IVF/ICSI Support Group


wah, u so strong ah, only rest for 5 days? i veri kiasu leh, already book for 3 wks leave. a bit too much, hor? even caroline( e social worker tat did counselling) said normally pp wil ask for 2 wks only, i really too much liao. hee hee........ scared mah, somemore my working place veri stressful, dun even hav time to pee leh. better be kiasu although pp may laugh at me, coz want t strike on e 1st try n dun want t suffer again.


i wil b going for my baseline test next monday. maybe we can start puregon around e same time. did u ask them e detail report for ur bld test n scan? hav a nice trip n take care.

dun hav any news frm hopes yet. remember she said she wil see Dr this wk n to check whether e embryos r expelled out completely or nt. if nt, wil require D&C.
hi weiwei

Ya maybe we can start puregon together. I did not ask the nurse on the details coz she seems busy when i called and did not want to probe too much. I was looking at the past postings and did not see any posts from her until i saw your posting then i realised what happened. Hope everything will be find and will not need D&C.
Hi all,

I've one of the IVF mummies here. Just gave birth to my triplets last Monday. I've some leftover medicine to giveaway for free.

1) 27 tablets of Duphaston (Dydrogesterone) 10mg
2) Some folic acid tablets

If interested, please PM me.
Hi orangedots,weiwei,fond...

Really wish all of u the best going thru your jabs and ER...Thanks for your support


I hav 1 more frozen egg and if I hav to go thru I might want to do a fresh cycle,next wed den see dr Loh...Petals,u're stronger den me u know,I admire dat !!

It's hard blow for me cos I tink I hav the best support from my colleagues,from ple like u guys,took long leave for this,hubby took care of me for 2wks,RIB at home like a pregnant women wif no house chores at all,gd progesterone readings as high as 700 +,positive mindset but I FAILED...very disappointed initially but it's god's will perhaps...testing on my faith and strengh...I'm as fragile as a glass right now,donno if I should start work or wait till end of my leave ( 31st May)...


U take care K....very happy 4 u at least there's some good news 2day dat one of our sisters got it and more to come down the road...
Hi sisters....

Still can't sleep.emmm....I just despair after thinking dat ple might always say u hav better chance if u r young and below 35, but failures do happen to people like me turning 31 this friday...so age doesn't matter to me now cos it still depends on your eggs and luck too...So good luck to all !!!

Wow....ur reading is really high. Think might be twins leh. For me, I did my blood test 3 days earlier & reading was abt 300. Hey, told u we might hv a chance to meet up again. My appt with Dr is also on 5 Jun afternoon. Appt at 4.35pm, will need to go AMC for scan at 3.35pm. What time is ur appt? Any chance to bump into each other?? Anyway, I kinda recognize u, so will self-intro when I see u, ok?
Hi Samirah,

Pls be strong & don't give up hope. I'm sure you will succeed on next try. I can understand how you feel. Cheer up, ok? We are all here to support one another.
Since you already took leave, this may be a good time to relax if u don't have to go back to work immediately...maybe go for facial or massage or even a short holiday. Just remember, this setback will only make us stronger. Like vonvon said, let's not give up hope and we'll try to support each other through this.

thx for the detailed post...helps me better understand the sequence of events that i can expect later on. Wishing u a smooth ER & ET this week.

what will happen if u forget your lucrin jab? Did u go straight home to jab once u realised it? I'm not quite sure what is the impact and scared next time i will also forget.

a great congratulation to u!!! wah, triplets, u must b veri tired n same time proud of urself. how many boys/gals? pls do share wif us ur experience when u free as u knw, here r all e kan chiong ladies n we r just waiting for our turn t b like u!


ya, acupuncture do help us in regulating e hormone n can make our womb stronger. maybe u wan to giv it a try. but u wont see immediate effect so soon, as it will take abt 3 mth to see any result. go for a short holiday with ur hubby. buth of u need to cool down n relax. sad to say, it's already failed. but life has t go on, n u need to get over of this failure so t prepare for next cycle. however, it's always easy to say but hard to do. just want to say, be strong, we r here for u.


