IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear gg11,
congrats! I am going on my ER tomorrow and ET after that. I wasn't told to refrain from the food that you mentioned. In fact, my doc knows I am seeing TCM, and doing acupuncture. He is ok, as long as they know what drug at what stage. We were also told to take lots of eggwhite to prevent extreme bloating. So it was quite strange when I saw your post. Maybe it's for different individual. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Have a smooth 9 months ahead! All the best!

hi ML,
be strong yeah?! don't give up. its a challenge for us to be able to face this head on and come out strong in the end. you'll achieve your dreams one day.. don't despair yeah?

hi LFB,
good luck for your ER and your ET. here's wishing you all the best!

hi gg11,
wow, congrats! this is definitely good news in this thread. its good to know that ivf does bring wonderful news sometimes..
You there? Have you recieved the check from KK?
What is the medisave that they deducted from CPF? Mine shown as $5,311. Shouldn't be $6K?
Hi ML ,

Hugz.. Pls give yrself sometimes to rest n tour around.. After tat then cheong again.. As for me, i have been married for 8 yrs then do my 1st IVF. Never give up hope.
Thank you gals for all the encouraging words.
Still feel shitty abt it. Guess i need time to get over this. Will seek a second opinion though. Good luck for to all the gals in 2ww.
Dr did not mention that my lining is not thick enuf, but I have that feeling too, you know.. he just said probably the embryos did not implant well.. he is recommending me to go for FET, natural cycle when I am ovulating well.. now still no mense.. so waiting for the cycle to return back to normal.. I think your case, Prettylady, zeena and budderball is better cos AF comes and can monitor your cycle liao.. I going for a short break to hongkong next week to make myself happy again.. I understand how ML feels.. I am still sad too.. dont understand what went wrong and quite lost too..

I dont know if I am ready to go for FET in the nearest possible time. it really depends on my body.. further more when July comes onwards, there will be lots of work.. then stress level will go up... so maybe end of the year then can do again..sigh..

Good luck for your ER! Jia you!

wow. 2nd week of 2 week already! jia you all the way! how are you feeling? I am so excited for you! Lots of babydust to you!
Hi all, will be seeing Dr SF Loh from KKIVF 2morrow, abit nervous but i have no choice coz been TTC for the past 5 coming to 6 years liao, hopefully he can create a miracle for me.
hi cuteangel,

not been feeling gd. been having tummy pains & cramps since et.. in fact, had to go kk 24h clinic last wk in the middle of e night as the pain was unbearable. this is really tough.. now tummy looks big n all my bottoms getting very tight.. thank God it's hol now..

u don stress yourself too.. enjoy this short break yea..
Hi ML, hope ur feeling better....

Rejoice my 2nd week off 2ww is on wed.. no symtoms.. feeling rather low. worried, I keep praying........ Mayb u shld put ur feet up more and hope the pain stops... Could be ur up on ur feet for 2 long. babydust to u.

Vanilla & Pinky Panther did u have any symtoms in ur 2ww wait? I was told by the nurse symtoms can start in e 2nd week.

May god bless us all with the babies we want so badly.

Take care all. Will pop in again later or tomorrow...
Bear with it, ok? it's probably good news.. when is your beta test date? I will pray for you.. take care, dear..

Don't worry ok? Stay positive and have lots of happy thoughts.. I learnt something from the experience, I think I thougt too much about the embryos then, so I felt rather uptight. Try to be engaged in doing something that can make you relax and not think about what you are going through now... Many many happy thoughts!!
Hi rejoice - actually being bloated is supposed to be a good sign...that is what my IVF doc told me before.

Hi Nicole G - the only symptons I have is the OHSS - which is the bloatedness. That started 2 days after my ET and i just become bigger and bigger. I have cramps where the ovaries are..but it is more the remaining follicles are growing and that stretches the tummy as well so it is really painful. I had to walk hunchback cos that is the only way to walk to ease the discomfort.

Take care girls!
u better than me, at least u 've embryo freezing waiting for u.... I need to go thru the whole process again, so sian... And oso, my colleague wife preg and my gal friend oso preg, happy to hear gd news abt them but me felt so sad that why i failed my IVF... no choice, fated... but don't give up, try again... there're 2 more chances for me...
check with you gals.

for those who taken the BCP before the ivf procdures, do you still encountered the sore breast that we usually have before our menses?
Sorry to hear that... HUGZ!!
Maybe you should go for a short break so u can in the meantime slowly forget abt tis...
Life is unpredictable, maybe u strike naturally...
Take care
Your AF come already? Mine still haven't come leh, recently encountered slight pain...

