IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Imel,

yup me too, i am not feeling as bloated too. Perhaps the milk do help. Tonight thought of going out, just could not cope cooping in bed only. For me I have been glued to my laptop reading about success stories while being pampered by my boys & hubby. I wanted to exchange my hp number with you yesterday but you were on the phone.

Hi Little Bee and Babydust,
Thanks for your advise.

Hi ladies,
I'm quite upset today cos today's scan showed that I have oni 4 follicles and are very small (abt 5-7mm each)
so they increase the puregon from 250 to 600iu, monday then go scan again. The nurse say they must all grow to at least 18mm, otherwise may need to terminate the procedure. But i find it difficult to stop everyting after all this while...was thinking of going ahead even if i have 1 good follicle. Has anyone experience anything like that? Any advise on this? Thanks alot...
Hi Littlebee,
Forgot to ask you how many embryos did they managed to fertilised for you?

Hi Chua family,
Congratulations to you! I think the most impt thing abt the whole process is that after all your effort, you can see the wonderful result. I'm so worried that after all that i had done, got poor result...
Hi maykel,
be positive ok. Juz hope the 4 will grow. I had that experience too. I got only one ovary and on day 7 they can only see 6 but 2 were very small so they increased the dose from 400iu to 600iu. It does grow up to 20mm. Nw i am on my 2ww. They manage to retrieve 4 eggs but 2 fertilised to grade 4. I am left with none to freeze. But i am just staying positive and hope miracles happen. Stay stress free so that eggs will grow.
Hi Catzeye,
You have e-mail address? Will just e-mail my mobile phone to you. Think walk and breath fresh air is good. Im stuck here can't go out till 6th of Aug, cos I sleep on 3rd floor and to climb up and down the stair may be quite straining.

Hi Maykel,
Dun be discourage. Remember my case when on 7th day, they can only scan 5 follicles. I was shocked till I have to believe they are going to abort the program and change to IUI instead. They dun even increase the dosage of puregon after that. But look I got 15 eggs in the end. Though no doubt the more follicles you have the higher chance of having egg to fertilize, then to think about it the quality of the egg is more important. So dun be too upset yet....there are still time for the follicle to grow. Have faith.
Hi Catzeye and Imel,
Thank you so much for both ur encouagement.

Good for you tat at least got 2 fertilised, think i'll just go all the way even if i have only one. All the best to you and hope you'll get a positive

I remembered abt your follicles increasing after day 7. That's why i asked the kkivf missy, but she told me that the eggs tat 'appear' later on would be small, so ask me not to be too hopeful. She say nw just hope tat the 4 will grow.
Thank you, i will have faith

By the way, wats ur folicle size on your day 7 scan?

I will update you gals again after my scan on mon.
Austere, Rurucat, Bakaholic, Maykel
Yeah, was told of the risk of waiting to blastocyst stage...but no choice. As I'm PCOS, my chances of developing severe OHSS is very high.
Today the embroylogist called me and told me the numbers.. had 35 eggs retrieved yesterday, 29 are of good quality and 25 managed to be fertilised. I forgot to ask her the grade though..was too carried away with the numbers. I'm very concern that my bloatedness will get worse..I ate up to 15 egg whites today..and plan to take another 2 later :p The bloatedness actually improved quite a lot..

Congratulations!!! hope you are feeling better now.
Don't be dishearted. Sometimes the scan may not be too accurate.. Just follow with the flow. Jia You!!!
Hi imel,
wow u gotta wait till 6 aug. That's so long. I am the sort who cannot sit still. But i just slower down my pace but at times my hubby got paranoid coz i walked too fast. I will slow down when i notice theres a pull on my tummy. Do you notice any pulling pain. Unlike others who lose their appetite, mine increased. Had to take a couple of small meals. Now i am more worried of the extra pounds as i am already on the big side. My email address:[email protected]
Chua family, congrate! you should be at the end of your OHSS. Eat as much as you can before your MS kick in... hee hee.. Good luck!
Hi littlebee! 25 fertilised eggs is quite a number. Dun worry, I'm sure you will be getting good news soon. Just relax and remain positive. By the way, which hospital are you doing the ivf at?
Hi chua family,
Congrats!!! Big hugs....

