IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Rurucat,
Undestand, you stomach must be full of all kind of water now. Btw, where did you do your IVF and which doctor? Did you get to pass urine often after drinking lots of fluid? Heard that if OHSS is worsening, the urine will become lesser. If you got pass out lots of urine, it would be good for you, to flush out the E2 hormone that remain high in the blood stream. When are you going back for review of condition again, to decide if you can do the ET?

Hi rurucat,

I am feeling sad to hear about your OHSS. Really hope you will be very much better and can do ET then. I think you are a very strong girl. I feel that you will be blessed with your own baby very soon. Don't lose hope, ok?
hi gals,
dun be sad. i can only test beta hcg on 19dpo, lagi far away.

anyway, my BT will only be out tmr. but lining passed le.

jus now so angry when at kk ivf ctr. this woman was inside doing ER. her hubby @ waiting area reading newspaper & suddenly marched to counter & asked nurse if could postpone ET to Sept. the nurse was so shocked. he claimed he might as well wait 1 more wk to Sept then do ET then can claim dat 50%... i nearly stood up and scolded him.
hell! his wife already doing ER and he wan to postpone ET??? wat the hell is he thinking??? my hubby said the wife looked very sad and resigned when she came out and heard her hubby's words...
Hi Juju78,

Yes, there will always be couples where the wife wants the child more than the husband, that is why I told my HB that under no circumstances will I want to have a child to save the marriage. The pregnancy should be one of love and hope, not despair. That is why I waited so long to have children as my marriage went thru' a rough patch a few years ago with divorce being a possibility. After talking thru' and both of us agreeing to change then I embark on my conceiving journey but ganna roadblock and have to detour (like amazing race)!

Hi Bliss and Cale,

Yes, my stomach is very bloated with water and don't know what..ha..ha.. Yes, I pass urine like crazy, around once every hour but stomach still very big leh. My IVF is done at Mt e under Dr Christine Yap. I am going back tomorrow at 10am for final review of condition.

The last time I left my 1st gynae is becos I had differing view with him towards my condition (He insisted on growing my eggs to around 25mm before doing IUI, but the conventional wisedom is 18mm will suffice as the older the egg, the poorer the quality).

Now I ganna a gynae who place my health above my hopes. There is a real possibility that my 3-4 embryos can't survive the freezing and thawing for FET and the additional cost involved and my hopes all dashed.

My friend told me that is because I go and choose those gynaes who are very experienced and senior so their medical opinions and views are cast in stone already and non-negotiable. Sigh, how to persuade my gynae without offending her?

Based on my reading of the postings of this thread, most ladies ganna OHSS after their ER, but has varying degree of symptoms but most of their gynaes went ahead with the ET. Why me? I only feel bloated at my stomach (increase around 2 inches of my waistline), and have no other symptoms. What I read in OHSS websites seems to me that my symptoms are considered very mild. Very frustating!!!!!
Hi Juju78,

Btw, I think the woman's HB very stupid also, like the embryos can grow and grow in a petri dish for as long as you like. If like that, then don't need to put back the embryos lah, just grow them in the lab and we woman don't have to go thru' the pain of 10mths' pregnancy.

If I am there, I will surely say loud loud this sarcastic remark. But abit weird hah, since I always go alone for all my consultations, then people thought I siaoz already! Ha..ha..

Oh btw, how long do you usually wait during your KKH appt? Like for example, your appt is scheduled at 10am in the morning, how long do you have to wait before your no is called? Sorry, doing survey to get ready for my swap to KKH.

Hi ladies doing IVF at KKH,

Do u all go to polyclinic to get appointment so that can get subsidied consultation rate or just call KKIVFC directly to get an appointment? Is it more expensive to choose a gynae of your choice? Can anyone advise what is the difference in prices?

Please share your experience with me. Thanks a million.
Hi ladies,
I see some pinkish discharge on the toilet paper after peeing. Think this is what they call spotting. So worried called the nurse, was told to rest in bed. Went on half day MC again.....
Always going on MC.....becoming an MC queen. Its affecting my job...sigh.

