IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi happy
i cannot take egg but after my previous ivf my husband forced me to egg omelet. but not keen. but can have milk and milk products
how about you what type of vegetarian are u?

Dear YCK,
Thanks. I think I'm eligible for the subsidy.

Dear Maykel,
Do try to stay positive. Sharing your thoughts at this forum is also a form of stress-relief.
Nicole G,

Thanks for sharing the good news with us.
Although my cycle is postphoned, but this will not benefit me either, I'm in Private.

Why must they restrict to only Govt hospitals? Since the Max is $3000, does it make any diff if it is Govt or Private hospitals?

Did they do statistic check that women going for IVF are usually Mid-income 30's and above? Choice of Doctor is sometime very personal. Why can't we benefit from this subsidy? Infact, those going for private are paying even more. Our bills goes up to 10-15ks.

Rather disappointed.
hi Kalki,

I'm a Lacto-Ovo, meaning I can take eggs and dairy products.

You can read up on that book, the Author is a Obstetrician and Gynecologist and she herself is a veg since Youth for over 20 yrs. She has 3 children all veg as well.

This book has got lots of charts and facts, very easy to read even for a slow reader like me.
Hi Bliss, Kalki,
Thank you so much for your concern and advise. Kalki, you really seems to know alot abt nutrition, i feel so ashamed cos i know nuts abt cooking and food preparation.....

Hi Imel,
I had stopped ensure after my purgon, was taking Anmum, cos was told it contains folate acid too. You think ensure would help?

Hi Happy,
Thanks for consoling me when it shld be the other way round. You dun give up ok? We would jia you together!
hi happy
ya just wondering how it got postponed?
anyway no one force me to eat meat (my hubby asked me to try but when i told him i don't like it he just left me alone)
anyway you can go for broccoli for maximum follic acid and protein.
The best part was when my doc asked me reduce weight he said eat only meat, but then gave me options for vegi diet
anyway my mother is here to take care of me so no issues.
after the two failure we decided to have elders around rather than just a maid
thinks are better.
hi Bliss Tan,

The Lucrin injection wasn't able to suppress the E2 for me. I took Clomid in late May and was found with 4-5 follicles. But they didn't release until now. Still there in the USscan as Cysts this morning.

So I need to have another 3 weeks of Gynera and wait for the cysts to go away. The Cysts is affecting the E2 level.
hiya maykel
interest matters, just be happy we are here to share. anyway i was also like this but i learnt the hard way (price paid 2 failed ivf) i just want all the mtb in the forum to get pregnant soon.
ask your husband to drive down to look for kachang pute(need to spell check heee...heee...)
Hi Autumn,
Yup, think the costs shld be around there after co-funding.

Hi GraceBB,
Thanks, you are right, thanks goodness for you gals, makes me feel there is always someone around....

Hey Cale,
hehe....ya, dun know why i'm not worried abt it leh, i oni remember that i was told very early during the 1st scanning that my womb lning is 7mm and so called 'passed' already, thou the ideal is 8mm. So maybe thats why i'm not so concern abt it as compare to the implantation.

I'm trying to be positive, but same like you, oso not sure how i would react to the results if its not positive...yes, let's jia you together!
I'm also very disappointed w/ the govt's move. They already say for all singaporean.. so I duno why they must stil restrict govt & priv.

I also singaporean mah. Why this entitlement also dun giv me jus cos I go priv?

Now my bb dream is restricted jus cos of the S-11 issue... sorry spore. Not that I dun want to hv bb, but $ not enuff leh. The heart is willing but the pocket is weak lah...

hehe, you very cute. see ur blue blue face remind me of Mr "Alamak" in Money Not Engouh 2.

I understand how you feel also. Aiya, nvr la. Most importantly we must be successful in our IVF lor. Some of our sisters here also cannot benefit bec they started earlier. But I think they are very happy now bec many of them are with thier Priceless Babies in their tummy now.

hehehe.....only can think like that to make myself happier.

I'm thinking of doing my 2nd fresh cycle again. Not sure if I wan to go back to KKH again. I am thinking of switching to NUH instead. Any of the ladies here with NUH? Which doc of you recommend? Anything I should take note of? Anyone can help me on this?

