IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ladies,
Just thought i update the list:
stage 1
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Kalki - 18 Aug

Stage 2
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug ER 25 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug
Patricia - 21 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug
Hopefull_BB - ET 15 Aug
Josephine - ET 22 Aug


Hi Emma,
How was your E2 level prior to ER? Mine is rather high, 10000+. Sigh..
Now trying to get myself settled in for the ER. The whole episode seems to progress really fast from the 1st day of suprefact to puregon then ER.
stage 1
Kalki - 18 Aug

Stage 2
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug ER 25 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug ER 26 Aug
Patricia - 21 Aug
Bliss - 23 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug
Hopefull_BB - ET 15 Aug
Josephine - ET 22 Aug


BLiss, dimple
I have updated your status

Dimple, Bakaholic
Congrats, you can proceed to the next stage.

I am not as lucky, the size are still not the ideal size ranges between 8 to 12mm. And the worst thing is there is only 8. Dr even asked me whether i will like to terminate the cycle. I thought since I have gone so far, might as well give it a try so my dosage was double and I am going back another scan on Tue.
Dear Kurn,
I'm waiting for my AF to come too. Should come by first week of Sept. So, I'll start my 1st injection towards the end of Sept. I hope I don't have to go thru this too. Will just bite my teeth and get on with it...If not, I'll keep thinking abt baby issues.
Hi Grace BB,

I think my AF either today or tomorrow will come. Haaaaiiii... So i shall proceed 1st with my bloodtest on Mon.

Actually i m abit confused here.
-Lucrin to start on Day 21 for 2 or 4 weeks?
- Puregon to continue for 7 days and will do the 1st scan to ensure the sizes are ok. If it's ok, will proceed to next step. If it's not ok, will contnue with the Puregon injection?
- last jab of pregnyl to prepare for ER 2 days later (meaning if Mon is the last jab, Wed or thurs will be the ER?)
- 2 days after ER will be ET
- 17 days after ET will do a blood test to check if preggy.

Wow with the whole list above, the earlier i can get preggy will be abt early Nov.

Those who has started this journey, sincerely admire your courage and perseverance. Jia you
Hi Josphine, bebecraze is correct. I only have 1 egg for my ET.
I was really sad and upset cos I did not respond well to the clomid and injection. I think is my age cos I am 37.
Only have 5 follicles and during ET only 2 eggs extracted. 1 good egg got fertised.
We went ahead with the 1 egg and pray for the best. I am thankful after the 2ww the BT result is positive.
Most important is my DH and this forum has been a great support and morale booster to me during my times of doubts and worries.
The ivf road is a long rollercoaster for all of us. Let's Jia You together !


I will be going for my first scan next Sat and I am feeling both excited and worried. Have not been sleeping well.
Praying hard everything goes smoothly.
Haha, have you gals notice we become such a worry-worm. We worry on every symptoms.

Ladies in stage 1 and 2 - Jia You !
maykel/cale, hopefull_BB, josephine, juju, feibb - All the best to the BT.

bliss, i was also also afraid of doing my injection but for the sake of wanting a bb, i took courage lah.
After 2 to 3 times, you will become pro liao. Take deep breath then inject and think of the baby.
I keep telling myself no pain no gain to motivate myself.

Ping, update us after your scan on Tues. All the best !
Josephine and Imel,
ok la... anyway, i fell asleep at 6 plus and slept 2 x 3hrs, very deep sleep. so good enough for me

couldn't sleep also bcos of very bad back pain and sudden increase in toilet going frequecy.

same leh... when i go grocery shopping or walk walk, tummy will cramp up. then hubby no choice but to bring me home.

dun remember. i only noe i kena poked before ER and ET. maybe blood test is ET then wat was the one for ER?
Hi Maykel,
I am fine. Only got backache and very aching yesterday (maybe because of 1st day). Now not aching as yesterday. Hahahaha :D so, until when is your hospitalisation leave? Got spoting already?

