IVF/ICSI Support Group

think it started raining liaoz..
yap. our babies are premium babies.. don't come cheap... my dh say will smack their butts when they are born.. make him spend so much money...

ha ha.. i think we sure bu she de...
Hi ML ,

Wah, nor wonder U mk Dr LC cheng so rich ... haha.. i tout i aldy spend lot of $$$ coz other sister like paying $ 7 -8 K @ KKH..

Yah, i pay $ 13 K + $ 4 K ( FET ) till now..
I also dun knw yet, got to wait for another 2 weeks then go for scan...He says now is oni 4 wks..Will keep u all updated..
bo bian leh.. all the tests, clomid cycles, SO-IUI, IVF all under him... I had bad experience at KKH. So not going there again lah...

erm.. think it is closer to $17k for Dr Cheng lah... if included the costs of the previous gynae and also TCM for the past year....and all the other nonsense that I bought to increase chances.. then should be close to 20k liaoz.. wah piangz! count liao then realise can go for so many holidays liaoz...
sob sob....

oh ya.. you never take blood test.. if got take, very high HCG levels should indicate multiples right... hope you get twins 1 boy 1 gal then can close shop liaoz...

btw, i just realized that I got no clothes to wear liaoz.. :p keep thinking that will strike soon.. then can get maternity clothes liaoz.. so don't want to waste money on buying clothes.. very silly of me.. haiz... -_-"
Hi ML,
Nope. I was wearing flowery blouse and black pant. I reached there around 6.35pm and managed to see Dr Zou early. Maybe you came into the consulation room when i was doing the accu
My hubby was in the room too.
Dear ladies,

I am new, just joined! Went to Dr Cheng in TMC and fixed to do my IVF Apr/May 08. Read about 2ww, what's that?
Hi ML ,

Wah, u took all in... then i m almost $ 20 K too... Last time, i also w KKIVF but i didnt even do but was charge $$$ for listening to the nurse..Haha.. I also dun like them.. Jus dun kw Y ?? Hehehe

The Lavender TCM introduce by TMC also expensive.
Consultaion + 1 month med = $ 300 ++ Wat to do..But i also bo bian.. Acty i wanted to do accup too but didnt do yet..

Dr cheng asked me to go direct to IVF ...I oni take blood test after 2 weeks frm nw.. if now i take HCG very low. The nurse told me if wan to spend more $$$ then take loh...hahaha.

I dun even dare to thk abt clothings.... Now aldy very plump.. by the months, i might need to wear " Sa-long " oni.. Dun knw where to find plus-size clothes

Hi kymberly,

After 2ww,tested +ve. Was told to take scan 2 weeks after. I have medication as follow, prognova, Meformin ( PCOS ) ,Dhuaston, folic acid & nighty Crinone insert. Weekly inject'n done by nurse.

U have any sympton ? Which week u are at nw ?
Hi Msfamily , Noi , Cheekygal , Babydust..

Hang on during this 2ww...Hw many gals are still working nw ? Jia you !!

Hi babychloe,

After 2ww , Dr jus say 4weeks P loh.. hahaha.. i also dun knw hw they calculate ,..
i was not with KKIVF. was with the gynae at KK. but got very pissed off with their scan and they screw up my blood test. Gave me wrong info.. so i buay song loh...

anyway, really hope this money is well spent...

can't send the file to you using your MSN email leh... you want to PM me your email? I will send it to you..
Me also spent alot on the previous 3 IUIs. With is upcoming IVF, More $$$ will be spent. Since we have decided to take the path, this $$ has to be spent. Pinky, the $$ u spent is very worth well, baby is coming ur way.

cant PM u, send u my email thru MSN. Thanks. I know what u mean abt the maternity clothes. If strike first time, then save the $$ buy maternity clothes hee.....but shoes and bags still continue to buy haha
Hi Gals,

