IVF/ICSI Support Group

ya, believe that you will be a mother sooner or later. Stay positive no matter what, believe you will be blessed with your precious ones at the right time.
I can understand your agony and disappointment and despair now. But must be strong again. Your strong will to have your own baby will make the wish come true very soon. Jia you!


YES!! I agree with you!! We must jiayou! i was told that NO ONE is INFERTILE. We are all born and made to be able to reproduce. Just need to believe that we can, and we can do it one day. Never give up on this dream! We believe that we all will be able to have our bundle of joy!!
Sorry to hear about it. You are right, don't give up. Take your time to tiao your body. Try to find time for brisk walking 2-3 time a week. Your Qi will be better. Just 15min each time.
I agree with you, i also believe that every one can have their own children. It is just that some of our bodies are affected by extental factors, like stress etc.

You are very determined, i believe you wil have your own children very soon. Jia you!

We have many goals in life but this is the most meaningful one that we must strive for.
Dear Starzy,
You managed to attend the seminar at New Crea? I could not attend, but I'm reading the book now. Any idea if they have the seminar on CD?
starzy - i'm sorry to hear that. take care of yourself and dont give up hope. jia you !

bliss, pleasance - so both of you preggy already but had no spotting or symptoms during 2WW ? i need you guys as my inspiration. today is day 6 after ER and no spotting...
Hi Josephine, Bliss and Happy,

Thanks for remembering me. Yah, I can't keep up with this thread as so many new postings everyday!

Hi Josephine,

Don't think too much lah, must be strong for the honey bunny inside u ok? Next time when he/she is born, you tell the baby that his/her twin loves him/her so much that he goes to heaven to become a star to protect him/her and so that Mummy and Daddy can shower the baby with more love.

Hi Happy,

How have you been? Which stage of IVF are you in?

Hi Bliss,

Yah, now waiting for my AF to report, then do short protocol of medication to prepare womb lining for FET, should be schedule for Nov-end. Will keep u ladies updated.
Hi Starzy,
Stay positive, do try again after resting. Not sure how many times is the average but i capped my number of ivf tries at 10 times.

Hi Bliss,
that's the cell part that i forgot to ask doctor, will need to ask him the next visit.

Yeah, nearer the BT date, will get worried. I should be taking a HPT before BT, rather find out myself first. You take care. BFP!

most likely will start on 2nd fresh cycle mid next year. now, trying out accupuncture and massage and try on our own first. But it's so hard when I am back at work. Already out of 5 days this week, I came home with a throbbing headaches for 3 consecutive days.
starzy - i'm sorry to hear that. dont be discouraged and stay positive. good things happen to positive ppl

bliss, josephine, rurucat - hi, do you remember that sometime last month someone posted a website showing emby devt. got sound and picture, very professional one. i tried to go back to archives to look for it but couldnt find it. wondering if you know.
oh oh oh, i found it! its the same one that bliss said above. but that site under construction, so cant see

btw, i had cough and slight fever last night and ate 1 panadol. is it ok ? it was too late to call clinic or see doc. i'm still coughing, will it affect embies in any way ?
Hi Ruru,

Thanks for your encouragement. Your word is so touching. I never think of that. Thanks a lot. ^_^

Btw, keep us update on your FET oh...

I'm with Dr Zou . Its a SHE by the way. I'm with her for a yr. She is a very nice lady.she charges $25 per session of acc (EYS charges $50). 20 mins for front and 20 mins for back.

1) Is waiting time long?
You have to call to book in advanced. THe helper 'Liying ' will take appointments.
Their Add is Blk 505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8
#01-2670 Singapore 560505.
tel: 64560833

2) What time is consultation?
9am -9pm daily
closed on wed and sunday afternoon

3)He does both accu and the fertility tcm treatment, rite?
Dr Zou specialized in infertility treatment. Her treatment goes hand in hand with IVF cycle.Not to worry and her medications does not contain hormones so it does not disrupt the IVF medications.

- Is his mediciine in the form of powder or need to boil type?
Her medication will be in powder form, dissolve in hot water to drink.Her medication changes according to the stages ur cycle is in.