Hi Ruru,
Thanks Ruru. Hugz... Hopefully you can recover and join us.
Wow... Grade 5. That is very good grade.

Hi Cale,
Although they offer me also the table but I take the jabs, because scare that the tablet no properly put inside and will drop out. Hahahaha Backache, still have but not so aching as yesterday.

Hi Kurn,
Here is the journey (correct me if I mistake):
1. Tablet start D2(menses)-D21.
2. D16 (menses) start lucrin. Menses will come on >D11 of Lucrin. D14 of lucrin, go KK for USG + Blood test to see whether the hormon got supress or not. If supress then continue to puregon. IF not, continue lucrin till hormon supress.
3. If hormon supress then the next day start Puregon (8 days). D8 of puregon, go KK do USG Scan. If egg growth not ok, then continue the puregon till the egg size ok.
4. If the size egg ok then tml do Pregnyl Jab and next day ET.
5. Then 2 days after ER and you in the list of 2WW
hi ladies!

ping:thnx for updating! du update us after ur scan on tues oki. stay positive yea..

ruru: i noe its not easy but try ur best to be positive oki? easier said than done. but well, your sweeties are waiting for you. so get all the rest. rejuvenate and gear up!

bakaholic.. whts BT... dun rmrbr anyone mentioning it to mi today..*blur*

thanks for enlightening on the govt funding. so we actually incur only like half of the actual cost. i.e if we paid 2.4k so far, we will be refunded 1.2k,rite..

i actually had more than 8 follicles(16 i tink) but 8 are potentially well grown.the rest are smaller...

take care ladies..
Hi Josephine,
Thanks for the info, will be going to KK on 28/8 to do my ultrasound scan. Hope everything goes smoothly. If the scan is ok, will they (nurses) tell u scan results immiately and ask get Pregnyl to jab next day?
Dear Kurn,
I think Josephine has given us a clearer picture. I haven't started and NUH does it a bit differently too. The names of the drugs are different.

Dear all,
Actually, I'm quite anxious to start mine... What can we do to improve the success before starting?
Hi everyone
I am new to this forum, but i have been following the thread for a couple of months.
Would like to congratulate everyone who have succeeded in this ivf journey especially Imel and Elle, and Feibb.

Dear Elle Lim,
I have a question in regards to your protocol. Did you have to inject lucrin/superfact before you start the stimulation like everyone else or was it a short protocol? you also said that you took clomid ?? and what is the dosage of your gonal/puregon?
Sorry to ask you too much questions, as I was also previously a very poor responder. But your success story with only 1 egg is very inspiring and has given me hope and courage to try again. Thanks
Hi Bakaholic,
You went scanning this morning? I did too. Well, thankfully, doc found 3 follicles on the rite and 4 on the left I think. Approximately, 13 to 15mm. Still needs to grow. Most likely will be doing the ER on 27 Aug. I'm getting really tired nowadays. Panting when I climb only 2 flights of stairs! E2 test? What's that? Not sure about mine, but I recalled Dorothy saying somthing like 5000+.
I pray that everything will go smoothly on Monday for you. Dun worry too much. Have lotsa rest and relax.
Hi Elle,
Wow... your story is amazing. But why that time you only put 1 not put 2?

Hi Juju,
Yea, I also very difficult when to sleep. Wow 3 hrs only? I dont think I can make it leh. me, sleep 6-7hrs at night, and afternoon 2-3 hrs (pig oh?). Hahahaha :D

Hi Patricia,
Yea, if the USG scan + Blood test ok, they will ask you to call them in the afternoon(before 5) or you just come there again if you have time.

Hi austere,
I think by 27 Aug, your egg size will be approx >18mm. And you can do the ER. Wish all the best. Keep us update.

