IVF/ICSI Support Group

lol.. ya.. that's why i want to leave...cause they also say such things even when pple not leaving. Anyway, hope to hear good news from you next week!!!
Hi Babychole,
so sad about your decision. You must be strong. We gather strength from one another so if you feel down, drop by and we talk. Sometimes, letting out of better than brooding over it. Take care, will con't to read your blog.
Babychloe - Take care, the possibility of losing a love one is not easy. Be strong, the rest of your family need you especially yor mum.
pls be strong. settle one thing at a time. with a stress body doing ivf is waste of effort. just talk your heart out if you need to. this forum is for us to share and care.

take care!
OIC... not sure.. u mean jab won't have AF?
do u knw wat's the purpose of jabing tis, the nurse told me tat tis jab is to make the lining sticky so embryo can stick to the womb... I din knw is hormones jab... hehe... me so blur...
Nurse only told me the jab is to support the pregnancy (incase get pregnant) didn't tell me is to make the lining sticky. I read from other website, they also mention something to do with lining as well. You may also asked to go back to KK for daily injection if bloodtest shows that there is insufficient hormones.
Found this from web, hope you will find it useful when to do a HPT.

Q: Can I use an HPT if I had an hCG injection (such as Profasi, Pregnyl or Novarel)?

A: You can, but you should wait 7-14 days after your last injection before the shot is out of your system. If you test too soon, you might get a false positive. Wait 14 days after a 10,000 IU injection, 10 days after a 5,000 IU injection, or 7 days after a 2,500 IU injection.
zeena, budderball
i think you gals are taking the progesterone injections. basically, progesterone is the hormone that is making sure that the lining is thick enough to sustain the pregnancy. During a normal period, if there is no pregnancy, progesterone levels will fall and the lining will shed

how's your headache? can imagine the frustration and pain you r gg thru. have emailed to check with dr but have yet to receive reply. If i know of any remedy, will share with u. u take care ya..

btw, which stage r u now?

can add me in the table. I'm also with Dr SF Loh and am on Lucrin stage now. Thanks.

Can i also ask how u separate the egg yolk from the egg white? u mentioned u drink it with milo. does it taste weird? can we cook the egg white or cook it in soup? thanks in adv..
I will look out for you tmr.. If you see a nervous person, looking so scared, then that's me.. I am excited and worried at the smae time.. dont know how to describe the feeling.. Anyway about the OCP.. when I took it, i did not particularly put on that much weigh.. but i remember that my appetite kinda increase.. the good thing is, that month when my menses came, it was almost painless.. no cramps at all! I believe must be the OCP.

Lfb adn Empress,
So i will see you ladies there tmr.. I shuld be there at bout 9 a.m.

Really? my hb can see the retrieval of the egg? so exciting.. I hope there will be good ones that he'll get to see..

Just wondering.. is it possible for all the follicles not to contain a single egg at all? I hope my hb can get to see some eggs tmr..

Zeena and Kym,
thanks for your well wishes.. I will definitely update after the ER as to how many eggs can extracted.. anyway, was told I got 11 follicles and 1 quite small one.

hope your migraine will clear off soon.. you still teaching now? I hope the pupils are behaving and not adding more headache.. As for my dept, most of them are very willing to help and are supportive, even my P and VP.. I think I can leave the dept in good hands.. hopefully the kids behave.. Cetrotide suppresses ovulation so that we dont ovulate before the ER..

You are going for your ER tmr too? Are you excited? how many follicles have got so far? All the best!
how does the grade differs? the larger the no, the better? sorry, so you are which stage now.. the thread moves so fast that i sometimes forget..
Dear cuteangle and Empress,
my appt is 10am, but I usually will arrive 10-15min earlier. Dunno got chance to meet. But all the best to you! Don't be too worried. Sleep well tonight and leave everything to God. We try looking out for one another, ok?
Besides feeling sore breasts i have no other side effects. My counseling nurse was Cindy on tue, u said u had someone names dr chia? she was like going thru fun biology class with both of us......

according to the nurse, not all follicles will contain a egg. the very small eggs are inside the follices which ur Hb will get to see. All the best tomorrow. Remember no make up and nail vanish. Bring a clean pair of socks just in case very cold during the 2 hr rest....good luck

Please take it one thing at a time. share with us ur thoughts and feeling. Please be strong especially for ur mum...hugs
Pretty lady
I very excited and worried at the sametime. I'm excited that the date to ER then ET is coming closer. Worried that the follicles don grow and no eggs....How??? :p
I'm preparing to take lots of fish and some eggs white...heard as long as food with proteins will be enough.
Pretty lady
How's your headache?? Do you think the bottle of lurcin can last for another week until the puregon jad ends? Think must buy another bottle?
thanks. u must be all excited and anxious. I will be too. There are so many steps to the final pregnancy tests, u are half way there already. jia you jia you and eggs grow grow grow !!!
LFB and Cuteangel,
All the best on your ET tmr.

hubby can go into the ops theatre too during the ET meh? He can see the eggs being extract??
I praying hard too. Ever heard if menses don stop during the lucrin jab? i still having spotting so quite worry that wont be successfully due to this.

so how's your er? do rest well after that..

my migraine is better now, though it still comes, on and off..

glad to hear that ur school is supporting u. the exams start tomorrow so the the timing is quite good for me.

Is cetrotide an oral medication? Not sure if KK gives that too..

when's your er? don worry so much.. just feed your body well n relax as much as possible.. = )
hehe.. as i tell u this, i got to remind myself to do the same..
dear nicole and ms family,

i will ivfing with sgh soon... any advice for me... I am a full-time worker and what do i need to expect... with dr yu, too..
babylow, thats good another one for company @ SGH. I went thru 2 cycles of PIO. So I normally go during lunch time for my scan. Than they will bring it to the doc for review and see if u need to buy more meds.. But I was also inform by the nurses that I might have to come in the morning sometimes also. So will go b4 work and rush to work after la. The nurses are lovely and Dr Yu is oks too. Not much interaction with her once ur on the injections as the nurses monitor u and u see the Sonographer for the scans.. Its very quick if not q for the scan la.

