IVF/ICSI Support Group

Welcome, this is becoming a teachers' Union IVF forum.

I think a cycle starting from the first day of injection till Blood test for pregnancy takes around 6 weeks.

Dear happyever,
I am very young. Only 32.
Grace BB,
32 is young, I got married at 32. Trying for 4 years already.

You sleep early tonight for your ET ok. Sweet dreams. Tomorrow, you'll get to see your little embryos. Envying you! Jia you!
Grace BB - All the best for the transfer tomorrow.Make sure you rest well... No more sitting in front of computer for long. Must lie down and rest. We will be waiting for your good news in 2 weeks time.

Happyever - you and me same2. Been trying for almost 4 years now.
Let's hope 2009 will be a wonderful years for all of us here. HAhaha... N I agree... Began to notice got so many teachers here. Perhaps MOE should do something about this. They should know how stressful our job is. How to answer call of nation like this?

Alyssa - You have the same idea as me... try to do ivf during the holidays and hope it will end by Dec so can get back to work with a calm mind. If you start by your next cycle...it should not be a problem. You can check out my website to see my planned ivf journey with my doctor...

Hi buddy! You and me are of the same age! All the best for your ET tom, ya!And remember to rest, rest and rest throughout your 2ww!

Don't worry. The prick of the needle is nothing. Brace yourself, ok? coz there will be more injections to come when you start your IVF stage. And it will be self-injections. Initially, I was afraid too, but after that, it's nothing. Basically painless. Will give you more tips when you've started your injections. ;)

Thank you for putting me in the 2ww list. I hope to be in the graduate list in 2 days time!
Hi Alyssa,

Welcome to the thread. Haha...another addition of a cher here in this forum. Whole IVF cycle takes about 1.5-2mths. Depending on whether you are on a short/long protocol. Different clinics/docs will adopt the protocol best suited for its patient.

Just to share with you, that sometimes, the cycle may have to be longer, depending on your body's receptivity to the medication. For eg, if you have PCOs,then there is the risk of OHSS which could sometimes mean that you may not be able to go through the ET. So just be prepared for it.

I have been having rashes on my hands since Friday evening. It comes and go. Within an hr, the itch is gone and the rashes appear in the opposite part of my hand. Anyone experience this while taking progesterone? Coz one of the side effects when taking progesterone is rashes. I never had this in my first cycle. I wanted to call my gynae tonight, but I think since it is not so severe, will just wait tomorrow morning. I hope it is nothing dangerous or anything.
read your latest posting in your blog, CONGRATS!!!
Very happy to know that you get your BFP this time round! You are the first one whose baby wish come true in my yesterday's birthday wishes list! Yippee!

Hope continue to hear more BFP news.
congrates !! saw ur 'pregnant' word on ur test kit. How many days past ET r u today?

hows ur rashes?have they subsided?

All the best to ur ET today & Happy 2WW !
sue, mystyy, bliss - worried again. My AF came last night, and i called nurse who said it is normal if it is light. but today the flow looks like normal, not light, and bright red. is it supposed to be dark brown ? worried so i called the clinic this morning. nurses not free but will call me back

sue, hows your BT today ?
Hi Bliss,
happy belated birthday,

Hi tintedsky,
Congrats....so happy for you.

Hi Alyssa,
welcome to the thread. I also have a 3 yr old child and trying for ivf at kk. A few of us here already have older kids, also trying. All the best.

Hi Ros and Bliss,
i don't stay punggol, stay east side, near to the Joo Chiat temple. And i haven't visit the temple yet, better find time to go.
Morning ladies!!..Ponytail no need to worry cos when i had my AF the first day was litle n dark then next 2 days was normal flow then back to dark brown n not so flowy anymore..dnt worry. smilesss

Hi Alyssa welcome to the thread..and all the best to u on embarking this journey!
tinted sky,
congrats! Wishing u a smooth pregnancy! Ur girl must be very happy that she is getting a little bro or sis. So good. Will go read ur blog for more updates. Meanwhile, take care.
hahaha..gracebb..u kinda hit the jackpot!!..being a teacher AND LIVING WITH MIL...i resigned from my job one mth before i start on IVF....but i cannot resigned being a daughter in law rite?..smilesss...
Goodluck on ur ET today..
dear jie mei,
i just came back fm seeing Dr Chua. Done my US on day 4 Gonal-F, 225iu.