Hey Maykel,
Dun worry so much ok? Just stay positive and take a step at a time.

Hey austere, Ruru cat,
GonalF is the same as puregon, just brand difference. I was messing with the pen on fri to get a feel of it.. seems more intimidating compared to syringes.

I guess i will do some light exerices to relax myself.. it clears out my negative thoughts..

btw, when the AF comes, we are supposed to start the puregon. So, if AF comes at afternoon/night, we start the jab or wait till morning to jab together with suprefact?
hi chua family.. congrats! so you expecting multiplies?

hi all..i did my ET yesterday.. putting in 3 at day 2.. all three only 4 cells.. hope they will grow and stick on tight!
Hi Yin,

Welcome to the 2WW club. Its kind of common to have 4 cells at day 2. Mine was 4 cells too and doctor & embryologist grade them as grade 4. But read somewhere grading is not that important... right now all we need to do is stay happy & stress free.
Hi Yin,

A little tightness on my tummy occasionally. I do not bedrest totally but do not engange with streneous housework either. Just that i do feel the days are going kindda slow despite occupying my time. Been eating a lot, stomach rumbles quite often. Yesterday I have got the stuffy nose,I hope I don't catch a cold. How about you, how are you passing your time?
Chua family, Congratulations!

Bakaholic, what is AF? Is it the day of your menses? Based on your description, I should think so. Anyway, I did check with the nurse on the issue of the menses coming in the afternoon. She told me that I had to call her first, then jab myself in that moment, even if its in the afternoon. Then, continue the second jab the next day together with suprefact at the same time. Not sure if your procedure is the same as mine. Best that you check out with the nurses tomorrow.
Hi Catzeye,
Ya I also feeling pulling pain at both side of my ovaries on and off, I think its a sign that our ovaries are recovering from ER. Definitely not a sign of implantation since I believe yesterday our embies are just develop into 8 cells. Though at time Im so scared that is it because Im in the wrong position thinking that the embies actually will burst. hahahaha.....I know its silly thoughts but can't help it. Been keep asking my hubby whether I can do this or do that....think he is going beserk soon. Keep telling me if its a strong embies, it will stick there. Im not totally bedrest too, been walking between my bedroom and studyroom and then sit down watching tv. Think if worried for every movements we do, we won't be able to survive the 2ww. I have been eating alot too so we will become fat by the time we finish our 2ww. Oh ya do you have headache? Im having headache on and off and at nite is more severe.

Hi Yin,
Welcome to the 2ww. We are only 1 day apart. Same as you I always worried whether or not my embies still swimming inside me. How I wish there's x-ray machine so we can monitor their movements. Hahahaha....wish my hubby is a superman. But then Yin its useless to worry too much. If its a strong embies they will survive. If they can't survive in our womb, how they can survive in real world. So all you need to do is to rest well and tiao yang your body. Eat more food so that more nutrition and protein for the embies to grow well. We are here to go through together the difficult 2ww.
Hi Maykel,
On my 7th day scan, there are only 5 follicles, ranging from 8 - 14.5mm. Then on my 9th day scan, there are 10 follicles ranging from 8-18mm. Then on my 10th day scan, they scan 10follicles ranging from 12-24mm. Though in the end they retrieve 15 eggs, I believe 5 of them are too small(immature) to be fertilized. And I also believe 1 of the egg are too mature which is also not good and so left 9. Then out of 9 only 4 with good shape and the rest of 5 are quite abnormal. Kinda of disappointed though. But well wats done is done. Now I just concentrate on the 3 embies that are put into me and hoping they will continue to grow and stick on me.
Maykel, may be you are same as me -- slow response to puregon. Dun give up yet! There are still time for your eggs to grow.
Hi imel,
no headaches for me but i got stuffy nose and this morning got sore throat. Hope i dun fall sick. U got mail imel...
hi chua family,
congratulations!!!!!!! so happy for you! and you tested so early! well, the OHSS is all worth it now huh? hehe.. you've finally got what you wanted! hehe.. rest well and hope you recover soon yeah?

