IVF/ICSI Support Group

Oh sorry to hear that. Must be very upset. Hugs. When are u going to take the blood test?Think that's more accurate. If still fail, dun give up try again the for FET. How many frozen eggs?

Yes, can understand the frustration but life goes on like u said. We just have to accept that our path is different from the rest. ur gynae suggested to try 6 rounds of clomid? may i know which gynae are u with? yes , ur age plays a major factor still got some time to try. Dun give up
Did you test in the morning or at nite? Don't feel sad, maybe HCG still too low to be detected by HPT. Blood test will be more accurate.
Today still working... after a hard cried yest.. today better.. life still needs to go on... sigh..

I don't have any frozen embryo...

I did it last nite... I used the HPT recommended by MS Family, it's 99% accurate.. thk shouldn't be any mistake...
Sigh... my hope v slim now..
hugzzzz!!! sigh.. life very hard for women like us.
but glad that you are feeling better. hopefully, the stupid HPT is spoilt or something...
Hello Zeena,

I did my 1st ivf with Dr lim in Mt E. Sadly, only 2 out of 10 matured egg fertilized. So i put in 2 and no more. Visited other drs from other hospitals to seek 2nd opinion, protocol. Finally decided on KKivf dr loh for my 2nd ivf. Due to my adenomyosis, dr loh suggested 3 months of treatment to control b4 next ivf.
Hi Nancy,
Yes my gyane suggested us to continue trying up to 6 round of clomid as he said that tho' chances are low, there is still hope. And he say that after 3 rounds of clomid i am also still 30 yrs old so there is time.

I am with LC Cheng right now. He told me to give the nurse a call when i am ready to proceed with IVF.

What about yourself? You on clomid or IVF? How old are you? Which gyane?

Hi Zeena,
Did u ask ur hubby to take some supplements? I think it may help cos with better quality sperm....chances would be higher i guess.

I am going to get some new supplements for my husband today. Cos the vitamins which he was taking previously doesnt seem to be of any help.Sad.
Hi Zeena,

Every failure is different, so you better ask Dr what is the likely reason, so that you can do somthing differently next time. For me, Dr said likely egg/sperm quality, so me and hubby now take multivitamins, accu and TCM to improve body condition. Dr oso say maybe that batch of egg was no good. This one we cannot control.....
Hi Zeena,
Don't be too upset. Can understand how you feel now cos' have been in the same shoe before. Cry if you need to and we are always here for you.

Frankly, i don't have too much confident too. Till today i also don't have much feeling. Today is my 5th day already.
Hi feibb,
what multivitamin are you taking if I may ask? My hubby is taking zinc and Vit E, dunno whether are they sufficient for him too. Thanks.

I take a multivitamin call centrum recommended by dr loh (includes all the necessary staff like iron, zinc, vitamin A, B ,C, E, folic etc etc). I bought this from KK pharmacy. My hubby takes megaman from GNC shop, oso recommended by Dr loh. We oso do accu and take TCM. Hope this helps.
Hi Jan,

1st wk of 2WW not suppose to feel anything one....only 2nd wk some ppl may have symptoms, so don't read too much into symptoms or none of it.
as the day gets nearer, i am getting less and less confident abt the FET... very scare of disappointment. also wonder how I will handle it.. haiz.... i really don't have much hope that it will succeed
Hi Merlenna!
Nono... Think HQ is equally stressful but I do think it is less energy zapping than I was in school. In school, everyone wants your attention. Here, I'm given lots of time to reflect and think which I think it's a good breather... (^_^) Wait wait, but if you are looking for good holidays, nono.. u won't get it here coz it'll be like any OL, take the stipulated number of vacation leave!

Hmm.. been resting at home since my op. I'm a little worried. The doc told me initially that my bleeding should last only 3-4 days. However, when I woke up from my operation, a nurse told me it may last up to 7 days. It's been 5 days since my op and I'm still bleeding. It's been 'consistent' (not the kind that I would want though) for the last few days. The amount seems the same. I wonder if my womb's having some infection, I wonder if the wound is healing. I didn't take bed rest though. Been walking around the house... Sighzzz.... I'll give myself 2 more days and I guess if it's still the same, I'll wanna go back to my doc.
So sad to hear tat, bt u still got blood test to go...dun give up till u hv the confirmation from doc...
Pour yr woes here if there is a need...Hugs!
hugzz!!! can understand how you feel now... take time to grieve okie... sigh... poor thing...
talk to us if it makes you feel better
Thanks for your advice.. I find it rather torturing to swallow 8 egg whites a day.. Already had my fifth one for the day.. the embryologist called and said that 3 blastocysts have been frozen.. I am really hoping that this bloat will subside and everything is ok..

how many embryos did you transfer? I transferred 2 only.. I am hoping that both will grow well..
hi zeena,

have faith.. don't give up yet. who knows maybe the +ve will show up a few more days later? but in any case, hang in there.. be strong yeah?


we've chatted before in other threads i think.. you tried 6 rounds of clomid?! woah, you've got patience *clap, clap*.. as for me, one round is enough.. no more waiting. doc straightaway suggest ivf.. and i just turned 30 too..


oops, sorry.. hehe.. thot u guys have it better there.. but i guess, everywhere is the same huh? give or take.. anyway hope your bleeding stops soon!
Hi Merlenna,

I am now in the 4th cycle of clomid. Will try till 6th cycle. Becos doctor say that at my age, I will have a chance of abt 30% for IVF...thats not very high. And each cycle cost so much...and we cant go for > 10 times. Hence, altho' the sucess of <10% thru' clomid is very low....i will still take the chance.