Thanks in advance
Hi Maykel,
Truthfully speaking I really dunno whether Ensure helps or not. But then after taking Ensure after my ET, I feel my bloatedness reduce alot. Till now I just drink one glass per day.
Hi Imel,
i'll see how it goes. Maybe will try taking yogurt drink like wat kalki suggested. How are you feeling now? take good care of yourself
Wot to do... I'm sticking to my current PRIVATE HOSPITAL gynae... at least for my 1st try lah.

Going to c him this Sat.. wil ask him if he's going to lower his charges now since I thk many wil flock to govt hospital liao! haha

My friends stil say.. woah u very lucky, can enj all the bb benefits!

My eggs also not yet hatch.. dun want to count my chickens yet.

Sorry, ladies. No offence meant for those at govt hospital. It's a very individual choice and I made mine so jus too bad for me lor.
I do accept the fact that there is a diff in the treatment between private and govt. (just not for ivf, when i had a dislocation of my bone i did see the diff in the treatment)
I issue started when i wanted to retireve some documents for second opinion then there came in a lot of t&c.
Sorry just a personal experience thats all.

Ask your Doctor to lower his charges. Good Try!!!
So which Doctor are u seeing?

Glad to see the smiling face. Jia You!
Hi Ladies,
I am on D7 of puregon. I am experiencing alot of egg-white type discharge. It's like ovulation but in "hyper-mode". Is that normal?

Hi bakaholic,
Its normal that you have discharge coz I have it too during the stimulation. Just wash your vagina properly coz you won't like to have yeast infection during this period.

Well another 2ww for me to go for the scan....another hurdle to cross. The important scan to determine the viability of the embies. Somehow the fail experience that I had with my last cycle still showing in my mind. At this moment I don't experience much cramp at all. But my stomach still bloated after eating and I have put on weight. My mother told me to eat less coz for this few months the food will go to mother and not to babies. But cannot leh I hungry easily....aiya don't care about my body at this moment. Cialat lah, I want to be a beautiful preggie mother leh. Anyway Keep positive girls
Hi ladies who has been thru ER,

Really need your advice! I went for my ER this morning at 8.30am and when my gynae came to talk to me, she says I ganna OHSS and it is very likely she won't allow me to go thru' ET on sat unless the bloating subsided. She told me if stubbornly go thru' ER procedure with OHSS, very high chance of miscarriage so no point.

During the ER process, she got inject some special fluid medication to control the OHSS in me and put me on saline drip to replenish the lost fluid in me.

Upon reaching home, I quickly eat egg white and drink ensure drink but still feel very bloated. Gosh, my gynae says if by friday, the bloating haven't lessen, then have to do FET during the next cycle. Sigh...

Any ladies who had the same experience but manage to control the OHSS? Ehh.. of course please advise food items to eat beside Ensure and egg white. Thanks!
Hi Rurucat,
Really hope your bloatedness will reduce by friday. I dunno what things to eat to ease your OHSS other than Ensure and egg white. Will pray for you that you will be able to go thru to ET.
Btw how many eggs they manage to retrieve?
Hi Ruru_Cat,

Like what I had posted before, raw egg whites really helped me a lot to lessen the bloatedness. I find that if you consistently take the egg whites everyday, it really helped a lot. I asked the nurse if I can take other things, but she says egg whites is the most efficient ones. When I reduced egg whites on my own, I find that everytime I drink water, I am very bloated. So the best thing is to take initial stage 6-8 egg whites a day and you can slowly reduce the amt the moment your bloatedness eases.
Ruru dear..
Jia you leh.. dun giv up now ok! Hope for the best this Fri. A lot of things can happen in 2 days... I'm sure ur gynae knows wot is best for u.

The ladies at the other forum were all asking abt u... we r all behind u ok?
Wah liao eh! In the end I don't qualify for the subsidy. Why must both spouses be S'porean? The woman must be Singaporean lah, why must need man to be Singaporean too???....coz woman getting pregnant mah....Ok so now, I can start my FET in Sept at ease...knowing finally that I don't qualify. Money quick fall form the sky!!!
Ruru cat,
Understand ur frastration. After ER, who don't want to do ET. Sorry, can't give u any advice.
How many eggs do you have. If you have a quality eggs, I heard the FET even higher rates of success.

