IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Imel,
Glad to know that you have 15 eggs retrieved

Take good care okie?

Hi imel, so happy that you hv 15 eggs.

hi catzeye, pray that all 4 will be fertilized to be of good grade. we do not need alot, just a few good ones will do.

need some advise, is there anything we need to do or eat to prepare for ET?
Hi ladies,
Just curious, do acupuncture really help? How early and frequent should I go? Which part of the cycle do I start? Any good acupuncturist to recommend?
Grace, OHSS is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In my own words it means Overstimulated.
Mild symptoms include abdominal bloating and feeling of fullness, nausea, diarrhea, and slight weight gain. Moderate symptoms include excessive weight gain (weight gain of greater than 2 pounds per day), increased abdominal girth, vomiting, diarrhea, darker urine and less in amount, excessive thirst, and skin and/or hair feeling dry (in addition to mild symptoms). Severe symptoms are fullness/bloating above the waist, shortness of breath, urination significantly darker or has ceased, calf and chest pains, marked abdominal bloating or distention, and lower abdominal pains (in addition to mild and moderate symptoms).
Symptoms generally resolve in 1 to 2 weeks, but will be more severe and persist longer if pregnancy is successful. This is likely due to the role of the corpus luteum in the ovaries in sustaining the pregnancy before the placenta has fully developed. Typically, even in severe OHSS with a developing pregnancy, the duration does not exceed the first trimester.
Dear WanBB,
So with OHSS, it is still possible to carry out ER and ET and finally get pregnant, right? Does OHSS mean having many eggs for ER?
Hi Catzeye,
Initially they only can see 10 eggs, so I believe the extra 5 eggs are on smaller side. Now what Im worried about is the quality of the eggs. Let us hope both of our eggs are of good qualities. Let us jia you together!!! On friday my appointment is at 8.
Hi Maykel,
Thanks for your well wishes. Just hope tomorrow I can still process to ET. I feel quite bloated now, can't even button my pants. My husband told me its not bloated but fat. Hahahaha I wish he is wrong.

Hi Grace,
I dunno about the MC, coz I didn't ask for it. I have resign from my work so I can concentrate on IVF.
Hi imel,
U got plenty of eggs definitely u can proceed. Guess bloated is due to the amount being extracted out. I am worried too if my 4 eggs does not fertilised. I wonder what will happen?
How are you feeling? I think the bloatedness is due to the HCG injection that we took before ER. Had constipation yesterday, have use the fleet enema to make it come out. Well after ET I can't use the enema anymore. Got to use dulphalac to soften the stool. Im going for a walk now, hope the walk can reduce my bloatedness and forget my worries.

Hi Yin,
Hope your ER went smootly. Rest well and have a good sleep after ER. Help to relax your body and mind.
Hi imel,
mine also bloated since b4 ER and today when i weigh myself i had put on. A few of my neighbour had pass a remark abt my drastic weight gain... Hope my embies will stick on me so i cld give them that i am pregnant as a reason. Hehe, me too going out to pass the time.
hi all,

i had my ER this morning, retrieved 9 eggs. but when i just woke up, i heard only 3 good eggs.. the rest is not really matured enough. they are now trying to mature them on the dish before fertilizing them. really pray that i hv good embryos on sat ET.
Hi Imel and Catzeye

Take good care of yourselves and don't stress too much.

Hi Yin

All the best! I'm sure everything will turn out fine.
Hi Catzeye,
Hi..Good luck for your ET 2morrow. Btw do u know how many dayz MC do they give after the ER? Pls keep us update after ur ET, don't forget to have good rest too... Sprinkle baby dust to u and all..
Hi Imel and Catz,
All the best for your ET tomorrow. Imel, wow, I wish I could resign from my work too!

Dear experienced ones,
I am staying with my in-laws. Is it possible to NOT let in-laws know about the IVF?
Dear nita,
thank you for è support. I am a SAHM but if i am nt wrong its 2 wk mc. Yeah will keep all of u posted.