hi imel,
don't get too paranoid. it won't help you ease yourself from all the stress. can't be too stressed during 2ww yeah?! don't let yourself dwell on too much thought. just relax and let the embies do their job.

hi catzeye,
how you feeling? hope you don't fall sick.. its your body telling you to rest well. don't exert yourself now. continue being pampered!
hi imel,catzeye,

i am getting quite paranoid.. haha.. i too feel pulling pain and pressure from either side .. then i start thinking all the wrong things..
for the past 1 1/2 days.. i just slept, watch tv & read books.. now feeling like a parasites.. hehe

but it is true, no use thinking of all these.. hope to find peace during these 2 weeks

hi littlebee, how are you? good to hear that u hv 29 good eggs. when will be your ET if need to wait till blastocyst.. hv a good rest and all the best with your ET.
yeah i hope so too. I hv been drinking lots of water and been going to toilet very frequent. My body kindda warm but not fever...perhaps heatiness due to è medication.

yeah if you are the sort who often move ard u feel like a parasite...unlike me i think i have broke the rules. I went to the supermarket...But never carry heavy things.
Hi Austere,

AF is menses. If we have to jab during the time, which means i have to bring hormones with me during the period? A bit inconvenient becos have to carry ice pack and i dun have personal fridge at workplace. Doesn't seem too logical.
Anyway, i will check with them.
Hi bakaholic
My last menses came in the afternoon and called Dorothy and was told to go down nx day morning and get GonalF. So I injected 1st GonalF the 2nd day of menses. Also jab together with suprefact in the mornings. But double check with Dorothy,ya.
Hi Austere
I'm doing my ivf under Dr Nair @ Mt E. This is my 1st cycle. How about u? Where you are doing yours?

My ET will be on 5 Aug and pregnancy test on the 18 Aug. How are you? Any bloatedness after ER & ET? Dr Zou told me that on the 2nd week of ET, we should feel bloated...signs of implantation successful. Take care and rest well. Don't think too much.

Raise in body temperature is a good sign....as long as it is not fever. Take care. Do you feel bloated? I still have the bloatedness today...got to eat lots of egg whites. Can't wear my pants and got to go get new ones..
Hi littlebee,
I'm doing mine under Prof Ng @ Gleneagles. Yup, my first cycle too! Very nervous. I'm on the 5th day of suprefact. I predict that I should be starting my puregon somewhere around 12 to 14 Aug. I collected the puregon together with the suprefact. So now, I just wait only..
Wow, tomorow will be your big day! That is so exciting. Must rest a lot! Do keep us all updated.
Hi Yin, Catzeye & Imel,
I did my ET on 31 Jul But as of today i dun feel much bloatedness.....not much feeling leh... what abt u all? I think most prob no implantation for me. Heard pple must feel very bloated before testing positive. So worred....hate the 2ww......
Hi everyone

I am a silent reader of this thread for the past few weeks. I find it really motivated everytime I read the thread especially when there is success stories.

I am currently on my 5th day of lucrin and I am doing my 1st IVF at KKIVF under Dr Tan.

Hi Austere,
The instruction that was given to me is slightly different from yours. I was not told to start the puregon on the first day of AF. Instead I have to go back for a scan on 13 Aug then they will instruct on the start date.