Just follow your heart, eat selective food now and build up your body. Some woman has very bad morning sickness until they can't eat.
greeting to all,

for 1st ivf attempt medisave can use 6k and is is the amt claimable after only all procedure done successfully? means use own cash first for all ttl than claim?

thanks in advance for enlightening..
Hi need,

I am not sure if its the same for all hospitals. I have to pay a deposit of 3K since I am a singaporean before the ET and ER procedure. The final bill will come at the end of your ER. You just need to pay the balance, after taking away your deposit and medisave to be claimed. So you don't have to pay for eg $10000 that might be reflected on the bill. For medications that I need, I pay as I visit my gynae. I am in pte hospital so not too sure for govt hosp. Hope that helps.
Hi Imel,
Congratulations.How many embies they put? ^_^

Hi Elle,

Hi StarShine,
If you can ovulate, I think it is not a problem to do a IVF. The most important thing is you can ovulate. For My case, I also have irregular menses. Sometimes 3 months then AF come but my gynae give me Clomid and check, I do ovulate.So better you check with your Gynae or you can check to the doctor that do the IVF.
The painful part is the jabbing, cramps, backache and bloatedness. Expensive? It is about 6000K-9000K (at KKH).

Hi Mala,Cale,Imel Cheung,
Thanks, hopefully the embies are healthy.
Yesterday, 25 egg are taken.Now waiting for ET on 22 Aug.

Hi Juju.
Good luck for you and wish you all the best for your BT today.

Hi Ping,
Thanks for updating mine. Can you update my list? I will do ER on 22 Aug 08.

Hi ttc_5yrs,
Yesterday I do ER and they give me 14 days hospitalisation. Actually I want to ask the hospitalisation leave till the pregnancy test. But they said maximum they only give 14 days. Hahaha..
I do not know that for IVF(FET), they only give 3 days MC, somemore it is not hospitalisation leave.. Hmm... then how?
Btw, what is IVF(FET)? is it you use Frozen Embryo transfer instead of fresh cycle?

Hi Happyever,
After the sedation, I straight away sleep. The nurse said that some ppl after give the sedation, they mumbling and can hear what the doctor do during the ER. But for me I straight away sleep like *Babi,,, (luckily no snoring) Hahaha...
And when I wake up, I feel very tired and the nurse give me drips. Maybe I was pale that is why she give me drips,she said i got 25 eggs and I will feel dehydrated. I am resting about 3 hours then discharged. Before that the nurse ask me to pass urine, and she said I will see some stain during the pass urine. But strangely, I do not see the stain.
Maybe I still floating, then I tell nurse how come I pass urine I do not see the stain? And she said, that is good that means you do not have internal bleeding Hahahahaha..
Then reach home sleep till afternoon (*sleep like pig) hahahaha.
Now, so far so good. Not floating anymore. Backache.. YES!!! Still got the backache. Bloated not really.. And the doctor ask me to drink more water at least 2ltr per day.

Hi Cale,
When they gave you sedation, did you straight away sleep? And did you got stain during pass urine that time?

Hi Ruru,
Drink more water.
The doctor got advise me to drink more water.
Hi RuRu,
Hope u r feeling better. Try to drink more isotonic drink, think its better than water.

Hi Josephine,
Congrats u have plenty of eggs. How many are fertilised?

Hi Cale & Maykel,
Jia You to the 2 of you. Dun give up....success is just around the corner!
Hi Bebe,
Dunno how many egg will fertilised. They never said. I think should be all or maybe those really good egg. Like that time cale, only fertilise about 16 eggs from 26/27 eggs(I can not remember exactly). ^_^

Hi cale,
How is your 2WW? How many days leave till the BT?
Hi ladies,
Do u mind that I join u ladies? I have 1 failed IVF last year and due to work committment, I couldn't continue with my FET.

I only managed to carry out the FET this month after putting on regulated cycle. I have done the transfer last fri and this is my 7th day in 2ww.

However, I dun have any symptoms as what nurses tell me such as spotting or bloatness. Previous IVF show weak positive (subsequently dr classified as chemical pregnancy) but at least there are symptoms but this time round, totally dun have.
Hi Josephine,
Wow, you have got a very good number of eggs extracted. According to the nurse, the statistic showed on average, 60% of egg extracted would be fertilised. Last time i only extracted 21 and got 14 fertilised. True enough, the % of fertilisation is about 66%.
If calculated based on the average rate, you could have about 15 egss or more to get fertilised
. Keep my
for you on your ET tomorrow.

