IVF/ICSI Support Group

may I ask when is the first pregnyl jab after ET? I really fear this jab.. so far I think it's the worst of all...Do you stay at home all the while during the 2 weeks or did u go out sometimes?

Thank for the advise. Will try to relax. Donno y this few day tend to drift away thinking abt the ER and ET thing during work. When my My boss talks to me i will go daydreaming. She's trying to be understanding

Pretty lady,
I have the same problem as u. Today trying to find fat to jab, hv difficulty to poke in

After the 2 jab the area is painful. Hv to "ren". Another 3 more jabs to go. Sigh...jia you!
I don experience any numbness at all only bloatedness. Wonder did you try acu? I decide to give up on acu. Too many needles liao starting to hv phobia with it.
I don't have bloated problem till lately and also didn't take any egg white during 2ww. Now, i have to 'kuai kuai' take eggs and protein bars.
Don't worry about not having symptoms, some get pregnant without any symptons.

It's will be immediately after ET if i am not wrong. Of cos you can go out during 2ww but do take some rest once you feel tired especially first few days.
thanks for the info.. I hope that the ET will go smoothly and the prick from the pregnyl won't be so painful. You take care and hope to hear good news from you and zeena soon!
Morning gals!

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Stage</TD><TD>Start Date</TD><TD>Date of ER</TD><TD>Date of ET</TD><TD>End of 2ww</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Doc </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zeena</TD><TD>2WW</TD><TD>Mar</TD><TD>14/04/2008</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>27/04/08</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Budderball</TD><TD>2WW</TD><TD>Mar</TD><TD>16/04/2008</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Approx 30/04/08</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>BlesswBB</TD><TD>Lucrin</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherishball</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cuteangel</TD><TD>ER</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>24/04/2008</TD><TD>29/04/2008</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Dr Koh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jan</TD><TD>ER</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>24/04/2008</TD><TD>26/04/2008</TD><TD>13/05/2008</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>LFB</TD><TD>BCP</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>Penguin</TD><TD>Puregon</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>pretyy Lady</TD><TD>Puregon</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenn</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Dr Thong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nancy</TD><TD>BCP</TD><TD>April/May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyWee</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>ML</TD><TD>lucrin</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Yu Su Ling. </TD></TR><TR><TD>wishababy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>chuafamily2003</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>rejoice</TD><TD>lucrin</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bakaholic</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May/June</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>SC Ng </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

All the best and take care!

good luck for your ET today!!!
Morning All

Sorry been missing since weekend. hehehe..

Will be gone till next monday. Hope to read about BFP from all whos 2WW ending..

ML, 2more hrs before I leave. hehehehe.

Take care all..
Hi Zeena,
I thot your bloodtest was 27 April???

Hi ladies,
Just return from KK for jab. Ask sister Phua if no bloatness means no good sign. She told me bloatness depends on how many eggs were retrieved. If more, chances are the bloatness will be bad. So doesn't mean that no symptoms means no hope. Felt better after hearing that.
Don't worry ok? just rest well and be a queen.hehehe.. was it your 2nd pregnyl jab?

My ET is later.. Dr called just now to confirm again.. got butterflies in my tummy.. this whole thing is worst than driving test!
Bloodtest will be on tis fri... thk cos of the pregnyl jab tat's the reason bloodtest need to wait for another wk to test the result...
Don't worry too much, I oso no bloatness during ER and after ET only bit for few days then ok liao...
All the best for ur 2ww.. rest like a queen all house chores let ur HB do it... haha...

My HB complaint so tired doing so much housechores lately.. haha...
hi blesswbb,
i didn't undergo acu during IVF. remembered dr loh ever asked me if m intending to do so.. he advised if i have not tried, don't try...just concentrate on IVF &amp; follow medic given. :eek:
anyway m "scared" of needles even before starting IVF, so the less needles the better...
however i believe chinese acu is proven effective, as previously i'd a few sessions for healing my ankle prob.

