IVF/ICSI Support Group

yes, chris chen is a very well known gynae - and the JE sinseh is known for recommending ONLY him for IVF.

personally i been to the JE sinseh once and am not impressed by her generic diagnosis - some sinsehs just talk rot and IMHO, she's one of them.

a better recommendation will be Dr Zou (AMK) who is familair with the IVF procedures and medications, and Dr Jin at raffles medical who will work hand in hand with your protocol.

some also recommend dr xia at paragon EYS.

beofre you change yr gyane, get all your medical records, including copies of test results, scans, esp yr embroyo grades, how many used by ICSI or IVF, what other procedures done on them such as assisted hatching (if), etc.

dosage of medications, scheduling/timing of when medication taken etc is also important. the more comprehensive yr records, the better it will help yr next doctor.

ah my official beta blood test is this frday, tested HPT on sat, positive but will wait till this friday for confirmed levels.

i'm with SF loh at KKH IVF.

depending on yr wife condition, TCM or accupunture or both can help. and it can be done concurrently with western ART methods, so you dun waste time.
hi all,
need ur advise. my menses while on lucrin is just stain red den brown. lasted for 7 days. is it considered menses? is it normal? thanks

hi fellaine,

how are u? hows ET? take care and rest well k.
Wah you are so experience..At first when my colleague say that she visted her & found a lot of useful advise...I do not believe it..
But it seem a lot of ppl here do willing to share info...

Well..Before changing to TCM & Chris Chen.. I was @ KK. But after a few visited. It seem no use to me..The doctor in-charge told me that my sperm counts was supper low..so have to go for IVF directly..But we think that this is too directly.No treatment for guys seem no use also after the IVF.
Therefore we decide to follow this Chris C.In fact we both went for the Lapascope oper early this year before go into the IUI & IVF.
My wife have pcos before the oper,but after the oper Chris say that there is still some found .
As for me the result show that my sperms count & the moblity have went up. It showing improvement.But It could be that my health is not good..As I have on & off coughing...os did take some cough medicine..dun knw does this really done some hard to my sperms anot..

After our 2nd attempt we did ask the doctor does my condition affect the grade of the embryo. what he say is that he will start monitoring me & maybe in jab too..

ok, for IVF and ICSI, it doesn't matter how bad the guy's sperm/motility is, cos the embroylogist only pick a few to fertlise out of the millions of sperm ech ejaculation have.

so the chance of no sperm/suitable sperm is very unlikely, as such, i see no reason why the guy should suffer thru operations or testerone jabs cos these have side effects.

there is no cure for PCOS (i have severe PCOS), there is no operation to cure PCOS also.

hmm i guess at KKH it.s patient's rights - the more you know, the more you will be able to get the treatment you deserved, cos you can ask for it.

read up on the net and read overseas forums (esp US based forums) as they are very detailed. the protocols used is about the same here, same meds, different names.

or anything you are not sure of, ask here, we are all in this difficult emotional journey and i'm paying forward to help others in the same situation cos when i was new here 4 yrs ago, many gals also volunteered their time and effort to 'enlighten' me.
Hi Alyssa

Dr advised me to postpone my ET as my blood test for OHSS was borderline. But she said it would get worse for 60% of the women. I was stubborn and decided to go ahead. The first few days after ET was a torture with severe pain and bloatedness. I was also suffering from gastric due to the antibodic given. So stomach was also bloated. Sigh. Now much better, lower abdomen still bloated but gastric still there. Have been going down to KK daily for my jab and tomorrow will be my P4 blood test.

How are you doing now? As for your mens thingy, perhaps you should call them up and ask.
hi mel, babymaking,

noticed that both of you have PCOS same as me.

thus, would like to check with you two whether you were instructed to take any medication for PCOS during your IVF journey?

hi richard,

just to share with you something i learned from Dr. Zou in amk.

she mentioned to me that if go for regular accupuncture twice a week, there will be improvement in men after about 2 months of consistent accupuncture.

she told me she had a patient who had practically no sperms and in her care and accupuncture.... his morphology increased to about 3-5% and the patient and wife managed to conceive naturally. so, maybe you can give you and wifey a break and meanwhile go for accupuncture during this break.
Hi Babymaking,