So far, can see around 7 follicles on the right n 2 on the left. 0.9cm. Is that a normal range?
Happyever..not only the older one have fertility problems even younger ones too..got married when iwas 25plus and been trying eversince..i turned 28 in oct. Dr concluded that my ony way to concieve is by IVF, as my tube are badly damaged, scarred..so even IUI no chance..possibility of epitopic is high..and i am sure there might be younger women who have fertility probs too..well just endure it and have hope n faith that everything goes on well...
Ros..dnt worry abt the lucrin and puregon injections..its not painful at all..really. i was afraid at first cos i dnt have much fats on my tummy even the nurse was quite scared she say it might be painful as i dnt have much fats..but im alrdy at stage 2 and i have not once felt any pain at all..so not to worry. And the needle is very fine and short..ok..so just relax when u start ur injections..
Ros..i read ur blog. I can really understand wht u are going thru. I got married in jun'06 my hubby's bestfren got married a week aft us..and 6 mths later his wife got preg. i was in tears..but happy for them..they made us their daughter's godparents..sweet.

Then, my aunt got married in April this yr she just gave birth to a baby gal(premature)..whn i noe that she was preg..i was happy ..yet when i looked at my hubby tears was welling up in my eyes..THEN MY COUSIN who is a yr younger than, she got married in JULY this yr..and 2 weeks ago when i went visiting for hari raya..found out she is 2 mths preganant!!..imagine how i felt, my hubby knew how i was feeling..he held my hand and squeezed it tight i tried not to cry..

geswht???..his bestie came over to our hse for hari raya with their daughter..and it seems his wife is pregnant again....sob sob sob..like u say envy..yes i am envious of them..happy that they can start their own family..but when will i get to start my own family too..hope n faith is wht we all need..never give up
'Never give up' ..this is also wat i've been telling myself these 4 yrs. Totally understand wat u r going thru as this is EXACTLY wat i'm going thru too. To make matter worst my hubby's irritating younger bro got married this march and the wife is abt 7 months preggy alreadi...

Let's hope we all be able to graduate from this thread before the arrival of 2009...
hope&faith: I know exactly how you must have felt. I got married in 2000 and still struggling with fertility issues right now. (Friends who got married after me already have 2-3 kids by now.) Everytime I hear someone getting pregnant, I hate myself for feeling that tinge of jealousy. I know I should be happy for them. But, it's just so difficult. A part of me inside just couldn't "get it up".

I didn't know of this forum till this year. After reading all the postings and researched more into the procedure, I've decided to embark on my journey either in Dec or Jan, depending on the dr.

I know it's going to be a hard one.. but I'm glad I found this forum.
hope faith - i think what you're feeling is quite common. i do too. but think the solution is to get away from preggy ppl. that way, you dont have to pretend to be happy when you are actually very sad. i do that all the time.

happy - i'm going for scan this wed. my AF just came yesterday, on D2 of stage 2. my nurse said its quite normal to have AF during stage 2, so i'm a little relieved.
Hope&Faith - I had the pregon injections before when I did IUI. That was quite easy using that pen like thing. I and needles have never been good fren but I am willing to do everything to achieve my dreams.

GraceBB - I kind of agree with hope&faith that u hit the jackpot. But i guess not all MIL are mean. SOme can be very nice, super nice but some for one reason or another just wants things to be done their way or think that we are not giving their son the best. But I am sure you are doing great right?

Happyever-so now you are in the preparing your eggs stage? Hmmm... make sure you eat right so that the eggs can grow and grow and grow...
Hope&Faith - I have been in your situation like gosh don't know how many time. The envy, the hurt, the pain...Only God knows.

Like what I mention in my blog, my bestfren got married to hubby's bestfren in Dec 2005. We were their matchmaker. They went for honeymoon and in January she message me that she was pregnant. You know how painful it is right? HUbby tried to cheer me up with the Dont worry If you get pregnant.... Sometimes I feel like my hubby doesnt try to understand my feelings.

One thing I am glad though, I have been patient and not once have I blamed him for all this. Usually I will just cry myself to sleep. A good cry helps. ANother thing is I try to avoid any birthday, baby showers etc. Even wedding and raya visiting can be painful.