hi budderball &amp; zeena,
both of you are expriencing different symptoms during 2ww... really praying hard for both to have gd news soon!!
budderball, i tried counting to 10 before pulling out needle. gosh!... more blood came out...&amp; half of the swab is stained by the red... but it works.
hi cuteangel,
u mentioned that before ER...u took multivits made for women. wonder in the 1st place were u prescribed to take folic acid tablets by your gynae ?? if so, isn't the dosage of folic acid u took will be higher?? is this ok?
My discharge was also alot more while on puregon and checked with nurse they say some of their patients also have the same.

i feel guilty after knowing that half of the sawb is stained with blood.
don't be... budderball... losing a bit of blood is no big deal.
btw, did the nurse explain why is there more white discharge?? what does it implies?
nurse just says that it is due to the hormone jab we are having, didn't explain what does it implies. or you might want to check with her with more details during your next scan.
is puregon same as GonalF. then the white discharge is caused by the folicles growing. as there are more folicles now, each producing hormones.. so the hormone levels are higher and thus, more discharge. had the same problem when i was on GonalF.
Hi Cuteangel,
Yeap, today is my second pregnyl jab. I only need to jab every 3 days cos' less than 15 eggs retrieve. Think kk standard is, if more than 15 eggs, than need to jab everyday till blood test.

Hi Zeena,
All the best to you this Friday. Your positive results will definitely give me lots of confidence.

Yes, you are right, DH did all the housework these days. Sometimes i take advantage lor, just sit on the sofa and say... 'hmm i feel like eating apple leh'. Than he will kuai kuai go and cut apple lor...heee.. too much hor, but rare chance leh...
Hi ladies,
Anyone had problem of doing 'big business' while on pregnyl. Have been feeling very uncomfortable these days cos cannot release. Any thing can help.
hi ML,
believe gonalF=puregon, so i believe what u'd shared is happening to me now

hi jan,
sounded like u r having constipation. try have more food containing fibre or can take fibregel available in guardian.
Haha... me too.. I oso instruct him to do this, then do tat... so good.. we're like queen, hehe..
rare chance so must fully utilise.. haha...

I'm getting more and more nervous for the coming result... so scared... days coming soon...

Maybe u can poke too hard, try to poke it slowly. while poking in ur flesh, try to hold ur breath so it's not tat painful and while inserting the medicine, slowly blow out ur breath... try to push lightly and slowly pull out...
Hope this helpful to u...
Jia you!!
then no need to worry abt it. it's normal.
With regards to the jabs, did you pinch hard at the area. basically, just grab your tummy, breathe in and out, relax, then jab. and release the pinch. the needle must be 90 degrees to the tummy. After that injecting the meds, pull the needle straight out and press on the area for a while with an alcohol swap. Do not rub as it might cause bruising under the skin.
hi zeena &amp; ML,
thanks for all of your tips. all of u sound so expert! will try to follow in tonite's jabs. wonder if you all did test out areas (with the needle onto skin) before actually poking in??
don't jab too low on the tummy ok. i got a very big blue black when i did that.

No leh.. just choose an area then whack liaoz... :p

lol... of course expert liaoz lah (kidding).. jab so many times leh.. still more to go... ho ho ho... think all the nerves at my tummy there also die liaoz from so many jabs..
hi all, im new to this thread and would like to know more about IVF. I had an unsuccessul pregnacy in Jan 2008 after trying for 5 years and done 2 IUI. I'm considering to give IVF a try. Can i know how long is the waiting time to make appt with Dr SK Loh in KK? Also, anyone actually quit their job to do IVF? pls share.
hi ladies,
Had the ET today.. the nurse that I had lots of fluid in my body, hence the bloat for the past days.. She feared that it might be OHSS and asked to me take 8 egg whites a day and drink lots of water. Now I am extremely worried. She said that it is dangerous to have OHSS when I ahve already done the ET.. I still feel bloated.. How?
Hi Lfb, Rejoice, Cuteangel and Merlenna,

I'm referring to CARE at SGH. Sighzz... Guess it's just luck. Some get it good, others like me, no luck.

U know wat? I'm part of the MOE family too!!! I've been teaching the last 4 years but decided to take a switch this year. I've asked for a posting to HQ this yr, of coz, with hidden agenda.. (^_^) Life has been a little less stressful. I hope this year's a good year for us! Ur Ps, VPs and HODs really need to be very understanding to make things possible. Stay TOUGH! This page is for toughies like us!