Hi Bakaholic, Dimple,
Keep us update oh. Both of you the ER is nearer. Wish you all the best. BT: Blood Test.
Hi GraceBB,

Me and hubby went for accu and took chinese med for 3 months prior to 2nd IVF. Accu will improve hubby's sperm quality, and for me, will strengthen my womb for better implantation. We oso took multi-viltamins (me Centrum bought at KK pharmacy, hubby megaman bought GNC). As this is my 2nd ivf, but 1st wif Dr Loh at KK, so not sure is the TCM/Accu or Dr Loh did the magic....
Hi Austere,
Your scan sounds really good. Congrats! Prof said one needs min. 4 to go ahead with the ER.
so i guess your next scan will be on Mon?
you were at clinic? wow.. I left about 10am, with a big bag of medication and instructions for the ER. The clinic was so crowded on sat.
The Puregon does make one really tired. I minimised my work load during that period.
E2 level is the estradiol level.

You take care and rest well! Jia you!!!

All the best for the ER!

Thanks to Ping and Josephine, for your well wishes.
Hi Bakaholic
My highest E2 level was 13000+ and Prof suspect OHSS and either I stopped the ivf program or stop GonalF for 2 days and see if E2 level dropped. Lucky was that E2 dropped till 3000+ after stopping GonalF for 2 days but some follicles already 'rippen' and not too sure if good eggs will be retrieved. Luckily, out of the 9 eggs they retrieved, 4 fertilised into embryoes and I put in 3.
I suggest you talk to Prof instead of Dor as I find that she tends to 'assume' everything is ok as I had a few encounters with her and now I'll sms/call prof myslef/hubby instead of asking oir going thru Dor.
Hmmm, I guess you hv not spoken to prof after u got the E2 results? Sms him and ask him abt it. Afterall, you need reasurrance and put ur heart at ease.
Hi Irene77,

Thanks! I guess you are born in 77, so age is still at yr side! # of eggs does not equivalent to sucess, it is the quality of the embryo and your womb's readiness for implantation. I have 16 eggs taken is 1st ivf, but only 2 fertilised, Dr said could be egg/sperm quality no good.

Don't get too worried.
Hi ladies,

Today, i finally tested, couldn't stand the suspends. I have been feeling very moody yesterday, as i dun feel much. I am quite disappointed and thought that it's a gone case for me. This morning I plucked up the courage, and did the test on my 11dp2dt. Surprisingly, i have got a BFP with clearblue! i couldn't believe it and i am so happy.

Now i have another worry, could this be a false positive since i tested so early? My last pregynl jabs 10,000 iu is before the ER which is on 10 Aug. I am afraid it's the residual of the pregynl le. Any advice ladies? Any one tested this early, and it's a true BFP?
Hi ladies

My ER is going to take place on Tuesday 26 August. Even, with Luveris, my lining is still at 7mm.He says that it is borderline but not a real cause for concern. Anyway, after ER, he's putting me on Progynova to boost the lining.

Hi Dimple

Hope you are feeling better now. Your ER is on the same day as mine. Wish you all the best.

Hi Austere

Make sure you take plenty of rest! Our ER dates are very close too! All the best to you!

Hi Cale

So happy for you! You mentioned that you have no symptoms. This will give hope to others who have no symptoms too. Hang in there. Wish you all the best.

Hi Maykel

I have a strong feeling that yours is going to be a BFP. Hang in there and continue to be positive.

Hi Josephine

I'm glad that your ET went smoothly. The important thing is to rest and eat well and to be positive.

Hi feibb

Congratulations! Take care and rest well, okay?

Hi RuRu

Your eggs are of a very good grade. So, you really don't have to worry too much. All the best to you.
Hi Josephine and Bakaholic
Thanks lots for the wishes. Yup, it's been an emotional ride for all of us. Neverending stresses for all the stages. Bakaholic, don't worry too much on your E2 level, I'm sure prof will do his best. Like what Emma said, call him up and check on it.
I will have the scan on Monday to confirm. Was my first time to the clinic on Sat, and I was also surprised at the crowd.
I'm also doing acupuncture. I was told to come down for a session before ER. Not sure if it helps, but just trying all means.
Anyway, we've come so far with many 'holes' in our tummy and veins! Jia You!!!
Hi Cale,
Congrats in advance, you should be pregnant. However, u may want to test it 2/3 days later to get another confirmation.

