IVF/ICSI Support Group

They also never really tell us the heartrate, just saw that it's beating fast and strong and they tell us it's normal. It's not on the scan printout too. If they say normal, shld be ok.

petals, twinstar..

thanks for ur advise..i'll go get vitamin B6 later from the pharmacy
Hi ladies,

Happy New Year to all.

Went on hibernation for some time. Now is time for me to start all over again. I am now doing acu with Dr Zou. Twice a week. She say since I am starting my cycle on early April, I should start doing it now.

Any sister cycling on April. Hope 'mickey mouse' can bring us luck this year.. hee...hee

I was taking a morning sickness formula which had vitamin B6 in it (Blackmores), but it didn't work at all. I went to a GP in Oz to get the Moxolon but when I came back to Singapore I found out my clinic CARE gives the same drug- it's worked wonders for me and I haven't puked since. Just feel a slight nausea sometimes if I haven't eaten, then eat something, take a pill and I'm back to perfect- get some as soon as you can!!!
To all the sisters here,
Happy New Year To U All!

I’ll be starting my fresh cycle of IVF in Mar/Apr…See doc today, will be using my Feb menses for this cycle… I also went to Dr Zou for acupuncture n tcm since last Oct .. Hopefully we can cycle together and give each other encouragements n support : )
hi gals,

Did FET today under SF Loh and it's the start of the 17 days wait. anyone here who took progynova and cyclogest and had severe bloating and some nausea & vomitting?

I started with progynova (oestradiol) to prepare the lining for 10 days before FET and started to bloat till i had to go to the A & E. the bloating subsided somewhat in the next couple of days, but came back and worsen after i started on the cyclogest suppositories alternating with bloating and vomitting and nasuea for 2 days before the FET.

after the FET procedure, i switched to IM progesterone jabs (today is the 1st day) and the bloating seem to have subsided.

however, the strange thing is that SF Loh says cyclogest suppositories do not cause bloatedness but do cause nausea. anyone knows what's the cuase of the bloatedness?

oh yes, is it just me being sensitive or has Dr Loh bedside manner changed in the last couple of months? previously ..like 6 months to a year ago, he seems more approachable and patient ...however the last couple of months and today during the FET procedure, he was pretty aloof and sarcastic.

just wondering if anyone share the same experience with me? or it is 'just me' or 'hormones that's making me overly sensitive'.
hi ML,
welcome back! gd to hear your ms is gone.

hi tweetybb,
thanks for your kind support. i'm still just trying to be positive and take it day by day.

hi hopes, goodluck for your scan tomorrow!

hi jr, welcome back too! hope you had a great break.

hi babymaking,
I'm under Dr Loh too and during my ET procedure, he was also very aloof and not so friendly. But now, I've been seeing him on a weekly basis and he's actually been nice and v re-assuring. I guess he must have had a v busy day during the ET...
I think because for ET, he needs to rush from one patient to another so may be very busy to chat, esp now that he's just got back from leave. During his consultations, he's more relaxed and will answer any questions u have. He will usually joke with us.
Hi JR,

I'm giving myself 3 months to 'tiao' my body and do accupuncture as suggested by Dr Zou. Looking at the calendar, might be doing my 3rd attempt in April too.
Hi Ladies,
Does Dr Zou do accu while when I am having my mensus?

Babymaking - Gd Luck during this 2ww. All will be well. I was given a natural cycle instead of medicated. How many embryos did you transfer? Do you have balance?

I am not sure whether I should go for another IVF should this upcoming FET fail. I have 10 frozen and I am going to do 3 this coming cycle in Feb 08. I was told normally about 6 may survive. I was thinking if I can go for another IVF I can transfer fresh as well frozen... and store the rest as I plan to go overseas permanently in Aug. The stored embryos will be useful when i get back to do another one. Any advise on this?
Hi ladies,

Does anyone get pregnant without taking total of 14 days rest after ET?


Hi babymaking,

I had the same feeling with dr loh being kind of "distance"..also wondering if i am being sensitive.