My blood test is this friday. Have been taking lots of egg whites and gatarode. I have trying to drink lots of water as well. U need to stay hydrated as well.
december.. the only thing i took was metformin.. a diabetic drug... i took it for a few rounds, then, i got tired of it, so, i tried using diet to control lor... surprisingly, i concieved naturally twice.. but both were ectopic.. after every termination/treatment for ectopics, HSGs were done but was given as clear tubes... doc suggested lapro, but my hubby doesn't want, neither any invasive exploratory procedure nor surgery for me.. so, my doc say, IVF.. we say okie, so.. here i am now..
babycoming - all the best for your BT...
stay happy!!
hi mel,

i see... i also was given metformin... but i could not take it due to the bad side effects for me. so i gave the med up too...

hopefully IVF will help me out...

thanks for all the advise and sharing!!!

today my AF reported. so guess i will joining in the IVF cycle soon next year!
Hi Ladymiz,
stay positive and welcome to the thread.

Hi Richard,
one of my friend also went to Chris Chen and got refer to the JE sinseh. Not sure why the link between them. I am with kkivf,now waiting to start next round of fresh cycle. For TCM, i am with Dr Zou (AMK). Do ask your wife to stay positive and keep trying. Give TCM a try, could still go for accupuncture during her IVF tries.

Hi Dec,
my hubby does accu at Dr Zou twice a week. Cost can come up to be quite ex, paying around $700 plus for 2 people in a month. Hope it will help in increase some percentage of the sperm count.
Hi Lina,

Yup... Exp and hopefully it will boost up our chances!!!

But after my first accupuncture cycle with her, i find that i have more fertile mucus during fertile period. so maybe it does help somewhat. :p

are you taking her medication too? or just solely going for accu?

me thinking whether want to take her medication too cos accu is already very exp for 2 pax.... abit xiong...
Hi December,
yes i take the medicine herbs too. Actually med is ex too. Each day is average $4-6 per person. No choice, hope that it will work. Hubby is lazy to drink the med so sometimes he only need to get once in 2 weeks. Last week when Dr Xia Rong came, i see her for the 1st time and she gave one month of medicine, that cost $500. Perhaps you can take medicine only when you start the ivf try.
Hi Lina,

Wow! That really costs a lot!!!

Yeah... we do so much only hoping that it will boost our chances!!!

Jia You!!! ^_^
hi babymaking & babycoming,
all the best to both of u on getting a BFP this friday!
stay positive!!

hi richard,
babymaking is right. u wont' waste time once u gotten a reputable chinese physician. but note that TCM is supplementary & it improves IVF success rates but no guarantee. it improves the well-beings of both female & male body conditions which in turn, will helps in conceiving & implantation.
Hi dec,
Jia You! even if not directly improve fertility, at least hope can strengthen health. I felt less 'cold' recently, could be due to the herbs.
hi babycoming,

what a coincidence, mine also on this friday. let;s update each other!!!...i am so excited. at least you can stomach gatarode, i drank that and it made my gastric worse = puking worse.

now drinking pocari, but it's starting to cause nausea as well. i think the hormones making me a very fussy drinker' plain water also puke - food wise is still ok.

i was given metformin before, basically over a period of over 6 months to see if it will help with ovulation, cos it works with some gals that way, but it did nothing for me except for tummy aches (normal side effects)

also took metformin with clomid to faciliate ovulation, also didn't work for me, but i heard of many success cases of ovulation for those who took metformin + clomid.

pretyy lady
thks for well wishes
Hi Richard,
I went to see the JE sinseh with my hubby for 4 months in the past and she also recommended Dr Chris Chen. My hubby made appt with him but we decided not to see him after my colleague strongly discouraged me to see him. She also got the recommendation from the same sinseh, however she spent alot just to see Dr Chris twice and we also heard that though he is good, he likes to recommend invasive surgery on both the husband and wife which are not neccessary in many cases.
I have talked about Dr Chris and JE sinseh in this thread earlier before with another lady, Happy.
What I must say is that Dr Chris Chen is actually not that good in treating infertility, though he is always 'advertised' to be very popular and good. My sinseh, sinseh Zhong from EYS Paragon even told me before that even Dr loh from KKivf condemned some docs like dr Chen who makes many of his patients spend unneccessary money and time. So better be careful when choosing a good doc. Some docs may find the most important thing is to get more money from patients during the infertility treatment.
All the best!
Hi Richard

I conceived my gal thru IVF under Chris Chen. Well I must say that I am one of the lucky ones to conceive under him.