My first scan is scheduled to be 29 Aug. Worried abt bb too. I hope bb is fine and growing well
aiyah... i also dunno why her hubby like dat and she can tahan him... i complained to my hubby and he said he heard the man tell his wife... so angry...

inside kkh ivf clinic - waiting time depends on wat is the appt and wat timing bah... if go during peak hr for blood test and scanning, usu quite fast. if see doc, then may wait for quite a while.
if clinic D, the waiting time is usually half an hour to ???, i dun like clinc D.
dat time, i went polyclinic to get referral letter to go kkh for ivf. but fren told me no diff in pricing cos ivf is standard for all. i din choose specific gynae bcos i went in clinic D as subsidised patient
Hi Imel,
You are right, we have 1 hurdle after another....
if the preg is not viable, does it means that there is implantation but is still not healthy enough? Does it equal to miscarriage? I shall think that your tummy bloatedness and hunger are good indications? Dun worry, i think all pregnant women are pretty, esp us, hahaha......

Hi Rurucat,
Do drink lotsa water cos nurse told me it would help n passing more urine and reduce bloatedness. Hope you'll have good news regarding your ET. Think positive and just concentrate on the 6 fertilised eggs. Oh, the freezing at your side is $1k ar, kkh is oni abt $350. Haha....Jia you and dun give up ok?

Hi Josephine,
Good to hear that you have so many follicles, how you feeling now?

Hi bebecraze08,
Thank you for your encouragement
you take good care too.

Hi hopeful,
Welcome to the thread. You, me and Cale are 1 day apart from each other, today is my 9dpt. All teh best to you, when are you doing your beta test? Mine is on 29thaug at kkivf.

Hi Cale,
Me feeling better today, but like wat you say, no feeling in tummy oso worried, got feeling oso worried hiaz......now just try to distract myself, anyway i felt that watever implantation shld have happened have happened, just tat we need to take good care of ourselves during this period. How abt you, feeling ok?
Hi Juju,
How come you can do beta oni on 19dpo leh?

wau kau, was very angry oso when i read abt the hubby you saw just now. Maybe he doesn;t even understand the whole process at all! Pple would prefer fresh embryo transfer compared to frozen wat, anyway, once understand that you ahve to start ivf in sept then can use the subsidy. I pity the wife, suffer so much already, poor thing.... if me oso i'll feel tempted to scold him man....

Hi Rurucat,
i'm doing at kkivf. I had my fair share of private hospital thats why switch to kkh last yr. My gynae refer me to Dr SF Loh after i saw her for 1 yr and no result. If you dun mind seeing private at kkh, you can call kkh and make appt directly as private case. I was seeing Dr June Tan at kkh The Private Suite (TPS), next to 7-11. She's really nice and I oso made appt directly the 1st time. She recommend me to dr SF Loh at kkivf cos he is the Head and Senior consultant at KKIVF centre and success rate seems high. If you want, can call kkivf centre and enquire more. the nurses there are pretty helpful

Waiting time at TPS was ok, not much difference from private practice if the gynae has delivery etc....usual waiting time is still 30-60mins.
Hi Bebecraze08,
Dun think too much ok? Its impt to get plenty of rest. MC oso bo bian wat, most impt is ur baby and have to 'an tai'. Dun care wat other pple say abt ur MC rate. Always must remember our goal, that is to have a healthy baby, after all that we had went through, wat is a few more days MC right? My beta test is oso on 29th, very kan cheong....

All the best, hope your baby is growing healthily
Hi to all,

I have been following all of your thread abt IVF, really amazing isn't it that our body can do so much! Anyway, my husband and I were contemplating to do IVF 4 years ago when I was 32 but back out at the very last minute cos I was mentally not prepared! But today I think I am cos after reading your experiences and so many supportive mommmies here gave me the courage to go thru it. Actually we are in the process of adopting a local baby, but nothing's confirmed yet, just waiting for news from the middleperson. SO will probably chk out at the polyclinic 1st b4 choosing the hospital.
Hi Cale,
I think you will be fine. Sigh, I still got 18 days to go. ^_^ Hahaha you and me same same. Sleep like pig. Hahahaha :D

Hi Dimple,
OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) happens when too many ovarian follicles have developed in response to the usual dosage of medication. Symptoms:
- Presistent lower abdominal discomfort
- Nausea and vomiting
- Bloatedness or swelling of the abdomen and genital area
- Shortness of breath
- Dehydration
- Reduction of urine volume
- Abdominal pain
Wish you all the best on your Friday's review.