Hi Grace,
thanks to you too...for me i kept tis with my in law too. She often visit me but i just act as per normal. Hubby had to conspire with me to keep it as a secret. But she noticed my body changes though...

mala...thank you!
Grace, OHSS normally start after ER. Mine started ard the time of ET. So when the transfer is done, my tummy got bigger and bigger. I look 7 months pregnant!!! So i can't step out of the house at all. it was just too painful to even move ard at home.
It's possible that dr will do frozen transfer if you are prone to OHSS. But most dr prefer fresh transfer.
of cos pregnancy is possible during OHSS. OHSS will even get worst if you are pregnant.
Hi Mala,
Thanks will try not to think too much. Though hard but will try to do things at home.

I live with my inlaw too. But then I told her about my IVF and Im quite lucky enuf she is quite supportive. Guess, she is eager to have more grandchildren and currently she only has one grandchild from her other son. Btw, I need her help in terms of cooking. If you think you are not comfy to tell your inlaws or you feel your inlaws won't be supportive, may as well dun tell. Regarding body changes, may as well you wear something loose. So nobody will notice.
Dear WanBB,
Thanks for your detailed description. Sounds scary. Is it normal to have OHSS? or it only happens to a small number? 7 mths pregnant size is very big already!

Dear Imel and Catz,
I also dunno how they may react. But I don't want MIL to start calling everyone and discussing about it. Plus, my kaypoh sis-in-law is also staying with us... She and my MIL will sure to discuss abt it over and over again. Since they are staying with me, I guess it is difficult not to let them know lah. Sigh!
Hi All,

I think some mild form of OHSS is quite common after ER. Had it after my ER. Today is my first day after ET. Sometimes my ovaries will cause me some pain and urine has become lesser. Ate 7 egg whites + 2 glasses of ENSURE milk.

Any1 in facing the same?
How many emoryos did you all transfer?
Hi All
I'll be going for my ER later this afternoon. Am quite nervous and worry that I might get OHSS. Already get so sick of eating egg whites...
Hi everyone! I'm new here. Been reading all the comments, encouragements and advises. Wow! You guys are all very supportive! Gave me the strength and confidence to start on my treatment.
Today I will be collecting my jabs and all for the start of my treatment on 2nd Aug. Was told that I will be on 150 somthing (still new to this, not sure of the correct unit) for Lucrin for 14+ days. Am under Prof Ng of Gleneagles. Will so appreciate any suggestions or advises. I'm 29.
grace, oHSS normally happen to people with PCOS. Cos we get over-stimulated easily. Not everyone will have it. So don't have to worry abt this. I have severe PCOS and retrieve 24 eggs therefore in high risk group. It not only sound scary, it's very painful and stressful too. I cry almost everyday during that period of time. The real 7 month pregnant body is much more easier to manage than the OHSS bloated tummy.
Hi all,
Did my ET this morning. As i had dreamt only 2 out of 4 made it. Both my grade 4 embies are in me now. I am hoping for the best now. Unlike most of the sisters here i have no frozen embryos. Right now all i could do is rest well and hope for miracles to happen. Finally i am in the TWW club.
Hi Catzeye..
Good luck on your 2ww... May the embies in u keep growing, and growing.. Dun stress yourself up..have a good rest and relax... I'm actually getting nervous to see if I can start stage 2 of my IVF on the 07\08. All the best to you darl..
Hi nita,

thanx darl...i am calm at the moment perhaps will get nervous on the 18 aug when i go for my blood test. Luckily got my boys to keep me occupied. Now can act like a queen already...hehe. You will definitely get on to the next stage on the 7th. I remembered the last time when i was on my 3mths jab my endo has been controlled.
Crazeye, Dont worry, me too I had 3 feritilized embries. We put in 2 n Im expecting Twinies.. So miracles do happen. I have no frozen embries. Keep positive, Im sure all will work out for u..
Hi ladies,
Had my ET done and surprisingly only 4 embies are ok, the rest 5 is abit abnormal but they will continue to culture it till blast if possible freeze it and the rest 6 can't be fertilized due to immaturity. The 4 embies are of grade 3, so there are 3 embies currently swimming in my uterus. Just hope they can continue to survive and implant. So officially Im in 2ww and nervous. Keep telling to myself to be positive and hoping for miracle.
hi ladies,

dr foong just called.. i hv 7 embryos now.. will do my ET tomorrow. very thankful that they managed to get 4 more eggs to mature before fertilising them. not sure what's the grade of the embryos thou.. but after this miracle, i am full of hope!