hee hee............ i m doing shift work. it was just happened tat day i was pm shift n my hubby reminded me before i left e house. e reason s, i wil sleep til veri late if i m doing pm shift, so, i over slept, i missed e time. but it's still nt too late, just abt 4-5hrs diff. but wil try to remember n nt mis e timing again. bcoz by jabing @ same time everyday, we r able to maintain e desired level of lucrin in our body. if e timing is interrupted, e level may fluctuate as well. if e level fluctuate too much n cant maintain e level, we wil nt b able to supress our body well. in another word, e effect of e lucrin may nt b so gd n we may need longer supression. dun follow me ah, pls. i m a bad example.
Hi Vonvon,

Yah maybe we do have a chance to meet, my appt is before you doing scanning at 2.40pm at AMC and seeing Doc Loh at 3.40 at clinic D
hi gals
ER went quite smoothly today. Glad coz I had bad experience with my last procedure in Jan to remove a fibroid.

husband had to prod sperm at 645am
then arrive there 730am. change into gown which exposes ur behind
but got extra 'kimono' to wear over. then go to OT, anaesthetist will put in plug, inject med , then I zonked out. oh ya b4 zonking out, Dr Loh came in and said hi. next thing I know I woke up in recovery already. luckily got not much side effect with sedation. last time with GA very giddy and vomit +++ .

rest 3hrs in recovery. very boring cause I felt quite well. Luckily can listen to IPOD

Happy coz manage to retrieve 7 eggs even tho on scan only 3 good size follicle. going for ET on Fri. Still undecided whether to implant 2 or 3. see how quality of embryo's are i guess.

No pain at all. just bit of staining.

Weiwei, Fond
goodluck with puregon. Don't really know my FSH level. why I got 250u bec doc say my ovary small, like old woman one, so like flogging dead horse for eggs , so give higher dose, but also don't dare give too high bec doc also worry I might have PCOS which cannot overstimulate. make me so sad. I only 34 but say got ovary of a woman reaching menopause. Bleuh!

Don't worry bt dose la. dey shd know what dey doing. just do ur part like giving our jabs on time

had total 3 scans and 1 bld test. 1st scan n bld test on D14 lucrin. call for result in d aft. told me to cont lucrin 1 more wk, den come back to collect puregon. on dat day just collect med and inject in de clinic same day. no scan.

2nd scan after 7d puregon. show number of follcle n size. de scanner will just read no while she scan, but get actual result fr dr after scan. not dr SF Loh tho. Was a Dr Marienne and v brief session at IVF counter to tell me no of follicle and dat have to inc puregon dose to 400.

3rd scan, 2d later to c whether follicle inc in size or not , I guess. den cont puregon 2 more day, den 3rd day inj pregnyl to ovulate eggs, den pick up 2 d later.

I think de no of days will really vary fr pt to pt dep on progress.

I seeing Dr SF loh KKH.

So sad. thought no more jabs already. but nurse say might have to give some more inj after ET either pregnyl or progesterone. SIGH!!! si be xian

Ya, wld really like to hear ur experience too. IF u got time!
how many wks did ur preg carry to?

guess wd be good to take time out fr your work to rejuvenate mentally, spiritually and physically.
hi pookums

Glad that you have a smooth ER, 7 is a good number hope all will fertilised for you. Thanks for your detailed explanation, really clear most of my doubts. Take care and rest well for ET.
hee hee, ur post very cute...esp abt the "flogging dead horse" expression...i could visualise it!
thx for sharing the details of ur ER...

i was wondering whether is there a minimum no. of follicles reqd b4 they allow us to proceed with ER?
oh, i see... Will try not to forget when i start on lucrin...
maybe u can set ur handphone alarm to remind you...that's what i'm doing with my folic acid now, cos i'm quite forgetful nowadays.
Hi sisters....
Feel much better today though cry at times.Will be seeing dr loh only next wednesday to discuss what to do next.I'm prepared to try again.Not sure to use the 1 FET or start a fresh cycle(psychologically prepared liao) ....