- HOw often to see him?
It is preferred that u see her 3 mths b4 going for IVF cycle. 2 times a week for accuputure. a week b4 egg removal, recommend to go everyday.

i have no spotting or any other symptoms during the 2WW
So not to worry abt looking for symptoms. Rest and eat well..
yes, I am 11w3d pregnant now. I had no spotting or any other symptoms during my 2WW. So dont worry about that, ok? Jia you, must rest well to keep healthy. Good news from you soon!

yes, I did post the link before in both this thread and the ivf MTB thread. Actually it was Akachan who showed me this thread and I find it very cute.

all the best, hope this time you will be blessed with your own babies!
Panadol is ok but go and see doctor today. Try to stop the cough asap. Bring the panadol for ur doc to see as well. There are diff types of panadols.

Like i told bliss, can go to the net to check if the medication doc gave is pregnancy safe. I always double check before i eat. Kiasu.

Www. Mims- online. Com

Btw, how high is your fever? Was thinking is it bec u hve a cough or other reasons? Higher temp could be due to implantation.

i'm now in my 2ww. After 3rd mth of cycle than i finally go for my ET. I'm very glad the new protocol works for me.
happy - unfortunately my cough and fever is due to eating too heaty foods... heh heh

bliss, pleasance - thanks, that gives me hope. today is day 7 and no spotting or any other sympton. hope the coughing didnt push anything out

this morning woke up with bad cramp, think i scared my hubby too. then 5 min later went toilet do big biz, no more cramps after that. think cramps is due to big biz ?

bliss - this morning i went to NIKs at 9.45am. wah, they said full. infuriating....
Pleasance and BBW...when u were suffering from ohss..did the doc still did the ET?..and did u get pregnant?

im having mixed feelings, worried, anxious, sad..all kinds of emotions..i did my transfer at the blastocyst stage on wed..today is day 8..ges by now my embies shld have alrdy been implanted rite?.sigh..all this draining of the fluid is really stressful and i am praying that it does not effect my embies.

am feeling much better, they have been draining out the fluid, and i have been able to walk to the toilet without any assistance. Feeling quite happy..but still..
during this 2WW..wat kinda symptoms ah?..the nurse just checked my temp its 37.7, she said slight fever. and also my back a lil aching as if wanna come AF, but then again dunno if its the pain due to the fluid in my tummy..rite now i am really really lost..
Hi ponytail,
if the normal panadol is ok, dun take the extra strong kind. I also don't have spotting at day 5. It's ok not to have spotting.

Hi Hopefaith,
Hope your temperature will come down soon.
Hi ladies,

Another thing to share... Just now i wen to my ah ma house, than she told me the neighbour recommend this lady to her, she use to be a confinement lady and now she switch to cooking for ladies like us who are going to go into IVF, in the process of IVF and after IVF, be it successful or not... And heard she is quite good...As now im ordering from Kim's Kitchen till 18 Nov i think i will switch to her instead cause she caters to our needs..

What she does is when you order tell her which stage of treatment you are at and she will prepare the meals accordingly for you...The price is quite reasonable also its $280 for 2 pax and will send to your house also..Oh she also cook dishes good for our DH..heehee..

I think i will switch to her because she will know what we need most and furthermore no need to scared got msg and guaranteed nutritious food hor...

If anyone interested to order PM me and i pass you the contact cause think she only accept few orders a month only.
I suffered from OHSS in my 1st IVF cycle. OHSS started the night after i did the transfer .then everyday i was going back to the hospital to see the doc to complain of pain, fever, vomitting, discomfort.i took medications for vomitting etc also.lastly on the 5th day of transfer i was hospitalized for 3 days , tapping 3 litres of fluid from my tummy every day. like u i also did the transfer at blastocyst stage. However unfortunately i did not get pregnant that cycle maybe becos i din get to rest at all, was travelling to and back the hospital becos of discomfort.

please remember to take more egg whites as raw as possible. I was stubborn that cycle when the nurse told me to take raw egg whites and i refused. This cycle Dr zou told me to take egg whites even from stage 1. stage 2 i took 4 egg white everyday and thru the 2ww i took abt 6 . So this round even thou i have abt 20+ eggs i dun feel any discomfort.

Don't worry too much. ur high temp might be caused by implantation. During these few crucial days please rest well and eat more egg whites and milk . The nurse told me that OHSS would not effect our chances of success

Jia You !!
ponytail - are you able to tell the diff between colic and cramps?? They are quite similiar... Sharp pains... During this time, due to the hormones, you will actually have alot of gas... I guess that your cramps are actually colic, due to gas... Take care...
Things are becoming better. You'll be fine. Just relax and think positive. Little ones can feel mummy's mood. Tell yourself good news coming soon! Jiayou.
hi Mel,

How are you doing now? I'm now sleeping alot. Wake up at 6 plus,take medication than slept till 10 plus, had brunch than sleep sleep sleep again till 2 plus. Wake up for tea. Really like a pig.
I have 4 of them freezed. 3 lilttle ones transferred.