Hi Imel, catzeye, have a lazy 2 wks ahead. i will join u tom :D

hi littlebee, all the best to your ER. Rest well. let's jia you together!
Hi Austere
My gynae is also Prof Ng and am currently 6 wks preggie. U r in good hand. I was on suprefact and GonalF when I did IVF. Stay positive and relax,ya!
Thanks lots Emma! Just collected the medications. Not Lucrin but suprefact and later on Puregon 150iu. Prof Ng said that since I'm quite young, he didnt want me on a high dose. Quite nervous though for the injection tomorrow. Did you have any side effects or anything?

Read that you're in the teaching profession. How did you cope with the mcs and all the anxieties? Very stressful to be teaching, getting exasperated with kids and at the same time being calm! It sure is gonna be trying for me.

I'm so inspired by all you guys. Those on the 2ww, rest well. Hope to hear good news!
Hi Austere,

Welcome and finally my long wait is over! I finally found a IVF cycle buddy, yeah! I also just collected my jab medication (puregon and Lucrin) today. Starting my Lucrin injection on mon and Puregon on next thur (est). I am with Dr Christine Yap at Mt e.

Yah, reading this thread is very inspiring as the ladies are so lucky to strike! I hope both of us can join the mtb thread soon.

I have PCOS condition so very worried about OHSS and my gynae also tries to moderate my expectation as she says PCOS ladies on IVF treatment usually can produce alot of follicles but the quality of eggs are usually very poor quality or "yolk-less". Sigh, have to see how it goes the next 2 weeks lah.

Jia You!!!!!
hi catzeye,
welcome to the 2ww! hehe.. finally.. let that embies grow and stick themselves to you. don't worry, i have faith in you!! hehe.. rest well!

hi imel,
just relax and rest well. don't let your mind play too much thoughts on other things. must be stress free k?

hi austere,
i only made use of the 2 weeks hospital leave. so far not much mc. b4 my ivf program, i wasn't the type to take mc. so my P was quite supportive. yeah i do get exasperated. especially these days, my temper really short fuse. i snap at them very fast.. but come to think of it, the amount of laughs are more than the snapping. the kids do make me laugh.. so when i do feel exasperated, i just stop and stare. it doesn't matter if its awhile but my kids know, when i do that, they slowly but surely go into silence..

i just tell myself, not to raise my voice too much.. little things can let go lah.. not worth getting worked up. its hard i admit, i'm really trying also to tone down..
Hi, I am new here but I am impressed by this support group. Maybe I can share my story. I was on clomid for almost 12months with no success. I tried IUI twice but that failed too.

Now, I am with Dr Loh at Raffles Medical and just did my IVF today. I was diagnosed with OHSS due to my PCOS condition. I had 39 follicles but only 18 was good. At the end of the second day, only 12 survived. This morning I was told that my embryos were slow. Only 2 had grown to 6 cells and 2 to 5 cells and the reset were not good. So too many eggs is not good as well. I had 3 embryos planted today and praying hard that at least one will stick.
Catzeye & Imel,
Rest well...I'll be joining you guys next week

All the best on your ET. Don't worry too much. Jia You!!

Dear all,
Just returned from my ER. Got 26 eggs retrieved, but not sure of the quality yet. Will know by tmr on the quality & how many fertilized. Hope everything turns out fine. My ET will only be on day 4/5. My doc worried that I may have OHSS..thus wait 1-2 days more for the transfer.Most prob will transfer on the blastocyst stage. I feel bloated after came back. The albumin jab can only last for 4 hrs. Have to take lots of egg whites
. the egg whites can only last me for 30 min...have to take every hour
Hi Austere
Didn't have any side effect when on suprefact but when on GonalF(150ui),my stomach was bloated and felt tired. I guess it's up to individual body system. Dun worry! Apply cold pressure before and after injections.
Hi Imel,
Please be positive, rest well these 2 weeks and dun exert urself ok?

Hi Little bee,
Hope you will feel better soon. Can i just check, wat does blastocyst stage means? Does eating egg white really helps in the bloatedness? Actually i didn't know that OHSS could continue even after ET. Very kan cheong, i'm going for scan 2mr.

