IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Cancerian, i am with SGH too... with Dr Yu S L but due to some work commitment, i will have to do it only in October...

Happy, Thank you for sharing your story. I wish ur BB will be strong and healthy...

Seow, Stay positive... U still stand have a chance. Jia you...

yah, i'll be able to start when the july menses start. but my protocol is to start with puregon on day 2 of menses skipped the lucrin and the rest of the schedule for er and et will be the same as the rest of u.

as wat i know, there is only one sono lady at kkivf cos everytime i went for scan it's the same lady. ya, i agree tat she a bit rough and the first impression of her is quite unfriendly. but after some time, i find tat she is quite ok, she recognised me as i went almost everyday and she will strike conversations during each sessions.

thks for sharing ur story, it's very encouraging.
wish u a smooth 9 mths and healthy baby...do update us whether is a boy boy or gal gal.

Do not be despair, it's not the end yet, maybe the level is there but not detectable by hpt yet. some pple do have low reading and slowly increasing hcg and still give birth to healthy bbs. Even if u failed tis time remember tat u alredy done ur best. With all the hard work, eventually u will rewarded.
oic...so u skip the lucrin and will still do puregon around the same time as me. Good for you lor, fewer jabs and lesser pain...

wish you a smooth 9 mths and a happy healthy baby!

huh, so rude of her to make you wait so long and not even tell you!
We are their 'customers' anyway...

yes, e nurse told me tat we should hav one more time of menses during lucrin. but i din expect it to b sooooooooo long
til now stil having a bit now n then... ai...
cm-- tomorrow


she s a sono. my hubby said i was also a bit stupid tat din tel her on e spot when i feel e pain. hummmmmm, wil nt be so quiet on my next visit. maybe caroline was stuck with sth, but anyway, she owe u an apology. dun b sad over tis, it's just a counselling.


wil try to think +ve.
how ur cycle diff frm us? did u choose this way or Dr choose for u?
happy, i'm so overwhelmed with emotions after reading your post. related to my hubby also and he also feel for you. He wants me to tell u to relax and rest and be happy. you can do it one.. you are almost halfway thru this journey. take care of yourself and don't worry too much. btw are u still working? i know u mentioned b4 u tried to resign b4 and the co always give u such a good offer u cant resist. that means u must be good, negotiate for a lighter load or no pay leave and take a good rest for the next few months? praying for you.
Seow, you also must jia you. stay positive and talk to embies. i know its an emotonal journey with lots of ups and downs and we should not be made to go thru all this suffering just to have a baby of our own... but sometimes, we do not know what God has planned for us. Trust in your body, and rest well, eat healthy. I;m also praying for your positive news this sat.
Hi JR...
I wish for u all the best, probably miracles do happen for u...I've just failed my ivf too few weeks ago and it is indeed a trauma, fortunately there is some sense in me to try again.Seen Dr Loh yesterday,he mentioned failure do happen eventhough my embryo was categorized as grade 4 and for my age of 31....he do say that we got to pray for it.Theres no explanation to the failure cos I always tot that it is my lining dat got problem.(I had mild endo).

U do give me strengh to persevere in my treatment.For now, I took malay jamu and traditional massage first.Till oct, I will reconsider again.Wishing u all the best till your delivery
hi maplebabies and weiwei,
i dunno why also, tink i only ask dr loh whether got shorter protocol when he said injections for normal ivf is abt 30 days. I couldn't get anymore details as i felt tat he was quite rush during the consultation, and sent us to kkivf for counselling by the nurse.

will there be any difference between cycle wif suppression and one without??
Hi Snow, i think long protocol, meaning with lucrin better leh, cos if suppress properly then better for purgeon jabs later on. U want to confirm with Dr Loh again? I thot he had allowed you to be on short protocol becos your current hormones no need suppression. But then again, most of us will need suppression leh.
Hi Weiwei, ask you ha ... how many bottles of lucrin we will need before purgeon ha? Each bottle how many ML and how big sized is each bottle ha?

I have to travel for work in June, not sure how to pack lucrin into my luggage, whether small enough.

