IVF/ICSI Support Group

ML - Not a problem lei ...
must be all excited
do u know abt when? hee.... eggs are waiting for u...

sorry did not receive ur PM can send me again? Just edited the profile. Thanks for the pen offer i am not sure if i need as i plan to have daily jabs at TMC.

So how u find the acu at dr Zou? Not so bad right? btw where is Noi? Hope she had positive results and resting at her mum place still....
ML - Can understand your feeling...try to relax, if can't sleep try drink "warm Honey with Lemon" Gynae advised. (not sure will it work on you but me not lor)...Hope everything go smooth for you and have plenty of good eggs and bingo too ..
only have tentative dates. mid may. but depends on my reaction to the meds.

oink oink
thanks thanks. me hope so too. hope i won't be a nervous wreck by then.. ha ha... currently sleep is not an issue.. i'm quite a pig recently.. ha ha ha.. btw, i'm back on the egg diet. told to eat 2-4 eggwhites per day.. at least not as bad as the 8-10 previously. :p
ML - I am sick/scare of egg now... bought 10 white eggs from NTUC early April till now still got 2 left in the fridge..must got to get rid of it soon think expire liao .. ha ha

Nancy - I am still waiting for my aunty to come then can call the clinic to do "FET" lei .. may be May or June depend on my linning ... so sian now ..
wow now start egg diet already? when is the FET? Hm....when am i suppose to start the egg war? me on BCP now..7 more pills to go...thanks

noted. try to relax more and all will be well
soory got mixed up abt the egg diet between u are ML. Oh yes u are doing the natural FET. I remembered. Sorry getting old liao. if u do in MAY , then 3 of us including ML will be resting at home abt the same time
oink oink
ya.. i also have eggs that i bought since April. :p

Thanks! think you can start the egg war once you start the jabs...
Zeena and i stil at our 2ww.
Went to KK 24 Hrs clinic this am, cos i can't tahan already, kept feeling bloated and feel nausea, can't sleep well at nite, needs to go toilet frequent. Had blood test, still at mild OHSS range almost hit morederate. Didn't give me any medication. Wonder how can i go to work this coming Wed is this problem still persists.
Nancy - Not sure what medicine Dr Zou sub. to me .. have a lots of white discharge recently...big aunty comming soon this few days .. but hoping it not to come cos I wish i can get strike natural.. (just my big fat hopes)
But 1 thing I must admit is that my sensitive nose problem is getting better now after Dr Zou did acupunture on my nose and add some medicine. She really cure my nose issue..
oink oink
send me at [email protected]. i am not good with all these IT stuff haha....still trying to figure out the clipart website ML posted....when comes to these IT stuff me super slow...haha thanks

if still unwell, can u ask for a medical cert to rest more at home? please take care
Hi Nancy, go to your profit under : Preferences
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Hi Nancy,<font color="119911">I pm liao, as for the clipart, just copy the Tag. of the clipart and paste on to your message and send can liao.</font>
Hi Cuteangel,
All the best to yr ET tomolo &amp; have a gd rest in during the 2WW.

Hi Budderbell,
frequently visting the loo is a gd sign of preggy.Guess will have gd news.Anyway have u use HPT already?
Hi Cuteangel,
I am not working. So I told the nurse i will claim my HL from DH...haaa

After ER, not much bloatness except for some cramp. Okie after a day. Now also not much bloatness, but uncomfortable after a meal. Wonder if this bad sign. Now begining to get worried after reading all other sisters post where they feel 'something'.
I have not test HPT yet cos HB insist me try a day before Bldtest...

back to work so busy... and cramp still on and off...

but everything is ok...
Did u ask the Doc at A&amp;E why so bloatness... no other medicine to reduce it?
Heard frm the nurse tat bloatness is due to hormones, some ladies hormones v high tat's the reason stomach v bloatness....
Did they test for u Preg test? Maybe 's +ve...
Guess it must be due to hormones, didn't ask the doctor much, at least i know severity range i am now. No, they didn't did any preg. test cos last nite just had my last jab of pregnyl. And luckily, i nite was my last jab otherwise OHSS might get worsen.

Chua family,
I was thinking maybe the bloatedness affected me to go toilet frequent.

Do take care &amp; welcome to 2ww, i am not trying to scare you, i want to share my experience with you that intially, i also didn't feel much bloatedness, it kicked in many days later. Do take lots of water and protein food.
you are lucky not to have the bloat. Mine is really bad you know.. it's only today that I feel much better..the dr said that after the progesterone get, the bloat will ease, tru enough.. but imagine, i had to suffer for several days cos I only used the gel last night.
hi ml,
when's your ET?? don't u have to take puregon/gonal-F, then ER before ET??

hi blesswbb,
i didn't ask for my estimated ER date. but following the typical duration of jabbing puregon (i.e 7-10days), mine could be same as yours. m due for scan this coming fri (5/2; guess u too), perhaps after scan i would be advised.
i didn't purposefully eat egg whites since jabbing puregon, maybe like on average 1 daily.
yes... m as anxious as u are as the ER date draws nearer. at the same time, wondering if my body would be producing eggs of acceptable sizes for extraction.
in recent days, m getting a little "dreadful" evey nite to take the jabs (some more this week have to take 2). dunno why.... it seems more difficult to find fats to poke. experience slight pain even for lucrin &amp; when injecting puregon, can feel pain at the affected area. btw... after waiting for 5-6 secs, do u see small drop of puregon medic when pulling out the needle ?? had that last nite &amp; wonder if it means m missing out on the correct amount?
similarly my feet are also getting the numb feeling pretty often esp after sitting/standing for long.... do u experience the same?