Hi ladies, i'm going for my scan tomorrow after 7 days of puregon. Hope i can have the go-ahead for ER, wish me luck

By the way, i read somewhere that going for acupuncture somehow helps with implantation of the embryos after ET. Has anyone done it so far? Cos my tcm ask me to go to her clinic and do on my ET day. But thot we are suppose to go bk and rest after ET right? Furthermore, the past few acupuncture i did with her wasn't very comfotable, kinda pain....Any advise on this please? thank you.
Hi austere,

I am also with SC Ng. I was at the clinic on Friday morning and started my jab. Nice to know that i have a cycle buddy.

I am on suprefact and puregon as i wanted the pen type injection so they gave me puregon instead of gonalF. Come to think of it, maybe I should have taken the syringe type..sigh.. becos i have to jab twice to add up the dosage when it runs low.
I am on 225iu of puregon. That's the maximum dosage according to the product insert. Maybe i am older?
I have the suprefact jab in the morning.. so that's about 6.30am for me everyday becos I prefer to do it at home before i leave for work.
And it's the weekends now and i can't go back to sleep after jabbing myself this morning.

Hi Emma,
Did the bloating get bigger as the puregon jabs progresses? Will it help if we take more protein at this stage?
And dorothy mentioned that we shouldn't be doing strenuous during this period. I was thinking to go swimming. Did you do any mild forms of exercise during this period?

Hi Candy,
Dun worry so much. Must positive ok? And rest well during this period.

Hi Imel,Bebecraze08,littlebee,catzeye, Yin,
Have a good rest and take care! All the best..
Hi Maykel
Defination of blastocyst from one of the IVF website:
A blastocyst is an embryo which has developed to the point of having 2 different cell components and a fluid cavity. Human embryos, in culture in an IVF lab, or developing naturally in the female body, usually reach the blastocyst stage by day 5 after fertilization. Blastocyst transfer with IVF can give high pregnancy success rates with very low risk of triplets.

To me, the egg whites reduce the bloatedness almost immediately after I ate them. Have been getting soo sick of all type of cook egg whites, am eating the raw ones now. Actually, does not taste so bad...can't taste is as I hold my breath when gulping it down.

Dun worry too much. My TCM said not good to be too stress while on stimulation stage, will affect egg quality. So, just flow with the process. Take care and all the best on your scan.
Jia you! Jia you!
Hi Merlenna,
Yup, must try to relax while teaching! Haha... that will be a sight to see!
Based on the calculations, will be on the 2ww just before the Sept hols... hope this cycle will pull through.

Hi RuRu Cat and Bakaholic!
Yey! It's really good to know that I'm not alone in this. I went down in the afternoon on Friday for the collection of the jabs. I didn't there was an option between gonalF and puregon. Hmm... wat's the diff other that the type?
Tried jabbing myself suprefact at 6.30am too(good to know I'm not alone, bakeholic!). Woke my dear hubby. Aiyo, he inserted it slowly coz was afraid of hurting me... torture! Oh well, first time. Hopefully will be better tomorrow.

Emma, did what you said, on applying cold pressure, no bruising and all. Thanks for the tip!

Hi littlebee, was wondering if we have a choice in selecting the option of getting ET for the blastocyst stage or the Day 3 stage? Is it up to us? Good luck to you. Hope to hear good news!

I'm currently going for acupuncture at Raffles Hos. Not sure if it made any diff. But read a lot of surveys and research done. Supposedly helps with the implantation and all. Might as well, since we'll be spending a bomb anyway. I've started this 2 weeks ago. There's this ivf package thing. Cost 3 hundred plus for 5 sessions. First time acupuncturing was a little uncomfortable, but after that, was quite ok. Kinda gotten use to it. Mine was done by Ms Seah.
HI Maykel,
I did acup after ET same day also. It was ok. after that can go home and rest. Anyway the fellas wont implant on the first day so can go do acup I feel.
Good luck.
Hi,Bakaholic and Austere,

Yeah, nice to have cycle buddies as the IVF journey is long and the 2ww is torturous (at least for me).