Hi Bakaholic!

U are with Prof Ng? Which stage are you at now? I'm also seeing Prof Ng!

*babydust to all*
Pretty lady,
I don hv much white discharge leh. Is that mean i hv not much follicles growing? har?? how?? start to get worried liao

I think you hv pinch yourself too hard. Don be to tense uup and relax. Breath in and out when poking in the needle.
i spoke to my HOD today, not my RO lah but this HOD know about my plight. she was very supportive. and she said, no need to announce anything until everything is done and ok.. haha.. she even said don't tell my RO coz he tends to blurt out stuff meant to be kept confidential.. tsk, tsk.. haha..

she's so nice..

is it true HQ more relaxed? how come i hear an ex-colleague complain everyday also go home late. hmm.. but good for you can take time off away from the noise coming from kids in school.. hehe..
Budderball, MS Family, OInk Oink, ML, Nancy &amp; ladies....
I'm so sad yest...
tried HPT and result was -ve... cried till my eyes swollen till today swollen still there...
chances v slim liao... no choice no luck tis round...
Dear Debz,
Ha ha ha! Looks like we are the stress lots! Good for you that you are less stress up now. Hopefully all of us can have our dream come true.

Good choice! You have good HOD, that is good. I didn't tell many, except my close colleagues and SLs. The rest, I didn't bothered.

Don't worry, just relax. Eat those eggwhite you are told to. rest well, think we tend to go paranoid during 2 WW. I wonder what will happen to me.

hi, no news from you lately. Busy with exam? Take care.
Hi Sisters,
I'm new. Been following the thread for few weeks.
I have my fist ivf cycle done in april, just completed my 2ww. Tried HPT (Clearblue digital) yesterday and result is pregnant. But HCG blood test level is only 9. Was told might be a bio-chemical pregnancy. Need to repeat my blood test again. Can any sisters here advise or experience the term "Bio-chemical pregnant".
finally last nite... my jabs were done smoothly following all of your given tips. thank you

hi blesswbb,
if you're also feeling bloated since taking puregon, believe body is responding to the medic &amp; simulating our follicles/eggs growth. perhaps u will experience what i have either today/tomorrow, so no need to be overly worried.
this fri when we're back KKHIVF to do our scan, the results will tell. m hoping not to kanna the "rough" nurse doing the scan...

hi cuteangel,
well done! praying hard for your condition to be improved. not sure if the nurse's comment should be listened to... cos i thought slight symptoms of bloatedness will stay throughout our 2ww. anyway adhere to her advice on taking more egg whites &amp; water to alleviate your condition 1st. wonder if other ladies who is serving/ had served their 2ww could further advise you on ways to deal with your condition???

hi zeena,
brace up gal! don't give up yet... things might not be what you'd thought. did u do the HPT at KKHIVF?? what further comments are given to u by dr loh??
hi guys,
i can check if u take any supplements leading up to IVF? like multi vitamins? I am overweight but am tryin to slowing lose weight for IVF . if everything goes well would be sept-nov... hubby jab first for 6 mths then me.
Hi Mon,

Am sure the dr will schedule u for another blood test. The HCG may increase slowly, so 2nd blood test is important to confirm the pregnancy. May I ask where u do yr ivf?
Hi Zeena,

Dun take it too hard. Is this your first cycle? Can try again next cycle. BTW how old are you?

Hi mon (endoseekhelp),
Dun worry....so much. I will pray for you.

Hi all,
Both myself and DH has fertility problems. Doctor say that the chance of us conceiving with Clomid is less than 10%. I am in my 4th cycle of clomid. Will try till 6th cycle and proceed to IVF cos doctor advised was that since I am only 30 yrs old, I can wait for few more months before going for ivf. Felt very sad and depressed when told of the low chance of conceiving. Cried many times also. But well life still has to go on.....

Wish all of you best of luck!!

Hi Zeena,

Just go for the blood test on Fri and see how......I have also failed my 1st ivf in Mar, and now doing acc at Dr zhou's, according to her, seems like more ppl succeed in their 2nd rd than 1st, thus, i am keeping hope up for my 2nd attempt later.