When are u starting? I might start injecting on 5 May if all goes well....

Can I ask Y are u going thru IVF? For me its that I dont menstrate without medication. Since young. So after to tries of PIO Dr Yu encourage us to try for IVF as they can fertilise the egg and sperm. To me IVF will tell me the quality of my eggs or worse case to see if I have eggs @ all...

How old are u babylow? Im just turned 29. Been trying for a baby for 3yrs. Wasted $$ at a gyny who didnt give me a full check up and than decided to go back to my old gyny which my mum took me too when I was young and she referred me to to Dr Yu.
morning nicole!
me also wish i can zzz at home. still having headache and cramp...

centroide is an injection

here's the updated table. not sure if i got all the details. do let me know.
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Stage</TD><TD>Start Date</TD><TD>Date of ER</TD><TD>Date of ET</TD><TD>End of 2ww</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Doc </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zeena</TD><TD>2WW</TD><TD>Mar</TD><TD>14/04/2008</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>27/04/08</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Budderball</TD><TD>2WW</TD><TD>Mar</TD><TD>16/04/2008</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Approx 30/04/08</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah Girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherishball</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cuteangel</TD><TD>ER</TD><TD></TD><TD>24/04/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jan</TD><TD>ER</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>24/04/2008</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>LFB</TD><TD>BCP</TD><TD>April</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Penguin</TD><TD>Puregon</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>pretyy Lady</TD><TD>Lucrin</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenn</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Dr Thong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nancy</TD><TD>BCP</TD><TD>April/May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyWee</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>ML</TD><TD>lucrin</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Yu Su Ling. </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyChloe</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>wishababy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
cuteangel, Goodluck for your ER. I was @ TFC at 8.30am waited awhile for the nurse to settle down n jab for me, i left around 8.40am. guess u were not there yet.

I oso had the feeling "you qi dai you pa shou sang hai", looking forward to ER &amp; ET at the same time oso worried disapointment.
which stage is the Lucrin? The list of protocol the nurse gave me no Lucrin. I only see Gonal F - centrotide-pregnyl. Kindly advise . Thanks it's starting to rain again
U also go TFC for daily jabs? I plan to do that too. What time is a good time? Nurse says morning better plus minus 60 to 90 mins . Thanks. Jia you
don't worry abt lucrin. I'm doing FET so need lucrin. your cycle will be different from some of the ladies also because TMC uses the short protocol. Most prob, you will be doing the transfer this cycle.

GonalF - to simulate the egg growth
Centroide - prevent premature ovulation
pregnyl - to "ripen" the eggs
dear nicole,
well, i hope to start asap due to work commitments, sounds very pathetic right. in fact i had no plan to start so early but upon gynae's advice, i decided to go ahead with it, of course with support from my mum and hubby. i have been trying for almost 3 years as well and i am turning 30 soon... I am one year older than you... hopefully can ivf before 30... hehehe... well, i have endometriosis and also hyperthyroidism... i am seeing another doctor in SGH as well and we tot may as well do it SGH so that doctors can communicate better...

you mean you are starting your jab on 5th may? which one? puregon/gonal-F? lucrin/superfact? did doctor yu give you anything before your jab? i just wonder what happen during two weeks... any injection, insertion or medications? i am going for counselling soon and any advice on questions to ask the nurses? i have mixed feelings but i try to be positive, as positive as possible...

btw, did you go for accupuncture? any tcm? please advise me...

yeap, MS Family, please advise me also...

thank you so much...
Ladies Ladies
I need ur opioion. I have yet to tell my mum abt this IVF procedure i am abt the start. Should i? As a mum, u think she needs to know? Did u tell ur mum? Thanks for sharing....
dunno yet leh. yap.. will be starting work after my 2ww. Hopefully, start new job together with babies.. :p but as the day draws nearer, the more gan cheong I get... :p headache is better but still comes on and off.
I understand how u feel. i will too. Very brave of u to change job but u can handle. Stay postivie like now...u want to start new job with babIES... more than one is good haha ..can close shop

hi blesswbb,
like u.. m getting more anxious as we approaching ER then ET dates. m also a little worried that the follicles dont grow &amp; eggs development are unsatisfactory (being on puregon jab around 7 days)....

guess we just had to try hard to relax ourselves &amp; eating well. thanks for reminder to take more food containing proteins. how do u intend to consume egg whites? half/ full-boiled, sunny up?
i was repeatedly told by KKHIVF nurse that our current bottle of lucrin will be enough to last. m also having a little doubt on tat though... so far for me needle is still under the liquid level when hold upside down. think i will ask nurse what should we do if the liquid level is below the needle tomorrow. my headache no more after having high fever &amp; whole body ache for 2 days early of last week.
btw... i supposed u are also taking 10units of lucrin daily right? my 2nd set of needles presently using is of total 30 units (compared to 1st set by presciption, 50 units). hence m still feeling funny when the markings for 10 units of 2nd set needle seems wider than before.
wonder if u experienced persistent bubble (very small one usually near bottom of pull-out part) which seems difficult to get rid of?
my spotting from mense onset by BCP stops 3 days ago. wonder does your mense seems very light this time?? mine is super light... it came last tues afternoon, but never turns to red.... ends last fri when i could just use thicker pantyliner. me too wonderin if this is normal too??? think we could also ask this from nurse tomorrow when we start puregon.
