IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi oink,

I tout u are seeing the Dr @ Paragon..Hheehe, i am seeing Dr LC cheng @TMC ..

Frankly i wish to knw the result @ TMC .. If suceess, ok.. If not, then i will burst out an cry..( i m a crying baby! ) Then everyone will look at me and i doesnt want to demoralise others...

So, testing on Sun is a good choice for me...

MSfamily and Noi,
Good luck for your ER and ET. It will be ok, dont worry. Just think of it as part of a long process... it's just a stage like the rest.

Hi, got some more info for yuor chart,
My 2WW ends (beta test) date is 9th April. and I'm with KKIVF too. FET.
I'm orking, but took 2 weeks leave for this. y jobs highly stressful adn have to walk fast around the place for over8 hours/day.
What about you? and the rest ?

I also did acupncture at RH. 5 sessions just before and during IVF last time round. i'm convinced it helped me somewhat, thought it still didt work. Now my heart is half-hearted about it, but still doing acup for what it's worth. I didnt dare to take herbs/ pills, just acup.

How u all tahan without doing urine test strip on your own? I did it last time adn will do it again. Last time was positive and then hcg also was 300+, but in the end bad outcome. I started bleeding 2 days after bet test, so I see it as time given to me and hubby to enjoy the positive. This time If lucky enough to be positive , I think we'll be too worried to read anything much into it until the 6week scan. So paranoid already...
Hi Pinky

The Clinic @ Paragon is specialise in IVF and they have a long list of Gynaes. you have to engage 1 of the listed Gynae to do ER & ET and for follow-up you may go to your own gynae.

I wish to have a surprise this time round and so I plan not to test .. will "ren" all the way...
I'm workg too... would like to check frm you, KKIVF gave u how many days Hosp. Leave?

Don't worry, thk tis time will be positive result for you... You put how many Embro tis time?
MS Family - Hope your ER went on smoothly today. Lots of good eggs. Please rest well and drink lots of water to prevent OHSS.

Noi - All the best for your ER tomorrow & ET on Monday. Lots of good eggs to you too. Jia you, Jia you.

Zeena & ML - Thanks for your encouragement.

Babydust - We shall all jia you together. Hope your sneezing has stopped nad you are feeling better today. Lots of baby dust to you too!!

Oinkoink & Pinky Panter - Wow, your 2ww is almost coming to an end.

Counting down to your Big Day already. BFP to both of you and hope you could both spread lots of your baby dust to us. Hope to hear your good news soon. BTW, oinkoink, kindly update that I'm with KKIVF too, DR SFLoh. Thanks

Will not be logging on so often as hubby doesn't allow me to use the computer. So just sneaked in to say hello

To all the sisters on this thread, all the best and lots of baby dust. We shall all jia you together.
Sorry, wrote wrongly, I should be asking ML to kindly update the table and not oinkoink. Blur me

ML, please kindly update that I'm with KKIVF, DR SF Loh. Thanks
HI all,
My friend is starting SO-IUI at a clinic in Woodlands, apparently a Fertility gynae from TMC comes there twice a week in the evenings. Has anyone been there or heard of it ? She doesnt remember the dr's name, but it's not anyone from the ML's above list for sure. Any idea?
I put in 2 embryo's becasue my hb very worried about triplets (high risk). We were considering blastocyst transfer but in the end went for normal ET.
Forgot to get my MC the other day so will go tomorrow and get it. Think they are giving me 5 days MC. Not hosp leave i think. They said NO to 2 weeks, I asked... so i took myown leave for the rest.
Thanks for ur info... Saw frm some thread tat we need to special request frm Dr Loh, then he might give 2ww.. I heard frm the Counselor tat they only give 5 days as on the day of ET, if ur ET on sat meaning give frm sat till wed....
BTW, ppl in 2WW :
Are you all lying DOWN most of the time? OR actually sleeping ? OR lying down adn watching tv ? OR just staying at home and walking about the house ? or going out?
need to survey.... I'm getting bored already. Wanted to go market and go to tailors today... kena told off by hubbie so i decided not to go ..
babydust, Cheekygal
got your details. will update at next posting.

All the best! this time one sure shun shun!!!

I'm working. Doesn't affect my job much as this job very free. just wondering how you gals cope with work matters and IVF stuff? Your company mind? sometimes the 2 just clashes. wonder if that's the reason that some of you like noi and oink oink are not working...

hope your ER went well today!