The nurses at KKIVF told me that I need not jab myself at the exact timing everyday. on weekdays, I jab about 6am before I leaves for work and on weekends, I jab at about 8.30am. They told me it is acceptable as long as it is not too big a difference like day and night.
Hi bebecraze,
this is è 5th day. I don't really feel bloated throughout the day. But one thing for sure is my tummy is round. The nurse told me i will not be that bloated coz i have very few eggs withdrawn. But one thing for sure i do feel the cramp on and off. How about you?
hi bebecraze08,

i fully agree.. hate the 2ww.. i sure hope in future there will be medication or procedure tat helps us with the implantation..

up to now no bloatedness.. in fact, since day 1 of puregon till now.. no bloatedness too.. i sure hope i will feel tat next week.. coz dr zou also told me tat if hv bloatedness then, it is good sign.
hi everyone,

I did my ER last sat and now resting at home.
This is only the 2nd day after. I am getting paranoid as yesterday I had difficulty going to the toilet and had to use quite a bit of stomach force. This 2ww is stressful.

Does anyone any pain or lots of gas in the stomach. Any advise ?
Hi Bebecraze,
I have no bloatedness too, but I fart alot *oops sorry its gross*. My tummy is the same, just that my breast abit tender to touch. You just go easy with this and dun care too much for the sign. Everyone experience differnt symptoms and some dun feel anything at all. Must always believe you have done your best. Hehehe have been telling that to myself countless of times if I start to worry about every small details. I have the 2ww too.

Hi Yin and Catzeye,
How are you feeling? My headache is better after drinking 100plus. But I believe it will come again later. Rest well girls.

Are you going to KK on wednesday for bloodtest?
Hi Emma,

Thanks for your reply. I will check with dororthy when the time comes.

Hi Ping,
The doc's assistant told me i have to do it the same time everyday.. but i guess i can do it within 15-30min time frame loh.. i pre-prepared few needles each time so i just need to take out one out every morning.
hi imel,

haha.. i am now working from home.. since i just need to sit down, dun mind using my finger to do some reporting.. but realise tat cannot sit every long.. will hv backaches and tummy stretching.. so now.. will go n hv a rest..

hi elle, welcome.. i hv my ET on sat too.. i too hv been complaing abt 2ww.. esp these 2 days.. coz i think our embyies can still move.. after day 5-6, if it happens.. it happens.. if not.. nothing u do can make a difference liao.. so the diff part is from day 2 till day 6.. :p
Hi Catzeye,
You did the ET on Wed? I did mine on thurs. Today should be 4 dpt. I also do feel cramp off and on. Sometimes i can feel its from the ovary sometimes feel like menstrual cramp. But i think its too early for menses cramp. Must be from the enlarged ovary. How many embies did you put in?

Hi Yin,
U put in 3 embies at day 2? I think different clinic have different way of counting the no. of days. For me, i did my ER on mon....ET on Thurs hence my embies are 3days old.

Hi Imel,
Me too. I also keep farting. Mayb thats how come we never feel so bloated? Gas being releases?? Hahaha. BTW how many embies did you put in and when did you do ur ET?

Hi All,
I feel so bored everyday....merely wake up to have bfast, surf net, read books and watch TV....cant even go out. Any1 in 2ww but yet still go out?
Hi Everyone,
I have been reading this thread. Have tried one round of ivf, will try FET the next round.

Hi elle,
I had cramps for a few days after ET but after that no more cramps.

Hi Bebecraze,
During 2WW, i still went out, should be ok.
Hi ladies,
Thanks everyone for your wishes,I am very touched.Today feeling better but yesterday get a shocked,I was so breathless when wanted to shop for clothings(all cannot wear already).Ended up just buy a can of mamil mama & went back home.Was thinking if still so breathless,I need to go back KK again.Lucky after resting I am ok now.
My beta HCG result is 197 on day 13th & 3 days later is 485iu/ml which I think not so high as compared to Merlenna,guess is only 1 bb.For me,so long as postive I am very happy liao.

Hi candy,
welcome,rest well now.Dun think of your grade of yr eggs now,yr eggs will still develop & grow in yr body.So just take care of yrself now to prevent OHSS & let implantation take place.

