IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Starzy,
Agree with you, never give up until you have offspring. I heard of someone trying 7 times ivf. So looking at the average tries per year is around 2-3 times. If 10 times will take 4-5 years and by then age limit for me might be up already. I would rather have tried my best than to live in regrets. Meanwhile hopefully can save and try along the way. If less saving for the year, then try fewer times. Hehehe...if economy is good, then keep trying.

Hi ponytail,
is anyone assisting you while your hubby outstation?

Hi pretty lady,
congrats! have a smooth pregnancy.

hi pretyy lady
i was reading the thread, u mentioned that u r seeing tcm at tong ji. can I ask u a few things?
- which tcm doc u r seeing now?
- how long have u been seeing the doc before u got successful?
- do u see them on the 1st or 4th floor? do u know whats the difference?
- what days of the wk can u see ur doc? u go super early to get queue no?
sorry so many many qns. thks in advance hor
prety lady - congrats, have a smooth pregnancy. did you experience spotting ? in know bliss and pleasance didnt but they're BFP. last night i had a dream that ALL BFNs have no spotting, and only minority of BFP have no spotting, so better to spot. i'm on day 8 and still nothing, no spotting or any symptoms.

again. for BFP ladies who didnt spot - how did you manage to keep your spirits up ? i'm quite gan jiong now. happy, did you ?

ros - the doc doesnt sound v responsible, but then again, it could be just muscle strain thats why the doc doesnt think big deal. at least you're ok. try not to exert yourself.

lina - DH away but mum in law is around. DH will be around with me when i go for my BT on 17/11, cos scared to face result alone.

sunflower- i think they need to update their records if more than 1 year ago. thats why dr loh wants a retest. you can ask them if you can waive it, but i suspect its a requirement you havfe to go thru.

mystyy - just my 2 cents. i was doing stage 1 and 2 during an extremely stressful period in the office, cos i figure if i wait some more will be at least another 3 months, plus you wan rest during 2WW. so i bite and bear with it during stage 1 and 2.
Sunflower, maybe dr Loh just want to be sure cos he has cases where previous doctors diagnosis are not true at all. I am 1 example. My old gynae say i got PCOS and cysts. Dr Loh say 'rubbish' and orderd a blood test for me and indeed my blood test show no PCOS.

So maybe you can test again, for peace of mind too. BUT ... ... have you decided on IVF? Cos if very sure want IVF, then no need check tubes cos IVF dont need tubes at all. I think he wont insist on it if you decided to do IVF anyway. But the requirement for IVF test is blood test for Rubella, HIV so those blood test (all in 1 blood draw) we MUST do.
Lina i agree with you on the how to plan IVF tries part. Same here, if i do average 2-3 times a year, by 7th to 10th tries, i will be almost there already in terms of age.

But i have 1 question. If try IVF so many times and all failed, will you asked to be checked for genetic incompatibility or abnormality? That is my greatest fear, that try IVF so many times, everytime got eggs and good embryos but if HB genes and mine dont match or become abnormal after fertilised, then no matter how hard we try IVF also no use. I will be so sad by then.

Or you think we should check genetic incompatibility or abnormality now to save the heartaches each time failing IVF.
Hi tangtang,
welcome back. Take a good rest.
How many days you get for hospitalization?
You should rest at least 2wks oh... ^_^
rest well and take good care, ok?

you went to the clinic at 9.45am? It opens at 8.30 in the morning leh, so it is too late to go there at that time lah. Hahaha! You know, when I went there on Saturdays in the past, I was already queueing at 7am liao! Haha, have to be super kaisu and be the first or first few, if not the waiting time after taking queue no is also very long leh.
Another thing is, pls dont worry about the spotting symptom. As far as i know, most women actually have no spotting during implantation, in fact it is only the minority who experiences spotting are pregnant. I just thought that it is better not to have any spotting during implantation and throughout pregnancy. Dont think too much, must stay happy first.

Pretyy lady,
congrats to your BFP!
Happy for you!