Anyone can also advise how to pack lucrin ah? Must keep it cold rite? What size ice packs and ice bag needed and where to buy?
Hi Happy,
thanks. I suspected my body is still adjusting to lucrin jab cos for the past few days of jabbing worsen my flu condition. I tot of taking yomeishu as well during this period to keep the womb warm but guess can only do so once my system adjusted to the lucrin.

Called and check with the nurse, but she said the lucrin shouldn't cause me to down with flu but well..dun know leh. usually my flu will clear within 2 days but now 4th day. The flu will clear in the afternoon but the moment I jab the next day, the flu syptoms came back. Guess I have to see another GP to clear my flu.

Hi wei wei,
glad that ur bleeding lessen... how's today?

Hi msfamily,
Is it? I'm with Dr Yu SL as well but it seems she is very busy. Have to wait for a while before can see her leh.

yes, me still working, now I take it very easy, my time is also flexible when there isn't much work load except once in a while when things get crazy.

I am okay, just dun feel relieve until I hold my bb in my arms.
Wah..tis thread is moving real fast,trying to catch up!

Thks for letting me koe tat need not shave during ET/ER.

Thks for yr concern. Not sure n dun think i allergic to anything. Skin doc say is Eczema..started to have it abt a mth ago. Can feel my skin quite dry. The steroid cream given has improved the condition but sometimes can feel the itchness coming bk. Told the skin doc i TCC jus in case but din tell dr Loh yet. Will try to stop using the cream n just use normal lotion. Ya Snowball, the rashes bumpy type, at times quite unbearable.
Happy, yr posting gave me some thoughts. On one hand I'm looking forward to start my ivf, on the other hand i muz remind myself to be strong if anything happens along the way...there r alot of uncertainities. I dun koe whether how well can i cope if the same thing happened to me.
MapleBabies, have u got the actual date to start yr Lucrin? U confirmed on long protocol? Feeling excited for u cos once u started, very soon it will be my turn also.

Snowball, me also curious to know y u on short protocol. Initially i hoping to have short proto if i start but it seems like long protocol got slightly higher success rate.
dream, u discussed wif dr before regarding the long and short protocol as well?
i was told by the nurse tat dr had given me the short protocol. the nurse said there won't be much difference between the two leh.
anyway, lesser jabs also better for me, less stress....
Hi Seow,

I'm new in this column, dont worry too much and I will pray for you that the result will be positive. Remember that whatever may be the result, that is God's plan for you. Have faith and trust in Him and he will not forsake you. I wish you all the best!!!

I'm excited and at the same time confused and worried as I will be going for my 1st IVF this month with Dr L C Foong from Gleneagle. Has been taking alot of chinese herbs to "tiao" my inbalance body and thought of going for acupunture before my IVF.
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all the good luck wishes. Unfortunately, I think I am not that lucky after all. Started to spot just now....

short protocol has less side effect on ohss, long protocol wil hav better outcome for stimulation part but chances of getting ohss also high. maybe ur body suits both, tat's why Dr Loh put u on short one when u ask him. if nt clear, better ask again.


most of us just need 1 bottle lucrin only as it can last for 28 doses which most of us di take tat much. e bottle s quite small, shorter than lipstick. u need to bring e syringes as well unless u r veri familiar with e environment there which u can find e shop to buy. u better nt to pack it in e luggage as u need to put into a fridge as soon as there s one. r u going by air? u can hand e lucrin to e stewardess n ask her to keep in their fridge while u r in e plane. other than tat u just need a small cooler pack n container only. btw, hav u got e letter tat state u r going to bring injection n needles frm Dr already?


ya, my bleeding has lessen since yesterday. but it never go away!!
n same time i hav some menses like feeling over my lower abd, or i should say whole body. lower abd feel tight n sometimes slight cramp, muscle pain, legs cramp, sweeting away... ai........... now just close one eye, take e unusual feelings as side effect of puregon, n just watch e bleeding. take e nurse's word, hormone changing mah, anything can happen.

btw, wat s yomeishu? is it good to warm our womb? where to buy? coz i think i spoit my womb by drinking a lot o cold drinks despite advices frm tcm. with e bleeding now, dun knw is it due to my womb too cold? haiz............