My hb and I went thru the same sugeries as you and wife, then we went on to 1 IUI and finally a fresh cycle under Chris Chen.

I supposed you still have 2 frozen embryos with Chris Chen? Although I succeeded under him, i am now trying my fresh cycle under Dr Loh from KKIVF due to cost factor.

My opinion is the same as the others here, go for tcm for at least 6 months. Thereafter, try FET. In the meanwhile, do continue to try natural on your own. You may just strike naturally for all you know....

When you are ready to try FET, you could request for transfer of the embies to a new RE. New RE also means new hope
hi everyone,
is it normal for AF to be delayed while on lucrin? I was expecting my AF on 13-14 but already 16, i have never been late before. worried and keep having this worst than cramp feeling around injection sites
mine reverse...came on Day 26 of cycle! And this is after non stop spotting on the pill for over 2 weeks. I guess we all respond different to the meds, so no worries if early/late by a few days.
Hi Lina, thank you...

Babycoming and babymaking, all the best for the beta test...mine is on 23...was thinking of doing the urine test kit on 22 to prepare myself...right now i am jjust praying hard!!!!

Hi Alyssa, apparently they extracted 17 eggs from me so they need me to do the prog jab everyday...if i do it at kkh, it is foc but i can also do it at any GP but must pay at least 20 bucks per jab...for 14 days....
since my parents are available to drive me to kkh everyday, i chose to do it at kkh...i have not been driving or going out of my hse since the ET except to kkh...

Yesterday had my first jab with 100mg of prog....not so bad...so to myself and the rest of u...Keep on having faith in yourselves!!!!
Hi babymaking,
i gather that u did ur home preg kit test like almost 1 wk prior to the official beta test...is that true?

Since it is a positive then, it must be a positive this fri too....the nurses said that there are usually no false positive, only false negative...so you can smile your way to kkh!!!!
Hi Pretty lady & Ladymiz, thanks for well-wishes

Hi babymaking, we are not optimistic about my chances of striking as I have also start to experience the persistent cramps. The nurses also agreed that this might not be a good symptom. Still, We are trying to hope for a miracle to happen
Hi Babymaking and Babycoming, my blood test will also be coming up, it's next monday. Am new to this thread, but can't helped noticing that unlike many successful mothers, I'm not experiencing any bloatedness at the moment. Everything just seems very quiet there like previous attempts. I don't know if I'm supposed to feel bloated or crampy. I had 5 IUI already before attempting this IVF for the very first time. Am worried this will also be a failed attempt just like previous tries, except this is prob worst than before with all the jabs and procedures. Praying hard for all mothers-to-be out there and plenty of wishes for those who are going for their pregnancy blood tests. Baby dust to all!
Hi All,

I've seen Dr Loh yesterday, and he told me the earliest I can start the next fresh cycle after my current failure is next yr Jan, but I dun really wanna start so early... wanna rest for awhile...but hubby like hope I can start in march or apr so as to have Jan baby which is same as my gal's bday.

I'm contemplating when to start cause me and n hubby dun really like the yr of the tiger.

But i wish to wait till May then start.. so vexed sometimes..donno what to do..
Hi babycoming, what do u mean by persistent cramping?
I am also experiencing cramping "currents" like once every 20 mins for some period of the day then it will stop and come occassionally....and i also feel some tightness around my abdomen..

Sometimes, i the cramping come so close3 afteranother that i feel like my menses is going to come...i usually experience this days befor my menses and when it is coming, i feel the cramp like every ten mins...

So perhaps, there is still hope...my friend who is currently with twins said that she experience bad cramps and back ache that she literally has to support herself by holding on to the walls when walking....and she checked herself every 20 mins, in case she see blood...u know the feeling like ur menses will just pop out anytime...but no blood...only cramps and back ache untill beta test date, and she is having twins....

So keep on praying ya babycoming.
babycoming - my thoughts are with you... all the best!!

