came back ok. Tubes no blockage, Day 3 blood test ok. Day 21 blood test (progesterone), doc said my level a bit low. Although it was inconclusive, she said possible that I may not be ovulating regularly. But every month I use ovulation test kit, sure will show
leh. Finally dia tests on my hubby, realised he has low sperm count. I tried one cycle of clomid but no success. We've been trying for 2yrs+ now. Went to TCM, Malay massage... drink blessed water, put pillow under butt after each ML session. Hahaha! But not successful also lah :p

I've never tried IUI. For us, we decided to just go ahead with IVF lah, cos a bit tired of waiting liao. Hope to start in May09. And since now got govt subsidies for public hospitals, it's less of a financial strain for us. Although pple always say, ivf should be the last resort and we're jumping immediately into ivf. What if it fails ... ? Well ... we'll just have to live with our decision then.

BTW, maybe you might want to change to the digital ovulation test kit. I think easier to use and see. Those "manual" ones with lines sumtimes even I also don't know whether +ve or otherwise. Confuse me more. Digital ones very straightforward. hehe...

As for which gynae/doc to see, like what the ladies here said, try to get one who has experience with infertility treatments. From KKH, I think Dr Loh (Head & Snr Consultant) and Dr Sadhana (Snr Consultant) are pretty highly regarded. Raffles... Dr Sheila Loh (she's previously from KKH). The rest of the hospitals maybe the ladies here can advice

Talk it out with your hubby and decide which course of action you both would be most comfortable with. Hope you'll be able to make an informed decision. All the best!
Hi Lina ,

How many times did you try already ? U are with KKIVF also ? Not crazy to set target .. i have the same thinking " dun wait till old then regret " .. my aunty tried IVF till she gets depressed and adopt a son SGD 25,000 last week.. but at the end of the day , still it is not the blood one which have bonding since pregy..

I am very scare although i am 26 this year cos hubby is 10 yrs older and i dun wan him to be regret later also ... i just want to have a normal family to have kids to bring all laughters.. as u know , my ILs are giving me political issues among my hubby and me .. making me crazy.. however , i decided to listen to the webpage sisters : Just ignore them .. i do feel sad.. when i am pregy , i am a queen.. and i MC , i became grasses and let ppl steps...
Hi Joe, my advise to u ... just buy it when baby is abt week 24 onwards when all are stable... when u know boy or gal... :D I drank Anmum also , i scare overdose of folic too ... lolz...
i cannot comment as most of my colleagues took that twice a day and they still have healthy babies.. so they recommend to me too. Maybe when u do the week6 scan then u check with the gynae if it is neccessary..
Hi Joe,
baby items can be bought when your wife is 2nd trimester. By then you should know the gender, easier to buy the items. And during 2nd trimester, she will be more energetic. 3rd trimester will be too heavy to go shopping.

Hi develyn,
i tried 1 fresh and 1 FET at kk. Just ignore your ILs, when you have your own child, then your time to shine will come.
Hi Kaira, very happy for you!

Mrs Choo and Joe, welcome to the post!

Sierra, happy to hear that you got your transfer

Fairyrose, my dad had a stroke and was in coma for a few days and ICU for awhile too. One step at a time. Have faith and take care.
i see... nvr mind la. i try to make appt to go first lor...
hee... ur hubby & mine sama sama... but i bet they will gian the fotos after we bring home...

i'm not the first due here la... visit this thread for more on ivf mummies
think Miss Hae is posting her photos soon bah

wah! u wanna try ivf for 10 times? need to standby a lot of cash wor... only can claim medisave 3 times (1st - 6k, 2nd - 5k, 3rd - 4k)

yes, while on lucrin, there will be spotting followed by menses. after dat & if scanning proves ok, puregon stage will start.

dun worry. ur wife can drink more than 1 cup, 3 if i'm not wrong. u check the tin label.
dun worry abt folic acid overdose as well.
Heyz! guys,

Im suppose to have my menses next week. the nurse at KKH asked me to give her a call. Am i suppose to go down for a blood test on day 2 or jzu collect the jabs b4 day 21?
Hi Iwant5bbs,
Hvn't seen u in here for quite a while. Hope you're doing good. Yeps, transfer approved. So now counting down to May09
SAme for you as well rite? Hope your dad's recovering ...
Hi Ash,
I'm seeing PC Wong. He's good, no fuss. Very straight-forward. But he will not offer extra info unless you ask.

Mrs Choo,
Hmmm... your situation doesn't seem so bad. Why not see what other options gynae has to offer first. Like, IUI? Don't use ovulation strips. try the ClearPlan Ovulation Kit that gives a smily face
when you are about to ovulate. It is very accurate. For me, I used hundreds of dollars of ovulation kits, only to find out that I got blocked tubes! Sigh! Wasted my money.
hi sierra, great to be back. i was back in msia to visit relatives (hubby side). some questions and nagging from folks and kaira's strategy worked! will keep absolutely quiet about the ivf until there's results. dun think the old folks can take it.

my dad is ok now. not too lucid and strong as before but i was fortunate to get him back. doctor told us to prepare for the worst then and prayers and faith does help!
So Fairyrose, pray for your dad, whatever your faith is.

