IVF/ICSI Support Group

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Oink oink
Thanks! how are you feeling today? You going for bloodtest on Sun?

Thanks! Trying to.. tired! Guess wasn't mentally prepared for IVF. Kenna converted half-way thru the SO-IUI cycle. Wish I could have done more, like tiao my body before IVF, etc etc... guess no choice lah. maybe today just the hormones acting up. PMS. Just finished the hormone pills from Dr Cheng. Wonder when will AF report... erm....

Hi ML - Feeling ok and can sleep quit well lately althot wake up middle of the night but will try get some sleep in the afternoon.
MY blood test will be on next Monday
a bit too far still long wait ... sigh

I know what u mean about collegues having no 2 babies and here u are trying to have that precuious 1.

If you have enough $ to stay @ home than do it but if you will be struggling with $$ if you quit that I wont advice it as u need every penny for IVF. no point stressing during the treatment over $.

Look at it this way, by going thru IVF you will know the quality of your eggs. thats e only plus side I see on IVF, I will be able to know when to call it quits... Just pray and try to stay positive. I too will be stressing during my 2ww to think if e embries have stuck to me... its a natural thing. we all want this so badly... all of us to have a baby to hold and call our own and to spoil and love and hug n kiss... Thats all that we want...... its so unfair that we have to spend so much $ lus go thru emotional & physical pain to try to have one, and the worse thing is there is no guarantee @ all....... ;)
Hang in there babes.. Im sure that if we do our part and try to have a child, if meant to be it will be... I know its hard.... I told my HB, all I want is a baby, I dont care how I have it... He has his objections to IVF for religion porposes but he said he will do anything to make me happy. Anyways I was thinking, Im e one who has to inject anyways so its mean that will go thru all the pain! hehhhee... Sometimes I feel Im just so selfish!

So ML, hang in there...
Hi has anyone put in to embries only and manage to conceive??? Im thinking of putting only 2 as the neonatal insurance is cheaper....... weighing my options on cost.... there is the freezing cost which bugs me too as that u have to pay cash. not under 6k medisave... the neonatal also.
Oink - My first IVF at that hospital was not cheap either, spent S$14K in total and found that the doc is quite uncontactable & inaccessible or that the nurse did not inform him of my feedbacks. After hearing what I've gone through and buckets of tears, hubby decided that Paragon got better chance since they work well with TCM too.

Cheekygal - 18 eggs is very very fantastic, hope all will be good and got fertilised too. How many embies did you ET? Frozen?

Kymberly - Accounts got very heavy 3" files or thicker, did you lift those files as well? I was not used to doing nothing so was extremely unused to 2ww. By end of first week, my muscles were screaming to be stretched and asking for workouts. Perhaps have to follow you and continue working during first week but complete rest on second week for my 2nd IVF.

Babymouse & ML - Was advised by 2 different IVF centres to have 2 natural mense cycles before commencing the next IVF. You'd find that your mense is abit different from your usual so just monitor & get TCM to tune your body back.

Nicole & ML - I teared a little everytime I saw a toddler/baby. Cried buckets while talking to doctors
Hi Nicole G - Thanks, manage to sleep better now, waiting time is hard to pass ...

I already near to 25 cash on IVF programand this would be my last try. Is not only the money matter, also due to time, stress and age.
Really hope to success this round but sometime thing is just "Ke Yu Bu Ke Qiu".

Regarding embryos issue. If you are between 25 to 30 , is still ok to put 2 embryos cos young got higher chance in getting pregnant but if you are above 35 think is better to consider for 3 .
What i can do is just to pray hard....
Always think positive & try to relax... Don't give too must stress on it (knw is easy to say than do) but tis 's life, is precious experience, we're all facing.... if our 2ww result are positive,... Never give UP!!

All the best to you!! JIa You.... Jia You....
Hi ML ,
Isnt IVF has higher chance than SO-IUI ?? Look at the bright sides. As for Tiao myself, i have seeing alot of TCM but it didnt work on me. Somehow, i felt i should have go straight into IVF earlier.

Hi Oink,
Insonmia again? Me too last Thursday. Try listen to this group singer , IIDivo. It reallys help me to relax .
Hi Oink,
All the best! Hope you'll have BFP!