Btw, what is the 2.5K that you mentioned? The beta figure was 2500?? Or what? I was quite shocked as I thought it was 2500, extremely high on 17pdt, not possible rite?
Anyway, I was just curious about the figures. It was definitely joyful to get a really BFP!

Have a smooth 9 months ahead!
Hi ladies, thanks for the wishes and encouragement. tHey finally stooped my drip but im stil on the abdominal tap. May be discharged tmrw or Tuesday. ..I keep thinking of my embies in me..wonderb if there are doing fine..My US is on 19TH Nov..

Ponytail..wishing u all the best on ur 2ww..TAKE CARE n do rest well ok..gd luck!! Ponytail im on day 9 BUT NI SPOTTING..dnt think much abt the spotting ok?..

Prettylady..Congratulations!!!..by the way u did FET isit??
Ponytail: any one else to look after you when your hubby is away? During the last week of my 2ww, my hubby was also away, i was alone most of the time and hence my mind strayed and hu si luan xiang. Worse thing is that i had to go to the clinic alone to take my preg test and face the BFN results alone. Was quite upset. But you try to not think about it or read too much about the symptoms. I know it's tough, but have a mental preparation about the results. And dun worry about having spotting too... not all or rather i heard that most pregnancies do not necessarily have spotting.

PretyyLady: CONGRATS on your BFP!!! M so envious of you. We were both cycling at the same time.... and m happy that you got it successfully!! Btw, how many times of ivf (fresh cycle or FET) did you do? Also which doc at Tong Ji did you seE? is the waiting time very long?

Mystyy: I am thinking of trying the next fresh cycle after another 2 rounds of menses cycles. Probably next year feb or so. I have no frozen embies and hence i will have to start a fresh cycle. I kinda have decided to quit my job. Yes, i know that the economy is no good... but for the sake of having success on the next cycle, it's better to rest more and ensure that i m more well prepared. I discussed with my hubby and he supports my decision. If i continue to be stressed at work and if it hinders the success of the ivf, then i might have to waste more money to be successful. hence, i probably will rest for at least a year and focus on this babymaking project. At least, when i look back, i will not regret and blame myself for continuing to work, and making myself so stressed and hence contributing to the failure in the procedures. You take good care of your health.

Pleasance: When you make appointment with Dr Zou, do you have to wait very long at the clinic before it's your turn? Also, what do you think of her? U think the treatment contributed to the success of your ivf?

Sunflower: Maybe you should do another HSG to confirm that there's no blockage. Just to have that piece of mind?

Lina Ang: Going thru 7-10 rounds of IVF is alot of money and efforts. After 3 rounds of ivf, govt does not allow us to use medisave to pay for it already, is it not?

Try_Again: I have PCOS too... but my doc did not do any blood test on me to confirm it. It was based on the scans that he saw the patterns of my eggs and hence the diagnosis is mild PCOS. I belong to the thin PCOS category cos i dun display the actual symptoms of PCOS. Should i ask for a blood test to confirm it? And can TCM doc detect it?
starzy, bliss, hopefaith - thanks, i didnt nkow manjority got no spotting. i thought its the other way around... gee... i feel much better knowing this...

starzy - was very afraid of facing BT results alone, so asked my hubby to come back earlier a few days. he's gone only for few hours already and i miss him - my soft boiled egggs are overcooked :p (he usually cooks the eggs for me).

hopefaith - better to rest at home, good that you'll be discharged soon. rest well and takecare of yourself k.

bliss - ok i'll go earlier next time round. didnt know its THAT popular, cos location not very central also. must be very good.
I started seeing her last oct after my last FET which result in biochemical pregnancy.From then,i started taking her medications and acc.

Personally i think she is very professional and nice lady. She really puts her heart out to help her patients succeed.

In total i had been thru 3 SO-IUI, 3 fresh IVF cycle and 2 FET. After being with DR ZOU, i rested abt 8 months b4 i started this fresh cycle.I must admit that acc and her medication does play a part. This round, the 3 embies that i transferred were grade 5 , and my lining is 12mm.