May is good timing for both of us. we have 3 months to tiao our body. i got to stop drinking and eat well. chicken essence and egg white right? let's try to rest sufficiently. same goes for our hubbies

Hi Ash, welcome to the forum. Very helpful for me. Heard about PC Wong too. My hubby's friend's wife was there. Successful at 2nd attempt. 1st one she said she walked about during the 2ww (2 weeks wait) after embroyo was inserted and did not succeed. Next round, she stayed in bed and BFP!! All the best to you

Hi Grace, i still want 5 bbs. scare my hubby very much. anyway i thank God if I can have 1. i like big families. Do you have any kids yet?

Hi develyn, dun get so stressed by your ils and aunty's experience. you are different and so young. so lots of chances. i was once very stressed too. married by 24 and still not pregnant by 33. tried clomids, iuis and took me awhile to accept ivf. made sure that my hubby and i are emotionally close enough and they are not treating me like a hen bearing eggs for the family name. adoption or ivf does not help to mend relationships between couples or uplift status with ils. Dun let them push you to think this way. got to tiao your body and also think +++ve for your coming baby okie
Hi Ashqshee
Welcome to this thread!
I'm with Prof Wong since Yr 2006, he is a wise and knowlegeable doctor. B4 him, I was with KK. At NUH, think the longest time I have waited was abt 45 mins to an hr.
Hi juju,
wow, so many ivf mtb this year. That's great. Yup, that's why my plan is to spend several years to save and spend on ivf along the way.

hi iwant5bb,
glad your prayers help, hope your dad recovers very soon.
Just like to share....

Well, at TFC, we are supposed to start GonalF injection on 2nd of MS. Strangely, mine stopped completely the night before my appointment. Luckily Dr said it is not an issue.

So, I had my 1st GonalF injection yesterday, 300IU, considered medium-high dose for mid 30s woman. Dr said the injection may cause me to feel more tired and bloated. How i feel after injection.... bloated yes... like I just had a sumptuous meal, so no craving for food at all. tireness... a little, but I guess it is due to my flu and blocked nose, as sleep was disturbed at night.

Toady, I sucessfully injected myself! "proud proud" :p Well, it took me a while to poke myself with the needle. For those who are at stage 2, let's jia you together!
Hi Lina,
Yr bfp should be around the corner. No need so many times . All the best to you.

Hi bee,
Also all the best to you. Whats TFC?
Hi everyone, do you know of any good TCM to recommend? I failed my first FET...want to try again in 2 months time. My gynae say I can go to Eu Yang Sang TCM to 'tiao' womb. My friend recommended EYS at Paragon, I heard quite ex but they have a good program to complement IVF. Has anyone tried EYS paragon or have good experience with other TCMs?
hi everyone,

i am starting my 5th round of ivf in roughly 2 weeks time. Antagonist cycle. I hope to find some support here again.

Hi kaira,
thanks, do hope so.

Hi tintedsky,
welcome back! How have you been? Let's jia you together. Will the next round be fresh cycle?
Hi iwant5bbs,
Yes 3mths to tiao body. Hehe...Just called my TCM to make an aptmt, I can't believe he's fully booked even till mid-Feb! Siao liao lah ... I guess better just start with the chicken essence for now and eating lots of fruits, vege & exercising to keep fit.

Hi ladies,
Normally when u go TCM, what are you given if you want to tiao your body? My TCM Doc normally give me this small pkts of powder that i must mix and drink to help egg stick to womb if get pregnant. But he advised me to go for acupuncture instead of just drinking the drink only. But sumtimes when i fly back to SIN, might be hvg AF so cannot hv acupuncture rite?
Hi Sierra79,

I'm currently seeing Dr Zou AMK and taking tcm + acupuncture with her. She will give me small pkts of powder to drink to improve egg quality (after 5th day of menses and prior ovulation) and another diff pkts of powder to improve lining and help egg to stick to womb if pregnant (this is taken after ovulation. I'm also having acupuncture 1-2 times per week. Acupuncture will have to stop during menses.

Hi Babylou,

You can try Dr Zou AMK, her acupuncture treatments together with tcm complements with the ivf program. I got to know her from the sisters in this forumm.
Hi babylou,
just as chris mentioned, Dr Zou treatment is good. Less ex and also no problem with fully booked situation as she has 4 treatment beds. Hubby also does tcm and his sperm mortility rate increase by 10% within 1 month acupuncture. Easier to prove whether tcm works in men as SA done before and after treatment.
ya lor... so must be positive!

congrats on jabbing urself! if scared, try to aim & close eyes, jus poke it in. i did it dat way

Wow, u are so brave !! Good job. I cant do it so i go back for jab everyday.

I dun feel so tired but no appetite at all. Guess what, I drank 2 glasses of Ensure yesterday and i had diarrhea the whole day. Sigh...