Last time my ER is also same like yours. After the sedation given, i slept like a pig..hee. I did have stain when i pass urine and the spotting lasted till the next day.

Today is my 8dpt. Blood test is on next sat. Still so long.. to go. This 2WW is even tougher than all the injections. The mind keep running wild and hard to control. Physically, so far, i don't have much symptoms, which also made me a bit worry .
Hi Rurucat,
Sorry to hear about the OHSS. I have no other suggestion other than the egg white and water. Heard the raw egg white is the best and could easily be absorbed by the body. Please try to eat plenty of this during this 2 days. Hopefully your condition improve on this friday and able to proceed to the ET. keeping
for you.

Hi Imel,
Yes, looks like we all have endless worried. Totally understand how you feel, may be try to keep yourself occupied with other things and go outside for a leisure walk with hubby to free up your mind. I am sure the next scan would be turn out fine. When is your next scanning appointment?

Hi Need,
I did mine in KK. I only use cash to pay for the lucrin, puregon and other pre-ER charges. The subsequent charges for ER and ET, they will claim from the medisave instead. I did not put in any deposit. When are you planning to start yours? If you are eligble for the new government subsidy. You could even pay $3k lesser.

Hi Bebe,
Thanks for your encouragement. I will jia you
. How are you doing so far? When is your next scanning appointment?

Hi hopefullbb,
You are welcome to join us
. Today i am at my 8dpt. we are just one day apart. When is your schedule beta test? Where did you do your FET?

Hi Maykel,
How are you doing today? Got feeling better?
Hi Ping, got some new updates from our sisters here. Don't mind i help you to update hor.

stage 1
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Happyever - 8 Aug
Kalki - 18 Aug

Stage 2
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug
Hopefull_BB - ET 15 Aug
Josephine - ET 22 Aug

hi hopeful_bb,
3 cheers for your persistence!!
i can understand your anxiety at present... relax okie. remember not every lady will experience same symptoms. mmm... perhaps can think this way...that no symptoms this round mayb good news compared to your last.

actually m like you... my last ivf attempt (also my 1st) ended in a chemical pregnancy. but i will be like you...planning for my FET when my 2nd naturally come mense happened.

anyway... take good care of yourself during 2ww. stay happy & relax. all the best!!
thnks RuRuCat & Austere.

Bloatedness sounds pretty horrid. 2 inches is doesnt sound too good. i think i kinda put on weight n was wearing pretty high heels. then my colleague asked mi if i was pregnant.if i was, i shouldnt be wearing high heels. All i managed was a feeble, "oh no im not preg." In my heart, gosh the pain i felt... undescribable!
bloatedness and more weight gain= more such questions!! that is just gonna make me miserable!

Austere.. after all tht we r going thru, i noe it is very hard not to be upset and disappointed. well, miracles do happen yea? Maybe more puregon mite help. Let's juz keep the fingers crossed for ur review on Fri yea..

RuRuCat... im on 200units of Puregon for 7 days. My scan is on 23rd August.. Kinda worried wht kind of follicles would there be... :\
Hope ur bloatedness has gone down... Why/How does OHSS occur anyway?

Btw, does this ensure milk come in other flavours like choco...i totally boycott white milk...
Hi GraceBB,
Tonic soup is like the chinese herbal soup. Whole chicken you boil it and put in "wong san", "gojhi", "longyan" and etc. Sometimes I will also use pig liver for soup too. Drink more chicken soup help to make your body warm. Don't forget to eat supplements too. You can eat pre-natal supplement.

Think you mix up Imel and Imel Cheung. They are one and the same hehehe. I put 3 embies grade 3. Been very upset that I can only get grade 3. Out of 15 eggs in the end I only be able to use 5. But the doctor keep reassuring me that it doesn't make any difference. Still the grade 4 sound nicer than 3. But Thank God, my grade 3 survive. Sometimes I think all this things is up to God to decide.

Hopefullbb - Don't worry of not having any symptoms. And I beleive no spotting is better than spotting. As for bloateness, I don't feel any bloatedness at all, till I ask the nurse. However, by 2nd week I will always feel very full and tight after meals.

My first scan will be on the 3rd of September. By theb Im in 7 week and I hope I will see hb by then. I keep remain positive. Take care Cale and try to rest more.
Hi Cale,

My bloodtest will be on 28/8 (thurs)- 14days from my transfer on 15/8. I have done my FET in SGH with Dr Yu.
Hm? Your beta test on Sat? 2 days later than my date, how come ar? You also jia you!!! hope to hear good news from you.

