IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi chew,

In case I forgot. It doesn't matter whether the level is good or bad. The most important is that the level should double every other day.

Hi Chew,
I didnt know that i can check my hcg level as well. They only tell me abt my prog level. Mine is 30.9 a bit low, shld be 60 so they increase my dosage from 50mg to 100 mg. When they do the P4 test, they also test ur hcg? meaning i can ask them what is my hcg level?

Congrats fellaine, that is good new...mine is a bit low unfortunately ....
Chew, 200 is a good sign!!!! Take good care ya, may the number continue to rise. I didnt know anything abt the hcg level....unntil u mention it. i will check with the nurse when i go for my injection tomorrow.
Hi Babymaking,
I knw that now cannot rush laio...must really sit down think it all over again what to do next..we do thk of going to chinese doctor..Heard that Tongji hosipital is vg gd..may be want to try it out.Anybody have any good recomend there...
Btw wife told me not to go first..as before we leave chris clinic we bought a lot of medicine for me..so what she meant it why dun I finish all the medicine then go see chinese...I do not knw TCM will give me any medicine anot.if they do not give..In one side I eat Chris medicine & on the side I go for accputure does it harm me anot.

Hi Lina,
Will sure give TCM a try...Not pocket a vg big hole laio ..cos of 2 time IVF @ Chris there...cannot really aff a 3 time..haha.
So my purpose to come here is to find out where gt the best TCM.

Hi Pretty,

I knw TCM no guar..that why TCM take a long time then the western doctor...But if it really help us a lot..why dun give a try..maybe it dun cost so much..

HI bliss..

We look like a stupid ppl..spend a lot @ Chris there due to want a baby so much ..never did we thk we have actually spend so much & at the end turn up still @ square 1..now I thk it over frm the past..we are really Sxxx...why dun seek help frm somewhere first then go to see other dcos,.
Lucky u find out frm ur colleague first

Hi Love...

why your first time u went to Chris...why now dun go back to him again..
but chris tell us the 2 frozen embryo is grade 2 ..not so gd..
what is FET & RE?

Thanks all,
Tks Mel and Lina for the kind words. Feeling a little anxious, I did a HPT and it showed up negative. Sigh ...

Richard/Chris - I went to the JE sinseh too and then Chris Chen as per her request. I too had laparascopy and then my hubby had some treatments too. But the charges were too high for me to consider continuing treatments. Personally, I feel that Dr Chen is an excellent dr. He's very detailed and thorough with his checks. Had it not been for the costs and wait time (each wait is abt 2-3hrs), I may have continued on to IVF in July when he told me so.
Hi wishy,

Yup I do agree that cost is a consideration and that's why I had my 1st appt with Dr Loh KKIVF (after reading encouraging feedbacks fr the forum)in Oct 08. Dr Loh also advised me to go for IVF treatments. For a start, I've done laproscopy in Dec 05 to remove an ectopic and 2 blood cysts (left 6cm, right 4.9cm) at KK and have tried 2 IUIs and 2 SO-IUIs during Yr 2007. Did HSG and found that my tubes are all clear.
Went to JE sinseh who kept pushing chris chen and fong yang to me eventhough we told her that I've got a regular gynae. My hubby and I decided to give it a try and went to fong yang as I've already heard alot of negative feedbacks of chen. Dr Fong yang recommended surgery to remove my blood cyst (3.2cm) and said that if I don't I'll not be able to conceive even if I were to go through fertility treatments such as IVF. Hence went for another laproscopy done Jan 08 at Mt alvernia.

I regretted going for the 2nd ops as I was too hasty in making the decision without getting 2nd opinion. My existing gynae has already advised me against 2nd surgery as it will reduce the number of eggs in my ovary and affect my future chances. (that was before i went to JE sinseh).

When I went for my 1st appt with Dr Loh Oct 08 and showed him the pics of my ops, he also commented that the surgery was not done properly and that my left ovary has shrunk alot. He too would not recommend surgery.