By appointment, the waiting time is not really that long as she has 4 patient beds now.

Do give her a try, she's a very patient lady and her success rate is high.I believe you will be next !! jia You !!

Congrates !!! Have a smooth 9 months !!
thanks for the info. M really happy for you that you finally made it after all the efforts and the patience.

I will probably give her a call and make appointment to see her once my AF arrives. I will jia you and will not give up. Btw, are u currently still working?
BABYDUST to all ladies (even the silent readers)in this thread!!!

Yup... this time i got successful on my 1st attempt in FET (aka frozen embryo transfer). my previous fresh ICSI cycle was miscarried in late may08, due to chemical pregnancy. bliss tan... u r right, my beta reading this time is >2.5K Miu/ml. i was skeptical about such high figure, but when i returned to KKH for medic collection & u/s apptm date, the nurse did not mentioned anything unusual on it & says it's a good reading. i was not convinced... hence i went to research on from the internet. This link: http://babymed.com/faq/Content.aspx?14374 puts me at ease since no. of days from my last period is 33.  hopefully this link can serves a good indication for ladies here who are like myself.
whether my little one(s) will be twins or not.. i'm praying for them to grow healthily. guess only when the heartbeats are detected will we be affirmed on the number. btw i'd put in 2 embies.
similarly to pleasance & bliss, i'd no spottings during my 2ww (before my beta test). however speaking of it, i noticed some spotting a day after my BT (i.e yesterday evening).. it stopped this morning when i woke up. hopefully that was due to walking around too much yesterday afternoon, a result of my excitement on BFP that i gave myself excuse to go shopping. i quickly took my given supplements & promised not to walk unecessarily just in case. in conclusion, i would think that BFP or not does not correlate to whether spotting occur. in fact i believe it's safer to see no spotting/ vaginal bleeding till end of 1st trimester.

hi happyhippo,
i'm seeing dr chen on weekly basis at level 1 in tong ji, received her treatment for past 4 months before i embark on FET. m sorry as i'm not sure what's the diff bwt seeing her at level 1 & 4.  the con of heading tong ji is that they do not accept appointments. so we've no choice but to arrive there very early (usually around 7am+) in the morning for getting a Q no. clinical time starts at 8am. waiting times depends on the no. of patients that day. it ranges from 40 to 60 mins.
Ponytail, try again, strazy

I was kinda of sad when Dr Loh said that based on the report and photo of my ovaries, he said mine is small, so I will not have more than 10 eggs each time. This is true after going through 2 fresh cycles.

I feel like I was punched in my face, when I was given such a low dosage on two cycles.
Now all I hope I can go through another cycle. And even to try naturally.

He suggest me to go HSG as he want to see how blocked I am, as the photo I show him, it look okay to him. So I am not sure if this is the procedure. And according to him, HSG can help to clear abit too. Is it true. I think he don’t trust other hospital report too. I have requested all my blood test to be done again.

It seems a lot of ladies here is planning to do next year Feb. I am planning too.


Actually personally I feel that whether to quit the job is depend on which hospital u go and will u be stressful as u will need to go to and fro the hospital for check up. Facing colleagues, boss etc. It can be stressful for me at that time too so I decided to quit my job since July last year to start the cycle. I have not been looking back. But now I want to go back to working just to pass my time, and basically I think my life now is revolving around baby making.

Rest more, I know it is hard not to think about it. But tried.
hi ponytail,
we all can understand your anxiety.. cos i too was feeling that way. to divert my attention away from this, i went back to work after resting for 10 days after transfer. of course... i continued to observe balanced diet & try not to walk unecessarily. i tried hard to keep stress level at bay too. m grateful to have an understanding sup. most imptly... maintain a 平常心.
hi sunflower,
apparently i think u have trust in dr loh since u requested re-doing all of your blood tests in KKHIVF. dr loh is a very experienced gynae (though a man of few words) & honestly I too have utmost trust in him on his professional judgement & skills. he usually recommends his patients to take up only the necessary procedures/tests. lots of babydusts to you on your next cycle in feb09!!
Hi sunflower,
I went thru HSG and found that my left tube is blocked, actually its good to go for a review esp when your previous HSG report was quite sometime back.