Hi Pretty lady,
Thanks for the comforting words.
I really hope to strike this time. Ya I have been trying to tell myself to relax, just don't want to disappoint my hubby. When I told him I dun have any symptoms as compared to the last one, his expression so sad...sigh!
Hi ladies,

Thanks for the kind advice. I will up my egg white intake and drink lots of water today and hope for the best tomorrow.

The chief embryologist called me just now. Out of the 36 eggs retrieved, only 6 fertilised and the chief embryologist says that in the end maybe only 3-4 embryos can subdivide successfully (2-cells to 4 to 8 etc). This is normal for a PCOS woman, so don't be discouraged for those ladies who haven't done their ER yet.

The worst thing is she said that if I freeze the embryos, there is a high chance of me not having any embryos to put back as during the thawing process, as not all embryos can tahan and live and I only have 3-4 to begin with.

So now I am caught in a dilemna, if my gynae refuses to let me go ahead with the ET on sat, then I could be left with nothing for FET on the next cycle and have to start a fresh cycle. Woah, and the freezing cost around $1k leh. Sigh, think I will join you ladies at KKH soon as I don't think I can keep affording the private gynae cost especially since I have PCOS so may have to do a few rounds of IVF before hit jackpot leh. Anyway, the success rate is so high for KKH so the fengshui must be good there! Ha..ha..
Hi Dimple,

Hmm, why OHSS occurs is becos our ovaries are abit more sensitive to the hormones injection and has an adverse reaction. How OHSS happens, my gynae told me that the blood capillaries around our womb becomes "leaky", leaking protein and water out onto the womb (that is why can see patch of black during the ultrascan), causing the stomach to become bloated and the blood in the capillaries to become very concentrated and thick. Oh, that is why we need to drink alot of water and eat protein to replace those that have leaked out.

Good luck for your scan on sat. Hope you have many many beautiful normal size eggs.

Hi Josephine,

Looks like I may not join you for the 2ww. Good luck for your ET tomorrow. Jia You!
Hi Imel,
Thanks. I'm still hoping, praying hard... hope to graduate from this process too... ;)

Hi Ruru,

Hope that your bloatness will go down by tomorrow.

Like yourself, I'm having PCOS and only managed to retrieve 14 eggs of which only 8 fertilised but 3 of better quality and 2 average.

I managed to freeze 3 embryos after my failed IVF and now doing FET, the clinic managed to thraw all 3 but only 2 consider good and 1 they discarded. My embryos are between 4 - 6 cells.

If your embryos are between 4 - 8 cells then got better chance of surviving the thrawing process if you are considering for FET on the next cycle. Hope that your embryos will grow well.. jia you.
Hi Rurucat,
I just recalled that the nurse did advice me to try to drink ginger water if i feel very bloated. She said it will help to release out some air from the stomach. The ginger water is quite heaty, so have to drink in moderate and see if you can take it. If you fell heaty liao, then cannot drink anymore.

I have not try this and not sure if it works. May be you could try to drink some and see if it helps. Now, the best that we can hope for is your bloatedness subsided to the level you could proceed to the ET and transferred all the beautifully fertilized embryos.
Hi Hopefulbb,
You are tested on your 14dpt. In KK, they only allow us to do beta test on 17dpt le. Such a long wait..

You are transferring 2 embies this time? Did the doctor told you the grading of your embies?

I also dun have symptoms like you too, worried. I hope this is a good sign. Thought i surf the net, some people who got a BFP do not have any symptoms.
that we are the lucky one who fall under this category.

Hi Cale,

Thanks but definitely no ginger water for me. I am drinking Gatorade, egg white and Ensure (yes, Dimple, Ensure comes in vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavour) like crazy now.

Hi Hopeful BB,

Thanks for your encouraging words. The chief embryologist told me there is a high chance I have nothing to transfer if my embryos can't tahan the thawing. She says out of the 6 fertilized, maybe 3-4 will subdivide normally. Gosh, if I don't do ET on sat, I run the risk of having nothing left for my FET also. Very upset and thinking about all the additional costs.

My gynae very strict leh, she says my OHSS will get worse the next few days so she doesn't want to do the ET for me. Sigh...