I've not really decided on the date to start the treatments as was scared of the whole prodecures and of the injections.
hi all,

need advice. just went for my 1st scan just now(puregon. Doc saw 20 follicles. A few 14.5. Me worried if thats too many. doc did caution abt ohss. what should i do. very very worried now. tentative ER will be Mon.

hi baby making & fellaine
how many follicles did u guys have previously. take care and good luck for ur blood test.
Hi Alyssa

I am not sure how many but was told many also. I was at also at the risk of developing OHSS. So they advised me to drink plently of water. If you do not like the taste of plain water, drink Ribena also can.
dont blame yourself for being stupid or silly. We are not docs or speciailists in fertility treatment. We all depend alot on good and professinal specialists to help us.
I also will not forget the 4 months when my hubby and I woke up at 3am on Sat mornings to queue outside the JE clinic until it opened at 6am. Those were very helpless and tiring days when we were already so tired after whole week of work. Somemore the medicine that the JE sinseh gave are all packed in china factory already. And the big pills given that needed to be chewed caused me having very frequent and loose tools everyday. I never notice if there is anything wrong, only after my EYS sinseh alerted me that there should not be TCM that will make patients to have such response everyday. And how can the JE clinic gave the same packed medicine to all patients when everyone's conditions is different. I was told that the JE sinseh was a western doc in the past, but she studied TCM later to take over her dad chinese clinic. This is why she can speak English quite well and knows alot of fertility medical terms.
My friend's gynae is a gynae from Thomson Medical Centre, and she told my friend that this JE sinseh used to borrow a lots of notes from her to study on fertility treatments. However, later on she stopped borrowing from her and may have found other western docs. Dr Chris Chen might be the one.
Anyway, my sis-in-law who recently wants to seek fertility treatments also got recommendation from her sister to go to Dr Chris Chen. But when my SIL mentioned Dr Chen to her family doc, surprisingly her family doc shook his head and kind of giving hints to discourage her and told her that Dr Chen was his medical classmate in the past.
I would recommend you to go to govt hospitals to seek a good fertility doc as I feel that govt docs are more to serve the public than making money from patients. I must say that there are lots of professional docs in private hospitals, however they still belong commerical and even listed companies, making money is a must in managing their hospitals in order to pay their staffs and docs. So it is inevitable for them to charge higher for the same treatments provided by govt hospitals.
As for TCM, tongji hospital is good and cheap, however the waiting and queueing is very long as it is a charity organisation. So you must consider if you can afford to spend the time. As for EYS, the waiting time is shorter, however it is much more expensive. I choosed EYS paragon reproductive centre after my experience with JE, and found that the sinseh is quite good. My recurrent infection problem was stopped after taking the EYS TCM. However, like what the ladies said, it takes longer for TCM to take effect. Must keep perservering and stay positive while waiting for the good results.
Hi Bliss,
serious?? waking up at 3am? wow! and how could they be giving same packed medicine for everyone. Chinese med should not be similar to western med (where possible to be the same for everyone). My friend who visited JE sinseh said she could wait up till 2-3 hours in the queue.
ya, sat outside the clinic(must bring newspapers to sit on coz the ground is dirty), waiting for hours. If not early enough, will have to wait even longer if not at least in the first 5 queue no.
Yes, the medicine are all packed already. The packaging showed the factory is from China.
Ya lor, I also realised after some time that TCM cannot be prescribed in this way. That's why I switched to see sinseh Zhong in EYS.
Haha, come to think of those days, I really pity my hubby and myself. Very pathetic, must sit outside the clinic when the sky is still pitch dark, everyone else is still sleeping, we were very tired and sleepy too, but still had to bear with the cold wind outside. I really dont mind doing all that if it really helped my infertility problem. However it probably is fate that I needed to wait 3 whole years for my baby. Those are all life experiences which are meaningful in a way.
wonder how are the ladies previously in this thread, such as Ping, Kalki, Mala, etc? And also rurucat, I remember she is doing her FET, not sure she has her good news already or not.
And Patricia, didnt hear from her this week, wondering if she is fine.
Hi i m new to this thread. Can I join u gals in the IVF issues too? As i realised most of you mention about Prof. PC Wong fr NUH, is he/she that popular & experience? And wat kind of stimulation drugs are they using? Gonal-F or otherwise?I m serious considering doing IVF in coming year.
Hi i m new to this thread. Can I join u gals in the IVF issues too? As i realised most of you mention about Prof. PC Wong fr NUH, is he/she that popular & experience? And wat kind of stimulation drugs are they using? Gonal-F or otherwise?I m serious considering doing IVF in the coming year.
Hi Chris, I'm sorry to hear you've been thru so much. Feel that I cld really step into your shoes. I'm also very much a person who is afraid of needles and surgery ... the 1st surgery got me almost crying...very kiah-see lah. But look, I've come this far in IVF and glad to say, hv survived all the needles. Yeah! The ER wasn't as scary as the laparscopy it was as I slept all the way thru. In looking back, the needles weren't that big an abstacle. It's the idea of going thru IVF.