Hi Zaza,
KKH does give 14 days hosp leave, startng from emb retrival day. Its very impt to rest well esp the few days after emb transfer, dun go out anywhere, after all the injections that we have received, its better to play safe, rite ;)

Anyway, I am now on my 12 days before the BCHG blood test. Just would like to check, did anybody due to curiosity, went to buy those commercial preg kit and test during this time? My result was positive but that might be due to the pregnyl injection that I had, not sure how accurate is the preg kit results for ivf mums at this point in time...

I actually got a chance to talk to the embryologist after the ET, you just need to wait longer inside the room (for KKH) and she will pass you the embr photos. She told me that the best grade for embryos is Grade 5, I have 9 fert embies in total, and all are Grade 4 except one that is Grade 3. Just fyi, do you know that the embies that you are going to freeze with liquid nitrogen are all fertilized by the sperm already. They discard those that cannot be fertilized. At first, I tot they freeze all my non-fert egg...
Glad you are feeling better. Take care.

I also have no spotting. I only sleep alot and my crampy feeling stopped this 2 days. Most of the time, i'm eating n sleeping. Watch TV and DVDs, read books, listen to audio books, go facebook and chat a while as some of my ex- students in uni now just added me.

Would like to play mahjong but i can't sit long.

Your BT is 17Nov? Mine is also on that day, BFP! BFP! to both os us.
It could be due to long hours of working at the desk. I got something like that some years ago too. Very common among teachers.

Went to a Chinese shifu to massage for me. He also used a infra-red light to warm my neck area to improve blood circulation.

I understand the type of feeling you are having now. I'm on NPL for 1 yr to embark on IVF. Going back soon in Jan. New Principal somemore. My legs shaking already.
pretyy lady,
That is a very detailed n useful web. Thanks, i've bookmarked it.

Welcome! Are you in stage 2? Which doc are you seeing?
Hi ponytail,
That's good, your mother in law can help out.

Hi try again,
You made a good point there. Can we check for genetic incompatibility? With each try will be good if we know the cause, then try to improve the next time round.

Hi Starzy,
That's right, only 3 rounds of govt subsidy. But was counting FET would cost much less, still possible to keep trying. It is only the fresh cycle that need longer time to save up. So probably fresh cycle can only try once a year due to the high cost.

Hi Dawnnie,
Is your pregnyl injection daily? Then the commercial urine test might not be accurate.

Hi happyever and ponytail,
good luck for your BT. BFP!
Hi Lina Ang,
Nope, my pregnyl injection is 1000U every 3 days for 4 times, my last dose was yesterday... and I took the urine test yesterday...

I also read from website saying that the initial booster dose of Pregnyl that we took 36hrs before ER will stay in body for abt 2 weeks, therefore may give false positive also.

Now I dun try preg kit liao, I just need to wait for 5 more days b4 the BHCG BT
Quite anxious, but at least I dun haf menses and spotting, so quite hopeful abt i
Has anyone with KKH done their BHCG BT (on day 17) already? If we do the test in the morning, when will we know the pregnancy result? Will they ask us to call back on the same day 3pm to check the result? If yes, are they able to tell you if its twins??