Hi Maykel,
Dun worry it will soon be your turn to be tested positive!! Just hang on ! Bloatedness in the later half of 2ww is a very good sign.
Hello autumn08,

Have you done the neccessary test like Sperm Analysis for Hubby and for yourself the checking of tubes to see there's any blockage? If all else has been done, Dr loh will access if you and HB need to go thru IVF and will get you to talk to KKIVF nurse on the procedures. Getting to start doesnt need to wait but the pre procedure does need time.

Like myself, when i finally decided to start, i need to wait for AF to come to do my blood test on Day 2/3. Thereafter I will start lucrin injection on my Day21 (i m not sure if there's any changes but this is the protocol the nurse told me).

So i think if you haven see Dr Loh, do fix an appt so that it all can get started.
Hi Mala/Bebe/FeiBB,

Thanks! I will test again to get another confirmation a few days later.

Thanks all the ladies for the encouragement and support
hi all ,

i am 38yrs old woman who got married in 2006 DEC, i wanted to have a baby so badly but no newa so far i was thinking of IVF. i am a smoker for about 20yrs and 1.58HT , 90WT am i able to do IVF ?

Dear sister plase advise me what shoud i do, everyday thinking of wanting a baby it drive me crazy .

Thank you
Hi fairyrose,

IVF is one of the choice. Most of the ladies here, have tried for years and with clomid, iui, so-iui, ivf, you named it. We all share the same dream, that is to have a baby of our own.

Don't be dishearten. You definitely can try the IVF to booast up your chance. First, you need to decide on the doctor and hospital. Doctor may advice you what to do on your first consultation. You may also go TCM to do accupunture to enhance egg quality. For the baby's sake, it's good that if you can stop the smoking.

If you are eligible for the government co-funding, you can even pass 3K lesser.

All the best to you.
congrats to Cale! think test again few days later is still better. i had always been told pregnyl remain in body for 14-16 days. dunno which one more true
Hi Juju,

Yes, that's what i afraid, i didnt expect to get a BFP today. I thought well, if BFN, i can adjust my emotional and move on. So i can carry myself better next week when i start work. Now, i am in the dilemmma. Hmmm, I dare not pinch too high hope, keep telling myself it could be residual, and i shall not be too excited yet.

Definitely will test again few days later, hope it's still BFP. Wish me lots of lucks

Btw, how are you doing till now? You are already in how many days post transfer?
Hi Fairyrose

Don't despair! I understand how you feel. I'm older than you in fact and I'm doing ivf. You have to see a doctor first to assess your condition and as Cale has suggested, do acupuncture and so on.

My 36 year old cousin is a chain smoker and she discovered she was 2 months pregnant while she was smoking heavily. She is now 7 months pregnant. Of course, she has stopped smoking. If you are, you should stop immediately.

So first things first, see a doctor.Don't wait any longer. Good luck!
Hi Cale ,

thank you so much for your reply.

Congrat!!!wish you luck i am so happy for you.

i got so many things that i need advise from ppl like you that has gone thur the whole process and i dont where to start,very unless rite?

this is a different between subsides and private ?
i'm 2 days later than you. thinking to start tmr morn then watch the bfp line disappear and hopefully re-appear again... haha
yest had some spotting, dunno due to implant *cross fingers* or over-exert...
been feeling very tired, back pain getting worse. u got any symptoms?
Hi Mala,

Thank you for your reply too.Which stage are you now ?

what do you guys suggest i shoud do if i have decided to go KKIVF , shd i go look for Dr Loh striaght or i shd go get a ref letter from poly clinic?