I never hear my gynae say anything about GonalF leh. I was on Puregon on my previous 2 SO-IUI so I just assume that the IVF procedure should be the same (although I changed Gynae as my previous gynae don't do IVF). Oh, Bakaholic, I am on 200IU of puregon so I don't think your dosage is high lah. In fact, in the archive posting of this thread, there are ladies who went up to 600IU when the eggs are growing too slowly.

I am also eating TCM medicine and having twice weekly accupunture at EYS at Paragon since I started eating my 21days of Yasmine.

Yah, I never hear my gynae mention the option of doing ET for the blastocyst stage. She says do ET on Day 3 also. I must remember to ask her when I see her for my 1st scanning after 4 days of Puregon injection. If my hosp lab has the technology to support such technique of culturing the embryo to the blastocyst stage before ET, then I would definitely want it but I am wondering maybe much more expensive as more lab work needed?
Hi Bakaholic
Actually GonalF is also pen like jabs. I did went a couple of times to wild wet for water play with neices during my gonalF injections. Think it's beta few days b4 your ER,no strunous activities. It's only after a wk or so of GonalF then I realised that my stomach is bloated through after my 2ww. I didn't take any protein stuff altho many ladies in this forum suggested egg whites (u might want to check with dor or prof ng)
Hi Bakaholic and Austere,

I just called the Fertility Centre at my hosp. The IVF nurse says the lab charge an extra $500+ for the lab to develop the embryos into the blastocyst stage.

But she warns that it is a gamble as if your eggs are not good-quality, they may not survive and develop into the blastocyst stage (Day5/6) i.e. cannot do ET at all. If you put your embryos into the womb around Day 3/4, they may not be very good-quality but there is still a chance of the embryos developing in your womb.

That is why the rate of pregnancy success for D5/6 ET is much higher than D3/4 ET because the egg quality is much better assuming your embryos survived so long in a lab culture environment.

The nurse also says that sometimes D5/6 ET is not even an option to an IVF patient, like in the case of the patient developing OHSS after ER. I assume in Littlebee's case, her gynae decide to cont' to culture the embryos while waiting for the OHSS to subside. It is a personal decision becos again it is a gamble. If the OHSS subsides by D5/6 and the embryos survive to the blastocyst stage, then the chances of pregnancy is very high. So lots of luck to you, LittleBee!!!
Hi Bakaholic and Austere,

I did a quick cost/benefit calculation - cost of opting for blastocyst culture vs compulsory ivf insurance. If eggs can survive until D5/6, can max only put in 2 embryos, so total cost is around $600+ (insurance $110+ lab cost $500+). But in D3/4, we put in 3 embryos paying $700+ premium. So the conclusion is this decision is not about cost saving as there is basically none!

I read on the internet that an in-betw way is for the chief embrylogist to monitor the embryo growth and if the cells split slowly, then by D3/4, the gynae will just transfer the 3 embryos with 8 cells in us. So this method is still better than transfering 6-cells embryo (around D2/3). I wonder if my gynae will laise with the chief embrylogist on this decision, must ask and share with you.

But in the end, theory is just theory. I can only hope after my ER, the chief embrylogist tells me I do have such an option! Based on reading this thread, can see that the ivf journey is paved with uncertainties and our hope swings up/down day by day.

Luckily got 2 cycle buddies so at least can share information.
Hi ladies,
wow,I missed out so many posts(will catch up when I am not in my blur stage)I was admitted on Thurs aft trying to tahan for 2days before agree to admit.Is was real suffering fm OHSS.Now I can understand how WanBB decribed.
Anyway is all worthwhile cos I was tested postive in my 13th days aft ET.Actually the nurse suggested to test early cos they say my OHSS have chances of preggy.

Hi Imel & catzeye,
welcome to the 2WW group.Rest well & hope to hear yr gd news soon.

Chua family,
Congratulation!!!! Think you may have higher beta number too, since you tested positive in 13th day. Im now officially in 2ww and becoming paranoid. Hahaha I think my husband is going beserk with lots of my stupid questions. But I cannot help it lah.

How are you? How you feel in embarking the 2ww? Im not so bloated now as compared after ER. Like I told Chua family, Im becoming paranoid, scared in whatever I do will harm the embies. Been reading books too to get more inspiration and positive thinking. It helps abit in someway.