Hi cherish,
which hosp did you go for your 1st ivf? we can then avoid going there
Thanks Jenn, Zeena and ladies for your well wishes.

Pinky, - My brain sort of too active especially in the night, TV, movie and music don't really help on me much... sigh
So you are counting down like me now huh?
Do you brease sightly tense and pain when press?
I got this sign since yesterday and sort of worry now cos usually 1 week b4 messes I used to have this sign .... On the othersm, I hope this could be is a sign for pregnancy.
Really torturing 2WW period ....
Hi oink,

Me too laio... Brain sort of very active too.,Did sleep till like 4am..

I go n ask my mother n my sil , they say .. oh course lah.. u doing nothing at home jus watch movie n resting oni. Of course u still energitic loh..

I dun have that sign like wat u say... " pain when pressed " But i find tat i alway have leakig pee leh ..

Yah, counting my days too... Me scared that this FET not suceess then i dun have any embies laio.
My HB said if this round not sucess, he doesnt want me to try again...

Let pray hard loh..Jus wish our prayer are answered..
thanks! sorry. just feeling a bit down this morning.

thanks! Feeling better already. Guess it's the hormones. i better think positively. if not, think i will die during the 2ww period.

With regards to the number of embies to put it, i think you should listen to what your doc propose. If your doc propose 3, then go with 3.

Oink oink, pinky
All the BEST!!!
Pinky - The leaking pee is due to the gel that we inserted, the nurse told me the last time.
So I am now using disposable panties and Panty linner. I don't wan to bent too much and also save the trouble from washing, if got disposable bra, think I will buy also ha ha ...
oink oink
don't wear bra lah!!! heh heh!!!!

oh... you mean that the inserts will cause you to leak pee? oh my? I better go get disposable panties when I do the FET.
ML - Not sure isit pee but sort of wet and stink la .... Honestly don't wear also no problem cos "Airport" lei can't tell hee hee...
oink oink
huh? the things we go through to have a baby...

lolx... i don't have habit of wearing bra at home leh... oops! tmi!!!
Hi oink,

Oh ya, mayb the crinone that we insert in tog w pee..hheheee .. will try using panty liner..

My Hb did the washing recently n everytime he throw my bra in the washing machine .. Better dun wear bra @ hme loh...

Hi ML ,
Got to insert that after ET till pregnancy test..
hahahah so funny la u girls! hehehe
I dont use Bra @ home! hehehehhe Let the boobs breath man! hehehe
plus mine is like airport also so its ok nothing to see. except e nips stick out when cold! hehehe : )
all on 2ww pls stay positive! all the best to you...
About the no of embries the Dr Yu mentioned 3 e last time I asked her. but I think its our choice too la.. Lets see la.. have to save some cost too cause if got balance eggs I would like to do a FET if things dont work out.

Im so glad monday is finally over..I suffer from monday blues.....
ML mayb ur down cause its monday blues! hehehe Hope u feel alot better...

BTW what is BFP??? Baby for people? hehe
ha ha... how come so many airports here... think it's the stupid hormones.. feeling damn hot now... so good... can go home liao... me still got 1 more hour...
hehe.. u gals so funny... me oso airport...
Take care gals... finally monday blues over...looking forward for my bloodtest & scanning on wed... hope i can proceed to stage 2.
Saw from the previous thread abt ER experience, make me felt so scary, some said v painful and vomitted... make me even scared cos frm my previous OP, I've bad experience, vomit like hell and had to extend my stayed in the hosp.
Dear all,

Today went back for scan, got close to 40 eggs... dun wonder that the last few days over the long weekend is really not comfortable.