1)is FET process like fresh cycle,need lucrin jabs and how $$ roughly?

2)How long duration FET cycle take?2 mths also?

3)need suggestion if i should do fresh cycle or 1 FET...in real dilemma...

4)thinking of trying TCM from yu yan seng to balance "ying n yang" back,wise idea or not???

Sorry,many questions after so much of reflective thinking....

I also sad wen dr said dat i'm young but eggs old so dat drives me more to try within next 6 months for another round... R u taking more leave till result day??...Hope all your 7 eggs are well fertilized so dat u hav more spare FET ...
hi samirah,
glad that u are feeling better.

FET is much simpler and cheaper, no more lucrin or puregon jabs required. But i think there are diff methods used depending on individuals. For me, i only took estrogen pills from CD2 onwards to thicken lining. Once scan that it's thick enough on CD9, i went for my FET 2 days later. For some other sisters, they don't need to take tablets, just need to go for repeated scan until they 'O' then scheduled for FET.

Maybe u can discuss with Dr loh about whether to do FET w ur 1 embryo or to do fresh again. Maybe u can do another fresh cycle to increase chances, and combine ur 1 frozen embryo with any other embies that u retrieve next time for freezing?
yap thanks for your advice.

I visited a friend whom suceeded her ivf. Any sisters out there is from NUH Dr P C Wong??
Hi Samirah,

1. FET is much simpler than fresh cycle. If you can 'O' on ur own, then you'll go thru' their so-called natural thaw cycle. Else, will be the artificial thaw cycle (with daily jabs to assist u to 'O').

2. Duration will of course be dependent on whether u'll be going thru' the natural or artificial thaw cycle. I can advise on the natural cycle (under KKH) coz' that's what I'd went thru' twice. For natural, u r to call nurse to inform them of D1 of ur period. They will arrange for u to start u/s scan on D10. Thereafter, they will monitor size of ur follicles & lining to estimate 'O' day. Follicles must reach the size of at least 14mm & lining at least 9mm. Once u reach that milestone, they will start u on urine test to detect 'O'. Once u 'O', ET will be 3 days later. After ET, u will be given cyclogest inserts (thru' vaginal or rectum, ur preference) daily for 17 days. Blood test to confirm preg will be 17 days after ET.

3. I think with 1 embryo left, you will most likely be advised to do fresh cycle. Reason is that embrylogist will hv to thaw ur frozen egg, but it doesn't mean once thaw, that embryo is viable for ET. They will usually take out 1 more than ur choice of embryos to put in. Eg. if I choose to put in 2 embryos, they will thaw 3, then put in 2. So, it will be a waste of ur effort going thru' all the scans if the remaining egg that is thawed is not viable for ET.

4. Can't advise on TCM coz' never tried.

My personal opinion: Do a fresh cycle to ensure higher chance of success.
Hi gals, can i check if anyone brought lucrin overseas before, say if have to go on biz trip? I have to go KL next mth, not sure if Msia customs will give me problems if they discover the lucrin and the needle. Need Dr to write a letter? How to keep lucrin fresh when travelling? Need to put in coldbox?

Also, how many weeks were you all on your lucrin? 2 weeks? More weeks?

Thanks for sharing!!

thanx so much,your explanation is really helpful...I also tot of doing a fresh cycle again.Will see again till meet Dr Loh nxt week...

thanks for e detail info on puregon n ER & ET. it's veri helpful
ya, finally understand tat e process vary frm pp to pp. wil try nt to compare e process n response wif others, just follow e instruction, do my best, e rest leave it to fate. hav u decided on how many embryos to put in?


i did, but i forget after i off e alarm. i was going out of my bedroom, planning to to open e windows in e living room, take out e milk frm e firdge together with e med, then jab myself. i only finished e first 2 tasks n dun knw y e 3rd task was totally forgotten. :p anyway, jab at e same time better n tat's e correct way of doing it.