think u better check with Dr Loh whether u can take e steroid cream. meanwhile, try to apply some body lotion which s nt so stimulative or u can choose those has no alcohol content.
Hi all,

I've got this book "Eat right for your baby" by Dr Peter J. D'Adamo advising what kind of food you should take and avoid for different blood group to maximise your chance of getting pregnant. Not only that, it advise health during pregnancy, nursing, and your baby's first year. It is a very good book and it only cost $25.20, i got it from popular book store.
hi all,

Dr Tan Siew Bouy, Head of Infertility at Thong Chai Medical Institution( a non-profit organization, a couple of ladies here are seeing her too) will be conducting a talk on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infertility. If you would like to find out more abt tcm, you might want to attend this talk and there will be a Q&A too.

Date : 09/06/2007 (next saturday)
Time : 2.30pm
Venue: Singapore Science Centre

hi snowball,

this talk is part of the exhibition, China: 7000 years of innovation. I am not sure if there will be any charges to attend this talk cos i asked tsb , she was also not sure. But I know the admission charges to the exhibition is $8/adult.
maybe you can call science centre @ 6425 2500 if you have any further queries!

thanks for e info.
me want to go also, if i wont do ER on tat day coz e nurse said if my response super gd to puregon, i may hav to do ER as early as 9/6. how long s e talk? wil she hold any session for consultation on tat day?

how s ur 1st day of puregon? i m having lower abd tightness n sometimes slight cramp. dun knw is it due to effect of puregon or it's my own body prob. i m stil having staining now n then. was so irritated to see my own bld in this way. also scared tat nurse said if e staining bcome like menses full strengh, i may hav to stop e cycle. how? e cramp i m having now s somehow like menses cramp, but nt severe n nt veri often. haiz..............really pray hard it wont turn to menses.
Hi Wei Wei,
Dun fret, all will turn out well. Yomeishu is a type of Tonic alcohol drink similiar to Dome. It can help to keep the womb warm if drink consistently. Think range from 38+ - 60+ not too sure of the price cos my hb bought for me. You can buy it from any TCM stores or NTUC. Now I can't drink cos my body very very warm.

Also I really suspected that the side effect of the lucrin for me is the Flu syptoms like. I'm going to the hospital to check with another nurse. This morning, the nurse gave me that answer doesn't seems to borhter abt my condition. Now I have another weird condition, everytime I jab, my menses will flow. It stops at night but in the morning when I jab, the menses will flow. Kinda worry lor cos it is supposed to be the reverse way as told.

Hi Miracle is it the below talk u mentioned? looks interesting, hmm, think I will try to attend too

Speaker : Dr Tan Siew Buoy, Dr Tan Kah Hong, Dr Loh Gek Kim, Dr Tan Poh Choo

Status : Confirmed

Topics & Dates : In Mandarin only
~ TCM & Female Infertility on 9 June 2007
Anecdotes abound on successful treatments afternoon modern methods fail. How do TCM methods differ?

Venue & Time : @ Maxwell/Mendel, SSC
Sunday @ 2:30pm

my bleeding stopped since last night!! humm, ur condition somehow like mine. ya, better to check with e Dr/nurse.

yomeishu just like dome? can i take dome instead coz i hav half bottle left still?
Hi Dream, yup, my AF on the dot one, yesterday already reported but today flow is heavier so they take today as D1 and told me to go back before 22 June to collect my injections then start on 22 June itself. So, here marks my start of IVF programme loh ...
Hi Weiwei, ok, i will remember to get the letter from Dr and also must start to shop for small cool pack already. Thanks! Glad to know your bleeding stopped. So u started purgeon? Wow, thats fast. Gal, how many days of lucrin were you on then now start purgeon? In between, your menses got come also?

ya, today is D20 lucrin & D3 puregon. on D14 of ur lucrin u wil hav to a v/s n bld. when u cal them in e afternoon, e nuse wil tell u how long should u cont lucrin n when to start puregon. yes, in between u wil hav one more time of menses.
hi weiwei