Each appointment my husband has to come along ?

thank you
Hi Fairyrose

My egg retrieval is going to be on Tuesday 26 August.

I'm not with KKIVF but with Thompson but far as I know your husband does not have to accompany you at each visit. But of course, he may also have to undergo some tests.
Hi Cale,

Don't worry, it is definitely a BFP lah. Pregnyl of 10000iu should leave our body sytem by D10. The last 2 SO-IUI (at 10000iu) i did, I tested my urine by D9 and D10, both are negative, by D12, my menses come to visit me already.

Hi Mala,

Gosh, thanks for your kind words. I will definitely pull myself tog for my 4 honey bunnies are waiting for me in the fridge. U be strong and good luck for your ER on tuesday yah!!

Hi Fairyrose,

Everyone of us in this thread dreams of holding our own darling baby in our arms one day (even their poo-poo is smelly we also think smell like perfume lah)

You must be strong for the IVF journey and your husband has to support you emotionally all the way.

Sorry can't advise u of the KKH procedure as I am seeing private gynae but the kind ladies in this thread will tell u how to go about it.
Hi Fairyrose,
Thanks! I could be tested too early liao. I dare not think that i already pregnant. Will test again few more days to confirm

If i not mistaken, in terms of charges, there is no difference for IVF treatment between subsidised and private patient. You can straight away book the appointment with the doctor. It's not necessary to have your husband to come with you every time. I think it's good that if you husband can accompany you on your first visit and listen to doctor's advice. So, he would be more understanding when you went through the treatment.
Cale is right. I am a subsidised patient in KKH, but once i started SO-IUI in 2007 and IVF this yr, i've been "upgraded" to private patient while being attended to in IVF clinic. But will be charged subsidised rate while seeing doctor in Clinic D
Hi Juju,

It's a good idea if you already mentally prepared for the possible outcome. Then when it turns positive, you don't have to worry that it's a residue like me today.

I don have much symptoms le. That's why i am so worry and thought that it's a gone case for me liao. I though i have some mild cramps sometimes, but really mild until i though i imagined it. I thought i am on the verge of going crazy liao. The 2WW is too stress!

Your symptoms looks positive to me. Have faith ya. Let me know after you tested tomorrow morning ok?
Hi Ruru_cat,

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. You give me some hopes
. I really hope that it's the same case for me, to have the residue gone by D9. Keep my finger cross. Thanks!!

How's your bloatedness? Hope you are recovering well.
i only started having those symptoms these 2-3 days, so dunno how true it is...
hope i hv the courage to test tmr morn... haha
Hi Cale and juju,

reading all your postings made me feel nervous and stressful for you too. This cruel waiting can kill! Really hope it will be a big fat POSITIVE for the final test.
Hi Juju,

Make sure you really mentally prepared liao hor, if not better don't test first. It would be really disappointed, if the result is not desirable, if not well prepared.

Today when i test, i am preparing for the worst, to see a BFN. I have been very moody and upset yesterday that i din feel much symptoms. I told my hubby yesterday that it's most likely a gone case for us liao. We have even calculate on the earliest date that we can do the FET. I though if i drag futher, i may go crazy
Hi Bliss,
You are right. It's indeed very stressful between test of not test, BFN or BFP. Haiz, women, we have endless worries.

You are already in stage 2 liao. very fast hor. Hope your next scanning will able to see lots of beautiful follicle
HI cale ,

Thank you once again , you must have faith and talk to your baby ask the baby to hold on to you never let go, i heard from friend who is expecting by nature she told me talking to baby iw work !!!!!!

Ok i think i should know where to start liao hehhehe.

Remember talk to your baby , he or she is lisenting.

juju -
tks for your reply and i wish you luck too.

Hi Fairyrose,
I have been doing that since my ET. I donno if it helps and i will continue to do just that

All the best to your IVF journey. You can always come back here to share with us