Hi Ruru,
I got this from KK plamfet about the OHSS.
OHSS is usually self-limiting and can then be treated at home with rest and adequate fluid intake. Drink more water and relax yourself. At KKH the frozen embryo per year is about $300. Wow, so damn expensive 1k?

Ruru, I also drink water. Everyday approx 2 liter. And every 5 minute always pass urine.. sigh...

Ruru, What i know is if you choose your own gynae the cost will consider as private (not subsided). If you want to get the subsided rate, then every appointment you will see different doctor. Currently, I am with SF Loh at IVF center. If you want to meet gynae, you can see Dr Benjamin Tham (I notice he quite a lot recomended from this forum). But oh, the waiting hour is like hell. Example: I have appointment with SF Loh at 12.15, and I reach there about 12.00. Normally I will wait about 3-4hours, so around 16.00 it is my turn to meet him. So When you choose KKH, you must prepare snack, novel, Nintendo DS and water. Hehehehe..

Hi Imel,
The most important thing that the embies survive.

Hi Juju,
Luckily, I am not around. If not, I maybe act like you. Why the husband said like that? He doesn't know that everyday before ER we must get injection? Sighhh....

Hi Maykel,
Now, it is feels like want to pass urine. Every 5-10 minute I go to toilet leh.. sighh... How is the 2ww?

Keep us update oh..

Yea, tml is my ET. Hopefully everything goes well.
no idea, dat's my schedule frm them leh...

haiz, no idea abt dat couple lah... jus pity the wife lor... and the guy look quite well-off, can't imagine S$1.5k matters dat much... me and hubby not earning much also din bother dat we can't get the subsidy
Hi Maykel,
Yes, if its not viable you can say its a miscarriage. Have gone thru that last year, so thats why this upcoming scan is very important and crucial for me. Im still very positive in facing this and still feel confident. As of today I only experience bloatedness, no cramping anymore and my boobs still very sore. I still cling to that little hope. Hahaha but you are rite we are all a beautiful pregnant MTB.
HI Josephine,
Its normal that you pass urine every 5-10mins. Have asked the doc and he said its normal coz somehow the bloatedness push the bladder that made the sensation like you want to pee. I have that feeling for 1 week. Now not that often anymore.
Hi Juju,
I feel sorry for the wife because she has sufferred so much. There are so many such cases in this world and sometimes reality pain. Sigh...how she can cope with the IVF if the HB not supportive. So sad.....
Hi Josephine,

May I know how much does it cost per consultation as a private patient? Does Dr Loh scan u yourself during the injection period or you go scanning centre?

Woah, the 4hrs waiting time just kills me. Yes indeed can do camping at waiting area, bring my own thermal flask and hot water can even cook instant noodles.

Yah, definitely choose good gynae in KKH under private suite as can't tahan seeing different doc seeing me.

Good luck for your ET tomorrow! Jia You!
Hi Josephine,
Ya loh, initially after ER i oso like that, keep wanting to pass urine, and if i wait until bladder too full then i'll feel pain when passing urine. This lasted even until afer my ET. The 2ww is not easy, cos everyday stay home dun know wat to do, as we can't go out much oso.
Me mostly watch TV, read, surf net and chat on forum with you gals hehe....As time goes by, we will oso get worried and can't wait for the beta date haha....anyway, its all endless, but you dun think so much 1st, 1 step at a time okie? All the best for your ET tomorrow, hope you have many fertilised embies!
Hi juju78,
Oh i see....
ya loh, i think that we would usually not mind the costs as long as we have a healthy baby

Hi Imel,
Thanks for the clarification. Glad that you are positive, hope that things would go beautiully well for you. My tummy not much feeling now leh, oni occasional discomfort, dun know good or bad sign....but my boobs oso very sore leh.
Hi Cale,
Wow the thread moved so fast. Yap transfering 2 embies but they did not tell what is the grading. Only tell me that it is 4 - 6cells lor.