Actually, it's true that surgery to remove ovarian cyst will deplete egg reserve. I've read much literature on that. In fact, I had only 3 eggs in my left ovary. However, some online research says women who has done laparascopy to remove cyst may have lower reserves but does not affect their overall preg chances. So let's all breath a sigh of relief there.

Best of luck to you in whatever you decide on, Chris. If you need any support,feel free to chat here.
sonw white - i'm with Prof Wong and i think he's the best. he doesnt make much small talk but he simplifies things for lay ppl like us. when i had my 2 failed IUIs, i was very discouraged and wanted to stop treatments, but prof encouraged me not to give up. so i went ahead with ivf and now i'm having twins, almost 9 weeks already. i was also very touched when prof decided to come back to see me for my appointment in dec cos he's on leave the whole of dec. my hubby and i lurrrrve prof !!
Hi chris,

I've also done laparscopy around the same time as you but at RH, my tubes were blocked so RH doc adv me to go for IVF, due to cost I've chosen KK for my IVF and gave birth to a gal this yr.

I just failed my second cycle, but will try again next yr apr or so.
Hi bliss,
the hardwork and sacrifice that you waited in the early morning is tough. Should have still helped in some way to your long awaited baby. Where are the rest? miss them. Hope they have all graduated.

Hi Snowwhite,
welcome to the thread.
Hi Chris,

Sorry for my ignorance. Can I ask if your blood cyst in at the wall lining or in the ovary?

My gynea did tell me before that any blood cyst that is big needs to be remove before any IVF procedure. The reason being is not that you will not be able to conceive but it will affect ovulation. If you are doing FET, then the blood cyst needs not to be remove cos it will not affect implantation.
Hi ladies..need some info here. I just ate maggi mee, and i forgot to throw the wax..can it cause harm to my baby?..i heard that u have to remove the wax frm the noodle rite?..now how????
Hi bliss Tan,

I went through the same agony as you too..had to wake up very early like 4am and got to rush down to join the queue during my 1st and 2nd visit during the weekends. Learnt the smart way to go there during weekdays instead.

Oh my god!! I didn't know the medicine are pre-packed in china... Gosh... Yup my hubby and I had the runs after taking the medicine and during our 3rd visit the JE sinseh says its normal and a form of detox. However after my 2nd ops i didn't go back to JE sinseh as I developed gastric problems from taking her medication, however my 2 friends has no problems taking them.

Hi Ladies,

Btw currently I'm seeing Dr Zou at AMK for acupuncture and the medicines given by her are also pre-packed. Does it also meant that everyone are taking the same medicine?

Hi Helen,
My blood cyst endometrosis is in the ovary as well as adenomyosis at the wall lining of the womb. I had 3 lucrin shots taken which helps to clear my adenomyosis.

Hi wishy,

Thank for the encouragement.
Hi Hopefaith,
are you refering to the washing of the noodles once with hot/warm water before eating it?

Hi Chris,
Dr Zou pack the medicine according to the menses cycle. For example right after menses, you take a different set of medicine. You could tell by the different taste. My hubby's medicine is definitely different from mine. His is always the same kind and taste different.
Hi Ladies

I'm considering IVF at KKH and have been reading about your posts in this thread.
Can I ask a qn regarding the egg grading in KKH?
Wat is Grade 5 = how many cells?
Grade 4, Grade 3 and Grade 2??