Some of my frens and relatives have said they envy me and hubby for being well travelled. since we are still a twosome we travel alot fro holidays. What they dont know is, I would exchanged my current life if only I can be a mummy.
I started my stage2 on day 2 of AF. We are very close. You are going for US scan somewhere this week right? Do share about the details ok?

Meanwhile, just relax and eat and eat. So that eggs will grow and grow. Weather is quite bad, always rain in the afternoon. Understand that you are still working? Must have enough rest ok. sleep before 10pm or 11pm is possible.
Lina, Ros,
so sorry, I was so blur, I mistook Lina as Ping to be the one staying in Punggol too. Heehee... I remember one of you who has one kid already living in Punggol too, and I said wrongly. It is Ping, not Lina. My apologies. :p

read all your postings about feeling so hurt and upset by people around getting pregnant so easily. I fully understand that too. Also been thru that for million times in all kinds of events, situations. But we must really take good care of our emotional health, no matter what, ok?
I am sure that we benefit alot more than the 'normal' people out there. We are very much able to apreciate and cherish more about being pregnant, motherhood and our babies in future. I am sure we still gain lots of things in life, be it tangible or intangible, after going thru so much. Must encourage ourselves and stay positive and hopeful really.
ya, my hubby and I also love to travel alot(2 to 4 times a year) and many people will just comment that we can have lots of freedom and enjoy ourselves without kids. Although some were just trying to console in this way by trying to make us think that it is also a blessing for us to be without kids, I still felt hurt and upset by it.
I then found myself suffering from slight depression and physical health was affected too. That's why I needed to take NPL for a year last year. I cried every month when AF came. Luckily managed to walk out of the depression and the imbalanced of hormone system was finally back to normal after months of resting and TCM.
That is why I also feel so much when seeing people also suffering from such state of sadness and helplessness.
It is good to talk and find support to stay positive. I find it very useful.
All of us must be happy, life is so short, should not let ourselves down even if things dont get as smooth as we want.
Bliss Tan - Thanks for sharing your story. Before this I thought I am alone in this cycle. No one understands my situation. Reading your post made me realise there are people who suffered more than I do.

SOmetimes people try to understand but in the process of trying to console us they made us feel even worse. Cant blame them. They are not in our situation. I am just glad I have you ladies here for emotional support.
happy - ok will update you on wed. yes still working and getting v stressed. trying not to let the little things stress me up. taking deep breaths...

sue - where are you ? how was your scan today ?

Congratulations! Truly happy for you! Finally after a long wait ha. Must take really good care of yourself now, ok?
dear ladies,
i am new to this thread and currently just started ivf treatment. i am glad to find this forum where i really learned a lot through here. i am now on suprefact for the next 20 days. may i ask any of you ladies there use suprefact? i saw many of you use lucrin. what is the difference between these 2?

and my protocol is somewhat different from you ladies. from what i know, normally one will be in stage 1 till AF come and then will move on to stage 2. but mine is to take suprefact for 20 days and take medicine on the 1st day with the jab to induce AF and then jus continue the suprefact for 20 days. then only go and for bloodtest to check E2. is this normal?

to all the ladies going through ivf, all the best and baby dust to all!!!
Congrats TintedSky! I notice that you tried IVF 4 times. Want to ask you how did you find the strength? I failed twice and already not looking forward to the 3rd right now becos i am so scared of facing another failure again.

All ladies, anyone here around my age 30, with borderline FSH and E2 hormone levels and fertilized embryos at best only grade 4 (KK's grading)? Would you still bang on IVF and why?

I m beginning to feel hopeless. I am only 30 yet borderline FSH and E2 hormone levels and never had the best graded embryos. I wonder if thats why my IVF failed becos low quality embryo = low implantation therefore no pregnancy. Then if that is the case, i can go for many IVF but if always poor embryo and no implantation then will just be chasing after empty hopes each time. Anyone has any thoughts on this?