I'm so excited and can't wait for 14th Nov to come !!!
dawnie - BFP to you. my BT is on 17th nov. now i copy you and will pray for no spotting too. last few days i was actually praying for spotting cos thought that means BFP, but after the jie meis here tell me, most ppl dont have spotting. so i hope no spotting.

happy - yay, we do BT same day. babydust to both of us
wah... you very disciplined leh, rest so much, i walk around the house, study for my CFA (little bit only lah, sure fail), watch tv, surf internet... ok will try to cut down on 1 (haha, most probably on studying). actually these few days i start to check out the stage of growth of emby from the websites that the jie meis here recommended. its still a bunch of cells....

sunflower - are you of a small built, thats why your ovaries are small. but if its only on 1 side, the other should be working fine too right ? and i thought its ok to have < 10 follicles per ovary to avoid OHSS. i had 15 on 1 side, 13 on other, and doc already say i have high risk of OHSS, so best is to keep < 10 each. no meh ?

pleasance, prety lady - for FET, must you take injections to prepare yourself, got MC or not ? must rest at home during 2WW ? how long must you wait to do FET ?
hi pretyy lady
thks for the info. sori..wow 4 mths, so envious
can I ask what is dr chen's full name? does dr chen see patients everyday? or only certain days?
do u also go for accupuncture? if so, where do u go?
tks again!
pretyy lady,
oh I see, so your beta is actually about 19dpt, so the high figure is definitely very ok and good!
Happy for you!
So when will you be having your first scan? All the best and your embies are definitely growing well.
Hi Dawnnie,
You can take the BT in the morning and by around 1 plus the kk nurse will call you. But you can always call back to check if she didn't call you. BFP for you! all the best.

Hi ponytail,
no injection required at all during FET, just using inserts after ET. Less pain compare to fresh cycle. HL not given, only mc.
Pretyy lady

Congratulation. Have a smooth 9 months and take care of yourself.


Thank you for your advice. I think it is good to have another 2nd view about my HSG report too.


I think I belong to quite a big frame, standing ard 1.73cm. Actually after visit with Dr Loh, I must said he is very experienced, I don’t need to tell him much, except which hospital I am at, he is able to know the detail, even the photo. He even ask me did i go for Accup and TCM which i need to stop for my next cycle now.

Personally I feel that if you have reasonable number of egg ard 15 is good enough, anything more than that will have risk of OHSS but it also show the ovarian is good.
Ur is okay. Remember to eat a lot of protein during 2 ww.
i had spotting/light bleeding from yesterday midnight. so scared now.Did u ever experience any spotting after tested positive?
hi dawnie,
fyi...my beta HCG test was on day 17. lina ang is right. actually it's depending on what time your blood sample is taken in the morning. usually result will need 3 hrs to be available. i don't recall kkhivf centre calling up patients (afterall this is govt hospi), so just note the time nurse tells u in the morning &amp; call back later the day. btw... a single beta reading will not be able to tell if it's singleton or twins (only upon going thru u/s around wk6-7, detecting the no. of heartbeats). what i understand is if the reading is <80, patients will be advised to return for a 2nd beta test around 2-3 days later. this is to see if the 2nd reading doubles from 1st or at least increases. if so, it's a good sign that pregnancy maybe viable.
all the best on your BFP on 14th!!!

hi happyhippo,
you may look for dr chen qiu mei. i don't think she sees patients everyday. the days i'm aware are tues &amp; thurs. i don't go for acu. as many gals here does, i noe they went to dr zou for it.

hi bliss tan,
thanks for your concerns. i too hope your little ones are growing well. how was your ultrasound scan experience?? mine will be on 25th.

hi ponytail,
FET does not requires injections, just taking medics. KKH does not issue HL/MC after the transfer, it's advisable to rest at least for a wk. FET can be considered after resting for a min of 2 months.
Hello there,,, I have PM you......but no reply...
um.. can you tell me, which hospitals you have been to after NUH?
hi pleasance,
i experienced light spotting on last sat evening after tested positive. it goes off on sun, but a lighter one returned on sun evening too. this morning is fine. i can understand your anxiety but u should call up your hospi/gynae on their advice. continue to take the medics given after tested positive.
Hi Pleasance,
I have light bleeding/spotting during my 5-10wks pregnancy.
Do you straight away go KK24Hrs when you got bleeding/spotting? It would be better you straight away go to KK24Hrs for any bleeding/spotting or discomfort you have. ^_^
Hi everyone,
I am finally able to start my IVF/ICSI this mth . Will be going for bloodtest on day 2-3 menses to test my hormonal levels. Anyone doing it around this time too? I am actually kinda worried, reading about how icsi babies may be abnormal .... is it true about the chances of getting a abnormal baby is higher? any way to opt for the testing of the embies before transfer?
Hi pleasance,
I just replied to you in the other thread le.