All the best for tomorrow.. will miss you here. do update us with your good news when the 2ww is over. :p
Hi oink,

U knw if i dun test on Sun morning.. Wat happen it is negative... Then i will burst out n cry then all pple @ TMC will look at me and also demoralise others...So embrassing ! I m like a crying baby..

1 day ahead to well prepare myself on 31/3/08 .

I tout yr Dr is @ Paragon... Hehehe,,hw come nw @ TMC ?

Ooops , this is yr FET meh ? All the while, i tout is yr 1st IVF..
Budderball & All gals
I'll be proceeding to the next stage (Puregon) in April...

Pls update my next stage, thanks.

Regards to coping w IVF & Working... I've told my manager & boss abt tis they do encourage me, and will hired p/t to do my work... cos 'm like one man show, need someone to help u during my absence... but not sure will take full 2ww or come back after 7 days....
Hi gals
would like to ask, normally at the 1st stage of lucrin you take how long to proceed to puregon stage?

and injecting puregon is during ovulation period or after.. 'm quite confused cos KKIVF asked me to start next stage in Apr...

Pls advice, thanks
No, i'm not that lady. wrong guess. You are the one wearing black top with long hair? hahaha....... we 'ma-chiam' blind date. I am before the them. Yes, I am under Dr Loh also.

All the best for your coming ER & ET!
ok noted.

oic. that's good that they are so understanding. for me, my boss and manager don't care. Just that there are some changes in my company and I'm involved in the global pilot phase which clashes with my FET and exam!!! Shang nao jing! Very bad timing and makes me look very bad! Siao liao!
Hi ML/ Babydust 2,

I m not working nw.. staying @ hme after the ET.. and will rest for 9mths if i m tested positive..

During my 2WW ,i did exactly wat u wrote..Jail @ hme.. jus laying on the sofa watching DVD..HB buy dinner back..Me always looking out from the windows...

Didnt even go out till D7.
The rewards : Going Compasspoint for dinner which is jus less than 500m frm my hme
Hmm... are u the lady facing me :p.... wearing (thk red)... ah yah... can't remember...

Don't mind I ask u question... how old r u?

Hi gals.. thk next time we can organise chit chat outing for further discussion, hehe... so can share more of it... keke...
I called KKIVF, they jus told me start stage 2 on early Apr...
I'm too happy forgotten to ask them how's my result...
Got lady wear red colour meh? No lah. You haven't answer me. Are you the lady wear black with long hair? Me 32yrs old. What abt you?

Happy for you, can proceed for next stage on early Apr. When going back again for scanning?
Hehe... yes... Bingo! u guess correctly... keke...
Me older than u, 34yrs old...
Tell me... describe urself... u wearing wat today? hair curly or straight?... hmmm...
I saw you taking to the nurse at counter. For a while, my name was called for blood test and scanning. I'm wearing yellow-top. My surname not Tan.
Hmmm... wow.. u're really clever...I saw u, yellow top.. if i not wrong, ur surname it's chan, hehe... but can't really remember ur look, ah yah me short-term memory, hehe... ;)
What's a surprise ! you are staying at Sengkang, Me too ... just moved here last July and my place is 7mins walk from Rivervale mall just and my balcony is facing TPE.
I cook my own lunch, as for dinner I order "Tangkar".

The lady name Angela, she is founder od care-Paragon and in-House Chief Embryologist with more than 27 yrs experience in IVF and she does most of the scaning and subcript medication also.. very nice and lovely lady. Gynae only meet him once for scaning b4 ER and ET and that cost me $2K plus. (If got a son sure asked him to be a Gynae, so good and enjoyable, can see & touch for free and yet still can make good $ ha ha)
This is my 2nd try in IVF/ICIS and is a fresh Cycle, My 1st IVF/ICIS was done at SGH-care, got 13 eggs but only 5 got fertilised and at last only left 3 embryos for ET. so I got no more embryos left for freezing and got to starts the whole cycle again after 2 months rest.
hi babydust2,

you've mentioned that your HCG was 300+ on your previous IVF. May I know if that was day14 after ET? My reading on day 15 was 230+ I'm quite worried on the actual result

if not successful sure will have menses or not necessary?
Hi oink,

Heheh, i m staying opp Sengkang MRT stn..