Anyone can suggest how to improve FSH and E2 levels and have better embryos? I have already tried chinese medicine and acupuncture. I dont know what else i can do. Simply feeling hopeless.
tryagain..what do u mean borderline FSH and E2 hormone levels??..wht is good FSH and E2??..when i wanted to start on Stage 2(puregon)..the nurse said my estragen level is good..50. is that the E2 level?..so is that a good level (50)??
tryagain - i'm also 30. when i moved to stage 2, my e2 level was 610. hopefaith, how come yours is only 50 ? the nurse said should drop to 380 before start stage 2, but i can start anyway and they'll monitor me closely
Dear Ladies
I am a silent follower of this thread and is doing my 3rd IVF cycle now... today is my 4th day of suppression stage... on my previous cycle, my E2 was 1890 4days before egg pick up, is that normal?
hi tassa..welcome. are u on stage 1 lucrin?. I ges the seniors here might be able to answer ur question.
Aniways goodluck on ur journey!
ponytail..u are u with KK too?..is that wht ur nurse told u?..when i asked the nurse abt my e2 level she said it is good..50.
The nurse told u that to start stage 2 E2 must drop to 380?..did she mention 380 n dwnwards?..the nurse at kk..said my E2 is stable.

now i am worried liao!!..First thing tmrw i will call KK!!!
Hi all,

For the many questions that is popping I cant really answer coz I have yet to do the cycle. I hope the answer that the seniors here will be able to answer and then I can note it. I havent even reach my first stage yet... Aiyah... why cant time past faster... and why does KK have to close during the time I was supposed to do my pick up in Nov.

Maybe God has his plans for me. Positive thoughts... positive thoughts...
thanks the warm welcome. sure glad to join in and be apart of the forum. Good Luck to all in their 2WW.

Another query that i need ur help. I am taking provera now to induce menses. usually must take for how many days. forgot to ask the nurse. got the prescription from kkivf. how long after provera will AF come, any advise?

how's ur rashes? any better? maybe calamine lotion might soothe the itch.

so happy to know that we do the cycle in abt the same time. read ur past post, it is tru kkivf will close for a mth in Nov. then what happen if are doing lucrin then. will we be affected? scanning all how?


I was trying to log in after my blood test before the results.. but I couldnt... dont know why the the server couldnt find this page...

I was kind of having a depressing moment after my scan because he found a cyst in my right ovary....

Can you believe the cyst is the side effect of superfact.....

My blood test's E2 level was lower than 37... and was good...

So I have moved up to stage 2...

But, they were telling me with the gonal-f the cyst will grow.. and if it gets too big... they will call it off... but so far they say it is not that big so not much to worry....

Oh ponytail, I was told my the acup doctor that be sure to ask how thick is the lining at NUH because he will not tell us unless we ask..(in other words he will not check if we do not ask) she said you should know the thickness of your lining so that you will know if the medication is improving your lining as well...

Bear that in mind for your next check up!! ok~~ good luck!

Oh... I started my gonal-f from 225iu today!

CONGRADULATIONS! wow....... all the work really paid off.....

Im going to try to get back the 2kg I just put on the last two days.. because of the bad side effect I couldnt keep myself up.... so was sleeping a lot.. with the gonal-f I should be able to walk around on my feet now...... I hope hahahaha...
hi all,

anyone doing acupunture before ivf. tot of going to Dr Zhou at AMK, but i can speak chinese at all. How? can she converse in ENglish. When should i start, now or after Lucrin. Sorry for being so kian chong. really need the extra help to get preg. act read some research and they claim taht with acu, % to conceive increase
Hi Ladies

Thanks for sharing. Have experienced some of what you ladies have shared. Yes, sometimes it get so bad it hurts but like what Bliss Tan said, we have to be positive.

Try Again,
Don't give up. I'll be going for my 3rd ivf (all fresh cycles)late Nov. Doc said cause may be due to egg quality. So also trying tcm and accupunture now. Hopefully, it'll be a good year end with good news for all of us.

I'm currently doing accupunture with Dr Zou at AMK.Think she can converse a little in simple eng as my mandarin isnt that great. Ha, Ha. Checked with the clinic and they mentioned to stop tcm but accupuncture okay.

Anyone else under going ivf around the same time?

Sue - welcome to stage 2!..did the doc said anything abt removing the cyst?..My aunt just gave birth ..and she also had a cyst..but did not do any surgery to remove it as it was unnecessary. If the doc did not mention the need to remove it u shldnt worry much ..