My turn to have sleepless nite, 2 cup of milk and still tossing and turning

Pinky - i am taking my full 2ww at home but on & off need to on laptop check some mails and send some report and stuff but little capacity abt 25% for 2-3 days due to quarter-end reporting...
Gals, i am approx a week from the test date .... getting slightly anxious... what should i do .... Anyone cheated and tested before the hospital did it? How many days after transfer when you tested with HPT??
pinky - how come ur doc prescribed so many medication after 2ww.. kk only asked me to take duphaston and folic acid. Got any difference?
Nowadays, so afraid of seeing blood coz still have the crampy feelings in my lower abdomen.Like u, i'm also in my 4th week and will do the scan in 6th week
hi pinky,
i'm in my 6 weeks+ now. going for my 2nd scan liao. Did once last Friday and tdy again. Dr says for now must go weekly to monitor. I'm only given 3 oral med, metfomin, duphaston and folic acid, and also Crinone day + night. I hate crinone. So much trouble and dun feel good after that!!!
I also worry cannot find clothes to wear
went online to checkout GAP, not so nice leh..
Hi Msfamily,

Coming to the end of 2ww , i also very anxious and having sleepless nite. I tested 1 day before 2WW .. TMC told me to get clear-blue test kit oni.. So expensive !

Hi fss,

The extra med tat i took is Prognova n Crinone vaginal insert .. Wat i was told by the Dr, kiasu med for P.. support.. U have crampy feeling ? Call KK to chk it out... ME, no appetite oni.. Or it time to slim down... hehehe
wah pinky u no appetite so good. my doc says she hope i have morning sickness so can loose weight.. but i very good appetite leh... just got cravings for sour and spicy stuff.. kimchi.. yummy!!!

i do have cramp when i walk too much or when i never go pee quick enough..
Hi kymberly,,

I also got craving for sour n spicy food.. Recently loves to make kimchi soup but dun knw good or not...My mum say maybe kimchi not good for health ? Hahaha., didnt eat kimchi for days liao...

Maybe will cook tat for dinner.. REally dun kw wat to eat while staying @ hme.. So sian ? Are u staying @ hme too ?

Nw forcing myself to drk lots of water daily.. 1.8 L / day rite.. but i oni can drk 1.2L ..
ha ha.. lunch time liaoz..

depends on which procedure you are going for. HSG is abt 300-400 i think. Laproscopy is around 3-4k.
2ww is the 2 weeks that you have to wait and wait after the Embryo transfer, before you get the results of pregnant/not...

Hi. Welcome. TO answer some of your qns ...
1) first will be some bld test and hb sperm tests, then depending on when your period starts & if you have regular or irregular menses, he will start you on meds- pills firstm then injections , and the whole process usually takes about 2 months (8weeks) on average.
Here's a link to the full process as described by KKIVF on their website:
2) Acupuncture can start whenever you want really, asap, but it's important to contnue it while on the injections and during adn after the embryo transfer part too. Raffle's Hospital has an IVF booster package (5 sessions for about $350++) but it's expensive compared to Dr Zou etc...
3) Injections (for KKIVF) are usally done by ourselves or we can go to our nearby GP and have it done. it'sactually not too bad once you get the hang of it, and momentary pain.hubby can do for you too if he's brave enough. and can rub some ice to number the area first.

Hope that is helpful to you.
All the Best as you embark on this journey with us!
HSG is where they inject a dye into the womb and take an x-ray to see if the tubes are blocked. erm.. not sure if can use medisave or not.
pinky ah.. not so good life ah.. since ET only took one day off on day 5 and tdy half day...

didnt tell office ppl so better not take leave in case they wonder why i take leave but not holiday...

just got another week of crinone.. dunno how long more to go man
Hi Ladies, Me back !

Nancy - No No No Roses pls is a bit Orbit Chacha lei ... Think shall arrange a meeting place and give contact through PM .. How?