Wat is " Tangkar ? "

Wah, u oni rest for 2 mths..Very positive ! U knw ,i took 1 yr to do this FET..I always very slow in doing things...

I did my 1st IVF last April 07 , i have 13 eggs, 8 embryo. I put 3 and frozen 4. Now, i m put 3 embryo coz 1 didnt multiple fast...

At least u have a daughter rite...but i have none..
I have a very tough time today.

After the ER - very painful.... Was told by my husband that procedures done abt 30 mins but .... i slept till 11 plus to 12 noon.

Now still painful... they told husband the no of eggs collected.... but he forget ...

Now waiting for the lab call tomoorw and see how the eggs r progressing. As my hormones very high, need to go on drip (4 packets) - Think it contains blood proteins............

If the hormones STILL very high cannot do ET.... i really hope everything will be okay and really ok ............If everything goes well will be on Fri or Sat.

Noi - Jia You, i hope you will have a better time
MSFamily. dont worry too much. now you have to rest well. dun move about to much. take care of health. drink more water also ya.

good luck and take care ya.
MS Family
Rest well.... All the best for your ET...

Got more and more scared, heard that ER v painful... make me shiver now... Can't imagine, if my ER arrive, will shiver like hell...
Hope you are feeling alot better today. Think positive, Im sure you are able to do ET on friday or Sat! Did Dr Yu do the egg retrival? Did u sleep thru it? than e pain was when u got up?? Im feeling nervous now.
Oink Oink, how u today? a few more days to go..... U mentioned that you went to SGH Care but not with the docs there, with your own gyny rite? But was the ER & ET done @ SGH Care or at ur own gyny's hospital?

Ladies I have another question, was thinking of this e last time, I was on birth control pills when I was younger to regulate my menses since it doesnot come without medication and my 1st gyny gave me birth control pills to regulate my menses & also I was lacking of hormones and the birth pills contain them. Now Im thinking of taking that 1st b4 I start with IVF program since it will be done in May.. I thought of trying on me own to see if got chance. If menses comes means an egg was release but didnt fertilize rite? so means I do have a chance trying this out rite? I just to understand the concept b4 I go see the doc. dont want to look like an idiot and pay $50 - $60++ to tell me Im wrong. hehehe
erm.. not really. if no egg release, will also come menses. Basically, if no egg is released, the lining will just shed by itself after some time. to really know if you have egg release, you can take your bbt to see if you have a thermal shift and use OPK to determine the LH surge. If you have a thermal shift and a positive OPK, it is likely that you ovulated. Hope this helps!

Hope you are feeling better today!

All the best today!
hi nicole G,
believe posting your enquries to your gynae will be most appropriately answered.
i was like your case (dianosed as having PCO), being on contraceptive pill to regulate mense for around 4 years. But i stopped in early 2006 per my gyane's advice since i was ready to TTC. theoretically speaking (according to gynae), taking the pill will not result in pregnancies (statistically at least 98-99%) & stopping it will not affect chances to conceive but mense regularity maybe a little mixed up for 1st couple of months. Afterwhich presumbly both husband & wife are having normal condition of sperms & eggs, chances of conceiving naturally is possible, even for wife's case of irregularity mense. A measure is to increase frequencies of sexual activities.

most of ladies here took/are taking on IVF/ICSI journey due to they (include myself)had tried TTC naturally (without any contraception measures) for more than 2 years without success. and upon furhter medical examination, usually most are adviced by gynaes to opt for IVF/ICSI becos of serious unfavourable conditions either in the guy or lady side.
returning to your enquiries, once u decided to embark on IVF/ICSI, medications provided by your gynae are basically hormones interfering your body to "act" as what it should to develop follicles/eggs to be extracted for outside body fertilisation. subsequently 2-3 of the fertilised embryos are then transferred back to lady's womb for development to a foetus.

in conclusion, it's still advisable to heed for opinions from gyanes in reputable hospitals or clinics & found out if you should go for IVF or not.
hi msfamily,
do hang on... & we'll all pray too that you'll have good news later on today.
having gone thru the procedure the day before is already very couragerous of u. give yourself a pat on your shoulder....
lol.. sorry. i realised i misread your msg after i saw pretyy_lady's reply. You should ask your gynae with regards to taking the pills. Basically, taking the pill will not allow you to become pregnant. From my understanding, the pill actually simulates the natural hormones in your body to make your body believe that ovulation has occur. So, since your body believes that ovulation has occured, it will not release an egg.