agree with vonvon, u may consider a fresh cycle to maximise e chances. b4 next wk u see Dr Loh, dun think abt it, go shopping, watch movie, relax urself to e extreme


hi, u must get a Dr's memo b4 going any country. e memo hav to state tat u r on ivf treatment n u must injection lucrin daily thus u hav to bring e lucrin val n syringe n needles. nowadays e customs having veri strick checking on liquids n needle. u can put e lucrin in a coldbox with ice pack, but remember to put into e fridge asap when u reach hotel n also hav to warn e pp frm hotel tat is ur med n dun touch. i think minimum we need 2 wks lucrin, further than tat, hav to see ur body response to e med.
thanks for your explanation. Find it very useful too. didn't know we will sleep through the ER thought only slightly sedated but will be awake. but it's gd to know that cos i worry will be too stress if i am awake!

i will also be bringing my lucrin overseas. one of the sisters here recommend buying ice pack and cold box. did some shopping over the last weekend. think the most cost efficient is to buy the coleman cooler bag and freeze block (not sure if get product name correct... but is the blue color block u have to put in freezer) both can be reused and easy to carry on board the plane. i found quite a good coleman product range in Giant supermkt.

i haven't got my lucrin yet so do not know the size of the bottle. is it as small like those yakult bottles? but i think the cooler bag should be big enough to put everything in.

hee i am 31 tis year, so getting a bit impatient and want to get pregnant soonest possible. i wander what are the chances of getting triples if put in 3 embroys? Think i can handle twins but if triples... how ah.... in dilemna ... think dun worry so much... will decide when the day comes :p

btw, how much time did u spend buying lucrin and getting the nurse to teach u the injection? will be going to purchase during my lunch time so want to estimate the time needed better.

think u wil need longer time for e initiation of lucrin. e Dr's prescription should b ready even b4 u reach kkivf. then u hav to Q up for e meds, then only come back to ivf ctr to learn. if it's ur 1st time touch e syringe n needles, u may need longer time to get over of it. e learning time really depends on individual. maybe u want to take longer time, so u wont stress urself with e time limit n hav enough time to practice b4 going hm. oh, btw, if u go during lunch time, u hav to tel e pharmacist tat u r rushing to ivf ctr to learn e injection so they wil giv u 1st. if nt, u hav to wait abt 2 hrs. e med wil b in a small bottle, abt ur big toe size.sure can fit in e cooler bag. dun wori.

can ur hubby help u remember ur jabs? 4 me, I go thru the injection part n scanning etc. he does de remembering part, like my appts, remind me bt meds, injections etc. gives him a part to play

was reminded today bt how much hubby goes thru as well. went for ET today and he was more nervous den me b4 the procedure n he shed tears after ET finish n succesful

I put in 2 embyros. got 7 eggs at er, n thank God all 7 got fertilised. 1 emby gr 5, 1 gr 3 & 5 gr 4. grade 5 being the best quality embryo grade.

its quite painless. like pap smear. only uncomfortable bit when he put in speculum. otherwise dun feel much. over quite fast. den de nurse will tilt the table so u lie head down for 5-10min

oso got picture of my 2 embies
my hubby already name dem. my dog is called sandy, so he name dem mandy and wendy. he not very keen on boys. say if we get a boy, Ah Kow , can already. sheesh
Pookums, lol, your hubby very funny.

My hubby and me too, we also name our first child already even thou i havent even preggy. That name was derived from a charactor game i played. Hehe ... next time our kid ask us why give that name, really dunno wat to say ... name after a game? Hehe ...
Wei wei, Orangdots, thanks.

