IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Cale,
I put 2 Embies. ^_^ (as my husband wants)
From 25 egg only got 12 fertilized. 5 is grade 4, and 7 is grade 3. 10 is frozen. How about u? I remember is about 14. But how about the grading? (I forgot).
Cale, after the ET do you feel backache?

Hi Juju,
Start the antibiotics after the ER. Because they retrieve using a small needle (that what i heard, correct me if I am mistake) so might cos a little bit bleeding. But suprisingly I do not have stain during pass urine.

Hi Ping,
Sigh... I am a PR, so I would not get the benefit.
Hi Juju,
Hee, i also never thought of this when josephine asked

How are you doing? Do you want to extend your hospitalisation leave till your beta test day like Maykel and Josephine? When are you suppose to go back to work?
Hi Jo,
Dr. Loh so nice to break down the grading for you. When i asked him, he did not tell me specifically how many is grade 4 or 3 le. He only told me mostly is grade 4 and some grade 3. Later i asked the nurse to give me the grading break down, the nurse said the report will not have the detail breakdown one. I got total of 14 fertilised, transferred 2 grade 4 embroys like you, so 12 was frozen.

Hmm, if not mistaken, i did not recall i suffer from backache after that le. Is your backache very bad?
Hi Mimiko,

My 1st failed IVF, I took hospital leave and stayed at home the whole 2WW, but still BFN.

So my 2nd rd, I nvr take leave at all, in fact on the ET day, I went to play majong till late evenning. I went to work as per normal, but tried to sit more and nvr carried heavy staff. Eating habbits oso nvr really changed.

Until the 2nd week (9 days post ET, then i start to feel bloated, and it get more and more over the days, now is like 4 months pregnant.

Then Dr Zhou told me that Bloatedness is good symptom and I should take HPT and see how. So I took the courage and tested today....

Although bloatedness is a good sign, but w/o it does not mean bad as well, some ppl just do not have obvious symptoms.
Hi Cale,
Not the Dr Loh, he straight away run away after finish my ET. Luckily manage to ask 1 question (about extending my hospitalisation leave till the pregnancy test). Then got 1 girl from the lab so I ask her about my egg, how is the grading. Hahahaha :D
Ya loh... my backache very bad leh.. or maybe not get used it. Is it? wah... Have u spotting yet? you already more than 8 days rt?
Hi feibb,
ic. now i understand where your strength coming from
. How many embryos did you put in this time round? Did doctor tell you the grading of your embryo? How many are frozen?
Hi Jo,
No wonder. I thought how come doctor loh so nice to give you special treatment
. No le, no sign from me. I am also hoping to see spotting around this time, and pray that it's a sign of implantation. But no, not at all. Not even bloatedness. That's why i worry la. Some sisters here advices, that some ppl just don have symptoms and i surf the net also got found some success one who do not have symptoms. Really hope i am one of them.
Hi Mimiko,

I have 9 eggs extracted, 5 fertilised, all grade 4, and i put in 3, freeze the other 2. Previously at Mt E, I took out 16 eggs, but only 2 fertilized, put in 2 and no more, so need to do fresh cycle again.
Hi feibb,
Ic. You must be very happy and excited today, it's one of your big day. Keep us updated again on your beta result on next monday ya. I am really happy for you
Hi Mimiko,

Thanks! Yes, hubby and i are both very happy, but both of us know this is just the begining...

You must be in yr 9dpt, still early for symptoms I guess, BFP to you!
Hi Febbi,

Can u tell me where is Dr Zhou clinic? I wanted to tiao my body before my ivf in sept. What did you tell him during ur 2st visit? Thanks alot!
Hi Kurn,

Dr Zhou is a lady TCM Dr. Blk 505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 #01-2670. tel 64560833. Open daily from 9 am to 9 pm except Wed. Just call and made an appointment to see her, bring along all your (and hubby's) medical history/records/testing result etc. She does accupunture for couples. My hubby did the 3 month accu with me too. She will give some medecine in powder form to tiao yr body. I went to her through this forum as well...
Dear Juju78,
I went to Clinic D. What is TPS? I've never heard of it.