And it also depends on the method that your gynae is using and also your case history. Some of my frens were put on birth control pills to reset their system before IVF. So check it up with the doc before doing anything.
Morning Pinky,

Me "Ji Xin Pai" and I like to do things fast if not I will keeps on thinking and thinking and then I will also keeps on repreating my question ntil my girl and HB become "Fed-up" Hee Hee ...

"Tangkar" - Is the home delivery food, it's came in a 4 layer matel container, all I needs to do it just to cook my own rice and heat up the food can liao ! Save my trouble from cooking and do marketing ma ... (Actually should said lazy la ha ha )

Still got 5 more day then will know my result .. sigh .. sooooo slow

Regarding your question, Everything was done at SGH like, blood test, scaning, ER and ET. the only diff is that a bit troublesome cos someday I need to travel to the hospital and clinic to do the same scaning as my gynae will not be at SGH unless he got surgery that day and also medicine also got to get from his clinic.

Sorry, next question is too "Chim", logically it should be every menses come mean egg not fertilised and release out but some PPL can have menses but they got no egg also. think if not mistaken ,the main reason menses come is to do with the womb linning. If Pregnant the embryos will stick on the wall of the linning and menses will stop (the linning is just like the soil for the plant). so if not pregnant, the linning will grow till a levlel and then release out the old blood , then starts all over again the next month. ha ha not sure is my explanation correct ...
hey ML,
your comments: "Some of my frens were put on birth control pills to reset their system before IVF"

tatz exactly what m taking right now before the lucrin jabs. this is the protocol that (i believe) ladies with KKHIVF cetnre goes/gone thru. wonder is it similar in TMC, SGH-CARE or Raffles hospital etc..?
MS family,
Hi. Sounds like you got OHSS- ovarian hyperstimulation. On my first cycle 2 ladies had it andwere admitted, but a lot of us had mild ones- bloated+++ but not breathless, and were asked to drink lots of water and have 2eggwhites/day everyday for 2WW. I did that too, after a bout a week, it all settled down. Eggwhites to replace the proteins and water to flush out the hormone in the urine as much as possible. try it... not sure if you're in hospitalor at home now... all the best.dont worry, very common, but quite uncomfortable ,I know....

Hi, my HCG was 300+ on day 17 post ET actually. quite low compred to other who had 1000+ and all. But the actual number is not importnt, it must DOUBLE in 48-72hous. that's more importnt.
Day 14, still ok, not bad. Sounds like you're pregnant ! SO by day 16 you should be about 500 & day18 about 1000 !!! Good luck, keep us updated.
babydust2 and Kymberly,
Do your do your own HCG test at home? my clinic din give me any kits to do the testing lei!
Just got 2 blood tested on D3 and D7 and was told E2 is 4223 and Progestrone is 5259.2 . what does that mean? any advise ...
Hi all

Many thanks for replying to my questions... I know what is expected of IVF as I went thru the PIO program something like SO-IUI. But we chose to do it naturally once the HCG injection was given to release the matured eggs.. But we done to cycles of PIO and both time my menses came.

This whole baby thing is such a downer... ML, looks like I caught ur down bug. hehehe : )But will keep trying until go bankrupt than stop la. hehehe...

babydust to all of u ending your 2ww.. Oink Oink Im waiting to hear good news.. How soon can u test with HPT kit? I know for SGH we go back on 14day to test. but if buy the kit how soon can we test ahh? hehehe

Looks like I have to pop in to see the doc about my question.. pay $$ to get e same ans u girls just gave me..

Ohh Oink Oink did u mean "Tingkat"????? I know that what the deliveries call it.. Tingkat mean Stack. hehehe : )

Hi Nicole - Oh! so I got it wrongly spell again .. all the while I thot is "Tangkar" ha ha

Yes, SGH did it on D14, Actually for some can do their own test as early as D10. I will try to "Tahan" till last day D16...not gg to do the test myself this time round and just hoping to get positive news.

Do you know the last round b4 I started my IVF went Waterloo "Kuan Yin Temple" to draw "Chian" and the answer is no good, is not that I "PangTang" just listen to my sister advise and give a try, when time if you can't make your own decision and just seek help/ans from god .. ha ha Stupid right! this time round the "Chian" is good sign so I am just hoping "Qi Ji" will happen on me...
