IVF/ICSI Support Group

can i know how much will a FET costs?i will be doing mine in Gleneagles.
i heard that depending on how the embryos are frozen, you might not be able to choose to thaw just one or 2 but everything and then re-freeze again for the unused ones.

and is it true that the embryos might not survive the thawing process?

can anyone give me the contacts for this Dr Zou as well? thank you.

ya. mia. eggs didn't thaw well.
hi bakaholic,
i'm doing my ivf at kkivf. coz i was already at kk pvt suite for a year, and this step was recommended by my gynae there. so where else to go? kk lah! hehe..

yeah its nice to have someone going thru the same thing right? i'm not thinking about the jabs just yet. not thinking helps me to not get stressed. when the time comes then i worry.. hehe..
hi cuteangel, thks for your wishing. next year my turn to tell you happy mother's day too ;)

budderball, i went to see dr zou but no acu so far, only medication maybe cos i'm not doing ivf. she told me if not doing ivf, acu 3 times a month only. first visit she gave me medi for 5 days 2nd visit i requested for 2 weeks cos its such a hassle going there weekly for the same medi. then she told me she will need to see me to see if i can start on medi number 2. i would think she din make appt for you for next visit cos it's not acu yet. just consultation u dun need to book with her in advance. just call on that day and see what time is best to go.

jan, don't be discouraged. think positively, at least you don't have to go thru d&c which is more painful (emotionally). same theatre totally different feeling
hi Helpme, for me when i was checking my FET process with my doc at Glenagles, his policy is to thaw bit by bit until i get say 3 eggs...so the rest he will not thaw and refreeze. So i think it all depends on ur doc. the success rate for thawing i think also depends on the lab...my doc's rate is about 90++% and his success rate for FET is actually higher than fresh cycle.

Not all embryos will survive the thawing process. I did my FET last month. Decided to thaw 3 embroys but one didnt survive, so thaw another one. I was informed that embryos are thaw bit by bit since they are stored in a diff straws. If there are 2 embies in that straw, then it will be thawed simultaneously...best of luck.
hi tigger - i emailed my gynae and asked him. He does not publish it...

Hi helpme, my gynae is Dr LC foong and the lab he uses belong to one of the partners - Embryonics
Hi All,

Just had my blood test result, FSH 5.5, LH 3.36, Prolactin 13.11, Estraviol 205, nurse said is normal readings. Any one know how to read all these?
Different hospitals got their different range of readings...if they say is normal, then its normal, there is nothing to be worried of...
Hey hey
I wonder why you all didn't mention about Dr Chirstopher Chong.Today my guy colleague urged me to see him (Dr) for he is a sure help as he is expert in women problems. Maybe he can help you all around cuz i read the thread commenting him a lot of good points. I hope I can help you as well as myself.
Anyone of you tried him before? I may consider making an appointment with him for improving my health rather than going thru IVF. That saves $$.
Give me your comments.
Hi Air of Joy,

I understand he is not cheap... My fren spend abt 30K with him for a couple of IUI.... But i also heard very good feedback abt him ....
Air of joy,
incidentally, I was just talking to an ex colleague yesterday who was with Christopher Chong. Hers wasn't successful(Dr claimed she missed a pill). She said he was nice, but really expensive, and the queue to see him is madness. She once had an appt at 1130pm!
Hi ladies,
Anyone taking Progesterone jab for 2ww?? I'm actually having the jab on my thigh. My muscle is painful and have difficulty in walking. Nurse suggested having on the bum but must sign consent form. HB don wan me to take the risk insisted the jab to be at my thigh. Is there any risk having done on the bum?? Pls advise
Hi BlesswBB,

Heard there is vital nerve near bum, so there is certain risk involved if somehow accidentally hit the nerve during injection.
hi BlesswBB - i actually took mine at the buttocks - there is specific area to inject - upper outer side of ur bum. The only risk my nurse told me is to avoid getting injected at some nerves cos it will be a risk of paralysis. She warned this cos my hubby administer the injection for me at home....if u r getting the nurse to do it...they will know the exact spot to inject ur bum...so it shld be ok. They will alternate the injections between left and right bum cheeks...so not so sore for us....

p/s: i think the risk is same as thigh....but my nurse had always do bum and never suggest thigh
vanilla pod
Do you need to sign any consent form? Having the jab on the bum does it hurt during your walk?
But how come thigh don hv to sign consent form while the bum need to? My HB say there must be cases happen that is y the hosp wan us to sign so ask me not to take the risk.
hi BlesswBB - i did my injection at the clinic n my gynae did not ask me to sign any consent form.

the injection is not that bad... cos the drugs are oil based so it takes some time for the medicine to be fully injected into u. It will sting for a while but think it as good for ur womb and ur baby so ok, bear with it for a while.
hi blesswBB ,

I got my weekly jab @ the buttocks too..The nurses @ TMC did tat for me..

Acty there is a " burning " feeling for me during the jab.. But bearable.. My jab is oil-base n it lasts for 1 week..Doesnt hurt during walking..