Actually when they tell me that all 3 embies being thrawed and 1 not so good, I very much wanted to tell them just put that embies in as well to enhance the chance. In the end, I couldn't open my mouth sigh!

hehehe.. ya agreed.. hope no symptoms for both of us is good news to us. You too jia you and have a good rest!

Hi Maykel,
Yap confirmed 28 Aug 08, looks like I'm the one who put in later but get to test first... gosh! very worrying... You too jia you and hope to hear good news from you on 29/8.

Hi Ruru,
Sorry to hear that. Indeed your gynae may be strict but I think your health is more impt to her. With all the incentives coming from gov't, it is good to consider switching to govt hospital. Don't give up yet still got one day to fight!
Hi Maykel,
Yup, I also feel pain during pass urine.
I think tml I wont be able to surf net nor chat with you gals, because my MIL around and she doesnt want me to near computer after the ET (like the ER, she doesnt allow me to near the computer) Hahahaha.. My MIL so concern about me.. hahahaha :D Luckily to have her around.

Your MIL is right! If possible, don't go near the computer. If u miss us, than do a quick 5min message only. hehehe........

All the best to your ET. Jiayou!

I went to read about OHSS, think you are right, yours is consider mild. More serious symptoms is than you have Diarrhoea, Vomitting and dark colour urine.

Of course, your Doctor knows your condition best, must listen to her advice of course. Don't worry too much ok, some clinic do ET with 2 days rest after your ET. (correct me if I'm wrong)So you do have another day to rest and to do your ET. Jia you!

Thanks for your link. But U in your 2ww aren't you. Don't read such negative news too much. Read more good and happy stuffs. Our mood affect our baby u know.

During my last preggy, I worry too much, also read this email attachment about Envirnoment problems. Than start to think very negative and became very moody. I regretted doing so.
Hi Ruru, me oso with dr SF Loh
he's always so busy but is really nice. Heard that he is very ethical and would follow proper protocol.

Hi Hopeful_bb,
Dun worry abt the grading, i oso did not know my grading, too excited to ask on ET day hehe...but later on when i ask the Nursing Officer, she told me not to think abt it, cos wat she says makes sense; wat is good may not grow, but wat we think are not that good, may be growing inside us now

Hope you'll have god news on the 28th! So excited hor.
Hi Josephine,
haha....gd that your MIL so concern for you, my MIL oso very supportive, but we not staying together. Dun worry, we'll look forward to hear from you after you are better and when your ban is lifted haha....me going bk to work next mon, maybe can oni chat after work oso.
But can tell you that i dun feel comfortable if i dun get to the forum everyday haha, has become a routine for me already ;)

Hi happy,
Yup, me in my 2ww, thanks, will try not to think so much. But cos i'm oso worried abt my org....cos pple there like to gossip and even thou my bosses says they are supportive initially, i knew they would show me their 'black face' sooner or later...But i will try not to bother abt them, cos i want to have a healthy baby!
How are you feeling now?
hi Maykel,

can understand what you were saying. But actually I do feel the same to certain extent that those who are not pregnant will be unhappy when have to take over the work left by the colleague on maternity leave.

I myself was a 'victim' too. I was many times given to do the work left by my colleagues on maternity leave and have to do so much and face lots of stress while undergoing treatment to get pregnant too! No one cares about people like me who are trying so hard to conceive(coz I am just not a pregnant woman yet), the boss will only concern about those who are already mothers and those who are pregnant, but not to those who have difficulty getting pregnant and trying hard too.

So after considering much, I decided to resign since I need to take good care of myself even though I am not well taken care of at work.

