IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear Kym,

You can always ask someone to purchase for you folic acid from the pharmacy. They are sold on the shelf. Don't panic..

fyi, i am seeing a dr from Raffles too. He is Dr Koh.

thank you so much ladies for being here. it's really very comforting and touching to talk to you gals. last night was terrible for me, can't sleep whole night, didnt have dinner also. don't have appetite at all.

going to see another doc later or tmrw. hope for the best, hope my little one will fight like mummy.
Kym, Im taking GNC folic acid. I know some buy from the NTUC pharmcy also. Just let them know ur expecting now. Dont worry.. All will work out well.. God Bless.

i'll get the folic acid later and see how is the result. My gynae is dr thong. but sheila loh did my ET with her, guess she's the head so is supervising.

Don't be disheartened ok. I am sure that eggs will turn into healthy embyros.. Like what Zeena says, god will reward us for all the physical and emotional pain that we are going through. take care dear and hope to hear some good news soon!
remember to eat abit cos the small little one oso need food to grow... Knw how you feel... Don't give up...
hi zeena,
gd job! hope that you are resting well at home while waiting for the centre to inform u to do ET.

hi kym,
pls do give up yet. the little one probably needs some time to develop & as many suggested here.... give encouragement by "communicating" & "touching" your tummy.
just called dr thong clinic, she told the nurse said there's no heartbeat so most likely no hope

will still go see dr low to see if there's any chance.
I suggust you go for 2nd opinion. I got a ex-colleague 1st Gynae also tell her no heartbeat but luckily she went to see another Gynae and actually is just the baby is too weak so the heartbeat is very weak and hard to detact, after some jab and help from the Gynae she manage to give birth to a health boy.
So please don't give up yet till you go for 2nd opinion. be strong my dear.. jia you jia you.

Take care and rest well before your ET.
I dare not thk of it, v scare... nurse said normally eggs turns to embryo will at least 24hrs to 48hrs... KKIVF normally will just fix a date 2 days after ET, then doc will tell how many embryos, if all eggs turn to embryo, I'll see how's doc advice, if he said can put 3, I'll put 3!! me abit "kaisu", hehe...
How abt u? All the best for ur ER tmr...
Don't worry, everything will be fine, jus sleep for few minutes and went you woke up, you're at the resting area, everythg is done...
I also kiasu, thinking of putting 3 if permits.
When will the nurse tell you how many eggs are extracted, immediately after ER or they will call you after leaving KK? Will I be given a gas to inhale inorder to doze off? Understand that needle will poke into veins, when will the be? Before dozing off or after? Suddenly, I am full of worries.
Don't give urself pressure... jus relax, trust all to doctor.... the nurse all v friendly, you'll be in gd care...
The nurse will tell you the no. of eggs extracted when you're able to go back...
They'll poke needle on ur finger's vein while waiting for doc, when doc came, they'll insert medicine for you to doze off... + gas later after u doze off...
Hi ladies,

I have been a silent reader for a long time. I did my IVF in Mar but failed. I really cannot understand why this fails esp. when DR should nothing is wrong.

I am now now deciding when I should go for FET. Anyone here with Dr Loh and will be going for FET soon? Hope to share our thoughts and concerns here. Thanks much!
hi cuteangel,

i think we are on a diff protocol. lucrin is meant to suppress egg growth. once that is successful then we move on to egg stimulation thru puregon injections. so if im not wrong, u r 1 step ahead of me = )

sorry, forgot if i have asked u. pardon me if i have. where r u doing your ivf, n w which doc?

can i check if anyone is doing acu w dr zou? is it meant to b painful? cos i could feel a little pain in my 2nd treatment today. hehe.. n i can't imagine i cld fall asleep during e trmt w e 'electric pricks'. must have been too tired i guess.
i'm also doing acu w dr zou. Sometimes it's not painful. But there are times when it's painful also ...

And if too tired also can fall asleep .. haha
hi wish-a-bb-come,

u just started? ya lor, sometimes pain sometimes not pain. dono y leh. its a gd thing to fall asleep, felt gd aft tt = )

so when r u doing ur er?

Oh I see.. I did not have to take lucrin. I was on the contraceptive pills for 21 days.. then had my menses and on Day 2 menses already had to start on Gonal F injection.. Well I went to see the dr today to check if my body is responding well to gonal. dr said that I have 8 follicles in the right ovary and only 3 in the left. Supposed to go back on Fri to monitor the size and number and with god's willings, I should be going for the extraction of the eggs on Mon or tues.. Quite scared and worried actually.. I hope they can extract enough eggs. Trying to stay positive...

Anyway, I am seeing Dr Koh from raffles.

I can understand your anxiety.. Now that I know that I will be going through it either on Mon or Tues, suddenly getting so worried, about pain, uncertainty of how many eggs they can extract and how many embyros can be developed..Let's pray that everytyhing will turn out fine for us!
Zeena, Budderball.
Good luck for your ER and ET today. Dont worry too much. It is all very tolerable. After finished if painful, tell them n they wil give you something for it. take the panadol all day if needed after the ER.
Zeena, ET painless... Praying for you for many gd embryoes!

