IVF/ICSI Support Group

Think I'll wait for the blood test.

Nancy, Oink,
Natural FET means that they will monitor you cycle for signs if ovarian follicle growing and watch for when it releases the egg(ie ovulates) and then put in the egg only after that happens. It's the best (closest to normal), since all others are artificially-created thickened lining in uterus and natural FET is a natural one.

Yah, can guess by the risk factors,as the others have mentioned, like having PCOS/ many many follicles and many eggs retrieved. But the actual OHSS where there is a LOT of tummy swelling only occurs after ER. There are 2 peaks, one is soon after the ER, when the very enlarged ovary releases all the hormones, and second peak is when you are pregnant already ( baby creates the hormone or something like that) & so if ppl get it quite near the end of 2ww, almost guaranteed you are pregnant.
Many ppl have mild forms, like a lot of us, but only a very number actually get it bad enough to require admission for protein plasma drip and so on, so dont worry, it's not s big deal. This website gives some more info. -perhaps more useful for those now having some bloating in 2ww adn worried about it--> please read.

hey girl ! CONGRATS!! wow, so cool. now you can relax and wait for bld test.
Wonder what happened to Cheekygal.

Good luck for the bld test tomorrow !!!

I'm going back to work tomorrow

Babydust to us all!!
you want to try the protein diet? Not too sure when will the doc be able to tell. take care!!!

congrats!!! That's good news!!!

I guess for your case your doc will be the best person to advise you since there are different types of blockage of tubes. Think abt it carefully and see what the doc says...
MS Family

Hi gals
Did you experience giddy during lucrin & puregon stage? recently felt giddy...
Dun congrats me yet ... also scare disappointed
only good news for the moment ....

Zeena - i did feel giddy too so i got colleagus to help me buy lunch .... sometime
MSFamily...Congrats..Keepallofusposted..I will feel more confident since doing IVF with Dr Yu too... Congrats again! : )

ML, 15mins more to Lunch and ur 1/2 day! hehehe rainig cats & dogs here!(Rafffles Area)
what is that???? Blood Protein?? How much does that cost.. MSFamily please let me know ur total cost, breakdown if possible when u get ur final bill... worried about additional cost man
basically, i was instructed to eat 6-8 eggwhites per day... the nurse told me that protein helps to reduce the bloatedness as it reduces the amt of liquid released into the body by the folicles. A high protein diet is needed. Egg whites are recommended because it is a pure form of protein without the fats, trans fats, etc. Maybe you can check with your doc on this.

mine cost 200 bucks per bottle i think..
If you have OHSS and for me i think due to age, mine was quite bad ... Dr ordered blood protein for me to reduce hormones .....

Budderball - i ate 10 eggs white /day for 3-4 days after ER.
Did you go treatment/perm/rebond ur hair during Puregon stage? Not sure will the chemical affect the grow of eggs... not sure 'm asking silly question... hehe...
Hi Ladies,

AF reported yesterday. Supposed to go for blood test only tomorrow, but will just give it a miss. Have decided to stop at this cycle. Will not be doing anymore ivf as I do not have any frozen embies.

To the rest of the sisters here,wishing you all the best and lots of baby dust to you too
Hi babychole, thanks for your kind words.Though slightly disappointed, I am still able to accept this fact. Have decided to give up as this is alreay my fourth fresh ivf cycle, and I do not have any frozen embies left. Think its God's way of telling me to shower all my love and attention to my only son (now 5+, conceived through my 1st ivf attempt).

Hope everything is going on fine for your Dad's treatment and as for your husban's problem, please do not lose heart, as my brother had a similar problem with his sperm count, but he and his wife went under Dr SF Loh for IVF/ICSI and they are now the proud parents of a Boy/Girl set of twins (just attended their one month celebrations last week).

Thanks for your consoles....
Tats y I am juggling btw my dad's sickness & decision to go ahead for IVF now...so many plms...sometimes y must we be put thru such tortures? Just dun understand!

At least u still got a little boy...someone for u to concentrate on...glad tat u r taking it well...Sometimes luck also plays a part in IVF...
Take good care of yrself & yr boY!
cheeky girl, sorry to hear.. big hugs.. Ur lucky in a sense u have ur wonderful 5yr... mayb u might just have one naturally along the way.. God works in mysterious ways... : ) All the best
MSFamily, no la not in Citibank. In a law firm. hehehe.. Ur egg whites u ate were they raw or cooked?? Dont mind me asking, how old are u? I thought u same age as me, Im 29. BFP for u!!! waiting for ur goody news soon!
Has anyone have to take Growth Hormones, was told by my doc I have to take that every other day when I take my injections to stimulate the ovaries to grow e folicles...... thats setting me back about 1k!!!!! just wander if any ladies here had to take it..
Sorry to hear that... Don't be sad at least you have your boy...

You must be positive and strong....