Of course, how the boss delegate the work left by the mothers is also very important. For my case, my supervisor knew that I am going through ivf, but still I am not being spared a thought of. And when seeing many mother colleagues having one baby after another, I was feeling so upset, becos they are simply being offloaded once they have become mothers. They are so well taken care of as boss thinks that it must be very tedious for them to take care baby and work at the same time, so they have less work to do after maternity leave. And as a result, they are less stressful than people like me, and so able to make another baby easily very soon after the first one. Isn't that unfair in a way?
Hi Bliss,
I had also considered resigning initially, but my boss is the one who asked me to stay and said that he would support me. But its my other lady boss, she is single and always temperanmental, must work according to her mood, sickening.
Hi Happyever,
Hahaha, hopefully i can sneak up and use computer for a while. :D

Hi Maykel,
My MIL actually not staying with us, but because of my condition then she stay with us to take care me. Hehehe.. Yea, she is supportive.
Yea, yea me too also. Already become a routine already. Checking the posting. Hahahaha :D
Hi Josephine,
I also pass urine very often after the ET. Think it's due to the lots of water intake. I went toilet about 4-5 times in the midnight for the first two days. Btw, have you thought of how many you would like to transfer tomorrow?
to you and may you have lots of beautiful embies

Hi Rurucat,
If i not mistaken, was told by the nurse that for IVF treatment, the charges are the same regardless you are private or subsidised patient. That's why i converted myself from the subsidised patient to private patient by choosing my own doctor. The longest waiting time for me to see doctor loh is about 3 hours. Thought out the whole treatment, you don't really get to see him often except, the first consultation, during ER and ET. The rest is all done by the nurse and other doctor. The scanning is also done by another person.

to your appointment tomorrow. Hope the doctor allow you to proceed to ET.

Hi Juju,
What is the lining when she measured today? Got any increment compare to your last scanning before the ER? Mine one is the same, not sure if it's the norm le.

Very mad on the guy that you mentioned. Should get him try the jabs and let him know what her wife has been going through so far. How could he be so inconsiderate, while wife already suffer so much physically and mentally.

Hi Maykel,
I am doing fine. Today i am glad to have a new korean drama to watch. Hee, felt the time fly faster

Hi Bebe,
It's quite common to have spotting at the beginning of pregnancy. Don't worry too much. Rest well and take care ya. I am sure your baby is doing fine there.

Hi Nicole_chua,
If you wanted to do IVF, i think it's not necessary to go through the polyclinic. Since, there is no different in terms of charges for subsidised and private patient. Even though IVF is tough, if we persist, i am sure we will be rewarded one day. Be brave and welcome to join us.
Hi Josephine,
I also pass urine very often after the ET. Think it's due to the lots of water intake. I went toilet about 4-5 times in the midnight for the first two days. Btw, have you thought of how many you would like to transfer tomorrow?
to you and may you have lots of beautiful embies

Hi Rurucat,
If i not mistaken, was told by the nurse that for IVF treatment, the charges are the same regardless you are private or subsidised patient. That's why i converted myself from the subsidised patient to private patient by choosing my own doctor. The longest waiting time for me to see doctor loh is about 3 hours. Thought out the whole treatment, you don't really get to see him often except, the first consultation, during ER and ET. The rest is all done by the nurse and other doctor. The scanning is also done by another person.

to your appointment tomorrow. Hope the doctor allow you to proceed to ET.

Hi Juju,
What is the lining when she measured today? Got any increment compare to your last scanning before the ER? Mine one is the same, not sure if it's the norm le.

Very mad on the guy that you mentioned. Should get him try the jabs and let him know what her wife has been going through so far. How could he be so inconsiderate, while wife already suffer so much physically and mentally.

Hi Maykel,
I am doing fine. Today i am glad to have a new korean drama to watch. Hee, felt the time fly faster

Hi Bebe,
It's quite common to have spotting at the beginning of pregnancy. Don't worry too much. Rest well and take care ya. I am sure your baby is doing fine there.