Congrats! I've a query, u mean no eggs, how abt egg whites?
Would like to knw which gynae u r seeing?
Dear cute, rejoice, merlenna, and ladies,
thanks. I had my ER this morning, took out 16 eggs, sending 12 for ICSI. Now that the anesthetic wears off, I am feeling the pain. Will have to call TFC to confirm ET.
Just to ask, how to prevent OHSS? I am like eating 5-8 eggwhite a day, cos I was told that will reduce my bloatedness. Pls advise me how to prevent OHSS. Thanks.
Hi all, been following the thread silently the last month. Hope u don't mind me joining in. Here goes a little intro - I've gone thru 2 fresh IVF cycles, and 1 FET - no pregnancy yet
My second fresh cycle was a straight to freeze cycle (no ET) as my Dr. was afraid of OHSS. (I have PCOS so I over respond to the drugs). I'll be having my next FET in about 2 mths time and I'm praying the embies thaw out safely (last time only 2 out of 10 made it... sigh). STREESSSSS...... Wishing all that are cycling the best of luck. I know it is hard, but must be positive.
hi lfb,
honestly, i've always read that people said you should drink as much water as possible. even the nurse in kkivf said the same thing. i won't know how much is effective until i go through it myself. i dunno abt the egg whites.. perhaps someone can explain the rationale behind that.

hi maybebaby,
welcome to the thread.. you seem to have gone thru so much. my heart goes out to you. hope you will achieve your aim soon.
hehe, just realized, 16 eggs is a good number. wish the best for you.. let those eggs develope into healthy embryos yeah..
Hi all, I've been a silent follower of this thread since last year. I failed my fresh cycle in Aug/07, FET in Mar/08 & went to Dr Zou for accu for 2 mos before attempting FET in May/08, without success.

It is very tough to accept failure, with so beautiful pictures of the embbies on hand. Mine was 2xgrade4; 2xgrade4; 1xgrade4+2xgrade3. I realised that good grade does not guarantee success in IVF. It has been a depressing week for me, coping with cramp & heavy AF now due to the cyclogest (progestrone) for FET. I know my work performance for this year is going to be affected with so many slots of annual leave taken for IVF/FET.

I have a foreigner friend who only succeeded on her 10th fresh cycle attempt, because she had only 2-3 embbies after each cycle. Through her preserverance, she is now conceiving twins ( boy + girl). That was in spite of the low grade of embryos she had for the 10th cycle. She's my source of inspiration and I'll continue with my IVF journey with courage likes hers too. I will see Dr Kelly Loi at KKIVF this week, and continue accu under Dr Zou, hoping to start 2nd fresh cycle in Aug-Sep/08. It will be another round with the needles after so long...

Through my failure, my mum always comfort me, when the babies are meant to be mine, they will one day be mine. My mum also told me, I'm enduring this pain so as to learn that it is not an easy task being a mum. I'm always envious of other women's big bumps, telling my hubby that they look so sexy in my eyes, wishing I could have that bump soon ;)

I'm glad to have so many IVF buddies in this forum. Let's jia you together to fulfill our dreams to have our little ones in our arms soon.
hi! my doc is dr christopher chen at gleneagles. he has his own clinic at the annexe block. need to waitvery long for appt with him but i see a lot of overseas people flying in to look for him.
the reason why chicken and eggs are not allowed during the egg growing and collection stage is so that hormones will not be affected. you know, nowadays the chickens are injected with those antibiotics which are bad. as for soya, nowadays, there are a lot of beans that are genetically modified. may affect the hormones in your body.
Later today will be going to KK for follow up appt. Then will check with them. Do you recall there is one charges about $600+ that is for ART Simulation? Did they refund for this? I was told that this will be refunded but was not reflected in the statement.

I was about to ask you this question as well. My AF still have not come. Based on temperature chart, my 'system' like goes hay-wire. Dr. Zou told me that some of her patient did not come still months later. So we just have to wait lor.
I did paid for the ART Stimulation...
I've just rec'd the cheque frm KKH, will go back to double chk the invoice/statement, will get back to u tmr.