So when r u going for the ivf? Which doctor are u seeing?
U must be anxious and nervous as the date get closer. dun give up hang on there
U have come this far -- egg whites, countless jabs, appts, tears etc....just think of FET -- 2ww-- +ve pregnancy test and cheers !!! Hang on. Be strong ....hugs

I am also with LC cheng and 35 yrs. Did 3 failed IUIs and now IVF. Started BCP, jabs should start abt may 9-10. Pple do get pregnant with clomid just have to be positive after each try. Age is on ur side. Lots of babydusts
Pretty lady,
Finally i got some discharge today. And some pain in tummy. Think is the follicles growing and make it so uncomfortable. I also hope fri scan will teill us good news.
Pretty lady
R u asked to bring the balance lucrin back to KK? I was told to bring along to KK cos they need to check how much left. In case not enuf i need to buy more.

ya these few days was either out for meetings or appts. so not able to read and post. now gonna switch to bullet train mode and catch up with the thread = )
just went for 1st baseline scan at kkivf today. nurse didnt tell me anything about my scan nor the blood test. only told me to continue lucrin till 10 may. go back then for puregon.

not sure that it's normal to start puregon aft 24 days of lucrin? tot max is 3 wks? does it mean by 3 wks egg growth will b suppressed? hope my body is responding well to lucrin..

hugz hugz.. don give up ok.. find out fr doc what went wrong and tiao your body aft that if possible.. im sure u ll succeed eventually..

let it all out if u still feel terrible.. take care..

fri is ur day 8 scan? how many days of lucrin did u have b4 ur puregon jab? nurse told me to come back on 10 may. i started lucrin on 17 apr. very long rt.. not sure if it's normal..
wait for the final blood test this friday. maybe still got little hope. if negative, cry it out. We will be here for u. Find out the likely cause and try again from there. Maybe can tiao ur body first and rest for a while first? hugs.....
today is the third day.. Still feeling bloated but not that bad.. could sleep well and have been drinking lots of water.. so made countless trip to the toilet. I am getting sick of egg whites but what to do.. I have to sacrifice.. I have just been resting.. my mon is taking care
of me.. basically all i do is wake up, have breakfast, watch lots of TV, eat and sleep..

you did not ask the nurse how many follicles you have this far? you are on a different protocol from me, I was on Gonal F and Centrotide.. Anyway, don't worry about the jabs too much ok? I am sure you are doing well. just be happy.. that's what i did when i was on the jabs..
I think when you have the white dischage means that you are producing follicles.. well done! I experience lots of that discharge on the last few days of the jabs.. Asked the nurse and she said that it is ok so long as it does not give out bad odour.. anyway, she advised me to take yoghurt just to keep away from infection and to take more good bacteria..
Hi Nancy,

Are you still working? Do you have to tell HR that you are going for IVF? Becos I am sure they will ask why do you need to take such long period of MC.

Hi All,
Feeling so down.....i dont like my current job but i have to stay becos i would most likely have to go for IVF. Now i wonder if i should just forgo my the other 2 cycle of clomid and go straight for ivf.....dun feel like staying on with this company. Anyone in the same situation...dun like current job but cant leave?
hi bebecraze,
i understand what you mean, you will try whatever it takes, never try never know.. i know by medical standards at our age, we can still somehow afford to wait.. but by society's standards, in my case, i'm really late at conceiving, so naturally the pressure comes from the parents, in-laws, siblings who all can't wait to see little ones running around them!

anyway, i myself, can't wait too.. was thinking abt future, if i conceive now, by 40 my kid will only be 10 years old, do i have the energy to keep up? you know lah, these are just the random thots in my head.. but i just try to push them aside at times so as to avoid stress..

but in any case, good luck to all of us.. it goes to show we will try anything as long as we get what we want in the end..

gd morning.. that's gd. rest well n enjoy the luxury of resting at hm. must not think abt work n enjoy life at hm. as trs, we will never have such privileges so must enjoy it = )

so nice of ur mum to come n take care of u..

can i ask how many egg whites u take daily? how do u eat them? do we need to take more than 2 litres of water everyday? now training myself to drink at least 2 litres before the actual one comes..hehe.. sorry.. so many qns..
I started my lucrin on 4/4. Hv my 1st scan on 17/4 and was told to continue til 25/4 before starting puregon. So its normal don worry. Jus be relax and once you start on puregon u be excited.

hugz.. if u r not comfortable telling them, perhaps can say u r gg for a med procedure, women's prob. don stress yourself ya..

if u cant decide if u wan to do ivf, maybe can go for ivf counselling first. we actually went thru that mths b4 we decided to embark on ivf.

btw, which hosp r u w?

thanks for the advise. Still abit worry abt the follicles not growing. I don experience much side effect after taking the puregon. I hv a feeling i will be asked to continue the puregon jab for another few more days.
