IVF/ICSI Support Group


i am not sure if lucrin is the same as the gonal injection. My dr said that gonal helps to stimulate my ovary to produce many follicles and hopefully there'll be many good eggs in them too. Are you at this stage too? Anyway, the gonal jab is done on the 2nd Day of menses,it is supposed to mark the start the of the ivf cycle.

Thanks for the info. It's really comforting to hear that it's normal. Good luck to you on Thurs! I am seeing the dr tomorrow.. I can just pray that my body is responding well to gonal.

After hearing you say that ER is painless, I feel less anxious now.. But then again I have a low threshold for pain.. When the dr did a trial implantation to see if the chaterer (not sure if the spelling is right) , anyway, it's the tube they use to implant the embryo, can reach my womb, i tot it was quite painful.. thanks for the assurance, though. Have a good rest..

Went for Pregnyl shot at KK last nite.
When I told the nurse that I was nervous, she assured me that it's not that painful, kept asking me to breathe in and out. True enough, like what you said is not that painful.

How many eggs were being extracted? Hope to see you Wed. I need to search for you again.....hahah. By the way, what colour top will you be wearing? Remember, rest well and best of luck for coming ET.
my baby did not grow has to give up
guess it's fated..

dear girls, pls hang in there and take care!

I hv not start my acu yet, according to Dr Tan, acu 1 to 3 times per week, depending on individual...

Dear All,

Wan to check whether anyone of u experiencing menses coming late after taking chinese medi?
Mine seems to be late for 2 days already.....Now I dun even dare to touch the chinese medi, scared tis is the side effect....Next time round must ask Dr Tan whether any side effect or not?


Sorri to hear tat! Brace up! feel sad for u too....U gonna give another try?

ya, I am doing fresh IVF. Dr Cheng did said to do 1 month of BCP. Anyway, will ask for more info when I see the nurse this Sat. Now I dunno to postpone to May/June or what. But I am reluctant to postpone as that will means wasted another month again. I have wasted enough time trying to conceive naturally. My sister also quite familiar with the nurses upstair, cos she see doc there. Will bring her along this Sat as she knows what to ask. Now trying to "tiao" my body for the IVF. Hubby joined me last night for acu as Dr Zou mentioned it is good for spermies. But quite ex. $400 per month if both doing twice per week. Sigh. Guess this is the kind of money we need to spend.
*HUGZ* so sorry to hear that.
take care.

just seen dr Cheng. Started on Lucrin liao.

erm.. what's the reason for postponing? if can, should start earlier.
hi babychloe,
don't think i wanna go through all these again leh. too much for me to do it again.

anyone gone through the same? can advise me how does the cleaning process goes? what to take note after that to regain my health?

I heard from ppl tat u still hv to go thru confinement & tiao yr body...Perhaps can check with yr gynae on wat to do next?
Understand yr pain & loss...bt do not give up ok?
But I'm only 8 weeks. Need to go thru confinement too? don't think i wanna stay at home to get upset again leh. will check with doc again next week when i go for the clean up. Is there a term for this process?

I m not v sure, bt tink its considered as miscarriage & treated as the same way....
I eva heard tat confinement still need to be observed....
Hi, can help me update details?? I'm unable to update the file. Thanks so much. :p

Nick : Wish-a-baby-come
Stage : -
Start Date : March
Date of ER : March
Date of ET : May
End of 2ww : -
Hospital : TFC
Doc : Dr Cheng

hi.... dont be too sad k ??? Hugz!! Prepare your body well for the next round....
Take good care also...
u must be upset. Hugs. Eat more nutritional foods like boiled black chicken and if u are not seeing TCM, maybe can start? Dun give up
i don't want to bring your hopes up also. But I heard of a case where one doc told the patient to abort as the baby was not healthy, too small, didn't grow or something like that but the gal eventually give birth to a healthy baby. She went to another doc who told her to continue with her pregnancy. Guess there is no harm seeking a second opinion just to make sure. Just my 2 cents worth.
thanks ML/babychloe, maybe you're right. let me see another doc before making the decision. i'll discuss with my husband on this.

wish-a-baby-come, 10 days ago my earlier scan doc says got heartbeat. Size was 3.8mm. Yesterday only 4.5mm, which should be at least 15mm i think.
Hi Kymberly
May i ask did you start with a low HCG. I was in the same shoe as you last Jan. Baby didn't grow and at week 8, I was advise for a D&C. After that, i just eat healthy food for about 2 weeks or so. Don't think too much now, just rest well.
hi Kymberly, i think it is important to check if there is a heart beat at 8weeks. if there is heartbeat, maybe can wait till 10 weeks to see growth to confirm again if got growth.

From my experience, sometimes the baby takes a longer time than usual to perform certain things - like growth and heartbeat...like my gynae say - we must give the little one a chance.

the procedure is called D&C. Becos it is 8weeks - there might not be a natural process to dispel the baby, so the gynae will need to perform a day surgery to clean up. But talk to ur gynae and see if u can see heart beat, see growth by 10 weeks then decide.