Guess Petals_bloom could be right.
hi rose

i had 4 embroyos frozen after the fresh cycle and planned to put it only 2 this FET. in the beginning was fearful that during thaw, the embroyo will die but luckily, the 2 that was thawed survivd and transfered this cycle, leaving the other 2 for the next cycle.

if this FET fail, most prob will start a fresh IVF cycle and then decide on what to do with the balance embroyos.

the embroyos can be frozen for 5 years i think.

am glad i am not the only one feeling this way. perhaps because i have been seeing him for so long.hence can see the change in him..before he was head and now..after he has been promoted to head of dept...heard from the nurses that he has a very heavy case load..and the last time when i was hospitalised, the ward nurses are pretty scared of him.
Hi babymaking,

I have started to see him only last year. Yes, I get the feeling sometimes that the nurses/doctors are "scared" of him.

But he seems nice.
Hi all,
planning to start my IVF this cycle.After failed 4 times of so-iui.I am super duper dishearten.Can anyone tell me,are we put to sleep during ER n ET?I was told that 2 weeks MC will be given.The rest period is for the whole process or the 2ww?Thks
Stardiva, Petals and all sistas

Thanks for your concern.. I've haven't been able to get to the forum lately.. Was hospitalised! I had very bad bleeding on the 2nd... really scary.. blood dripped all the way onto the floor.. No simple spotting.. At that moment, tears runs like waterpipe... so on and on... better not discribe much.. Rushed to KK, n got to wait for about 2 hrs before I could see Dr loh.. it was just unfortunate that day when he had delivery and many paitents..so I got to transfer from 24 hrs clinic to Clinic D to see him... ANd the nurses in Clinic forgot to follow the 24 hrs clinic's instructions to expediate my case... it was nightmare... Was found to have blood clots at the bottom of my womb... possibility of miscarriage.. crucial weeks now.. the wound need to recover..
Drips during my entire say... CRIB... couldn't eat... bad MS...

Now, problem still persist, and disadvantage is there's no more drip to give me fluid and nutrient supports... so worried that I might dehydrate again... No more excessive movements.. so got to get a wheelchair to move around.. and stay in bed entirely..

Trying my best to stay positive for the babies and everyone around who's worried about me...

I'm won't be able to access the forum so frequent.. so dun have to worry about me...

i hate kk and their system. m so sorry u had to wait so long. it must be agonizing.

hang in there. be strong dear, yr babies are fighting this battle with you. you are not alone. talk to them. encourage them to hang in there tight tight. only some turbulence, tell them not to worry k. you will be in my prayers

it's a tough journey but you will make it!
rest well, be happy. be determined and positive for your babies' sake k.

take care,
Dear Mrs Teng,
Oh dear... hang in there ok ! Stay in bed and think happy thoughts... remember like during our 2ww. One small step at a time, we'll allget there eventually. Praying for you.

So sorry to hear that, feel so angry for you, how could the nurses at 24hrs clinic forgotten to expedite ur case?
Sometimes I feel they only know how to sit there and gossip and chit chat, esp the counter staff.. I got a similar experience there after my last FET when i had some bleeding.

Anyway, try to forget abt those unhappy things, rest well for ur babies and urself ya!! Take care, fight on, and we will pray for you.
hi tigg3r,
am sorry to hear what you're going thru now. take care n rest.

i also dun like the 24 hrs clinic. i actually find the nurses ok, but the dr a bit like bo-pian attitude.
ladies, i've been spotting on and off since fri. not that heavy, only see it when i wipe with toilet paper after i go. been contemplating whether to go to kkh 24 hr clinic, or just wait til my appt with dr loh on tues morning. i figure will just monitor and if it becomes heavy then will go to 24 hrs clinic...
Oh dear, hang in there...must stay positive and listen to dr to CRIB. I know of someone who CRIB for whole preg due to bleeding threat, and managed to have a healthy baby at full term. Ur babies are still ok, rite? You can get thru this! Be strong, my dear.

Maybe u can email dr loh to check first, instead of waiting till tues, Tell him the colour, frequency, pain, etc. Spotting usually shld stop after 1-2 days i think. Maybe he can prescribe some meds like progesterone or something.
Tigg3r, sorry to hear what you are going through. You must stay strong and be positive. Babies will respond to your positive attitude. Hang in there.

Hopes, how was your scan?
hi Michelle..

My scan went pretty well..