Been busy since back from trip, now then got time to read through all the past postings and post here. Today my second day of puregon but i did not feel any lower abdomen tightness and cramp leh. However on my first day of puregon i feel a little headache and do not feel well however felt much better today.
Glad that your spotting stop, do take care. Not sure if i am fortunate or not did not have much symptons since start of lucrin except for more breakouts and headache on first day of puregon.
By the way while i was waiting for the nurse on friday, i heard one of the nurse telling someone on the phone that the result is negative and she is not pregnant. Felt so sad at that point...was thinking will i be one of them to hear that from the nurse. Hence also did not feel good that whole day. After that I saw the book where they wrote the result. Out of 6 patients seem that only 2 got postive...really felt that my chance not so good...Sighz..

hi seow
Saw your past postings, do take care. Hope to hear good news from your blood test tomorrow.

hi happy
Saw your posting, you are really strong to have gone through so much.

du get effected by e "2 in 6" results. everyday got diff batch of pt they inform abt e result. it happen tat day u heard less pp +ve. u r experincing mood swing now, swing
, swing

btw, we all knw ivf nt 100% can preg, even preg not 100% smoothly n nt 100% can hold e baby in hand also. it's sad. but at elast we knw it is nt 0% chance of preg n hold our own baby. do our best, pray veri hard, e left, leave to e fate. tat's all we can do.
Me din get to discuss wif Dr reg short or long protocol. During the briefing, the nurse only brief on long protocol and said most people r put on long proto. Think they will confirm the protocol with dr later. Ya in a way short proto is better cos lesser jab..

MapleBabies, did they confirm wif u regarding the protocol when u called up on Day 1 of menses?
U now on puregon rite?..hope u r coping well. Seems like Puregon got more side effects than lucrin hor..

MapleBabies, hopefully my menses will be here by end of tis comin wk...hope can start right after u!
Hi Ladies,

Juz a quick questiont to anyone who knows. How long do you wait after lap. to start IVF? I have bilateral hydro. tubes. I doubt it will happen naturally for me as doc ask me to try naturally for 6 months before proceeding with IVF... I hope someone can help.. Have been TTC for 4 years.

I'm starting my ivf this month. Does anyone know why some start Lucrin on Day 14 of your period while others start on Day 21 ?

What's the impact ? Does it mean that if one starts on Day 14, there will be more lucrin jabs ?
hi Cancerian

i will be starting my ivf this June and now waiting for D21 to arrive. may i know if i can take Dome now, cos i still have one bottle left.

and i read from the forum that some of the ladies experienced bleeding during the jabs, may i know are there any ways to prevent bleeding....or one must go through wan...?

could you advise me please as this is my first ivf with kkh (dr loh)

thank you : )

hee hee..... i m fine. hubby said i was too kan chiong after e bleeding incident.
be patient, once ur af comes, u still hav to wait til D21 then start lucrin. but hor, u wil find it veri fast once u start on lucrin. like me, now only 2 days away for my v/s. should be doing ER on next mon or tues.


did ur hubby do a semen analysis test? usually if u only hav prob with e tubes, after e op, u should b able to conceive naturally. tat's y ur Dr giv 1/2 yr to let u try on ur own. anyway, ivf/icsi s e last choice of getting preg.


may i knw which hospital u r with? not too sure y u start on D14 also. do u hav ur Dr's NO.? think he/she s e best person to explain.


according to e nurse in kkivf,we should hav one more time of menses after starting lucrin. however some of us wil experience spoting or slight bleeding. as long as e spoting does nt become menses like full force, should b ok. mine last for abt 4 days then stopped. there s no way we can stop it. but, while having sex, hubby should b more gentle coz vagina wil b a bit dry due to e hormone changes.
dun wori, u may b lucky n nt going t experience it. me also 1st ivf, kkh, with Dr Loh.
Hi ttc_5yrs,

you are waiting for D21 to start your lucrin ? I'm w Dr Loh (kkh) too, but I'm starting lucrin on D16.

I wonder if it makes any difference.

Ya everything seems to move quite fast at yr side..u doing ER soon. By the time i start you more or less completed the prog leow.

Btw, the safe sex that we r supposed to follow is it all the way fr D1 till we finished the ivf prog? Does it mean totally abstained or can still use condom?

Wondering how come some of us start lucrin on D14 and some D16??