Dear Cale,
I'll be doing mine next mth at NUH. But I heard very good reports about KKIVF, so just asking.
Hi Kurn,

Forgot to add that Dr Zhou is very experience with the IVF procedure, in fact most of her accu patients are undergoing IVF (at various Dr and hospitals), just tell her yr IVF schedule, and she will advise you what to do or not to do....
hi Josephine,
lucky you. i had spotting for half a day and cramps for days.

hi Cale,
back to work next Thur. if no more cramps and bloatedness, i wun extend HL. too bored even though i still hv many k dramas and mini projects. beta on 2 sep
clinic D waiting time usu quite long. if bfp, i will prob go other clinics for consultations. TPS = The Private Suite, it's more personal, i guess. on 1st floor, on the way to 7-11
Hi All

I started this thread 4 years ago and I am blessed with a 3 year old gal now

Though I am still eligible for the co-funding from govt, I hope all of you here can give some support to help some other couples who are not able to enjoy the $3k subsidy. The thread is at:


It is only people who had gone through or is currently thru the IVF process would understand the problems that other couples are facing.

Ultimately, hope all of you can graduate from this thread soon too
Hi juju78,
What stage u in now? waiting for ET?
Just have a question to ask, if u do ultrasound on 7 day after purgeon, any blood test needed? If yes, how many days after the scan to go back kk again? just curious.
hi Patricia,
i'm in 2WW now.
dun think there was blood test on day 7 after puregon. lemme chk my records again. once u start scan during puregon stage, they will ask u to go back for scan every 2-3 days to scan until they advise when is ER. the next blood test i remember is during ER le
jus tallied up all the cash bills, alrdy spent about $2.4k in cash. good thing that the rest of the bills will be paid via MediSave
Hi Patricia,
At KKH no blood test, only USG Scan on D8 of puregon. If the size not enough then will continue and like juju said, they will scan 2 days 2 days to see the growth of the embies till the ER.
Hi Juju,
I think you are stress subsconsciously. I was like you when I did my 1st IVF. Can't really sleep and restless. You have to try to sleep early and rest your mind. You can listen to soft and soothing music to help you.
hi ladies,

just to update, I am in stage 2 today, 23 Aug. Starting my puregon injections. Hopefully everything will be smooth. Got lots of 'bruises' and so 'colourful' at my tummy area due to the lucrin injections. Don't know why like that, i never experienced this in the previous cycle during my puregon injections. So scared that I will get more 'colours' from today onwards with 2 injections daily. But also no choice..., must bear with it. :p
Hi Grace BB,

I m with KK. Waiting for my AF then will go and do bloodtest and follow by 21st day to start the lucrin.

Hopefully AF dun come and i can skip this... Heehee.

How abt you? when are u starting exactly?
hey gals,

MIA for a couple of days coz i was totally unwell. hitting a fever of 39.8degrees. kinda freaked out so went to kk24hrs clinic.doc said it could b URTI..some urine infection thingie. freaked out even more..was thinking gosh wht if haf to stop the process.. was given sum anti biotics n was told it is not gonna affect anithing.

so today morning went for scan...some follicles were good in size like 8,i tink.quite little rite.rest still growing.so they ask mi to take one last puregon(tonite) n lucrin for 2 more days..ER is on tues. hopefully the follicles grow well in size..n no risk of OHSS. **keeping my fingers crossed**

Good news for the day was tht i qualify for the govt funding..WHoa!! dunno wht exactly tht means...a $3k cheque from the govt at the end of IVF? but oh well...wadever it is it should be good!