Take care kym...i know how it feels cos when i was 6 weeks, i still cannot see anything in the sac and was deemed to be a blighted ovum and might need a D&C. But little miracles do come to us....at 8 weeks, this little one showed us his/her heartbeat and I am so glad that my gynae had waited till 8 weeks to confirm.
hi vanilla, u're seeing gynae at gleneagles? can you recommend me? i wish to see him to confirm my condition.

doc din tell me got heartbeat or not yesterday but she also din give me anymore folic acid or crinone. so i assume there's no hope?

wish-a-baby-come, ET was 2 days after ER (fresh). no frozen embryo.
U can try Dr zou st Amk. She also sees pregnant women to "an tai". But i think u should seek another gynae opinion. stay positive. Talk to ur baby
continue taking your folic acid ok.. it is important for both you and the baby. Just take really good care of yourself now and pray for a miracle. All the best!
hi blesswbb,
wonder if you are undergoing ivf in KKHIVF?? with rgds to your breathelessness after a week of lucrin jabs, it seems to be 1 of its side effects. u may want to check it out in the lucrin medication manual or call up your hospital to clarify.
i began my lucrin jabs on the same day as u did. my symptoms after a week are headache, fever, whole body aching, inflammation (having bad sore throat), chills (had slight flu). I went to a GP for medication to soothe these symptoms, informing that I'm on IVF treatment, taking the lucrin jab. I'd also checked with nurse at KKHIVF centre whether i should take the medic given & was advised to continue these medics & the jabs.
Likewise as u, m having blood test & ultrascan on 4/17. meantime like u... i also wonder how to do the scan when mense is expected??
anyway, let's be focused & hang on...

hi zeena,
m appreciative of your clarification on why we are required to do scan on 14th day of taking lucrin.

hi MS Family,
congrats! take care and have a smooth 9 months ahead. do u noe how many embryo had successfully implanted in you?
hi Kym...when i was monitored for the baby process, i did it with my 1st gynae (who is not my IVF doc and is my usual doc). She is also at GlenE - Dr Brenda Low (her no is 67347340). u can tell her nurse Kelly that u have an emergency case and would like an immediate appt. She is very kind and nice and really supported me during those horrid times.

during my 6th week, i also stopped the progestrone jab for 2 weeks but still continued my duphaston...so I really thank God that even without the progestrone, the baby manages to live and survive.

To me, it is impt if got heartbeat or not..cos that is the most vital sign..... have a visit with Dr Brenda Low...do let her know ur IVF as well and any records u have from ur current gynae.

I called my TCM doc when I was 6th weeks and told her abt my case, she told me there could be herbs for me but she is worried that it will and might clashed with the western treatment and cause more harm than good. So in the end i did not do any TCM, not even any "bu" medicine and just live 2 weeks without care cos I left my prob with God.

U take care...just continue ur folic acid until u seek another 2nd opinion to ascertain the situation better. if got duphastone, also continue..
this happen to my colleague as well - 1 gynae at KK told her baby not growing, need to remove but she went for a 2nd opinion with Mt E the doctor say baby just weak ....

Now she is in her 2nd trimester already
Thanks vanilla. Will find chance to call up the clinic. Must look for good place to call if not i scared get emotional and started crying. wait my colleague thought what happen..
Dear Kym,

yes, get a second opinion. Don't be too sad. My sister went through the phrase. Keep up your spirit and be positive. You can make it! All the best!

Be strong, the little baby needs u now...u hv to stay positive & happi for now....
Everything is fated! Dun put too much stress in yrself now..
u r welcome Kym... take care ... I know it is very hard...but have faith in God and the little one...

from reading the other forums, i found that some gynaes are abit gan cheong to perform D&C. I spoke to my colleague and he also said that some docs have lack the human touch, they neglect the mummies' feelings...to the docs it is like very easy for mummies to concieve...if things are not in the perfect scoreboard, abort. But mummies like us who does IVF... we went thru alot more pain than natural conception and it hurts much more for us that these gynaes are so indifferent.
Dear ladies,
Thanks for your wishes.

Surprising that your doc didnt tell you if got heartbeat or not even. Who are your with now, TMC? KK? Good luck with the second opinion. I think its a great idea. Stay positive. We are all cheering for you and for your baby to be well and healthy. All the best.
thanks ladies. gynae is from raffles. maybe she doesnt have kids that's why dunno how we feels? anyway, she may be the kanjiong type.

jia lart only left with 1 doze of folic acid :-S

check with Dr Cheng from TMC, the junior Cheng. He is very nice and comforting. In the meantime, do speak positively with your baby and tell him/her to fight back and hang on. I have heard of stories of how mummies being back thier babies with encouragement and love. Will pray for you. All the best!
I've extracted 5 eggs... so little
hope tat all 5 eggs turn to embryos so I can froze some.... pray hard...
Wat color u wearing, I'm still haven't decide... When u reach, they'll ask you go to the op room, maybe can't manage to see you...
Don't worry everything will be fine... Dr Loh v skillful, you won't feel the pain... when you work up rest for few hrs, drink milo and no giddiness you can go home & rest...

Consult another doc opinion maybe there's miracle... don't give up! You've all gals here supporting & giving you hope... Hope to hear gd news frm you...

All gals here are v strong & we're v proud of each other, we suffer alot, god will give us some reward!!

take care dear and please do not give up on the little one yet. There is still hope, I believe. Seek for the second opinion first, give yourself another two weeks perhaps and then decide. Pop in the folic.. I heard it's good for you and baby. Meantime, pray very hard and may your prayers be answered. All the best.

Are you with Sheila Loh? While waiting for the 5mg dose of Folic acid which needs prescription, you can buy over-the-counter folic acid 400mg and take for the time being.