Kindly enlighten me.
Hi everyone,

I have gone thru the egg retrieval stage and has finished embryos transfer today.

As my eggs are too many..... 37 eggs altogether with 19 usable embryos and 2 taken out for the transfer.....perhaps that's why the effect of bloatness is simply too much!

My I know anyone has gone thru it before and how long it takes for the bloatness to end? I have been eating egg whites, soya products and drink water very often after the doctor stressed today (during the embryo transfer) that it's still not enough for me. Stomach is too bloated and heavy that I do feel tummy aching at times.

I do hope it ends soon.
Hi Ladies,

Had the the blood test today and its a disappointing BFN. Both myself and hubby were overwhelmed with our emotions to deal with the disappointment.
bliss Tan,

Actually, I have been to Tong Chai for 1 year after failing 4 IUIs treatment with Fong Yang. Yes.... Tong Chai waiting time is very long and it gets worst especially during eve or after public holidays.

I find Chinese treatments don't really work so well for me. All along, I have regular menses, no blood clots and hormones normal coz I have done laproscopy. The Chinese medicine is to tiao my body, but since my cycle is considered normal, so I don't really see the effect. Somemore, I went Tong Chai quite frequent during tat time.

The doc did prescribed medicines for my hubby but I don't see any or much improvement on his sperm report after trying for 1 year.

So, I think maybe whoever tries Chinese medicine, if it doesn't work after sometime...... maybe best to switch to Western gynae. Get a reliable gynae and most important is 2nd opinion if surgery is required.
Dear Snow White,
I'm with PC Wong. NUH uses Gonal F. Talking about experience, he's the head of the O&G unit. I think he is 50+. He calls his patients by name and I quite like him.

Dear Babycoming,
Try again. Don't give up. Like what your name implies, baby coming already...
Hi All

Anyone here have taken contraceptive pill before Lucrin injection. I was asked by Dr Loh SF to take contraceptive pill and my period was late by three days. I had my first Lucrin jab on the 9th Dec. This is my first IVF attempt. All the best to you gals.

You mean to rinse the maggie mee by boiling it with water first to remove wax? This is what I usually did.... and after that, rinse with cold water before boiling the maggie mee again. That is the method taught by my mum.....but I didn't know they are wax.

Anyway, what you have eaten already eaten....so cannot be undone. Just remember not to do it next time. Just like fruits..... I heard from a Taiwan cooking programme that some fruit sellers do coat wax on their fruits to make their fruits more shiny and nice. I dunno whether Singapore does that. Some things cannot be prevented unless u decided to be organic and eat only home cooked food.

You should be eating something healthy now..... For me, I prefer to replace maggie mee with macaroni and add some meat and veggie because I still believe that maggie mee is no good..... unless u rarely eat it.
Hi Chris - I just had a laparoscopy done last week. Dr Sadhana from KK recommends it. In fact she was the one who operates on me. She recommended that surgery bcoz my period was just too painful and my cysts are huge. According to her, all the smaller one she didnt remove. She said the small ones she will give medication to remove it, no need surgery coz the more intrusive the surgery, the lesser my ovarian reserves will be.

I am sorry you had to go through that 2nd surgery. Pls take care.
hi Shirley,

i read that u have many eggs too. . i just had my first scan just now and i had 20 eggs. tentative ER is Mon. do u feel very bloated. do u feel pain and cramp. how many egg whites must we eat to reduce this. so worried.

Which hospital are u with, which doc?

take care and rest well k.
hi fellaine,

how are u feeling now. much better? your 1st 3 days after ET is bearable? is egg whites and water enough to reduce bloatedness? you take care k and rest well.
Hi babycoming

Cheer up...dont give up and try again, you will success one day. I was like you previously i told myself that i cant give up and finally i hit it on my 3rd try.
Hi Alyssa & Shirley,

Just want to share with you that I had very bad bloating after ER in Sept. I had to take 10 almost raw egg whites daily upon gynae's advce. It is yucky but it worked! My bloatedness was controlled after 3 days and my tummy went back to normal 1 week later.
I didn't do ET then, hope to do natural FET this month.
Try the egg whites, must be as raw as possible. Good luck and take care yar..
Dear Ladies

I am new to the forum. Doing IVF for the first time.