Ok i have to get a memo from Dr Loh then. But i am crossing msia customs dunno the officers there knowledgeable about such memos and medicine or not. Later they dont understand the meo and think i smuggling drugs then jail me, oh no ... piangz! There was once, i brought folic acid with me and was also kenna stopped at customs. I had to sheepishly say its for pregnancy then the officer let me go but he seem half hearted about it. Haiz ... hope history dont repeat itself.
haha, ur hubby so cute on the naming part...Glad to hear that ur ET went well. U are right that we need to give our hubbies a part to play, so that they feel included in everything and we can also share our worries with them.
hi hi..i will b starting d injection next wed.though it informative from some of ladies but somehow d fear of uncertainty is still there having mixed feelings since last week.
hi mika,
don't worry...it's only the initial injections that seem scary at first. After that, you'll get used to it...
quite natural to feel this way.
hi mika

dun worry. just follow de flow.

have u gone 4 counselling with MSW? I fd it very useful. kinda put things into perspective 4 me n suggested useful tips on coping.

all de best as u embark on dis journey!
be positive!!!

woo, ur hubby so cute, he wil b a gd dad later on. as we can see, now he s a gd hubby n i m sure he rather suffer himself than see u go through. was ur hubby with u during ER

ya, hubby is helping me to remember e appts. it only myself, sometimes walk halfway suddenly realised, ah, i m already on ivf treatment liao ha? cant believe it.
think my hubby s more calm than me. i also think of e babies' name sometimes, he just smile n listen to me quietly,veri realistic. he s more consent on e current process. he ever said, he can nt take over my pain, but wil accompany me during every procedure. n he wil cooperate with me on e needs n try t help me in anything as he can.
for now, he try to "grab" more $$ to prepare for e future, who knws we may just veri lucky to hav triplets?! kind of cool, but he knw his role.


it's human nature, everybody wil hav uncertainty n sure u wil overcome it just us. once u jab in e 1st needle, everything wil just move. dun wori, anything we can help, just say it out. ok?
a millions thanks all of u here 4 d support n encouragement! hope it will b smooth sailing n successful 4 all of us here!
Hi Dream, maplebabies, weiwei....i'm back after 'missing' for so long. well, was down with bad flu for 2 wks
. hopefully the flu don't come back again when i start my ivf
. i've juz went for my doc appt and going to my ivf most prob in july...going for msw counselling on 6 jun. would like to ask u gals, issit a very difficult decision to make on whether to go for ivf? til now i'm still thinking whether i shld go for it, i'm afraid of the emotional stress of waiting for the final results. do u all have the same feeling as me?

welcome back!! hope u r fine now. ya, it's hard to commit urself into ivf program. at least for my hubby n myself, it took half a yr for us to make e final decision. during e half a yr, we did search n search, read up journals n other couples' stories frm e internet. we had many times of discussion, we listed all e possible results tat we might hav after ivf...... e msw counselling s gd, u should go n listen to caroline, she herself also went trough ivf b4, but i din ask whether she made i or nt. agree with u, e waiting time s always long n always make us anxious. i also dun knw how m i going to cope with e stress. think i wil just distract my attention to tv, books, or pc games......try nt to think, n try to rest as much as i can. tat's all i can do, oh, ya, hav to talk to e embryos every now n then, our sis here said.

good luck!

ur hubby sd like he is very steady and solid. a rock u can depend on

sds like many of us like building our castles in de air. on de one hand we don't want to have too high hopes and start thinking of names but we also can't help it . do u play reality gaming?

have a good trip.


i got caroline for counselor too. she good. maybe u can discuss ur thoughts with her.

for me I took very long, maybe few yrs b4 i finally decide to go for IVF. I had the thinking that it is not natural and therefore not according to God's plan. which is not true
if not for my hubby being persistent and keep talking bout it, I think i wld never have gone. also not getting any younger.
1 thing i feel is, don't wait too long. better to do it younger and earlier if u can. chances better and not so much pressure.

ya hubby can sit beside u during ET but not ER which is in a small operating theatre

if can, ur hubby can plan to take leave on ur ER n ET day.
ER (in de morning) so he can can fetch u there n back. u will be quite sleepy in de aft.

ET in de morning. so at least take 1/2 day.

