IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bliss dear,
You are still having your MS, read about your update and it really quite bad. You must take care ok. Have you tried eating abit of strawberry or cherry?

I'm now on Day3 of Gonal-F, starting to have funny bad dreams every night. Think maybe it is bec of the hormones change. I’m doing fine at the moment. Resting at home as much as possible, starting my Healthy Diet scheme, do try to eat less oily food. I will be going to buy a Electrical tri-layer Streamer next few days as I find that I’m starting to like to eat stream veg more. Will throw a slices of organic pumpkin and sweet corn for lunch. It will come useful later, during 2ww when I need to prepare simple lunch. Do you know of any good brand for this Elec streamer?

Ros and Mystyy,
I’m also a teacher who is on NPL for 1 yr bec I want to start on IVF. My school is supportive of my move but I didn’t want to bother them with HL on and off. And I know that IVF is not an easy thing, so I thought it would be better to go on NPL. It was much easier to be on NPL bec the sch will be granted a temp man-power from MOE, students also need not adjust to 2-3 diff teachers in a year. I really have a clearer and more relaxed mind when I’m on NPL. But now, I have to worry about going back to school in Jan bec we will have a new P. Different leadership means time to adjust.

Although I’m on NPL since Jan this yr, I wasn’t able to start any earlier bec I had an operation to remove fibroid after CNY, so need to rest for 3 mths before we start again. Therefore, I only started my journey for IVF in Aug. And was abit delayed bec of my E2 BT. Putting these behind, I’m very glad that that now I’m on another protocol and is in stage 2 Gonal-F now. Keeping my finger crossed that I’ll have a smooth journey towards my dream.
yes, so we had the same doc, Dr Chen. I had my 6 cycles of clomid with her in the past. Yes, I agree, she is quite nice. She was the gynae for my sis's girl and boy too(but my sis delivered her boy at home unexpectedly this Feb).
Oh yes, I live in Punggol, very near to Dr Chen's clinic in fact, so it is actually very convenient for me to have Dr Chen as my gynae now. However, I still decided to stick to Dr Sadhana for this ivf pregnancy. Before my first pregnancy scan, I was thinking to go back to Dr Chen if I am having singleton and stick to Dr Sadhana if having multiples. However, my hubby prefers KKH due to the better equipments and cheaper costs. I am ok with both KKH and TMC anyway.
I understand how you are feeling. I am feeling the same way too when knowing there are so many people(including friends and colleagues) out there who do not want to have children or do not like kids that much, have conceived so easily instead.
Well, Lina stays in Punggol too.
One more staying nearby.

To be honest with you, we are of the same profession too. But I have just quit 2 months ago.
Though it is not an easy decision and I have given up the opportunity of promotion and my lump sum of CONNECT PLAN bonus and year end bonus this year, I dont regret this decision at all. I am happy to leave the profession and I dont think I will ever go back as full time. I plan to be a SAHM.

Yes, you must be positive and hopeful that you will be a mother very soon. The right time will come for you, for everyone of us.

Always have good thoughts and do good deeds, that is what I believe.
surprised to know that Ros, mystyy and YOU are teachers too. Hahaha!

Thanks, I will take care of myself. I tried strawberries before but it does not work on my MS anymore. My tongue is really temporary 'out of order'. Haha!
Sorry that I dont know any good brand for electric streamer. In fact I dont really know what is a electric streamer. Heehee. Is it a steamer?
Glad that you are positive still on your ivf journey. I am sure you will share your good news with us very soon. Time really flies and you will know you are a mother before you actually expect.
Jia You!
So you were also a Teacher. hahaha, now I know your background. Very brave of you to quit the job. Think that will be my back-up plan if needs arise, take a step at a time.

Oh ya, it is a Steamer. Not Streamer. didn't notice. haha…….typo error. Too used to typing Stream bec I was in the Streaming committee in school. And also, I’m teaching Chinese, so English not so powerful la. Pls bear with me.

I just told my husband, there are many teachers here on the portal. We were saying that MOE should do some reading into this statistic.

Thanks, I'll stay postive and strong. I want to be strong for my baby and family.
Just read your Blog. You are eating alot and that's good. I think that is a good sign you know. Be positive! The real BFP news coming to you very soon.