Hi littlebee,
wow,u have so many eggs.Must be feeling excited for yr ET now.Take care & rest well on yr 2WW.All the best to u.

Hi Maykel,
hope u can go for yr ER soon.My sinseh told me no accup aft ET,my last one is a day before ET,that all.Dun worry too much,maybe w the increase dosage,yr eggs will grow very fast.

Hi catzeye,imel,yin,elle & bebecraze08
understand how everyone feeling during the 2WW,each day pass so slowly,thinking of yr embbies & got so worry w no symptoms.Just relax & post any questions here if u have & soon u r over the 2WW.At the end of the day,just rest & dun overwork yrself,that is the best u can do.

Hi wanbb,
really understand how u went thru last time.I was also put on 3kg just in a day,i almost fainted cos I was already so so fat yet all weight gain r so scary.How long does it take to recover fm OHSS or dun feel the bloatedness?

Hi ping,
welcome,u will get to learn alot fm all the ladies here,dun worry.
Hi Bebecraze,
Like Catzeye we went KK so its 2days old embies. I did my ER on Wed and ET on Friday. Think different hospital different protocol, though I did ask why its 2day ET and not 3days. The doc said the success rate in KK is more to 2days. Anyway I check from internet, 2 days, 3 days and 5 days success rate is the same. The implantation will only occur on day 5-8. Btw walking is actually good for blood circulation. Like you I can't go out coz I need to go thru staircase in order to do so and to go up and down all the time is not good. So I am prisoned on 3rd floor. I can only walk between my bedroom and study room and look outside from my window grill....hahaha really look like prisoner leh. Anyway Im going out on wednesday for bloodtest to KK, so use that opportunity to walk more and breath fresh air.

Hi Yin,
Good for you, at least you have work you can do at home. I have been watching korean drama to busy myself and wrong choice of drama coz been crying all the time, but the story is good. After crying began to panic whether it will affect the embies....which my husband keep reassuring me not. At this moment all we can do is rest. How I wish I can just sleep and wake up 2weeks later hahhaha....
Chua family, i recover soon after i test positive. It will slowly go down. I was so worried abt stretchmarks then. but my dr assure me that there won't be any marks. hee hee.. paraniod me.
BTW, i just tested positive for my FET. so we will have almost the same EDD. Good luck!
Hi wanbb,
congratulation to u!I dun know that u r also doing yr FET ard the same time.How to calculate our EDD?
My stomach is full of stetchmarks liao.My old one start to appear when my OHSS start.I think really gone case liao.Beside r u working or sahm?How r u going to handle yr no 1 being preggy now?I am having problem taking care of my son cos I cannot even walk down to wait for his school bus to come.Haiz...
Hi Chua Family, congrats.. I think ur OHSS will go down in a few weeks.. I was bloated beyone belief n felt breathless off n on..all went back to normal after a few weeks. but was very tired at work.. I think body so use to the nice naps in the afternoon. hehehe ;) All the best to u n have a happy pregnancy..
Hi bebecraze,
i blur liao...i did my et same day & same doctor as imel. So today 3rd day... Difference of about 20mins...hehe. I put in 2 only. How about u? Am glad my bloatedness not that bad so still can go out...juz wanna past the time.

juz nw noon i checked with the nurse at kkivf and brought the cough mixture. She said it is safe. Thank god i was worried.
just to check if any of your DH done the HBA test before. Basically, it is to test if the sperm can penetrate the egg naturally. I just went for second opinion and the doc did this test. Anyway, i was told that I need not have gone for other methods as my best option was to do IVF.

chua family, http://www.ivf.ca/calcu.htm
Can use this to calculate your EDD. I'm a sahm so also having problem with my girl. Cannot carry her plus need to rest. your son in sch so still better for you. Mine is only one year old. You know how active it can get. Plus she can't understand much.. I didn't go out during my OHSS cos i can't walk well. Plus i'm worried that my neighbours will freak out when they see my 7th months tummy overnight! hee..
