IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Faith,
as ur nick/name says, hv faith in urself & the IVF team. things will go well for u. i'm sure the "anti-OHSS" tips listed these few days will be helpful to u during ur upcoming FET

Hi Ruru,
If you don't mind I want to know, how much do you pay for the IVF at Mount E?

Hi Patricia,
Welcome to the thread.

Hi Juju,
Wow.. 1.02am, what time you sleep?

Hi Faith,
Jia you..

Hi all,
This is my first post and maybe my last post for today as I am going for ET.
Btw, I just think abt the idiot man's wife. I think oh.. maybe.. they doing FET that is why the hubby want to cancel.. Who know maybe yesterday they reschedule for today appointment and I got achance to meet the couple. Hahahahaha
To be continue on tomorrow... (hopefully Hahahaha :D)

C ya tml..
Really hope you can go thru the ET today. All the best.

YOu too, good luck with your ET. Drink more water ok.

Hi Faith,
Have faith with your cycle. I encountered someone who failed every IVF cycle and success with one FET cycle. Have faith that you are one of them. You are doing allrite and you are not alone. Those who are still in 2ww and those who have graduated will be here to cheer you up and guide you. We are all in the same boat so we know the emotional distress that you go thru. Take care and be positive!!!
Hi Faith,
Dun worry u will be able to make it this time. Also dun be afraid, u r not alone. Alot off pple in this thread are very stressed up too. Try to think positive tho' i know its difficult sometimes.

Hi Josephine
I think on the ET day u can still choose how many u want to put in. Put in the no. that u r comfortable in. I remembered Elle put in only 1 and strike!

Hi Cale,
Thanks for the reassurance. I am now on MC resting at home.

Hi Maykel,
Ya understand you thoroughly, all of us who are working have to take lots of MCs and leave to make babies. Work will definitely be affected. Even after we get preggy, some of us like myself still have to take MC due to spotting.....but what can we do?? Want bb or want career? I have choosen bb for myself. Have given up good work opportunities (with much higher pay) last yr to concentrate on making babies.

Good luck to every1 in all stages!! Have many follicles and eggs, good grade embryos, smooth ER & ET and all BFP!!!!
Patricia,welcome to the thread.

stage 1
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Kalki - 18 Aug

Stage 2
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug
Patricia - 21 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug
Hopefull_BB - ET 15 Aug
Josephine - ET 22 Aug

Hi juju78,
I'm wearing blue spag and baby blue jeans sitting near the blood taking procedure room with my hubby. Mu hubby also see that man keeping going to the counter.

Hi ladies,
Yesterday is my day 1 puregon, feeling nausea now but later still need to work so sad..
This is my 1st IVF hope everything goes smoothly 1 time strike.
Hi Nicole,
i dunno when starts but yesterday when I collect my purgeon at the pharmacy is FOC. Nurse says can use medisave, so hubby fill up form. I will read the papers later and see.
Hi Bakaholic
U will be advised not to eat nor drink 12 hrs b4 ur ER (Mine started at 730am). Only a sip of water for ur medicine.
At the threate rm, you will b given GA and within seconds, u will be fast asleep. When I was awake, was already back in my ward and rested till abt. 1pm. And back home.
I don't feel discomfort nor pain on the vagina, just slight cramp discomfort on my tummy.

When is your ER? All the best and stay positive!
Hi Patricia,
I was feeling lethegic and head spinning on my 2nd day of puregon. I took that day off to rest at home. i do get occasional headaches that come and go. Try to eat more healthy and balanced meal and sleep well. Can take some istonic drink like pocari too.
All the best for your journey ahead!
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the info. Didn't sound too scary.
Prof has KIV the coming Monday for the pickup. I have to go for final blood test and scan tm. So, hopefully is well and i can proceed to the next step. I heard from dor that there are 4 pickups on monday. Crowded eh?
Now trying to settle my work stuff as i will away for 2 wks.
Hi everyone

I just made a call to KKIVF to clarify the co-funding criteria. As long as the ER is on and after 17 Aug 08 and you meets all the criteria listed in MCYS website, you can be co-funded.

So sister below who are in government hospital and meets the criterias qualifies
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Kalki - 18 Aug

Stage 2
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug
Patricia - 21 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Josephine - ET 22 Aug

gals, need to clarify something

the subsidy is only for those who transfer 2 embryos - what if you want to maximise each cycle's chance and put in 3 embroyos? - govt will not subsidise?
I was also puzzled when i read that subsidy only for 2 embryos. Wonder why cannot subsidize 3, actually no difference.
ok,i remember being told that the more embryos transferred, the higher chance of success. if that's the case, why the govt limit the subsidy to 2 embryos only?