Just a note for you, pls avoid taking sugar cane juice or young coconut juice. There are too cooling for pregnant women.
Sure or not, your English is so good, how can you be a CL teacher? I thought you are a EL teacher.

aiyo, don't play play with you.
Happyever - NPL for a year??? WOW!!! I respect you for making that decision. I would like to do the same too. Rest and just concentrate on the procedure. However... I just asked for a transfer thus it might be a bit difficult. N I dont think it will be that nice.

By the way, you had an operation to remove your fibroids? Is it necessary to remove? Was your fibroids big? Was wondering because, during my ultrasound, Dr saw 2 small fibroids. When I was with Dr Chen she was not that concern and she didn't ask me to go for op.

Bliss Tan - YOU QUIT!!!! Wow standing ovation for you. YOu have all my respect dear. So you are supposed to be getting your CONNECT PLAN this year? Same as me! Are we of the same age? Or have you been in the service longer.
I want to be a SAHM too but... after my HDB appointment yesterday, can't afford it. Need to help Hubby with the house payment. Need my CPF. Such a dilemma for me.

Lina - You also stay in Punggol. Wow so many ladies here stay in Punggol. So nice. Perhaps at some time we might bump into each other with a 'little bump'
Ros my doc is Dr Marriane Hendricks all my visits n laproscopy was done with her so im kinda comfortable., though she is just an associate consultant n young me n hubby decided to just stick with her.

Ponytail congrats on stage 2. how much is your dose?.
Happyever are u one stage 2? im on puregon day 3..u have a special diet?..i dnt really noe wht kinda diet shld i be following. Ive been drinking ensure day n night, at night with egg white. Been taking folic,thts all..i just eat watver i cooked at home or MIL cooks...if u have any good diet , do share with me..thks alot!!!
SAHM - Stay at Home Mum

happyever - I agree with you. MOE need to come in here and do a bit of reading up. Due to the stressful nature of our job, it is very difficult for us to relax during the 2WW thus have to take leave or MC. Even now during holidays still have to go back for SEM meeting. Aiyoo!!! How like that?

Bliss & Happyever - Both of you are Chinese teachers? You don't sound or write like one. In my current school, all the Chinese teachers are from China. They are always doing their own things. Never tried to communicate with the rest. I thought all chinese teachers like that very stuck up... Until I meet you both. You have changed my opinion.
ya, many friends and colleagues also thought I was very brave to quit. Perhaps some of them thought that I was silly or too rash especially I gave up all the bonus and opportunity at work during this period of economy crisis. However, I had been considering for 2 years before I finally made my decision.
Frankly speaking, I feel I am very efficient and competent at work (not trying to be boastful :p), but I think the 'nature' of this job is not realistic anymore and I feel that I have other priorities in my life waiting for me to fulfil. I am a very family person, so I guess I am prepared to give up my work and income for my own kids. It was not easy when I quit and I also had sleepless nights before I tendered my resignation. You know, when I resigned, I dont have any kids yet and still struggling to conceive thru ivf, so there was so much unknown for me at that point of time.
I guess as teachers(we have been teaching so many children and dealing with so many different family and kids problems), we can feel and understand more on how much children need parents' guidance and companion especially during the first few years of their life. I think it is extremely important to really spend quality and quantity time with my children during their childhood. Perhaps I just feel that I will not do a very good job as a mother if I have to work at the same time.
So wish me good luck to be a good mother. But I will want to return to work in another job one day when all my children grow older, when they are no longer small kids who will stick to mummy anymore.

Happyever is 36 this year liao. My Bio-clock will not wait. If I don't make this move of taking NPL and play an active role in my family planning, my factory may close shop if it feel neglected. Hahaha……..Age is catching up with me and I need to race with time.
Oic……….SAHM - Stay at Home Mum.

Sometime, I pity those Chinese teachers from China. Sometime is it not that they don’t want to mix with the rest, language is the main barrier. I pity them also bec some of the lady teachers who are mummy have to leave their child and family in China while they work overseas. And they only go back once-a-year to see their child. We are considering fortunate bec we get to see our children everyday. And we are craving for more time with family.
no lah, my english is no good either.
Ros has just answered your question, SAHM is stay at home mother.

I had been in service for 7 years before I quit. I took 1 year NPL last June to this May actually, as I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Dr Chen had written a letter for me to support my NPL.
Yes, I can actually get my 2nd CONNECT plan bonus last Dec, but due to my 1 yr NPL, it was deferred to this Dec. However, as I have already resigned, I am not getting anything.