ML & Nicole - TGIF ladies, as usual counting down huh ? 1.5 hrs more to go and can endjoy your weekend liao ...
Oink OInk
Missing for a day? haha yes Pm contact is good. Then arrange a place in bugis to meet. u seem up spirit
that's good. when u plan to start TCM or already ongoing?
Ladies , Here's the name list for our gathering, any more names to add on?

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>STATUS </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>YES/NO/PENDING </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babywee</TD><TD>No </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenn</TD><TD>No </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babychole</TD><TD>Pending </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinky</TD><TD>Pending </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jan</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>ML</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nancy</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nicile G</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oink</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zeena</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Nancy - Not yet go la .. menses started today lei
got to wait for it to end then starts with acupunture I guess ba...
Just had Sakea Sushi with my girl celebrating my Big Day.. ha ha cos she said Daddy(old Ah Peh) don't take all this kind of stuffs so we have it 1st.
are u planning to see dr zou? her med starts on the fifth day. Can see her first then take med there after. Dun give up. she was telling me one lady got pregnant naturally after 3 failed IVF. She wass very disappointed then and accepted the fate..then relax relax no stress conceived!!

stay positive. Haha ur girl so cute
enjoy the sashimi
Nancy, Yes gg see Dr Zou, can do acupunture during menses? Think shall call her to make an appointment for MONDAY .. Is very hard for me to conceive naturally lei cos Hubby sperms quality no good la and me got block tube althot had the block removed 2 yrs ago but may be got block again and age aso 1 of the factor....
Oink Oink
Ur girl so cute...

Nicile G
Thk can't claim Medisave, I did at KK...

Gals... enjoy ur weekend...

Cheekygal, Babydust2, MSFamily &amp; Noi
result next wk, all the best, waiting for your good news...

How's ur 1st day of Puregon? How many IU you injected? when u going back for scanning, is it next fri?
I got ex-colleague who gave birth at 46. 10 years of trying for 2nd one.. so age not really a prob.


1 more hour!!! Arghhh!!!
cant claim medisave. asked the nurse b4

oink oink
yes, do give her a call. The assistant Li YIng is very helpful she know the details too. Yes cannot do acu only after the menses cleared. call for appt first. Dun give up. TCM can help before ur next FET. i read an article the TCM can increase the chances another 10 -20 per cent.

Dr zou is very friendly too. Ask her should u have any doubts. Be prepared for twice weekly acu and daily med. I kind of get used to this regime after a while.
Thanks Nicole...

ML/Nicole - 20 mins more can know off liao...can starts to prepare yourself liao...go toilet 1st...slowly tidy your desk.. off PC then bye liao...heehhe Happy weekend...

Cheekygal, Babydust2, MSFamily &amp; Noi
All the best and hope to hear good news from you gals next week ..
Oink, Happy Birthday !
Thanks Zeena and Oink, for the wishes.

Getting some sharp mild crampy feeling down in lower abdomen nowadays. in the 2 sides more than the middle. Hope its ok. Anyone else having that? cheeky, MSFam, Noi?
Getting a bit worried. Think I'll test at home soon.
Thanks Zeena, ML and ladies for your BD wishes...

Nancy - I called up and Li Ying said can do acupunture if menses not heavy and confirm gg on Monday. will try build up my body b4 FET and this would be my last try. Already did 2 IVF spending almost near to 35K (medisave $11k) and pocket already got a big hole liao...
Everything leave it to "fate" since I already tried all ways beside $ issues.
still have 30 mins more... we leave at 6...

anyway, for Dr Zou, the whole treatment is 3 mths.. so you might want to time your FET accordingly so that you can get the maximum benefit of the tiaoing..

for me, i only doing 2 months for TCM before FET as I don't have the patience :p

All the best! cramp is a good sign right?
ML - OIC, I always thot know off at 5.30 lei ha ha Paisei Paisei.. Me too no patience type, hate to travel and waiting also so not sure can I Tahan for 2 months bo? don't even mention 3 months?

Babydust - Don't think too much, just try to relax .. positive mind is very important during this period... Take care and rest well.