Wishy -
hope you get that BFP on 22nd..
pls do not read too much into the lack of symptoms.. it is very different for all pregancies..

Ladymiz - same to you.. all the best for 23rd.. you are right... have faith!!

piggy09 - take it as it comes?? so long as you and hubby are prepared, i think anytime is a good time.. hmm.. not too bad huh.. still can plan for timing.. :p i thought that a tiger boy would be fun..
Hi Wishy,
welcome to the thread. Baby dust to you and good luck for your BT.

Hi piggy,
it's quite difficult to gauge the month as sometimes the cycle don't go the way we want or might get extended. I kept planning for a rat baby yet keep getting BFN. Now i gave up on planning, just hope for a baby (regardless of gender, month, number of babies).
Hi Ladymiz,

A few days ago, its similar to what u have described, it only occurs in certain part of day. But these 2 days, the cramp is always lingering there and gets more intense in evry 10mins. I am also awoke by the cramps in the middle of the night.

Hi Mel, Many thanks once again. Its encouraging to know that there are many sisters in forum that I can count on for support. Really hope to have BFP.

Hi ladies, I hope we all will graduated with BFP.
hi ladymiz,

we doing bt on e same day, 23/12. lets keep each others spirit up and bfp to all..

can i check what is your hcg level when you did your bt on d11?

i dun have much sypmtoms, only night time my gastric pain will come on and off. cramping is only once in a while. but my breast is so painful that when i sleep i make sure i dun pressed on it, its unbearable..
Hi ladies

Anyone has any idea what's the blood test on Day 6 of 2WW for? It is indicated as P4 test? I just had mine done today, now awaiting for results.
Hi Chew, I didnt have any BT on Day 11....so far only had my p4 test...Fellaine, that is the prog test...to know whether ur body is producing the pog already. Mine is low...so the dr inc my dosage of prog injections.

Chew, I am doing mine at kkivf....where is urs? i guess different centres have diff procedures...

Anyway hows ur hcg?
Hi ladies,

I'm new in this thread. Have been a silent reader for the past month.

Currently with Dr Loh KKIVF and Dr Zou AMK, should be embarking on ivf early next yr.

I went to see JE sinseh too with my buddy last year and she also recommended chris chen and fong yang. She has recommended my buddy and her hubby to see chris chen. chris chen has recommended invasive surgery to both of them which are not necessary after my friend and her hubby consulted other gynaes for 2nd opinion. Lucky they didn't go ahead with the surgery and gotten pregnant this year. Her baby is 2mths old now.

Another girlfriend of mine also consulted dr chris chen who recommended invasive surgery too to remove a fibroid (2cm) and told her that that is the only way for her to conceive. She decided against it and she has also gotten pregnant the natural way and is now in her last trimester.
hi piggy09,
plans don't always go according to our wishes. like lina ang did, i too had BFN in previous attempt while trying for rat babies (hoping for twins). so now i too just hope my baby (regardless of gender; m now in my 10 weeks) will grow steadily & healthily.

hi jas,
no need to be worried. everyone responded differently to lucrin. ur af will come eventually & when it did, it may be shorter duration than your norm & volume wise mayb lesser. keep up your spirits!!
hi babymaking,

yeah... metformin did nothing much for me too... except for the side effects.

should be making our first appt with Dr. Loh soon... have to discuss with hubby again to finalize that we want to embark on our IVF journey.
Hi Chris,
welcome to the thread. Join us here, don't be a silent reader. I also started out as silent reader for some time and found the support here is excellent.

Hi pretyy lady,
most important is healthy baby. Hope you have a smooth pregnancy. So yours will be a Ox baby, your EDD is in Jul/Aug 09?
Hi Ladymiz

Just called KK for the results for the P4 and they said that everything is normal and continue with current dosage. Think I will ask abt the HCG level tomorrow when I go for injection.

Dear Sisters,

I've been reading the thread in silent these days as I'm feeling a bit down due to my cyst. Really hope that I can do FET soon.

Hi Chew, I believe hcg level at 200 seems pretty good. My gynea told me before that above 100 on 14FET is a strong pregnancy. U must really take care and BFP to you! Your bb wish will come soon...!!!!

To all newbies, welcome to the thread!