All those in 2ww pls take care n rest well..
those in the earlier stages, drink plenty of water..apparently very good yea..Jia Yu Ba!
Hi Cale,
I decided to extend cos i still dun feel well. Still has crampy pain on and off, sometimes i oso dun know if my pain is due to diarrhoea or wat....very worried. I just told my boss directly that I still dun feel well and he is ok with it

Can ask you if you had been going out for walk or had been staying at home? Cos i very bored at home, but when i go out a while to eat oni, my tummy got funny kinda pain, think my embies are protesting hahah....

Hi Josephine,
How are you? Oh you put 2 also ar, same like Cale
I called the nurse yest and told her I still dun feel well and my work quite stressful and she extend my HL til my beta test date without asking much, so nice of her. Initially i thot must explain until acceptable for them hehe.....She ask me to collect the MC on mon

Hi GraceBB,
The waiting time is usually quite standard, from 30min-90mins sometimes, may be longer on some days. But from wat i know, TPS and Clinic D doc's room have their own ultrasound machines, so dun have to go another department. I think thats the difference between subsidised and non-subsidised.
Hi feibb,
Congrats on your good news
But i thot the nurse advise us try not to do our own HPT? Cos it may not be accurate, pls correct me if i'm wrong. If can, i oso tempted to test on my 14dpt heehee....me now in my 11dpt. Very worried cos keep having cramps leh, do you have cramp during ur 2ww as well?

Hi bliss Tan,
Dun worry, i had many bruises during my puregon stage too. Nurse said that it is cos there are many blood vessels in our body and sometimes we may puncture a tiny blood vessel but it is normal.

Hi Dimple,
Hope you are feeling better now. From wat i know, URTI is Upper Respiratory Tract infecion, so kinda like a flu. If UTI then its urinary tract infection. Hope you will get well real soon!
All the best for your ER.
As for the funding. Government will co-fund 50% of watever cash you have to fork out, up to a maximum of $3000 only.
Hi Maykel,

Ya, initially I oso don't have courage to do HPT and thought safer to wait for blood test. But my TCm Dr encouraged me and said 14 DPT can do HPT liao, since my last Pregnyl jab was on 17 Aug, so HPT result should be accurate, plus my bloatedness symptom, is a very good sign. So finally took up the courage and tried.

I do not have much cramps, very minor one on and off. Think 11 dpt maybe too early to try, better wait till 1-2 days b4 blood test if u wanna try. I can feel the difference my 1st failed cycle and this one, as 1st one was totally no symptoms, this one the bloatedness is very obvious as my stomach look like a 4 mths pregnnt liao (big and round).

Everyone's symptons is diff, so don't worry too much abt the cramp, as long as u dont see blood, u are still in the game! Jia You!!
Hi Feibb,
Oic...i'm oso on pregnyl, my last one was yest 22/08. That means you did HPT around 5 days after ur last pregnyl?
Ya, me too, got bloatedness and my tummy looks preggie too....was thinking if it is not a positive then i'll have a hard time losing all these 'fats' haha....thank you, all the best to you too
Hi maykel,

thanks. I am never afraid of needles all along, but my hubby has been injecting a few painful ones for the last few times, so now I have a bit of phobia for injections. haha...
Hi Maykel,

Yes, I did HPT 5 days after my last pregnyl jab. Bloatedness is definitely a good sign, especially if it started after 1st week. It means yr embies have embedded, and now body is making HCG hormones which causes the bloatedness....
Hi Feibb,
Thanks so much for your reassurance
will keep you gals updated. Lately i have very bad back pain, maybe its cos of my mattress oso, can't sleep well at nite and dun dare to turn to sleep at the side cos my tummy feels heavy when i turn to the side, a bit wobbly and feels so funny hehe....
Hi Bliss,
Why dun you try to inject urself? Cos initially i asked my hubby to do for me oso as i dun have courage to jab myself, but after 1-2 times, i think its better that i do myself, cos i got more control and he jab more painful leh heehee....
Hi Bliss,