Saw two sacs and two little heartbeats

But doc says not very stable yet.. so..gotta be extra careful.
Hi rabbit , me. I did my ET on a Fri and started a new job on a Mon somemore. I think the most impt thing is positive mindset. you can do it.
Hi Petals,
I'm already on progesterone meds 3 x a day. Actually Dr Loh told me to expect some bleeding already. I'm really trying to be positive... so far i'm not having any pain, cramps etc and as long as it doesn't turn into a full-on heavy flow, I'll wait til Tues. I told my HB, that if its going to be bad news, I'd rather hear it from Dr Loh then some junior, bo-pian 24 hr clinic Dr...

Hi Hopes,
Good to hear your scan went well. Just take it easy now, yah?
Hi deerdeer,

Thanks for your encouragement and reply.
I admire your decision to do IVF and starting a new job. Been thinking of sourcing of new job but worry that I will be terminated/not so flexible to take leave, doctor visit.

I prefer to keep IVF plans to myself so taking long medical leave always get questions from the office.
You having twins ah!
Happy for u! Was this ur first scan? Must be v excited.

Oh, as long as dr is aware of it. Take care and have a gd rest.
hi gals,

did ur hb accompany u for all the scans & jabs at the clinic? may i noe roughly how many mornings do u hv to be at the clinic from start to ET period? i'm thinking of doing ivf, but worry hb has to keep taking leave to accompany me...
Hi Ladies,

Have any of you eaten brazil nuts? I heard that it is high in selenium which aids implantation. Do you know where I can get them? I tried GIANT at IMM, NTUC and still could not find it?

Hopes- Great news abt your scan. take care

Shazzer - Stay positive. You are going to be fine.
Hopes, your wish came true!!
slow down in everything you do and take good care... btw, why did dr say not stable? can see heartbeat oredi leh!
Petals, i am coming to 12 weeks on wed.
will be going for FTS this fri with Dr Kenneth Kwek. Hope everything will turn out fine.

Btw, your babies, boys or gals or boy & gal?
Thanks. I think better keep a full bladder for ur scan then the pics will be clearer. Dr will scan for ur baby's nuchal fold thickness and look for the nasal bone presence. From there, can already calc ur risk level and tell u. Then the nurse will call u a few days later to tell u ur revised risk level after adding in the blood test result. U opting for FTS package B?
Hi Tigg3r
Take care n be positive! I’ll pray for you!

Hi Rose
You can get brazil nuts at Parkway-Giant, IMM should have it too (saw it at IMM last mth). At Parkway Giant is near to the fruits section.
Hi Rose,
Saw some Brazil nuts at Cold Storage Parkway & Great World City. Thought of taking them but didn't in the end.

Hi Petals, congrats on your boy-gal!
Hi Everyone

I had my scan this morning and the Dr was able to see a good heartbeat and only one little baby in there, so I'm very happy indeed! More happy as I already have my son, so twins would have been a big addition to our family! He said it looks about 8 weeks, so is growing well despite my terrible MS! Still have to take all my drugs for another 2 weeks- can't wait to be rid of them! Praying all continues to go well!

Tiggr3 and Shazzer- hang in there! I am very positive for the both of you!

Hopes- congratulations on your twins! Very exciting!

Rose- If you can't get the brazil nuts, I took Selenium tablets once a day- got from GNC. It was one of those supplements I mentioned to you before- something I did certainly worked this time!!
Hi Mrs Teng, take care...will pray for u, ur hubby and ur babies..

Hi Hopes - congrats to ur twins!! So happy for u....

Hi Rose - Cold storage @ centrepoint also sells the brazil nuts (organic and small package)...the organic shop at Great world city (basement) also sells (but that is a bigger bag)
Thanks Petals. I will check with the nurse when i reach there. WOuld like to go for Package B also.

ML, great to hear good news from you. Hope your MS goes away soon...
i just bought brazil nuts from Cold Storage at Taka. For those who had taken it, any idea, how many to take each day? As I was told the selenium content is very high.

ML - Next time I will buy the tablets. When should I start taking these tablets? Is it during the 2 week wait? After my transfer? How much did the tablets cost?

For Ladies that did natural FET,

Do I need to go to KK daily to test my LH surge? Is it just a ovulation test kit or/and blood test? What about ultrasound, how often is it?