I don't know bt your hubby but quite difficult for my hubby to plan his leave esp when its last minute. can't really plan too far ahead also bec everything deps on the scan results.

just came back frm kkh. had my scan n bld done. er........ hav to say, e scan lady veri rough.
i can understand there were many pp waiting n she needs to rush, but tat doesnt mean she can just like making curry, do it fast n dun care her scan angle can make me so uncomfortable, or i should say " PAIN" !! coz i've done scan 10 over times b4 for my pasted iui treatments, none of them hurt so muuch as this time. when i asked her e result, she just said normal. i wanted to knw a bit detail, she said u hav t ask e Dr. er.................... she looks veri young, i always think, they should take their own bld, jab themselves, n hav scan done on themselves, then they wil knw how much we suffer n how much they should b careful when performing e tests. hopefully i wont meet her again next time for my scan.

hubby said he wil take full day leave on ER & ET date. as u say, we wil be drowsy after e ER, so my hubby wil stay with me in e afternoon, in case i blur blur but still want sth. as for ET, he said he has to supervise me CRIB, nt letting me move too much. i m veri restless pt, last time after my ovarian op, i straightaway wanted to go out with my friends coz veri boring at hm along. so he said this time he's going to "tie" me down on e bed for at least 2-3 days.

how r u so far? when u going t do bld test? r u on any meds (jabs or tablets) now?
Hope u are feeling better now. Like you, I'll also be seeing the social work counsellor soon. Also Caroline leh...seems like she's the designated one for IVF cases.
Anyway, it's quite normal to have worries and doubts b4 starting on IVF, you just need to dicsuss with ur hubby to make sure that you are both ready for it. For me, after having a few yrs enjoying being just a couple, we were ready to start a family but didn't realise that it wasn't that easy for us as compared to other couples. So we decided to be more 'proactive' and hence went ahead with IUI & IVF. Once we made that conscious step, we were prepared to do whatever was required. My hubby also knew that he couldn't go thru the uncomfortable and painful procedures for me, but I'm happy whenever he shows he appreciates me for going thru with it. And he also tries his best to attend every appmt with me, whatever the time. That kind of support keeps me going.

oh, hubby can attend our ET har? I didn't know that...that's great!

was it a v-scan? and was it done at clinic D or at the ivf centre?
Good that ur hubby will take leave to accompany you during ur ER & ET...it does help, esp after ER when we might have some cramping.
What will they check during the Baseline Ultrasound...is it the womb lining etc?..The nurse muz have told me during briefing but i forgot. Is the ultrasound done in kkivf centre or another dept?...That lady really lously hope i wun get her when my time comes.

The bruise on my last blood test lasted for a week, only goes off after i massage the area. Hubby's vein is not fine but he also got bruise that lasted abt 5 days. I was wondering is it due to the skill of the nurse or shd i blame myself for having fine veins.
Btw, in ivf ctr can i choose which nurse to help me to draw blood? cos abit scare i will get the same nurse again..she poked my hand twice instead of once.

Snowballs,i was initially like u...kept thinking whether i shd go for ivf. I was very undecided for quite long but now i am actually abit looking forward to start. I guess it is because i have oredi tried the simpler methods of IUIs but not successful. Dr also said to keep trying naturally but so far also unsuccessful. So, to me i dun tink i wanna wait n wait...instead i shd give myself a chance to try ivf. I mus said tis support grp is quite useful to me cos it makes me realise i'm not alone so i think it helps in my decision also.

Sometimes think i worry to much..so always tell myself to relaz..esp when starting ivf. But luckily, most of us have very supportive hubby so dun worry too much.
petals, dream

ya, it's a v/s, done in ivf ctr. my arm also having bruise. e nurse said my vein small when she was taking e bld. god knws tat my veins r nt small lor, n sometimes i can see them with my own eyes. maybe it's e skill.............. anyway, we cant b lucky in everyth, just pray tat our luck s there during n after ER & ET.

I think it's the lack of skill of the medical staff that causes the bruises during blood tests...'cos I also have fine veins, but I have previously come across nurses/doctors elsewhere who are quite good at drawing blood such that I don't even bruise at all. i also hope I don't get that nurse Weiwei was talking abt...scary...