Informal poll
for those who did ET recently, did you gals trf 2 or 3 embryos?
i guess more embryos transferred also means higher risk of multiple pregnancy (good for us) but also higher risk of m/c

i transferred 3 embryos
Hi all

Have not been updating much because my grandmother passed away day before yesterday and I was so busy attending to her funeral yesterday. It was very, very stressful.

Anyway, I still went for my scan yesterday in the midst of funeral preparations. I have another 2 days of Gonal F. Biggest follicle is now 17mm. I have one follicle that is not being regarded because it is only 5mm. So the doctor is only concentrating on 8 follicles. But my lining is still at 7mm eventhough I'm on luveris. I have to go for a scan tomorrow to confirm and he said ER will probably be on Monday.

Hi Josephine

I didn't have the chance to wish you good luck for your ET. I hope everything is allright with you. Just make sure that you don't exert yourself for the next one week at least. All the best to you.

Hi Cale

I know its easier said than done but try and remain positive and don't bother yourself too much with symptoms. Everybody is different. I'll pray for you.

Hi RuRu

Hang in there. I really hope you'll be able to go through your ET smoothly.

Hi Faith

I certainly understand how you feel. Are you doing acupuncture? It really helps you relax though there may be some discomfort.
Hi Bakaholic,
Thanks for ur infro on ur experience. Now I'm feeling nausea and headache. Ijust tell myself to have positive mind and keep going. yeah!.

hi juju78,
Oh ya maybe block by pillar thats y u dun see me. what u wearing on that day? maybe i saw u too
Hi happyever,
Good for you, thanks, you must take good care too

Hmm....its really not easy to juggle work and IVF, cos even though boss may be supportive, but i will tend to feel bad if i dun do my fair share of work, so may have tendency to overwork myself, then will not be good for baby hor....

Maybe you can try to extend your no-pay leave if need to, then you can concentrate on the procedure. Cos otherwise its back to square one where you had to juggle appts and work.

Hi bliss,
Ya loh, i agree with you, on the surface sounds supportive but when you go back to work its a different thing, cos we cannot expect all colleagues to give us the same treatment. I'm oso thinking of resigning if i am a positive cos wana concentrate on 'an tai' heehee....cos its not easy for us to get preggie, so must take special care
Yup, i oso agree that the extended ML is a great thing.

Hi Patricia,
Welcome to the thread! Me oso doing at kkivf with dr SF Loh. Which doc are you seeing?
oh...so you had the 'honour' of seeing 'that' man oso huh, haha.....

Hi Faith,
Yes, i oso found a lot of encouragement and strength from this thread when i 1st started my ivf journey, hope we can give you the support that you'll need

So sad to hear that you gotta stopped due to OHSS....anyway, very fast, cos sept can do a FET already, all the best to you and think positive okie? Dun worry, for me, i think ET is a very happy thing, when you see the embies goes in, you'll find them very cute, must be positive and look forward to it.

Hi Bebecraze08,
You are right, its not easy to juggle work and preg....but like you, i will put my baby above anything else, so will leave my job if need to. Thanks for your encouragement
Hi Mala,
Sorry to hear abt your grandma, hope you are feeling better now. Must take good care of your health.
No worries, my lining was oso 7mm, but was told that it is ok, considered pass even though the ideal is 8mm. I oso went thru ER with oni 7 follicles but managed to get 6 fertilised, so doesn't mean little is no good, all the best for your ER
Hi ladies,
Just check whether anyone had tried to extend ur HL after 2 weeks (for kkh) and even other hospitals? Would the doc usually agree?
Cos my HL til this sun and i'm suppose to go bk to work on Mon. My beta test is on 29th, so i'm thinking of extending my HL til then as my work is quite stressful and i dun feel good going bk to work.
Hi Potato chip,
Nice to hear from you
Hope we can be a gradute like you. Me in my 2ww now, next fri going beta test. How big is ur boy already?
hey gals,
i tried my luck and call kkivf just now. Surprisingly, the nurse say i could extend my HL without much problem. I oni told her my work very stress and she straight away say no problem, phew....love 'em man....so now my HL extended til 29th cos its my beta test day.
Hi Bakaholic
It's not scary lah..Wow,Prof is getting busier everytime I go down for my jabs, will see Dor running in and out of the rm and so many patients waiting. Like my hubby says 'looks like a factory'

Update us on your no. of eggs. Well wishes.
Hi Maykel

Thanks for your wishes. I'm happy that you've got your HL extended. Take the time to rest and continue to eat well, okay? You will make it!
Hi Juju,
Me too. Hopefully we are those lucky group that no symptoms, yet can strike BFP. Think hopefulbb also said she got no symptoms. Keep our finger cross

Hi Josephine,
Yes, we can still change the decision at the last minute. Usually doctor will advise patient below 35 to put in 2. Unless the embryo grade is not desirable, thus they may advise to put in more than 2 to maximise the chance. By now you should have completed the transferred, very excited for you, have a good rest ya.