If u are worry, Y dun u ask the nurse to jab ..
Vanilla pod/Pinky Panter
I wanted to have it on my bum but they need me to sign the consent form so i very doubtful abt it.
I may want it done on the bum later. Cant take the pain on the thigh anymore.
Vanilla pod/ Pinky panter
Do you experience white discharge during the 2ww? I have experience quite alot so donno whether is it normal. Thanks.
hi blesswBB... are u doing at KK? maybe gov hosp more cautious so want u to sign the consent form. i dun rem having discharge during 2ww cos i m using the insert and only have the insert melted out at times. very messy....

hi rejoice, hello. for my first scan was around 5 days when i start my Gonal F (then did a reduction in dosage) then 2 days later 1 more scan and another scan 2 days later. after the third scan doc has a clearer pic when to do ER.
hi all,
got bad news. today i have brownish stain since 6.30 a.m and cramps.. have a strong feeling AF is coming. did pregnancy test in the morning and its negative. i am so sad. Dr asked me to wait till fri for blood test, but if AF comes, need to take blood test earlier.

You take care, ok?
Hi Ladies,

Anyone knw abt Dr Xia Rong @ Eu Yan Sang Clinic, I'd saw at channel newsasia abt her treating couple and they conceive after trying IVF, etc...
SOrry I meant tat they tried many ways including IVF but failed... after seeing her for abt few months, able to conceive....
Anyone seeing her??
hi ladies...
sorry for missing out from all of you the past days after my ET. noticed there're a couple more silent readers joining in this thread... welcome!

to share (esp w bb)... I'd 27 eggs extracted, 17 fertilised, transferred 2 & frozen the rest. initially i thought things will be fine till wee hours of last fri (5/9), had a few rounds of vomits (all food out including gastric juices) & a sharp pain at my upper part of my tummy (around gastric area). the pain left my a little breatheless since m unsure if i could take panadol/painkiller. my hubby drove me immediately to KKH 24-hr clinic. they then advised me to be admitted to ward for a day's stay for observation (esp to see if i suffered from OHSS). thankfully other than the very bloated feeling m still having till date, my symptoms weren't very serious, & was discharged on last sat noon. however i kept having the feelingto puke, losing all appetite & whenever i took food on fri to sun, they were all being puked out. i suspected that it happens everytime i took the antibiotics given after ER which i was supposed to take for a week. blesswbb... do u experience this same thing??
thus on 5/12, while i returned to KKHIVF for my daily progesterone jab, nurse there advised that i could stop it if it's affecting my intake of my daily diets. thereafter... my appetite is finally returning & i don't feel so tired all the time.

blesswbb, m also taking the progesterone jab on my thighs daily. agree that they are making my legs very aching & a little weak but m bearing with it though KKHIVF nurse did suggest doing it on the bum. heard from a senior nurse there doing it on bum tend to have greater risk (that's y we r required to sign consent form for this), since our bums have numerous nerves there & a wrong move may cause us paralysed downwards. certainly all nurses there are certainly experienced enough to administer for us, but the consent form a procedural medical process. i was also told that since progesterone jab is oil-based, needles used are much thicker & hence this also explains why we cannot do it ourselves at home (like lucrin & puregon) to avoid complication. of course, unless the person who does it at home for us is a certified trained medic personnel (eg. nurse, doc, para-medic ....)
hi zeena, budderball, cuteangel, jan or blesswbb,
do all of you have extreme bloadtedness despite taking lots of H20?? wonder any other ways that can be done to reduce this "big tummy (upper & lower abdomen)" prob??
hi blesswbb,
i'd only a little yellowish discharge on 1st & 2nd day of ET. can it consider spotting?? after tat no more... i guess it's norm. do u still have it now?
zeena wong,
We often hear ppl mentioning tis TCM & tat TCM is good at treating infertility couples & those couples often conceive within a few mths which is like....wah so lucky!
IMO, I tink its fate tt brought us to tat TCM....if u feel comfortable then its fine le...Honestly, I myself also with another famous TCM in JE for many many mths, bt my hubs SA result deteriorates under her expensive medication. I stopped & now wif another TCM...so far ok & I also tel myself to give him a few mths to try out & at the same time prepare myself for IVF.

There is not much news abt Dr Xia Rong, only below thread...

Hi MsFamily
30k plus?? Impossible if is just for a couple of IUI.I am sure Dr C.Chong will recommend IVF in case 2nd or 3rd cycle of IUI fail.

11.30pm? OMG! Then how about your ex-colleague's 2nd IVF try as Dr claimed she missed a pill. Missing a pill can even affect the whole efforts she put in.hmm..
That Dr C.Chong more expensive than other gynae at TMC or RH?? If it is, I even am curious to see him.. haha

Thanks, MSFamily & LBF for answering.

Dear Babychole,
I sure I mentioned the surname Chong, not Chen

Dear Cuteangel,
Like you mentioned to some ladies here, it could be bleeding implantment.Relax,relax now and don't think any worst.Wait for Friday test.

Hi Pretyylady
wowoow 27 eggs. So good! We hope you will have a successful IVF.Take care.
Air of Joys,
Thanks for your clarification as I had a rather bad experience with Christopher Chen in Gleneagles so just wanna make sure...

Hi Zeena,

I remember somebody told me that Dr Zou and Dr Xia Rong are relatives? I think sometimes she does goes to Dr Zou's clinic when she is in Singapore. So their treatment method is actually the same? She charges more ex though.

However, I have not seen or tried Dr Xia before so I cannot verify those I mentioned above