Well, I am teaching home tuition presently actually.
Ya, I understand the finance part. I am lucky to have the full support of my hubby. He is a teacher cum HOD. He knows very well what teaching job is like. In fact he encourages me to quit all along. He is more determined that I should quit than myself. Hahaha!
Lucky for us that we have already paid our HDB loan fully last year, using both our CPF. We didnt want to pay for the huge amount of (over ten years of)interests, so we choosed to use the whole lump of our CPF to complete the loan and now we are loan free in terms of our HDB.
We are at the same wave-length in terms of child family support. I’ve shared with my P that I may quit anytime but he told me to take a small step at a time. Consider half-load part-time scheme for the first few years when you have children. MOE needs teachers, students also need us. We also need students to make us a better mother. I see that you have a warm heart in you. After you gave birth and rest for a period of time, you can consider going back as adjunct relief teachers who have more flexible working hours.
ya, flexi adjunct is not a bad idea.

However, I guess I will not consider to go back to teaching in government schools at least for some years or maybe never. Heehee...
Well, I am sure we know too well what real teaching work in schools is actually like. It is not just teaching, in fact teaching is only 20% of the job scope. There are too many things have to be done by teachers that I feel are unnecessary and redundant and totally waste of time. I am definitely not the negative kind of teachers. It was coincidence that before my University days, I already have lots of friends who are teachers in primary and tertiary levels and HODs and MOE officers and ex teachers and also adjunct teachers. Somehow got to know certain things that are done in schools and in MOE.
Perhaps I am rational and have been doing lots of objective reflections on the things schools and parents and public and MOE want from teachers. There are way too much unrealistic demands for teachers.
I like teaching kids, but not some of the ways of teaching in schools. Sorry, I really sounded negative hor. Heehee. But I must say there is still some kind of satisfaction in this profession which cannot be achieved in other jobs.
It is really the biggest consolation to me to succeed in this ivf, which really makes my resignation worthwhile.
just want to share my birthday wishes with all of you today.I wish my baby will be a healthy and happy one and I wish all of us here will be granted with our own babies this time round.

I know I am very greedy, but one more wish here, may all of us be positive and healthy emotionally and physically!
Happy birthday to myself!

Happy birthday to you! So sweet of you to have such a wonderful wish for all of us here!

Wishing you good health, smooth pregnancy and a happy motherhood!
Don't worry, you are doing fine on your Diet. I’m not on any special diet. Just eating more Fresh Veg and Fruits. And was thinking of getting a Elec steamer so that on days that I have to settle my own meals, I can just put in some fresh veg and steam them. Easier to wash bec those Elec steamers are very light, not like the heavy pots. Don’t want to carry heavy things later during 2ww.
By the way I notice a few people missing from the forum since I first joined. People like Akachan, Sri, Dwi adn a few others... Where are they? Have they all graduated?
After you stop progestrone, just wait for your AF, it should come in a few days. When you are ready to go for FET, just make a appt with your doc. Heard that those who are able to ovulate do not need any medication. For my case, I have problem with ovulation, so I start to take progynova starting from Day 4 of my menses and go for scan on Day15.When lining is ready, they will do FET. Personally, I feel FET is much easier as compared to Fresh cycle. Hope this helps.
Bliss tan - It's your birthday today
. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. May all your dreams come true and may you have a smooth pregnancy. Continue coming back here and keeping us update of your progress okay. Thanks for your birthday wish for us all.

My school is really stretching the teachers to full potential. I cant be stretched anymore that's why I am asking for transfer. Wanna see how other school is like first before taking the next step. Alot of the things we do have no direct link with the kids...It is more for the P and the name of the school. Teaching is less than 30%. So disappointing. This was not what I signed up my life for. I want to put the students as my priorities but after all the admin work, I just don't have the energy anymore.

Happyever - Which stage are you at now? Will you be done with the 2WW once the school starts? You must make sure you have full rest okay. I know what u mean by the chinese teachers from china. thats why we try to blend them in with us but they either say NO to your face or just walk away. Well... I guess we have to put ourself in their shoes too. Thanks for giving me another perspective.

Hope & Faith - The only reason I was with Dr sadhana is first it was recommended by my Pte Dr. At first when I call the IVF centre they gave me Dr L Siong Feei. But I requested for female dr. I feel more comfortable and they assigned me Dr Sadhana.. So far I like what I get from her.
Hey gals

There are so many teachers here. I'm also moulding our future generation and I also stay in Punggol! Glad to know that there are girls out there who are going thr so much also.