Did you sleep just now? Sleeping and rest helped body to recover.

I slept too much, now walking around in my living room. My hubby playing computet game in the study room. He only gets to play during weekends bec he has been doing the dinner for the past few days. Usually i'll make noise if he plays too long. Now i let him have his fun since he has been taking good care of me and he has to do injection for me everynight.
mel - yup been farting... heh heh...so gross. had a bit of fever too. i do hope it is what you think i'm hoping it is.

happy - yes i was sleeping. how you know ?? hee... i was playing mah jong, but after only East Wind i stopped cos feeling super sleepy. haha, lucky the other players are my hubby and parents in law

actually i want to see doc abt my fever and cough, but clinics are closed today and i'm going back for checkup on mon, hope it clears by mon, or else i can ask my doc

happy - 4 is a good no. i heard 50% dont make it thru thawing, and grades fall. so i have only 2, means left only 1. hope i dont have to resort to that.

Mahjong, haha, so fun. Good way to pass time. But cant sit too long.

Does the lady do for vegetarian? I tried to call up 3 veg tingkat but they all dont deliver to bukit batok. I'm considering to get cater for dinner so that hubby don't have to rush hm to cook for me.
The lady caters the food for 1mth for $280? And are we allow to choose what kind of dishes? I'm will start my 2nd fresh cycle this Dec. Feb 09 will be my ET and ER. Need someone to cook for me during 2ww cos my mum busy taking care of my sick brother.
Hi Everyone...

Remember me? I have been a silent reader for a little while now. Reason is because then I havent started my cycle yet. 3 days ago AF came and now I am waiting for 21st day to start my lucrin injections. So excited.. But today I had a scary incident. I had the worse back ache ever. I cant sit, cant lie down. It was damn painful. hubby was at work so called my mum over. When it didnt go away after her massage, they had to call for ambulance at 3am.

They send me to hospital, gave me an injection to relieve pain. I was crying throughout. Stayed in CGH till 8 plus then they released me. Lucky still got time to make it to KK for my hormonal blood test.

I hope everyone else have had a better day. To those of you who are suffering from OHSS, my heart and prayers are with you. Pls take care and rest well.

Those in 2 WW, all the best and may you get BFP at the end of this wait. Love you ladies for all your advices and I will be joining all of you very soon.
By the way, for some of you who are wondering whether to do a 3day transfer or blastocyst transfer and which is better, below is a link I found.

From the article you can see that there are some Dr in America believes in blastocyst transfer as they believe embryo that manage to last to blastocyst level mean there are no genetic problem. N the underlying reason why some dr in america do not want to wait till blatocyst level. Enjoy the read and hope it answers some of your questions.

Hi Ros,

I have been a pretty silent reader too hehee...I am back at work since this Monday and been having 3 days of consecutive headache. Think my body is adjusting itself after rotting at home for nearly 4 mths! Paiseh to take MC coz I have already chalked up nearly 3 mths of HL.

Currently doing massage once in 2 mths and went to TCM and taking herbs prescribed. Btw, what caused you to have the backache? Is it the injections? It comes so suddenly, it seems. Hope you are really fine and well now. I am just counting down the days to school holidays next week! And of course the dreaded work week. You take care, ya!
Hi happy, GraceBB, Ponytail,
thanks for the encouragement. I woke up this morning and started expending my energy on housework since i could not do it for almost a month. I am feeling much better and m getting ready to charge up for another fresh cycle. Will never give up until i have my offsprings. Hehe.

Grace BB - yes, i attended the new creation service - the topic on childbearing. The book and cd is available in the bookshop. I find it very encouraging and gives us hope and strengthen faith in this childbearing area.

Lina - You intend to give yourself up to 10 times of IVF? woah.. the money spent on this will be alot, is it not?

Mystyy- dun get too stressed over work. My hubby was telling me that if I get stressed over my work, why bother to spend time and effort undergoing IVF when this procedure needs us to be well prepared psychologically and physically. Otherwise, we are just wasting time going through this motion. Just some thoughts... so i think we all must learn to relax.