Hi Patricia/Faith,
Welcome to the thread. This is where we all share our experience and encouragement each other. Must have faith ya. Jia you!

Hi babymaking,
I transferred 2 embies.

Hi Mala,
Sorry to hear about your grandmother's news, hope you are ok now. Sounds like you are progressing well and towards the ER. Jia you, you are one step closer to your dream now.

Hi Maykel,
After reading your extended HL, I also tempted to do so le. Hmm, but donno how to put this to my boss. Mostly, will still stick to the original HL and back to work on next tue

Hi Nicole_Chua,
All the best to you too. Hope you can join us soon
Hi Imel,Mala,

Hi Maykel,
Can extend. Today I ask the nurse and the nurse ask me to ask the doctor.
Then I ask SF Loh during the ET. I ask him whether I can extend till the Pregnancy test because I do not want to tired myself by going to KK then Office, and he said ok.
But I forgot to bring the Medical Certificate so the nurse can not change the date till i bring the Medical Certificate. So I will change it tml.

So when you meet the doctor, you can ask him. Maybe at first you ask the nurse. And do not forget to bring your Medical Certificate.

Hi Cale,Bebe,
You are right. During the ET, the doctor ask me how many embryo i want to put.
Then my DH said 2. So we only put 2. Wow.. Elle only put 1? Your DH got go in and see the ET or not? Do we need to finish the antibiotic after the ET?
Hi Josephine,
That's wonderful that you finally gone thru the ET. Welcome to 2ww. All you need is a very good rest and eat well. Btw, you have to finish the antibiotic. Its very important to prevent any infection during your 2ww. Take care.
Hi Imel,

Thanks. I forgot to ask the doctor abt the antibiotic. Hehehehe.. I was confuse because i was afraid that will be affecting the embies. Hahaha..

Hi all
was having a bad back pain for the past two days. stopped my yasmine(pills) only today, everybad side effects.
Just read about all the working mothers. I had to go through a very bad state 1.5yrs back. My boss always accept my mc and later when i had my first failure they said I am on too much of mc and have to give warning letter.
After a lot of hesitation just accepted my husband's request and on the day they wanted to issue me a letter i did and that was my last day of work.
Give importance to family, but ofcourse had a lot of issues from IL for having quit my job.
we cannot satisfy everyone.
just stressed a bit because doc say i need to get my af by 27th if not they might extend my cycle. Did any of you have difficulty having af after stopping pill if so what was the procedure?
Aiya stress+bloatedness+back pain:-(
Hi All,

Just wanna share my joy with all of you! Today is my 14 day post transfer and I did a HPT with a BFP! Will still proceed to do blood test on next Mon.

After 2 failed IUI, and 1 failed IVF with one dr in Mt E, I changed to KK Dr Loh to do my 2nd fresh ivf cycle in Apr. As I have adenomyosis, Dr Loh put me on 3 mths of lucrin depo, before doing the Stimulation in Jul/Aug.

I oso do Accupunture with Dr Zhou at AMK for the last 3 months. Dr Zhou told me before that sometimes change of hospital/Dr is good as ivf depends on your "yuan" with that Dr. After checking out a few, finally decided on Dr Loh at KK, and he really made my dream comes true!

For those in yr 2WW, good luck and BFP!!!!!
Dear Kalki,
I admire your courage to quit. I for one, have no guts to quit my job yet... You are right. Give importance to family. At the end of the day, it is your family who will be there for you, not your boss.
Hi those under KKH,
Just curious. What's the waiting time to see gynae at KKIVF now? I remember going there for treatment abt 5 years ago and I had to wait quite long. Ultrasound is at another place and got to wait too.
Hi Josephine,
Welcome to 2WW
. Yes, my hubby also went in with me. Have to finish the antibiotic to prevent possible infection, twice day for 7 days. Btw, how many embryos you have? how many frozen in the end?

Hi Kalki,
The delay could be due to your stress. Try to be more relax, the AF may come in soon. Hang in there.

Hi feibb,
Congratulation! Wow, you tested on 14dpt. I donno if i have the courage to test at home by then. Any positive symptoms that give you the strength to do the test? Can you give us some advice how did you pass your 2WW?

Hi Grace_BB,

I think the waiting time very much depends on the doctors. If the doctor is popular like SF loh, the waiting time can be quite long. I ever wait till 3 hours+ before get to see him at clinic D. If you are doing the IVF, the ultrasound is done at the IVF clinic by another person, not doctor loh himself. Have you decided on where to start your treatment already?