Recently I do thought of giving up cos of the units I've injected at my age is too much and having more and more briuses at my stomach & it's quite painful...But thk in positive way, I've started it halfway.. hope there'll be more eggs... sigh...
Dear Cheeky,
Sorry to hear that. Was just thinking about you this morning. Hope you will rest well and you never know, maybe one day it will happen without any ivf.
Thanks Nicole and zeena. I'm taking it fine. God has already been kind to me once by bestowing me with my boy. Guess I shouldn't be too greedy to ask for more.

Zeena, please be positive. I'm sure you'll be able to make it. Lots of baby dust to you and will be awaiting your good news
Hi Cheekgal,

dun give up,just try naturally,one day u will be tested postive.I also have a boy same age as yrs,that why I told myself I will give it a try this time,if not success at least we still have our boy.

Hi Zeena,

sure u will be bless w lots of eggs.Just stay postively,hope to hear yr gd news.
hang on there. Lots of buby dusts to u

sorry to hear that AF reported. glad that u are teking it well. u have tried ur best so no regrets. wish u good health

keep up the spirit. more postitives coming ur way
cheekygal - My colleague SIL - done a couple of IVF all not successful then she went ahead and adopted a baby girl. 4 yrs later, she got pregnant naturally and now doing confinement for her baby son.

God is not fair but remember God is just. When he close one door he opens another
Not good with words....
babydust2 many thanks, read it.... Not sure if I can tell my doc I dont want it... 1k is alot.. Will deal with it when I start my program...
Nicole, me also 29 this yr. The blood protein transfusion cost me 300 - 400 ....I think the purpose of the egg white is to replace the lose of protein .... and prevent OHSS thus think you can start eating in puregon stage ... no need now.... Have not heard on the GH pill though...

Zeena - Jia You. Is painful and i hate it... the last lap already....
Puregon is when injecting stage rite?

Its GH injections. every other day I think. I knw its not daily.

So Dr Yu might also allow only 2 embries for me.. Really hope it happens for me and for all who is trying.
MS Family
Is this ur 1st time on IVF?

Hi gals
thanks for all your encouragement, so touching to have so many supports...
babydust2,zeena,MSfamily,nancy,nicole, thank you everybody. Don't think there will be another addition to my family anymore, cos both my tubes are blocked and Dr could not unblock the tubes.

Anyway, I'm always here rooting for you gals and the rest of the sisters ML,noi,babychloe,budderball and whoesever name I might have missed out.

Msfamily, looks like good news is on the way...
babydust2, hope to receive your BFP tomorrow.
noi, lots of baby dust to you. Hang on, it'll be your turn to bring us good news.

All the best ladies. Go go jia you.
MSFamily - Congrats !!! that's great news and take care

babydust2 - Thanks for your infor ...

Cheekgal - Sorry to hear that , pls be stong and don't give up. just to let you know that I got a friend, she has a twins gals through IVF when she was 36 and 5 yrs later she was pregnant again with a girl by accident. so there's always hope as long your try.

Zeena - Pls no treatment/perm/rebond ur hair during IVF, read from some articles the chemical will affect the embroys, that's why during ER, no makeup/nails polish/hair spray is allow.
Nicole, if you embryo growth is good and fertilised embryo develop well.... think she will also recommend 2 ......

* my family also has history of twins thus Dr Yu also worried abt split cells...

yes, is my first time for IVF.
Actually all of us only have this 25 - 40% chance of pregnancy ....

BUT we are all willing to try and put in our best for 1 reason.... Just for a chance. When we are old - we know we did what we could have done.
Cheeky, sorry to hear that. I am so glad you are so strong. I don't think I will be able to. All the best to you and your boy.
I looked at all the pregnant ladies on the street everyday and I wonder why I am not like them. So I decided last week, enough is enough. I will go ahead with IVF. This is my first time, skipped IUI. Hope that this will help. Need to ask you ladies, is it true we must avoid cold food, fruits and drinks? Chinese tea?
Cheeky, glad that u're moving on and firm on your decision. Everything happens for a reason. Stay positive and all the best.

MSFamily, congrats in advance ;)
Ladies, i more kiasu .... today bought another 2 pregnancy test kits....

BTW, there a promotion at Guardian for Clearblue pregnancy test kit. Buy 1st one at 13 +, 2nd one at 50%..... quite cheap i think... for those who is like me ... can stock up 1 or 2 .... It might comes in handly for those going for ER & ET soon.
This week is an important week for the 4 of u. lots and lots of baby dusts to all. positive postiive results!!!

you mean you got blood protein transfusion. when did you do that? why did dr yu order the blood protein transfusion for you? how many days of mc did dr yu grant you? did you work while on puregon and lucrin? did dr yu order many blood test for you? what test did you do? how long were you on lucrin? before lucrin, were you given other jab? how long were you on puregon? on how many day cycle, you started your lucrin? did you inform your company about your ivf? btw, where did they do er and et, in care(sgh) itself or in general operation theatre? were you given sedation or GA during ER? how many hours did you get to rest right after ET? did they drain your urine after ET? thank you for your time in answering my long winded questions... million thanks and btw, congratulations!!! your success has given me some hope...