Let me knw the outcome of ur apt today

Had a cry earlier... Feeling so down. Really worried... My HL ends on Wed which is test date. Im so worried if its not positive I will be too disappointed to go to work.....

Another thing, sorry to be personal, Im having discharge lately. Did u all have that during ur 2WW? My breasts are very tender n hurts @ nite when Im sleeping sideways....... Im know that this are signs also for AF.

I just had a telling off from my hubby told me to stop thinking negatively........

Pls pray for me ladies Im so worried.... Thanks.
Dear Nicole,
will pray for you. Be positive and believe yourself and the babies. They are also listening to you when you talk negatively. All the best. Don't think too much!
Hi Rejoice,
ET is on Thursday. The pain from ER has subsided quite a bit, just that I cannot walk fast. Been resting at home. Called TFC this morning and was told that out of the 12 ICSI eggs, 7 were fertilised. The other 4 for IVF also fertilised. So I have 11 embryo. As for the grade, not known yet. Will wait patiently for my ET to happen. Thanks!
Hi hi ladies, hi Rejoice, Nicole, Vanilla!

Ladies, can i ask, when you are on lucrin and puregon jabs, do you continue with TCM drinks? Is it ok?

And also while on jabs, do you continue with ACU? You do rite? Especially a few days before ER, to ACU everyday?

Last question, must have at least 3 months of ACU before IVF to render better results rite? Meaning if i start now, can only ER 12 weeks later? Hmm ...
Hi ladies, I will be going for FET around 25th of this month at KKH, anyone else doing FET around this date?

ladies - how many days hospitalisation leave will KKH give for FET? Tks.
Hi cubeball,
I had just started to see SF Loh also last week after 4 years plus. He's quite nice and i've heard alot of positive feedback abt him, hope he can help us

All the best to you
Called KK. They did explained why there is only 5.3K deduction reflected instead of 6K. cos when we did an ET, they already made deduct from CPF. ART Stimuation, is also refund but they did not state on the statement.

Actually, i feel that can skip the follow up consultation cos they just tell you that you can rest around 3 months later if you would like to have another try or in the meantime you can try on your own. And dosage for next try will be higer. (That these are meant for my case only)
Hi Budderball
Thanks for ur info...
Did Dr Loh mention anything, what are the causes of failure & wat are the thing we can improve?
Hmm... thk for my case, the dosage can increase.. mine is the max.
Any medication given by Dr?

For the CPF case, CPF have deducted $6K frm my medisave and I've got the cheque frm KK, after deduction of the ER and ET, they return the bal. abt $2K to me... As for the ART Stimulation, no refund leh...
How much u rec'd frm KK cheque?
Yes forgotten to ask u, did u ask Dr why AF haven't come... normally how long will the next AF come... mine missed for almost 8 days already... but on and off I've the AF pain...
Dr. Loh was away yesterday, seen by another doctor. Yahor, did not mention and did not ask what is the cause of failure. Guess the answer will be the same. They can't gurantee implantation.

About $2K is refunded. They will not state the refund of the ART Simulation. I worked out based on the total amount used for whole treatment and deduct CPF amount etc. If you need more infor, i will need to go back and refer to the file then explain how i work this out. Didn't give medicine only asked if we wanted vitamnins.

Doctor explained that AF not coming on time is due to hormones injected for IVF, AF will be a few weeks late or even months. Or it might be that you are pregnant.

My HB friend's wife recently had her 2nd IVF attempt. She had more than 20 eggs for her 1st attempt but done of them worked out so she had to start a fresh cycle for 2nd attempt, same again, she had more than 20eggs, put in 3 eggs and she is now pregnant! Alot of things are unpredictable and explained.
Did Dr give u any date for ur next IVF? So if we going for next IVF, we need a letter/form?
Hmm... thk will postpone to later date near to the 2nd IVF... thanks for ur info...
Dear ladies,
I am going for ET tomorrow. Just to ask, am I suppose to eat 10 egg white for the 2ww? What about Chinese medicine? Thanks.

hi lfb,

all the best to your transfer tomorrow.

i be going down tmc tmr to start injection if everything is ready.

check with you. do you have any bloatness or feel anyway different during your injection period. and how about now?