hi rejoice,
thahks &amp; m sure me &amp; blesswbb will (as much as we can) post our development here.
let's jia you together (also to all ladies in here)!!
Did you squeeze to hard when having puregon injection? You may try to wait for 10 sec then pull out the needle, while injecting puregon, slowly release the squeezing. Hope this helps.
hi ml... oic. nevertheless, when's your expected ET date?

hi buddeball,
thanks for the tip. so i guess i did missed out a little amount the past 3 days since i kinda squeezed hard. hopefully it's not affecting the follicles/eggs growth. shall heed ur advice when i do so tonite
hi budderball,
were there side effects u'd experienced while on puregon previously?? hopefully your feeling of bloatedness &amp; nausea have improved... when's ur expected date to test for pregnancy?
The nurse KKIVF did told me it's gd for me to go back for the pregnyl jab cos she can monitor how's the bloatness of my stomach... and if don't need to jab, can refund back to us...
That's the reason i took all the trouble to travel there but later when i went for the 2nd jab, the other nurse said diff story, asking why i don't jab at home... so confusing... then HB said better let them monitor it...
hi LFB,
woah one day never check the thread, so fast ah it moves.. mine is with dr sadhana, i've yet to see her. hmm.. if i can ask for it to be done during my june holidays it would be perfect. i can just stay home and rest.. that's good to know.. thanks for the info..

honestly, i've yet to go thru all these jabs and stuff.. i'm dizzy with the types of medication u all are talking abt.. but don't mind me, i'll soon find out.. hehe..
ya, the thread move faster than stocks! Ha ha! Anyway, you talk to your doc, he will know what to do. If not, take MCs. We are young only once. School got many other teachers, our husband only got us, remember? So with that thought, I decided my school is more fortunate thus I will spend more time with my hubby.
Hi Budderball,
I was told that if got bloatness means got chance of success. Not sure if it is true. But you know lah, for people like us, during this stage, we will believe anything that people say. Looking out for the most minute symptoms.

Can you image i am only 3 days after ET. haiz...
Nurse just asked if were would like to jab at home didn't mention about the monitoring. Can you tell me more how they did the monitoring for you? Even that day, went back for progesterone jab, they didn't monitor me.
your view about the our hb only having us is so cute..I hope our hb realise our sacrifice and will love us more.. but u are so rite.. family.. hb, always comes first the rest, later..
Actually the nurse who told me abt monitor for me is not arnd after the 1st jab,.... the other nurses just jab... cos i don't have bloatness (only sometimes after meal) so I didn't really ask them, just let them jab my stomach willingly, hehe....

Do you take egg white during 2ww... thk it will reduce the bloatness... HB normally hardboil the egg white for me... u can try...
Take care &amp; looking forward to hear ur gd news...

I don't have any symptoms leh... only on and off cramp... nipple oso not tat tends and painful leh... so sad...

ur reasoning very cute.. hehe..but i agree with u = )was also worried that my et will b before school closes and that i might need to take 2wks HL. u r rt, family more impt, we can b replaced anytime..
Don't worried... jus relax &amp; rest more...
Frankly speaking, for my case I found tat 2ww is most suffer after all, especially the cramps tat I really can't "Ta Han"... really driving me crazy... when the pain comes, it makes my tears rolling down... so painful... I can endure the puregon jabs and all jabs.. but for the cramp it's really really I can't endure....
hi cuteangel,

tml ll officially b the start of your 2ww rt? very excited for u too! must keep us updated of your devt k? believe u ll have gd grade embryoes transferred tml = )
Perhaps can apply some ointment to relieve the pain? Get something to keep yr stomach warm?
hang in there, Jia You!

Pls help me remove my name from tis table cos I am postponing my IVF thing....my reason are all stated in my blog....Thanks for yr help...

Though I am not embarking on the IVF journey for now, bt i will be still following tis thread closely...Good luck to all &amp; babydust to all...
yeah i so agree with you. actually if my P not happy also i don't care. 3 years of ttc naturally is enough. not gonna stop just because they wanna make a big hoo hah about it. hehe.. but i also hope it doesn't come to that lah..

and yes, family comes first.. i so agree.. the rest later..
Rejoice, Merlenna, Cuteangel,
Hee hee, just my thoughts. My P said no one is indispensable, so the school won't just collapse if we miss 2 weeks of lesson. Moreover, they can't fault us. Sorry but I very naughty. I know all my rights. Family should always come first.

all the best tomorrow. Relax and have beautiful thoughts. Will have loads of questions when it's my turn. Take care.

thanks girls.. I am quite excited but I am still worried about my bloatedness.. sometimes it's difficult to breathe.. always burbing but the wind in the belly doesn't seem to get out lei.. So far nobody suffers the same bloatedness as me after ER.. Could there something wrong with me?

When I heard that zeena said that the cramps are very painful, i cannot imagine what's my fate gonna be like.. even before the ET, already feeling horrible from the bloatedness.. Futhermore I got low threshold for pain.. I am sure to suffer I think.. Now, I am getting slightly worried