Dont worry too much, go see doc if still having pain and bleeding, ok?

pretyy lady,
thanks, I also hope my baby is growing well, has been quite few weeks since my last appt, miss my baby very much, cant wait to see soon. My next appt will be next thurs, it is the FTS only and I wont be seeing my gynae only in another 2 weeks time. Hope the screening and blood test will go smoothly. I am glad that I am coming to the end of 1st trimester, hopefully the morning sickness will be gone soon.

Well, it felt really amazing and happy during first scan, can see the heartbeat and a white patch on the screen which is the baby's body, very touching leh.
I had been looking at the pic after the scan when home for everyday, and now looking at the clearer pic during the 2nd scan. Will wait for the 3rd pic I will get next thurs then.

You will be having your first scan at AMC rite? So you will probably get a tummy scan there (though some ladies have vaginal scan)and I was told no need to have full bladder. But I guess the image of baby will be clearer with full bladder.
After that, will proceed to clinic D to see your gynae.
As I switched to private suite for my 2nd appt, my doc did the scan there for me then, so no need to go AMC then clinic D anymore. All the medicine is also collected at the same private suite, no need to buy from pharmacy liao
hi Jas,
I think it is not correct that by ICSI is higher to get abnormal baby. Anyway during 11-14wks pregnancy you can check whether your baby is abnormal or not.

wow before embies transfer... hmmm dunno abt this. Never think abt this one. Maybe you can ask your gynae or nurse when you sigh consignment.
Hi Pleasance,
do check with doctor. What colour is the spotting?

Any sisters here is a success story of FET? Just wondering if FET is lower chance compare to natural.
Hi Jas,
I also think that it is not true that possibility of having abnormal baby is higher by ICSI. There are quite a number of ladies asking about this earlier too. If I am not wrong, I think it was Mel who read an article or research and shared with us, saying that ICSI babies are in fact having higher possibility of being higher IQ and cleverer kids, coz they are 'created' using the best sperm and egg from the parents.

Hope this info will let all of us here feeling happier and encouraged.
I have one ex-colleague succeeded in having a baby thru FET. Generally, the success rate of FET is around the same as IUI which is around 15 to 20% which is also about the same success % as natural conception. But of course the success rate of FET will also be affected by the quality of embryos and the correct timing of the transfer.
How are you feeling so far? Really hope you will succeed this time.
Stay happy now.
hi again,
oh that is a relief... i was reading articles last night on google and got so worried i could not sleep. :p yup i will definately ask the nurse about testing for embies....
Ladies here with SF Loh can you tell me what does long cycle mean? After the blood test on day 2/3 of menses, when do i start my jabs? Arghhhh scared of needles ....
Hi bliss,
glad to hear that your ex-colleague succeed. Oh, natural conception and IUI also only 20% chance, i always thought natural would be higher chance. Thanks, i have no symptoms now, just trying my best to rest as much as i can. And talking to the eggs daily to persuade them to stick.

Hi jas,
can ask your hubby to help you with the injection?
nope... hubby had no sperm so he had to do injections for 6 mths.... i had to do it for him and he totally refused to look at the needle.... no way he will ever do it for me.... hahaha... for me... i got used to doing it for him... but doing it on myself.. i think is a totally different set of fears i need to overcome... have been frightened of jabs since i was young...
Hi Jas,
Long cycle? never heard before.
I know fresh cycle meaning that you start the cycle from fresh. Long cycle... hmmm i think it depend on your body response on the injection. Some ladies need to inject more lucrin/puregon than normal dosage to get mature egg to fertilize.

I think oh.. after you start menses you must start tablet for 21 days then continue with lucrin. I never do blood test on 2/3 of menses.

What kind of blood test that you do?