I oso asked hubby to inject for me initially in my 1st ivf, this time rd, I did all the injectins myself. I can control the jab better and faster, so feel less pain.
Hi Bliss,
Initially i oso dun dare, but i got started in a funny way oso. Cos that particular morning, i need to rush to work early for a meeting and my hubby works shift and is not back yet, so i got no choice, just summed up all my courage and jab it in. Its not as difficult as i imagine. I dun dare to see the needle go in, so i will usually aimed properly 1st then remove my eyes for few seconds then jab it in. You try lah
Hi Josephine,

Glad your ET went smoothly and you are now officially on your 2ww. Sorry can't join you on this journey but luckily got a few other ladies who are in the 2ww, I will wait at the ending point and cheer for all of u ok?

Today my chief embryologist called me and told me only 4 of my honey bunnies (10cells, Grade 5) made it thru' the arduous journey and they are going to go into hiberation to wait for mummy here to recover from OHSS. Sorry, just self-comforting words to myself..ha..ha..

Hi Ping,

You do such a good job with the updating that we will all miss u when you graduate to the MTB thread soon.

Dear ladies in 2ww,

Jia You!
Hi Faith,

We share the same fate leh. I had my ER done on wed but due to OHSS, can't do the ER due for today. I was very emotional in my gynae's office yest morning when she told me my OHSS was very bad and she don't intend to do the ER this morning, I broke down and cried so hard. Actually the symptoms of my OHSS is adominal pain and bloatedness leh (considered mild symptoms) but my gynae says it is very serious. Have to trust her words and take care of myself 1st. How serious was your OHSS?

The chief embryologist called me this morning and said that she is going to freeze my 4 honey-bunnies (10cells, Grade 5) today. Sigh..

Why are u feeling so anxious as your FET date draws near? How many embryos do you have frozen? R u nervous becos you are afraid your darlings can't survive the thawing? I share the same fear but my gynae told me the freezing-thawing process is very advanced nowsaday and if the embryos can't make it, it is not due to the lab's poor skills and equipment but more of the poor genetic make-up of the embryos.

Where are u doing your FET?
Hi rurucat,

4 eggs with grade 5 are considered very good! Look at the bright side, ok? You are a brave girl, must stay happy.
Hi Juju,
What is the blood test that you did on the day of ER? I remember i did the blood test only on the day of ET. The purpose of the blood test is as a baseline reading in case i got OHSS, not sure what is the name of the test though.

Yesterday, i also din sleep well. Woke up in the middle of the night, then couldn't sleep liao. Luckily got raining, the sounds of the rain is very soothing, slowly i slept again. This is not the first time, on and off i will be like this. May be we are really too stress up subconsciously like what suggested by Imel.

Hi Josephine,
Did you take up the utrogestan as your post ET lining support or daily progesterone jabs?
How are you doing today? Still got backache?

Hi Bliss.
I also injected myself. I felt it's even more scary to ask my husband to jabs for me. Just make sure you pinch enough fat, then it wouldn't be so painful.

Hi Dimple,
Looking at your follicle count, looks like good enough. I ever as the nurse what is the optimal follicle count before the ER. She told me around 10. If too many you will have the higher risk of OHSS. So, 8 for now, should be just nice. Good luck to your ER next tue.

Hi Maykel,
It's very important to fell comfortable and fit to work. You have made a right choice. After all we have gone through so much, it's the last stage liao, dont want to risk anything. Take those sign positively, i have a feeling that you can make it this round

Hi Rurucat,
Hugz.. For now, may be just focus on your health first. Let your OHSS recovered quickly, and may be by next cycle, you able to do the ET liao. Your 4 embryos are very good grading, i heard that seldom got embryos with grade 5 grading, some more you have got all top grading le. I am sure most of it, if not all embryos would be able to survive the thawing.

Hi Austere,
How are you doing? Haven't heard from you for a while.

My scan went ok this morning. Confirmed OR on Monday. Got 6 on the left and 4 on the right. BT result for E2 level is on the high side, 10000+. But dorothy said it's ok. So, hopefully i do not develop OHSS.