I'm starting my cycle in Nov so that my HL will be during the Dec holidays. Told my P and VP abt my plan and my VP was so "worried" that I might not be able to do strategic planning for during week 1 of the holidays and also complete my SEM report! Sigh!
Dear Ros, read ur blog..i can really really understand what u must have felt when u feel that ur alone in this. I got married in 2006, i noe sum of the ladies out there has been trying for many many years as comapared to mine..but whether longer or shorter the pain and anxiousness of having a child or seeing the pregnancy kit result is the same for all of us. I ges naturally men do not show the feelings on their sleeve unlike women. When i did my laproscopy and the final conclusion that my Dr gave was IVF was the only way for me to concieve i was really really devastated!..my hubby did not want to give up hope, therefore he said we just have to try naturally and just and have faith in GOd, so aft the surgery for the past 6mths we keep trying but still nothing..
i wanted to tell him that i wanna try IVF..but was afraid that he might react negatively...and furthermore the cost of IVF ..sigh!!.
Then one fine day ..the govt says IVF will be subsidised up to $3000/-..i was so happy and casually told hubby abt it..he smiled and said okla..go and make appointment with kkh..i was so so happy i dnt noe who to thank GOD or my hubby for agreeing??..though it was quite a difficult time when we agreed on IVF cos initially i was the one who read alot into it..always seraching thru websites and stuffs and he did even showed any interest..we had to see a counsellor before embarking on tis journey..n it really helped alot.

Like i say men react differently than women..and sometimes we get frustrated because we dnt hear wht we want frm our husbands..so now i hav learnt to tell my husband when im feeling dwn wht i expect him to do or say n it kinda helped. In fact we also hav to understand them to cos its even difficult for them for they are not used to expressing themselves when they are feeling low and etc therefore we have to help one another especially in this journey ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bliss!!!!..May your wishes come true..and thks for your wishes for all of us too..!!..May this yeaR and the many years to come bring us all happiness and babies!!!..eheheh i wanna have 5 children!!..smiless

thanks for the tips. wont be drinking sugarcane anytime soon again. btw is orange juice ok?

Bliss Tan

A very happy birthday to you. May all your wishes come true.

Happy Birthday! Thank you for your generous wishes to all of us here. And my wish for you is good health and a smooth 9 mths journey!
Does anyone know where i can do ultrasound-performed antral follicle count? Has anyone do this scan before?


Happy birthday to you !!! ^_^

My advice to you is to stand your ground. Don't be influenced by all the 'worries' they may have. Going on NPL is an entitlement that every teacher should have and this being a valid reason. There are others who can take over your duty/duties. And do not promise them you will try to complete it whatsoever, coz it will stress you. Just to share with you. There is another lady in my previous school taking NPL because of IVF and she promised a number of things to be done even though she's on leave. In the end, she got herself stressed up and the school ended calling her up a few times for certain reports and stuffs. Just be firm, ok? Go on NPL with a peace of mind.
Oh Fellaine,

To add on, you are already considerate enough to do it during holidays. What more are they asking for, right? Hoping for you to have a stress free treatment in IVF!

I share your thoughts too, on the expectations of a teacher. I may be in the middle management, but frankly, I do not believe some of the policies that MOE has put in place. It sounds contradicting, but I do what I believe is good for the children first and the teachers. Frankly, they are able to come up with colourful acronyms of initiatives or programmes, but most are short-lived. before we could even see the results, they are introducing another initiative. It's totally absurd. Anyway, being in school, we have the autonomy to pick and choose what's good for the pupils in our school. And most importantly is to have a supportive P and VP.

You know, if this cycle is successful for me, I am already considering to take 2 years NPL to take care of my kids. But someday, I would want to quit, that's when financially, mentally and physically, I am ready to be a SAHM!
My husband's cousin whoes a doctor was saying that the AF should not come.. because it is supressed by the medication. The medication makes the lining thin so even if we do have AF it should be very light.... since our dosage is very heavy... 50cc

So dont worry. If the E2 level is at the right number it will grow your eggs
Mystyy - I didnt know there are still some relax Middle Managements like you. You know what? In my school, all the MMs are kancheong ho... They cant wait to climb to the next highest level. Doesnt matter what they do in the process to hurt the party involved.