The ET is confirm on Wed morning. But now got risk of over-simulation. Might not be able to do it this round....
don't worry. the anaesthetic they use is very mild. I did feel some pain and discomfort after ER. But it went away after taking panadol.
no choice loh.. they say ohss can be life threatening.. now just pray got many many good eggs to fertilize and store. Good luck!

can't wait to go home. 0.5 hr more!!!
MS Family
I agreed with ML, think positive. Hope there're many good eggs to fertilize & waiting for u @ freezer...hehe... Best of luck to u!!
Ya loh.. now i worried not enough embies cause only got 5 mah.. if thaw liao, spoil then that's it liao... Dr already tell me if have to go for next cycle of IVF, he would try to shorten the cycle to improve the quality.. haiz.. he already tell me abt the next cycle liaoz... erm...
MSFamily - Best of luck to you and hope lots good eggs , things may not be as bad as you think, be positive, health is most important.
hi cherish baby, i don't do much processing (mainly closing book and analysis) so not much files to carry. and office is paperless office concept so alot of stuff is soft copies so no need to dig files. i think it will be good to rest 2 days after ET then work 2 days and rest 2-3 days. i read earlier that day 5/6 is most critical as that is when the embroy stick to the womb. that's why i try to rest on day 5-8 (fri-sun) and not work.

hi jenn, not sure abt peanuts leh, anyone know?

MSFamily, all the best for your ET.
ML, must 忍忍忍!!!
Oink/Pinky, don't think too much very soon u'll hear good news on your blood test!
Dear All, Thank you for your well wishes...

I have Gonal F for 12 days....

150 IUI - 5 days
225 IUI - 7 days

This journey is such a dilema... more eggs you worried abt OHSS, abt quality not good ... abt whether can ET ... abt storage cost....

Not many eggs - we ALSO worried abt medical costs required to stimulate growth, worried abt no backup if some eggs are not good enough...

the list goes on and on and on ...This is really painful....
All the best on your ER this wed.

Don’t worry dear, your precious embbies will survive in the thawing stage.

As for me, went for scanning today, my follicles are growing well, already reach 18mm, confirm ER on this thurs, feels nervous already..

Oink oink/pinky
Hope both of u bring us good news n spread babydust to us! Cheers!
Jenn - Better don't mention as some sisters here are under him right now and they might be stressed. Also, that doc already apologised for some shabby treatments of me so just let it be. But I'll NEVER go back to him.

Kymberly - Really don't know how they count, some said implantation 10th day starting from ER, some said 10th day after ET? You are very lucky to have a desk bound job and paperless. Hope I have some of your baby dust soon!

Msfamily - Wow! Better start eating raw egg whites now.

All 2ww ladies - Best of luck! Will cheer you along, be happy, sleep well, think of Dumbo the elephant cartoon always make me smile!
Thanks. ER this thurs, if my embryos had fertilise n are developing well, will be going for ET next mon (Day 4). May I know how many embbies u going to transfer?
Hi Msfamily ,

Cong,You have 40 eggs with the portion of Gonal-F intake..

I have more Gonal F 225 for 1st 6 days then increased to Gonal F-300.. And i oni have 13 eggs..So, isnt tat a blessing...

Yah, 1 agreed with U, put in 3 embies then have 3 babies then can close factory loh...

To All our IVF buddies,

Thanks for all the well wishes..Let's us all work toward our goal..
Hello everybody, I'm back after missing in action since my ET last Satruday. Was really sad as Dr told me the bad news that our of 18 eggs retrieved, only 3 managed to be fertilised. So put in all three and no more frozen embies liao

Have been having very bad cramps at the upper abdomen (feels like heartburn or gastric) and also always break out in cold sweat. Stomach also feel bloated only after meals. Can't sit up for long, so hubby forbid to use computer.

Today is only D3PET. Long way more to go. HCG test is on 8/4/08.Haiz

Pinkypanther and oink oink, hang in ther pals.BFP to you gals and lots of baby dust.

Noi and MSfamily, all the best for your ER and ET. Lots of good eggs and embryos and rest well.

TO the rest of the sisters. JiA You Jia You
Don’t worry, we just need that one magic embryo to make a precious bb..Hang in there…Rest well n stay positive!

Actually I keen on 2, but, 3 can get higher chances of pregnant…
Don't worry, there's always miracle... remember there's one success rate frm previous thread, that only with 1 fertilised embryo for ET...

"Jia You"... Always think in positive way....
How're u? didn't hear frm you... how's lucrin injection?
Do you feel vagina side slightly red? Not sure it's the hormones that causes it....

Hi Cheekygal,

Did the embryoist or dr say why only 3 eggs fertitlised? I had retreived 16 eggs on 10 Mar, 6 not matured, only 2 out of 10 matured one fertilised, rest all gone. so am curious, currently on 2WW.