I am thinking if i should start my IVF in late Dec or Jan 09. Kindly advise. Will the injections cause any discomfort? If i start the pills in Dec i will most likely to have injections around Chinese new year time. DO i need to rest during the injections? Or only the 2ww. Thanks
Dear Nann,
Just make sure that your ER and ET and of cos 2WW don't fall during CNY. The injections are OK. We can still work during injections.

Dear babydust81,
Hi, are you Ros? Did you just change your name? Sorry, I thought there is also another 'icequeen' by the name of Ros... Just curious.
Hi Babycoming,
dont be too sad ya...u must hang on and realise ur dream...dont worry, take a break and when u feel better, try again...

I am also in the torturous last leg of the wait...I tried to listen to my body for any signal but am so confused...was having intense and frequent cramps a few days ago busince yesterday, the cramps miraculously lessen to just like 5 times a day....
I know how disappointing it can be when u worked so hard for something u really want yet it is just not within your grasp...but I belive God will help us all...we are sincere people who just want to bring another life to this world....

Take care ok...babycoming.
To the others welcome to the thread.

I somehow feel that though choosing a good doctor is iimportant, we must also prepare ourselvves well...as in the success of the treatment is very much dependent on whether our body is receptive to the treatments...Maybe since u are currently already on treatment, finish the cycle first. Keep an open mind....and be happy always, our body works better when we are happy. We take a step at a time, will cross the bridge when the time comes.
I am really impressed with u for being so concerned and involved in the treatment. Ur wife is lucky....That is great support. Keep it up!
Hi Alyssa

The first 3 days were a torture. Tried my best not to walk around. I took 2 egg white daily. Sometimes hard-boiled and sometimes egg white with minced meat or fish. The nurse told me tofu will also do the trick. The advice given to me is not to take raw as my stomach might not be able to take it. Now only feel a little bloated but with occasion gastric pain.
Hi Alyssa,

Wah.... I think you might end up equivalent of more eggs than me! Coz the nurses don't count those extreme small ones during the 3 scans. I'm with KKIVF, Dr. Loh.

I think depends on your body..... For me, I don't feel really bad. I only feel very bad after the egg retrieval. Now it is my Day 4 after egg retrieval and stomach still very bloated. Last night vomited 2 times and this morning vomited 1 time......in fact, all the egg white from hard boiled eggs that I ate this morning vomited out.

Anything to cure nauseous?
Hi All,

Firstly, happy holidays to all.

Need your advice. Currently in 2ww of ivf cycle. Did my progesterone test on Wed and nurse mentioned that level okay so stay on same dosage. But I'm getting worried cos from the beginning until today, I experienced bloatedness and sore breasts but since this morning these 'symptoms' seems to have disappeared. REALLY worried that something may have gone wrong (touch wood) so wondering if anyone have experienced the samething? or advice to share?

Thanks a bunch.
hi Grace..

I didnt realise my name was changed. Yes I am Ros the one who was supposed to do IVF in April 2009. Hmmm... How did my nick get changed? Luckily you point it out, if not I wouldnt have realise it.

dun worry too much abt symptoms.. heard from nurse reason being why we had sore breasts, bloatedness, backache all these is due to the hormone injection that we are injecting ourselves. so please dun think so much ya.. take care and hope to hear good news from you..
Thanks Ponytail for the info on Prof. PC Wong, Thanks Lina & Grace for the warmth welcome. For those who are doing their bt soon, Good Luck & hope to hear good news from you gals soon.

Ponytail-that's awesome news that you're having twins now, woohoo...pass some of the +ve vibes my way too.

Do you think TCM & accupunture will improve & help in increasing the chance of pregnancy?

snow white - babydust to you and all ladies in 2WW. i didnt do TCM or accu as the Dr Zou recommended by the ladies here is in AMK which is too far for me. but i believe a lot of ladies here have gone for and recommend TCM.

Richard - your wife is lucky to have such an 'on' hubby. maybe you can ask her to join this support group as well. i find a lot of wise advise and support from this group