Supportive Ps and VPs are very important. It doesnt help when the Ps are single and not family oriented. Thats when clash happens. It also doesnt help when you have established in the number of years you are there that you are a super woman who can take on many loads. (I was in 4 committees, 1 of which I was the chairperson and I am the only teacher in charge for my CCA)

By the way sorry if you think I was hentaming the MMs in my above post. Just had some very BAD experience with MMs in my school. Not all though just some.
Can anyone answer whether it is compulsory to have your fibroids removed before doing IVF? Or is this a case by case basis.

Dr saw 2 small fibroids in my case during a scan.

I have been through that. My HOD in previous school is super duper kancheong and super last minute too! I don't like to work in such conditions. It won't make work pleasant. Already with so much admin work added to our shoulders, I feel that kind of environment is not healthy. Before I was in MM, I too was a normal teacher,rite? I know what it's like to be one and thus I don't want my supervisees to undergo that kind of unnecessary stress. There is a time to behave in that manner and there is a time not to. We also need, to think of the welfare of the teachers. I have had been 'bullied' before as a beginning teacher. I just felt that kind of mentality is passe, lah. Morever, maximum input not necessarily guarantees maximum output.

normally doc will advice whether to get fibroids removed or not. Perhaps you'd like to check with your docs the pros or cons of removing/not removing them before IVF is done. so you are confirmed starting in mid Nov?
Case by case. Your Doctor is the best person to give you the advice.

orange juice is ok. Another one to avoid is that black jelly qing cao drink is cooling.
Can I know how old are you this year? Throw the ball back to your VP. Ask him/her "Can I know when is the best time and I would appreciate you approving my leave." This will put your VP in her right thinking cap.

There is no BEST time. I think you are already being very good to do it during holidays. Those SEM report can be covered by someone else. It is not so directly affecting students learning, give us a break.
Thanks Mystyy and happyever for the answer. Appreciate it. I was kind of worried that it was compulsory and I had to postpone my IVF. My prt dr the last time said it was not necessary as the fibroids was not on the uterine wall. So we'll see what Dr sadhana has to say.

Mystyy - Yup I am confirmed starting in Mid Nov. Trying to catch the school holidays so it wont affect work as well as my mood. Then can have full restt for 2WW. I was glad I made the call to KKIVF but now that my bloodtests and scans are done I am a bit nervous. Not sure why. A bit concern. Perhaps of the needles poking and the outcome of it all. IS it common/normal to feel this way?
Hi ladies,
Haven't seem this chart for a long time. So many new comers here. So I try to do a update, so it is so easy, just copy and paste.

stage 1: (lucrine or suprefact)
hope & faith

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel,
Feibb, Maykel, Juju78,
Cale, Josephine,
Dimple,Bliss, Mel,
babyhopes, Faith, Sri, Dwi, Comfort
Dear Bliss,
Happy Birthday to you! May all your wishes come true!

Dear all,
Just to let you know, I am also a teacher! I guess MOE should do a study about infertility among teachers and do something about it! Just look at the number of teachers in this forum. I feel that for myself, most of the stress come from work and some comes from staying with in-laws. Sigh!
HI everyone,
I have been a silent reader for along while and i must salute all of u for your patience and preservere. I have been TTC fior almost 3 years. Already have a 6 year son and has been longing for another child. did 6 cycles of clomid and 1 fail cycle of SOIUI. SO i have made up my mind to do IVF this month as am not getting any younger, 33 next yr. Now waitin for my October menses but it seems to paly hide and seek with me. ALready taken Provera for 1 day and hoping taht it will come soon. I am a teacher so would like to use the dec hols to do this IVF

I will be doing it at kkivf under Dr LOh. Need some info from the seniors here, how long is the whole process of IVF. I would like it to be over by Mid Dec. do u think it is possible?

Thanks a lot
Thank you for all your birthday greetings, ladies!
I am so surprised and happy to see all your postings to wish me when I just logged in. :D
Thank you so much! May my birthday wishes come true.
all the best for your ET tomorrow! May your embies stick to you for the rest of 9 months then!

Remember to rest and eat well during 2WW and stay happy.

Grace BB,
So you are also a teacher. How old are you dear? Is it the older ones like me have fertility issue or even the young ones? I think you are right, Stress from work is the main issue.

Jiayou! Jiayou! All the best to your ET! Happy 2ww!