Ros - is Blastocyst the same as assisted hatching? Under what circumstances then it's needed?
Pleasance - THANKS for the info on Dr Zou. M thinking of switching to her since she's much nearer to my home. Also, she's more affordable than Raffles hospital.

How do you find her? Did you start seeing her in your last IVF which resulted your pregnancy now? Btw, how many times of ivf did you go thru before success now? Would like to find out what i can do better from now to ensure that my next ivf is a success one....
Ros - did the doc tell you what caused the back ache ? welcome to stage 1

starzy - dont overwork yourself doing housework too. body needs to rest.

tomoro my hubby will be outstation for 1 week again...
he's been running around for me, make my ensure, eggs, get water, take tidbits... going to miss him and will check this thread more tomoro to find support
hi pleasance,
CONGRATS on your success having twins!! hope your 9 months ahead will be stress-free & feeling happy most of the time.

hi starzy,
dun be despaired. we all know that you'd done your best the past weeks, so u must give yourself a pat on the shoulder to come so far. looking ahead, tiao-ing your body is of utmost priority. there're many gals who'd graduated from this thread who are/were Dr Zou's (@AMK) patients. if u resides around this estate, u may give a try. personally my chinese physician is from tong ji medical institution (@chin chwee near outram). they have a fertility dept by a group of well-qualified chinese physicians, so u could be refered to any one of them when u do walk-in & registration. meantime, take some time to regain your belief that all of us would eventually succeed, but no one knows our timings except Him.
take good care of yourself.

hi happyever,
thanks for your concerns. i was so nervous when i was calling up KKH for my beta results yesterday afternoon. thankfully the answer didn't disappoint.. it came in at a reading of >2.5K!! it certainly confirms that it's a positive...but wonders if it's exceptionally high due to any embedding abnormality (guess i'm thinking too much). anyway, i'd gotten my u/s & gynae apptm date 18 days later. hopefully my little ones are determined to stay & let my hubby & I know of their presence till then.

hi blesswbb,
so glad to see u return to this thread. had been hoping that you'd proceeded your plan for your next cycle. continue to keep your spirits high gal!

I am kind of in a dilemma now - whether to take NPL for half a year next year or continue to work while doing IVF. Btw, I am teaching, so I plan to do it during June holidays. So injections and all will have to start sometime in May which is also a killer week - exam period, marking papers, preparing report books and so on. But if I don't work, then it also means lesser income. Will see how. Have yet to decide. Already being back at work for 5 days I am suffering from 3 days of headache. And also my jobs requires me to move around and stand a lot. So I was thinking if doing IVF and working is a good idea. Btw, sorry if I missed out on your postings, coz I rarely login nowadays. When are you planning to do your next IVF? Do you have any frozen embies left?
mystyy - So you are back at work? Hmmm... teaching can be a rather stressful job right? I know. We are in the same boat remember? If you are planning to do in June, then injection will be in May right?Won't that be a busy period? I am trying to catch this Nov/Dec holidays because it is longer and gives me more time to rest. Pls rest well. The persistent headache can be a pain in the A**. Let's persevere. One more week to go.

Pretty lady & Pleasance - Congrats on your BFP. May you both have a smooth 9 months ahead. Throw some babydusts in this directions pls...

Starzy - Blastocyst and assisted hatching I believe are 2 different things. Assisted hatching will be done only by the embryoligist. we cant request for it. They will do it when they realise that our eggs are too hard and cant hatch out of the shell on their own. Growing the embryo to blastocyst stage means letting the embryo grow for at least 5 days before transfer rather than just 3 days. Hope that help answers you question.

Ponytail - The doc didnt say anything. He didnt even checked or touched me. Just look and say it was muscle strain. the funny thing is I wasnt even doing any strenuous work. My bro was very upset. You can read my story at my blog. Hope it will go away and not come back when I start my injections.
Dear Starzy,
Thanks. I'm reading the book. Think I'll get the CD from the bookshop when I'm well enough to go to church. Am attending New Creation.

I am sorry. Please take time to pu your body. Rest well.


I went for a consultation today with Dr Loh. I found some news which kinda of surprised me.
1. My ovaries are smaller and NUH did not tell me. And i need to do HSG again. Is this part of the procedure as i told Dr loh my tube is blocked and i have done a lapascopy 2 years back. But he would like me to do again. Should i do it?