Welcome.I am also with DrLoh in KK and just done FET. May i ask how old you are and how many embbies left in freezer? I think you should go ahead with your FET,but maybe give your body some time to recover from hormones of the iVF and prepare itsef for next cycle, perhaps about 2-3 months. Are you taking any TCM or doing acupuncture in between? That can also help prepare.
FET is much simpler and painless (no jabs at allfor me) compared to the IVF itself. I encourage you not to give up, and go ahead wth FET when you are ready.Good Luck.
Hi ladies, thanks for your prayers and well wishes. yesterday i went to see dr low from gleneagles. She's really nice and patient. Thanks Vanilla for introducing her to me.

She also said that there's no heartbeat but she will do blood test for me to see if the HCG will increase within the next two days. I know chances is slim but I am accepting things better now. Dr low is right, she said it may not be a good thing for me to conceive now also due to my overweight problem. I've been trying to loose weight for so long but didnt succeed, as whenever I'm stress I want to eat, or when I cannot eat I'll get frustrated. some kind of sickness i guess. i am still talking to my little one every now and then hoping she can hear me and start pumping her heart... i have till next thursday to hold on to her in my tummy. no matter what she's still my little one, whom have given my happiness for two weeks. i'll just have to think positively that maybe all these that i've gone thru has made me treasure my son and my husband more, and also my health.

I'll probably see dr zou mid of next month and see if she can help me with my weight problem and improve my health.

sisters here, if u have dr zou's number on hand can you post if for me. thanks alot!
Hi Kym,

here is Dr Zou's number. Call her b4 you go down as she is quite busy. 64560833. She is close on Wednesday too, so you can call tomorrow. Take care and rest well. All the best.
thanks LFB! btw does she open in the evenings? i'm working so i can only afford to go after work and weekends.. usually must wait very long? does she do accupunture for loosing weight?

she opens in the night too, but do make appt. Usually quite packed with pple with appts. Weekends are good too, I went once at 920am, just when she open. But some Sundays she is real full. I stay very near there, so we try to go at timing convenient to her. Re acu for loosing weight, think most do it. I know the main reason is to curb cravings. All the best.
Glad that u have seek 2nd opinion and taking it well. Dr ZOu is busy on weekday nights and weekends. Call for appt first but may need to wait at times since the clinic is small. Weekdays are open from 9 to 9pm. Take care
rejoice/wish a bby come
I have been doing acu for the past 5 weeks. I have learnt that i have to be very relax when dr zou is inserting the needles so the pain is minimal. Is i get all tensed up, it will hurt a little.

Once i "act smart" thought the current was okay in fact was too strong for me. Had backache for the rest of the day. ladies, remember not to take a shower within 2 hrs after acu.
thanks LFB. yes dr low also asked me to try accupuncture to loose weight as it helps to curb cravings. hope at the same time can tiao my body. thks for sharing. i'll book her on sat 1st appt then.

btw how often do we need to see her to tiao? is weekly good enough? of it's very individual?
babydust, dun worry, things will be okay for you! will pray for you and your little one!

thanks nicole, for my body sake it will be worth waiting.. i knock off at 5pm so hopefully 5+ will be not so busy there also.. do you see her weekly or twice weekly?

any PCOS gals seeing dr zou? does she help with that problem?
for us abt to embark on IVF, we see her twice weekly for acu and take daily med. each acu takes 40mins for front and back - $25 Med is abt $7 daily.

She treats all aliments. Young and old see her but she sees more female problems and she although she is from china she is very familiar with terms like PCOS and every step of IVF protocol. I was amazed as i have seen many other chinese physicians but they cant communicate as they are not sure what is what unless we knew what the term is in chinese.

Dr zou in fact also help infertile couples conceive naturally by "tiao" their body. Those
already pregnant let her "an tai" with meds. Call for appt first.
hi Kym...u take care... I have a fren who went to this chinese centre - Aimin or something (it has outlets in Joo Chiat and Starhub centre at centrepoint) and he did massage, acup as well as a dietian advising him his food intake + he does some excerise and he really lost weight. I think u may want to ask SGH or NUH if there are dietian consultations there. My boss said that IVF patients need proper diet cos IVF takes alot of of us and maybe having consult a dietian is good.
hi ladies,
i have started on puregon for 3 days now. Not much feeling, but Dr Zou say is still too early to feel anything.

Got a query, should i be eating egg white now to help grow eggs or should i be eating it during 2ww. a bit confused now.
Kym will pray for you little one.. Keep us updated.
babydust2, will pray for u too..

I just wish we all can hold our little ones after we embark on this journey of IVF. Its so physically and mentally n emotionaly draining.

Have a good week all.

hi vanilla, thks for the info. i think i'll try the accupuncture by doc zou first and as for diet will work on my own first, i think everything is self determination. 10 years ago i tried loosing 20kg in 6mths cos no bf then mah :p so i think i will try again on my own cos with my boy, i really have no time to see nutritionist and doctor at the same time cos my husband is on shift.

thanks nicole! yes I'm working but my job doesnt require me to walk around or carry alot of files so i think should be okay. also have been taking lots of time off during the ivf process so i try not to take so much leave or mc to alarm the ppl. but will most likely let my boss know abt the D&C next week in case he wonder why this girl always on MC.