Hi Nicole_chua,
If you wanted to do IVF, i think it's not necessary to go through the polyclinic. Since, there is no different in terms of charges for subsidised and private patient. Even though IVF is tough, if we persist, i am sure we will be rewarded one day. Be brave and welcome to join us.
Hi Josephine,
I also pass urine very often after the ET. Think it's due to the lots of water intake. I went toilet about 4-5 times in the midnight for the first two days. Btw, have you thought of how many you would like to transfer tomorrow? to you and may you have lots of beautiful embies

Hi Rurucat,
If i not mistaken, was told by the nurse that for IVF treatment, the charges are the same regardless you are private or subsidised patient. That's why i converted myself from the subsidised patient to private patient by choosing my own doctor. The longest waiting time for me to see doctor loh is about 3 hours. Thought out the whole treatment, you don't really get to see him often except, the first consultation, during ER and ET. The rest is all done by the nurse and other doctor. The scanning is also done by another person.

to your appointment tomorrow. Hope the doctor allow you to proceed to ET.

Hi Juju,
What is the lining when she measured today? Got any increment compare to your last scanning before the ER? Mine one is the same, not sure if it's the norm le.

Very mad on the guy that you mentioned. Should get him try the jabs and let him know what her wife has been going through so far. How could he be so inconsiderate, while wife already suffer so much physically and mentally.

Hi Maykel,
I am doing fine. Today i am glad to have a new korean drama to watch. Hee, felt the time fly faster

Hi Bebe,
It's quite common to have spotting at the beginning of pregnancy. Don't worry too much. Rest well and take care ya. I am sure your baby is doing fine there.

Hi Nicole_chua,
If you wanted to do IVF, i think it's not necessary to go through the polyclinic. Since, there is no different in terms of charges for subsidised and private patient. Even though IVF is tough, if we persist, i am sure we will be rewarded one day. Be brave and welcome to join us.
hi Cale,
i asked, but Dr Su jus said the lining is good, din tell me how thick. jus trust her lor... but like, no more feeling inside tummy

I'm ok, no pain, nothing. Will be the Cheer leader to cheer for all of you here until it is my turn.

Talk about work, I actually took 1 yr of no-pay leave inorder to make babies. Last yr, I was juggling work schedules and doctors appt. It is disruptive for my work and it is stressful for me as well.

My boss was very understanding and approved my application of leave. My job performance wasn't affected ever thought I took leave on and off.

My colleagues in my dept were also very supportive. I think we have a good team work and the right attitutes to cover each other when needs araise. However, colleagues in other dept aren't that understanding. Well, can't expect everybody is be understanding.

However, as my ivf cycle is postphoned, I'm abit concerned that I may need to return to work when I have to do a second try or even FET if I'm not successful this time.
Hi Cale,
You too exciting. Hahaha :D
Last time during sign the consignment, me and my husband agree to follow the hospital procedure. If we already choose during the consignment, can we change the qty during the ET?
For me, I just with to put 2. I do not know the hospital procedure, how many they will put. But my MIL ask me why I do not put 3? Hahahahaha 3??? wow.. Triplet?? dunno I can handle it or not. Hahahaha :D
How about you? you got ask to put 2 or follow the hospital procedure?

Hi Ruru,
Hope you all the best.

all the best! We will be here jia you for you!

good for you that your boss does give you support. Actually my boss is supportive too, but when comes to work, always no choice, still 'arrow' lots of work even when they know it is quite stressful. Anyway, I feel that I have made the right decision. Feeling happier after leaving the job now.

But anyway, I support the government for lengthen the maternity leave. Feel that it is good news, not bad news.
Hi ladies,
Can join u ladies in this thread? currently stage 2 today. Purgeon day 1.
I went KK today, saw that man that u ladies mention too. Very angry when i see this.
hi Patricia,
which one were u? me look dark dark, long hair, in black spag straps wif black pullover and denim skirt. ah... i kept on drinking water

Hi ladies,

I have been following this thread since May when I started my IVF journey. This thread really give me a lot of strength to move on bcoz I can hardly find anybody to share and to gain support.

I have done my ER on July. Unfortunately due to OHSS I was unable to do ET. Very sad. I am now finally gg for FET after a regulated cycle and most probably will have ET next month. But, when the ET draws near I find myself very emotional, stressful and helpless...hopefully I will not go crazy before the ET.

I am trying to stay strong but it is difficult hence am here to seek support. Hope i can receive helping hand soon...tk you...
